Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 901 The battle situation changes

Chapter 904 The battle situation changes


A huge roar penetrated the sky.

Not only on the battlefield, but also in Fengdu City.

The terrifying sound and the anger contained in it made countless people tremble uncontrollably, and a feeling of fear could not help but arise deep in their souls.

Whose voice is it?

How could it be so terrifying? Just hearing it makes me feel like something is about to happen?


The third battlefield, above the huge middle finger.

Compared to the monks in Fengdu City who didn't know the truth, the first prince of the Dead Soul Clan was startled because he was so familiar with this voice and because of the huge puzzled look on his face.

what's going on?

Why is the ancestor so angry?

On the side, the senior brother of the Black Mountain Sect was also shocked, feeling the extremely shocking anger in the voice.


He was startled, and then his expression couldn't help but change. Suddenly, an inexplicable thought came to his mind.

No way?

He couldn't help but take a deep breath, "Your Highness, could it be that something happened to the Second Origin?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" The first prince shook his head in denial without hesitation, how could it be possible? The second origin is now guarded by the ancestor himself, not asleep, but awake.

Even if someone does enter, they will be quickly killed by its ancestor.

Just kidding, that is a near-sage creature. Unless the opponent is at the same level, even if Da Luo faces its ancestor, there will only be one result.

The absolute gap in realms accumulates. What seems to be a short distance is actually an insurmountable gap.

That kind of distance is even farther than the fourteen fires and the fifteen fires.

It was himself, under the state of suppression, the Taiyi disciple of the Black Mountain Sect in front of him, he could kill him with one blow, and the opponent didn't even have room to escape.

The difference between the two is not just in height, but in width.

In the realm of the Middle Way, the breadth of Da Luo Realm's involvement is too scary. With just a few moves, one can decipher all the opponent's techniques.

This kind of gap can only exist if the opponent has mastered the height of a saint, but even so, it is just a struggle to resist.


The senior brother of the Black Mountain Sect didn't say anything. To be able to become the first disciple of the Great Sect Taiyi, he still has the ability.

His current failure is not a matter of resourcefulness, but that Li Su's combat effectiveness is too amazing, which has the same effect as a dimensionality reduction strike. Facing such an opponent, strategy is of little significance.

With the Dead Souls cooperating with the Black Mountain Cult in plotting to seize Fengdu City, the Black Mountain Cult's senior brother could not imagine that other than the three origins involved in the fundamental plan and the Death Soul Ancestor's personal end, what else could make a clan ancestor like this? So angry.

Although the other party did not refute him, the first prince's expression did not calm down, but remained uncertain.

He didn't want to believe it either, but he wasn't a fool either.

The ancestor is so angry, there must be something wrong with the second source.

But how is this possible?

Because of the problem with the first origin, the ancestor of the second origin had prepared it in advance and had a high probability of coming out of the origin pool.

King-level awakening will activate the origin, resonate with it, and form terrifying power.

If there are foreign objects in it, even the ancestors will not be in trouble. They will be affected by the radiation inside, causing damage to the pollution source.

This is the inference they made after the first source was destroyed.

Therefore, as long as the ancestor comes out in advance and protects the source of pollution from harm, it will be useless even if the opponent repeats his old tricks and lets people in again and activates the second source.

After killing people, just continue to pollute.



The huge sound also resounded in the second battlefield and was transmitted to the second source channel.


Xie Bian and the other four were startled and stayed where they were.

This voice was not unfamiliar to them, it was too familiar.

The ancestor of the dead soul clan, that near saint, that extremely terrifying existence.

No way?

There were expressions of disbelief on several people's faces at the same time, their eyes widened, and they couldn't help but look in the direction of the second source.

No way?

There were expressions of disbelief on several people's faces at the same time, their eyes widened, and they couldn't help but look in the direction of the second source.

That kid, he succeeded again?

"Old Fan!"

Before Xie Bi'an could finish his words, Fan Wushe said with a surprised look on his face: "You are still alive, but the book of life and death has not been restored!!"

