Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 881 Unparalleled Foundation

Chapter 884 Unparalleled Foundation

boom! boom! boom!

The two figures collided fiercely, with blood splattering.

It's Li Su, and the skeleton.

They are fighting.

The skeleton, beyond the detailed one, has extremely amazing strength, but seeing his palms flying, terrifying power continuously erupted from his body.

Dao Yun is completely combined with extraordinary particles. Each of them is like a mountain fire erupting. A little, a flick, a hook, the range is not large, but its destructive power is astonishing to the point of belief.

His mastery of power is simply beyond confidence. It involves an extremely terrifying depth. This makes the efficiency of each of his strikes no longer just 100%, but 150%. To the point of two hundred.

He took a step forward, and his collapsed foot seemed to have cracked the sky. The vast and wonderful scenery stretched out, suppressing Li Su's heart.

Li Su raised his hand to punch, but Li Su blocked it clearly, but his body still couldn't help but block it. A terrifying vision appeared in his mind, like a comet hitting the ground, and waves surged for a while.


In just a few seconds of fighting, Li Su was shocked by the opponent's attack and was covered in blood. From his mind to reality, cracks appeared in his skin, nerves, muscles, and even bones.

The body and mind were hit hard.


Li Su's face turned green, and he couldn't help roaring in his heart.

What the hell is this thing in front of me? How could the immortal surface be so terrifying?

Reality reflects the mind, and reality shines through the mind.

The transformation between reality and reality was almost played out by him. For the first time, he tasted the real and the fake, and the fake and the real.

Every move can affect his mind. Each move seems to be made from heaven, containing the most rational principles. What is looking at the depths of those burning eyes is not him at all, but the laws of the heaven and earth, the foundation of everything. .

Another punch, Li Su's body shook, and the power from the opponent invaded his heart. Then he seemed to feel that the power that had been poured in earlier came over. They vibrated each other, and were implicated in each other. They were combined together to form a vast... Sutra.

This is the Dharma, in which the wonderful principles are useless. It carries the supreme principles of heaven and earth, and a great avenue can be vaguely seen running through it.


Li Su vomited blood. His body was shaken as if struck by lightning. He couldn't stop moving backwards. His skin exploded, his flesh and blood were torn apart, his nerves were broken one by one, and his bones were crushed into pieces.

He wasn't able to stop until he hit the wall hard.

Blood is spurting!

The soil behind him was dyed red.

It was quite a serious injury, not just to the body, but also to the mind. The piece of scripture was deeply embedded in his mind, trying to form a reality that would kill him.

Li Su's pupils suddenly locked, and the two great fruits of flesh and blood and soul opened his eyes at the same time.

The most holy chapters appear, and thousands of Taoist scriptures shine. In the flesh and blood, and in the soul, a grand chapter emerges. It is a saint's classic, and it is the supreme Taoism.

The chapter glows, pouring out the original light, covering the body and soul like water, washing away the terrifying power that the other party has injected into his body.

That power was extremely real. Instead, it was like a magical substance like gold and iron. For a while, it was unable to be destroyed and could only be forcibly rejected.

Bah! Bah! Bah!

Although he was knocked out of his body, it also made him more injured. His whole body looked riddled with holes, which was quite miserable.

The repulsed power did not dissipate directly, but burned in the void, making a sizzling sound of corrosion. The surrounding special extraordinary substances were ignited with great intensity.

Damn it, is this concentrated rice?

Faced with this scene, Li Sudu couldn't help but be shocked. The opponent's power was too weird, there were huge problems with its structure, the extraordinary power was seriously alienated, and the power it produced was definitely beyond what ordinary immortals could achieve.

Fifteen Fire Perfection is not enough, it is completely beyond the level of Heavenly Immortal.

On the opposite side, the skeleton also showed a hint of surprise at this moment. He didn't expect that under his combo of attacks, especially after cutting the Supreme Sutra into the opponent's body and mind with a secret method, it didn't die immediately. He used his own strength to repel the power of the scriptures.

It's simply unbelievable and unimaginable.

It is no ordinary skeleton, especially the trace of soul contained within it. It is even more extraordinary and extremely sacred. It has already entered another plane and stands above the supreme.

With his methods, even a fifteen-fire perfect genius would still be unable to bear the presence on the ceiling.

"You're an ant, but you're quite extraordinary."

Looking down at Li Su, the murderous intention in the ashes in the eyes of the skeleton was slightly restrained, and a ray of spiritual thought sounded, "I think you are not bad in talent, relax your mind, release your soul, accept my brand, and become a slave, I can spare you." Immortal."


After spitting out a mouthful of blood with pieces of meat, Li Su's body began to glow, and the two supreme beings in his body began to operate.

The body and soul began to recover at an unimaginable speed, but in a moment, the terrible injuries had disappeared, and the breath was back to its peak again.

After getting up, Li Su moved his body and made a crackling sound.

His eyes were cold, and within the Seven Paths Fruit, the Xumi Dao Fruit opened his eyes.

One grain of sand is one world, one leaf is one Bodhi.

On the body, only the supreme sutras can be seen flowing, and the magnificent Buddha power is blooming. With the body as a node, three thousand golden sands are spread all over the body, forming a realm.

Li Su took a step forward and rushed towards the skeleton.

"Buddhist holy scriptures? Chapters of saints?"

The eyes of the skeleton trembled with gray fire, and there was a rare expression of surprise in the emotion. Apparently, he did not expect that the ant in front of him actually inherited the Taoism of the saint?

