Chapter 905 The third grade


It's really different.

The second awakening brought Li Su a completely different feeling from before.

The soul seemed to have undergone a fundamental change. It was hard to describe the feeling, as if it had two bodies.

He couldn't help but wave his fist. He didn't use any magical powers, but simply made a punch.

Looking at the air stirred by him, Li Su couldn't help but take a breath.

It’s double!

The first level is real wind, physics driven by force.

The other layer is Xu Feng, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, but can be felt by the soul very clearly.

It is equivalent to one blow causing two injuries.

However, it's not enough.

Li Su could feel the lack. The awakened inscriptions only covered the surface and inner layers of his soul. When placed on the flesh and blood, the skin, muscles and nerves were completely covered. There was still a lack, lacking the final key to supporting the human body, the bones.

Of course, even if it was just like this, Li Su still felt extremely abnormal.

He clearly felt that he seemed to have reached the ceiling of the middle stage of Taiyi and had moved up a lot.

Because of the relationship between the soul being consolidated twice, Li Su also clearly felt that his realm was stabilizing and he was not far from perfection.

Perhaps, by undergoing the third awakening, he should be able to completely stabilize his own realm and begin to converge on the middle path and enter the late Taiyi stage.

Thinking of this, Li Su couldn't help but take a breath, his eyes burning.

The later stage of Taiyi will undoubtedly be a huge transformation for him. You must know that the gap between the small path and the middle path is very big.

And, it's still very obvious.

Touching the middle path will bring Taiyi not only a simple increase in the intensity of the path, but also an extremely terrifying amount.

The three thousand small paths unite into one, which is called the middle path.

Even if you practice the lowest level of immortal magic, there are still 1,800 ways. Although this means that Taiyi will not exceed 1,800 middle ways in the later stage, it also means that the opponent can reach more than 3 million avenues in the main way alone. To the extent of ten thousand paths.

This increase in Taiyi realm is very scary.

This means that its strength increased more than three times in the mid-term.

If the power brought by one star in the Ten Fires is one, the perfection in the middle stage of Taiyi is nine.

The kill of low-grade immortal magic is one.

In the end, Taiyi's mid-term strength can be calculated in ten.

In the later stage of Taiyi's perfection, it can reach almost thirty or more.

Eleven fire can almost reach 8.

The twelve fires are 4.

At fifteen fire, it can reach an astonishing 81.

And what does tripling mean?

Without using magic, it would be more than 260.

Even if the Fourteen Fire Taiyi is perfect in the late stage, it has exceeded 200, which is more than double the fifteen fire in the middle stage.

From this we can see how terrifying Li Suqi's background is, even though he is only in the middle stage of Taiyi, but he can master the perfection of the late stage of Taiyi Fourteenth Fire.

The number of his stars is 117, and the mass of each one is 2.

In other words, even if he does not bless the saint to the highest level, in the middle stage of Taiyi, his power is infinitely close to 260, which is already equivalent to the power that can be possessed by the Great Perfection in the late Taiyi stage of Fifteen Fires.

Of course, the improvement brought by the Middle Way cannot be calculated so simply with numbers. There are still quality issues.

But there is no doubt that if Li Su could perfect his body and realize the middle way, Taiyi would have almost no opponent at this level.

In the entire mythological world, it is estimated that only the little justice god in heaven can fight with him.

That one was a little different. He was the son of Erlang Shen from the ancient times. Erlang Shen himself was extremely terrifying. He became a saint during the period of becoming a god. He also had an orthodox origin in the Chan religion. He also had the blood of the Emperor of Heaven, and was the God of War in the Heavenly Court.

His mother, also of extraordinary origin, is a descendant of the Dragon Clan and the direct daughter of the Dragon King. Her bloodline is infinitely close to that of the Dragon Ancestor.

This kind of birth, hiss, is really a bit too much.

All in all, once Li Su breaks through, he will undoubtedly be very terrifying, reaching the point where he alone can suppress all Taiyi.

He closed his eyes and began to calculate other gains.

First of all, it’s naturally the Yin position, which has been improved!

It's amazing, he jumped directly from the fourth grade to the third grade.

Although this improvement is far less than that of directly reaching the fifth level for the first time, Li Su is very clear about the gold content of this third level.

Starting from the fourth rank is already equivalent to the modern deputy provincial level, let alone the third rank.

Not to mention other places, here in Fengdu, this Yin position is very, very high. He can directly enter the Palace of Hell and become one of the Ten Palaces of Hell.