For a moment, several people were shocked.

Li Su went in without any doubt. Not only did he go in, but he also reached the center.

As for the evidence, it's simple.

They had felt the shock not long ago, and the pollution on the core of the second source was cleared.

That is undoubtedly evidence that Li Su has entered the core, which means the beginning of the king-level awakening.

I thought that this time the other party was dead, and there was a high probability that this operation would fail. The contamination might be clear, but the source of the contamination was still there. At most, it could be regarded as buying some time.

Unexpectedly, the roar of the Dead Soul Ancestor who turned around came directly. The anger, even though it was a world away, was still extremely clear. It was extremely angry and even more angry.

“How did he do it???”

At this moment, Xie Bian and others were dumbfounded. If the source pollution was so easy to clean up, they wouldn't have such a headache, and they would even hesitate to let a descendant who has the inheritance of the underworld die.

Doubts, curiosity, and confusion filled several people's bodies and minds at this moment, and the urge to go in and take a look kept erupting.


Xie Bian spoke suddenly, and Fan Wushe and the other three nodded quickly.

Of course, it is not to find Li Su, but to leave here and go to the outside.

Although I don’t know how Li Su did it, he did it. The second source of pollution was cleaned up. This is undoubtedly a good thing for the underworld, a huge good thing.

When they came outside, on the ancient bridge battlefield, Xie Bian and the four of them had rare smiles on their faces, and their pupils were shining.

The balance of war has completely collapsed.

The biggest effect of restoring the origin is that the millions of ballistae on the ancient bridge will no longer have problems, and the underworld no longer needs to use Yin soldiers to use their bodies to wash away the inexplicable pollution.

The situation of the war has completely changed.

There were still people standing in front of the ballista, but they were no longer Yin soldiers, but Yin generals.

Chains appeared one after another, and tens of millions of Yin generals mobilized a large amount of Yin energy. In an instant, the chains flew across the sky and directly hit the huge aggregate of dead souls coming across the river.

This time, countless dead souls were directly penetrated by the chains, and then were dragged back by the Yin generals. The terrifying Yin energy on the chains slanted down, and the decaying atmosphere in the dead souls was clearly visible, and with a large amount of decaying atmosphere, it fell , their appearance changed rapidly and returned to normal ghosts.

Facing this scene, the dead soul on the opposite side was very shocked, and the infinite attack could not help but pause and stop at this moment.

Not only the second origin, but also the first origin, the castle.

With the liberation of the second origin, endless Yin Qi poured out and instantly filled the entire castle. The decaying atmosphere that had been faintly lingering in the castle immediately dissipated directly. With the castle as the center, the Yin energy visible to the naked eye was visible for millions of miles. The long river of Qi roared out, directly suppressing the decaying aura and pushing it far away, retreating to the surface of the sea.

With the emergence of a huge amount of Yin Qi, all the weapons on the castle exploded. It was obvious that they had been suppressed before and were affected by the decaying atmosphere.

"Okay, okay, okay!"


Facing this scene, black and white, the Bull-headed Horse-faced man couldn't help laughing.

Unlike the first origin, the recovery of the second origin is of great significance.

The three origins are actually one. In proportion, the first origin has three levels, the second origin has three levels, and the third origin has four levels.

After regaining the first source, a full seven levels are still polluted, more than half of which are still polluted. Although it is much better than when all was lost, it cannot be reversed, and it has only returned to the scene a year and a half ago.

But when the second origin was subdued, the situation completely changed. The origin returned to a full six levels, but the opponent only had six levels left.

In other words, it has turned into an all-round suppression of the underworld. The only thing the opponent can remember now is the third battlefield. The first and second battlefields are considered to have returned to thousands of years, not tens of thousands of years, dozens of years. Thousands of years ago.

Therefore, it is completely understandable why the ancestor of the Dead Soul Clan was roaring and angry.

It should be angry, extremely angry!

The return of the second origin is too important for the entire underworld.

"Good job boy!!!"


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