His pupils were a little burning. Although Buddhism and him were in opposition and had a life-or-death relationship, when it came to the supreme saint, even he could not help but be moved, wanting to get it, and watch it.

It is not about learning, but about wanting to understand and understand the other party's fundamental power and the origin of the great path, so as to feed oneself back and lay a supreme foundation for the future.

"Such a treasure has landed in the body of a lowly ant. It can be said that I have plundered something from heaven, or it can be said that God has helped me!"

He also reached out and didn't care about Li Su's counterattack. After all, how could a mere earthworm shake the sky?

"Bring it to me!" His words were unceremonious, and even more natural. There was no doubt that for a being like him, everything in this world was in his hands, whether it was Li Su's life or the Buddhist door. Holy Scripture.

With a bang, they collided again.

The ending remained unchanged, Li Su still stepped back, the golden light vibrated on his body, and the grand scripture received a huge impact.

"You don't know what you can do."

The skeleton was very unhappy, and his slightly weakened anger rose again, "It's not a promotion. When I catch you, I will destroy your body, cut off your three souls, break your Dao foundation, and throw your remaining soul into the ashes of thousands of calamities." In the fire, you will never be reborn."

He moved forward angrily, the energy of death and decay rolling around him, forming a huge spectacle in an instant, directly covering the world.

It was a dead land, with no life in the mountains, rocks, vegetation, a gray lone moon hanging high in the sky, and only sand and dust remaining on the earth.

Everything here will wither, wither, decay, and eventually die.

Li Su was also shaking, and the huge scriptures on his body were sizzling, being infected by this wonderful scene, and being strangled by the power of death and decay in it.

Without saying a word, he rushed forward.

The three thousand golden sands on his body burst into intense light, and the words in the sacred chapter floated up one by one, carrying a massive Taoist rhyme covering his hands and feet.

He just pounced on him, hitting, smashing, sweeping, bumping and banging.

The attack has no color and style that a heavenly immortal should have. It is like a mortal warrior, fists and kicks facing each other. This is the ultimate restraint. All the power is used for attacking, and it is aimed at the target in front of him, without leaking any excess.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Collision, collision, collision.

Li Su didn't take a step back, forcibly carrying the opponent's terrifying power, strangling Qijing, and faced Hong head-on.

He was bleeding, his body and soul were covered in death spots, and some places were directly withered by the power of decay and withered away.

Faced with this scene, he did not retreat, but continued to attack while coughing blood.

When the skeleton saw this, he sneered again and again. In his opinion, such behavior was just a dying struggle, like the candle in the wind and the remaining light in the dusk.

"You ridiculous ant, do your best, there is only one ending for you!"

He kept taking action. As a near-sage, his vision, realm, experience, and use of power resulted in an all-round crushing attack. The opponent would not have a one-in-a-ten thousand chance.

The shocking fighting continued.

Li Su was bleeding more and more, staining the surrounding area red.

The flesh and blood on the body kept falling off, because the terrible death and decay directly killed his cells, exposing the white bones and the bright red internal organs.

Due to the absolute gap in the use of strength, Li Su not only failed to hit the opponent with one move, but instead found a flaw.

The sternum was shattered by the opponent, and the heart was pierced.

The skull was also hit, and half of it split open on the spot, exposing the brain inside.

This can definitely be said to be his most brutal battle since his debut.

But even so, Li Su still didn't retreat. From beginning to end, he didn't say a word, but just kept launching attacks.

Hundreds of moves, hundreds of moves, thousand moves.

Finally, with a crack.

Not on Li Su, but on the bones.

In an instant, the skeleton stopped smiling, and the gray fire in its eye sockets was shaking.

His realm is very high and he is a near-sage.

But the bones that carry him are only the Great Perfection of the Fifteen Fires of Heavenly Immortals.

Of course, this bone is very strong. Its owner is an ancient genius, an incomparable legend. He has never been defeated since his debut. The most special thing among them is his bone. Although the person died back then, his bones were intact, and there are incomparable amazing things inside. The power of immortality, even withstanding the collision of immortal weapons, causes wear and tear, which is extremely shocking.

As a result, it cracked here.

How can it be?

The skeleton was stunned, showing an expression of disbelief. The bones carrying him could be called the supreme bones, stronger than the ordinary fifteen fires.

However, at this moment, Li Su smiled.

Grandma’s, it’s finally broken!

His pupils glowed, and the scriptures on his body shone brighter and brighter, entangled with the bones, and started frantically, touching each other's hands and feet one after another, again, again, and again.

Crack, crackle.

The sound of bone cracking became louder and louder, and cracks appeared on the hands and legs of the skeleton. Facing this terrifying collision, it could no longer bear it.

The situation of the war was reversed.

The skeleton began to retreat and dodge, the gray fire in its eyes kept beating, obviously unable to understand the scene in front of it.

Li Su looked ferocious, this result was not unexpected.

He is not fifteen fires, but double peerless. When the two are superimposed, his height limit is not the ceiling of this world, but the ceiling within the ceiling.

This thing in front of me is indeed terrifying, and it is stronger than imagined.

But in the same realm, Li Su is really worthy of him. Indeed, he cannot compare with his vision, experience, and skills.

However, in terms of foundation, foundation, foundation, and level, there is no one who can compare with him.

Not to mention this bone, even if you are here, Li Su can still grind the opponent to death under the suppression of the realm.

After chasing the other party, Li Su finally spoke, "You old bitch, weren't you awesome just now? Didn't you want to take me as your slave? Why are you giving back???"


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