Although there are five ghost emperors above the King of Hell, there is also Emperor Dongyue, and even the supreme leader Emperor Fengdu.

It is true that the image of King Yama in Journey to the West has indeed lowered everyone's perception of King Yama. They feel that this Lord of Hell is not that good, and his status is very low and he is not worthy of his duties.

Of course, it is an indisputable fact that the Tenth Palace King of Hell is not very powerful in combat.

But if you want to talk about rights, the rights of the Ten Palaces of Yama are also really quite big.

In fact, the real power department of the underworld is the Ten Palaces of Hell, and nearly 90% of the affairs of the underworld are handled by them.

On the contrary, the Five Directions Ghost Emperor, Dongyue Emperor, and even Fengdu Emperor, most of the time, they don't care about anything at all.

There is a difference between the duties in the spiritual world and the duties in the mortal world.

The big guys in the spiritual practice world usually don't care much about things. They practice more in seclusion and communicate with each other. The so-called real power is a trouble in their eyes.

They will only go out unless there is a problem with the underworld, such as someone attacking the underworld, evil soldiers, ghosts, three divisions and six cases, and the ten kings of hell can't suppress it.

The Journey to the West episode doesn’t count, that was acting as a monkey.

Therefore, the negative position of Zhengsanpin was definitely a qualitative transformation. Li Su jumped directly to the management level.


You asked Li Su how he knew?

He actually didn't know, but when this yin job appeared, he understood inexplicably that he could go to the inner city and directly enter one of the ten halls of the King of Hell, and gain the power of the righteous god.

Once he obtained the position of King of Hell of the Ten Palaces, Li Su could really intervene in the internal management of Fengdu City, which even included the appointment of the Six Cases Meritorious Officer and the Three Underworld Divisions.

This power is undoubtedly very powerful, and it is incomparable to the central government office in the outer city.

With this position, Montenegro basically does not need to worry. Even if the other party obtains the same position, it will only be on the same level as him.

However, if he wanted to get a third-grade Yin position, Li Su smiled. Either he looked down on the Black Mountain Sect, or the five major sects together could only be called scum.

The third-grade Yin position gave him considerable authority.

Even without the power of the Righteous God, he has actually stepped into the center of power in the underworld. At the moment when the Tenth Palace of Hell has not left, his official position is the largest in the entire underworld.

In other words, as of now, apart from him, there are only a few positive fifth-grade people with the highest Yin positions in Fengdu.

Not even from the fourth level!

This undoubtedly made him breathe a sigh of relief. The rhythm of Fengdu, the underworld, was in his own hands. There was no need to be too impatient because of the traitors within the Black Mountain Sect and the Jie Sect.

In addition to the promotion of Yin jobs, the next thing is money.

While he was still in the outer city, he had already obtained almost three digits of Yin Gold Yuan.

With the comprehension of Grade 5, 6, 7 and 3 Yin Wen in Zhongcheng, coupled with his awakening at this moment, and with one reward, all of his Yin Gold Yuan has exceeded five digits.

Among them, the second King Level Awakening had the most rewards, and he was directly awarded a full 10,000 Yin Gold Yuan.

Including the previous ones, he had almost a full fifteen thousand Yin gold yuan in hand.

This is definitely an unimaginably huge number, and it also means unimaginable resources.

He didn't forget that money from the underworld could be exchanged for resources.

I didn't pay attention to it before. One was because there were too many things to do. As for the other, it was undoubtedly that the price was too expensive.

A cup of heavenly wine actually costs ten gold yuan. Isn’t this a lie? And, according to Hinata's introduction, the amount was only about one bite.

Although Yang Ping also said that even just one mouthful would be of great benefit to Taiyi, as it contains huge energy.

But my family members know their own affairs best.

Li Su's foundation was laid so fiercely that it was several times or ten times that of other monks. For him, a mouthful of wine would probably be gone before he could even wake up.

Therefore, before this, he was completely indifferent. It was mainly about financial resources.

You must know that he currently has a big spender on hand. Jiujiu Xuan Gong has not forgotten it. Ever since this thing approached the Tianxian surface, Li Su couldn't help but feel his scalp numb with shock and felt its amazing ability to earn gold. .

And with this money, Jiujiu Xuan Gong will undoubtedly be greatly improved. Not to mention equaling the other Seven Saints, it will be great if it can reach the Taiyi realm.

After thinking about it, Li Su not only became a little hot, but also felt like his mouth was watering.

After all, he has never tasted dragon liver and phoenix marrow, heavenly brew, any of these things, and he doesn’t know what they taste like?

It’s an update today, let’s sort it out.


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