Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 924: The Underworld Alliance of the Four Major Religions in the Western Regions

Chapter 927 The Underworld Alliance of the Four Major Religions in the Western Regions

Not long after, senior officials from Buddhism, Ghost Sect, and Xichan Sect, including Taiyi Perfection, rushed over in the middle period.

Not only that, the leaders of the three families, the Buddhist eldest sister, the Gui sect eldest brother, and the Xichan sect eldest brother were also alarmed and stopped what they were doing.

Facing the information brought back by their junior brothers, the heads of the three families moved, and a strange color flashed in their eyes.

They saw clearly the battle ten days ago.

It is a civil war among the Jie Jiao sect, and the aspects involved are somewhat unexpected. One is the Jie Jiao eldest brother Duobao, and although the other one has not been seen, Guimen and Xichan sect have also made some guesses. As for the Buddhist eldest sister, there is no need. As she said, she had seen the other party do it with her own eyes in Daluo Mountain. Although the appearance was different, the technique could not be deceived.

The person who took action should be the recently famous Jie Jiao Daozi.

Just kidding, although Duobao is ranked the weakest among the senior brothers of the Great Sect, not everyone can easily defeat him. The sword intent similar to that of the Blood Sword Master is the biggest evidence that it involves the ancient Jiejiao Sect. The supreme inheritance, the Immortal Killing Sword Formation!

Jie Jiao, TM is just lucky, right?

Although the traitor Duobao was born, he got Jie Jiao Taozi.

This is not an increase and a decrease.

If you look at the current situation of the Jiejiao Sect, you will understand. After Duobao's betrayal and the suppression of the Black Mountain Sect, they had already fallen to the bottom, but they immediately turned over, and the degree of this turnaround was simply shocking. From the bottom, they suddenly became faucet.

The effect of Duobao on Jie Jiao is minus ten, and the effect of Jie Jiao Taozi is directly plus one hundred.

In addition to the alliance plan launched by Jiejiao at this moment, in just a moment, the three strongest three sects of Buddhism, Guimen and Xichan sect analyzed the stakes.


"Give up some unstable interests, unite most people to help him, and fight against his enemies."

"The Black Mountain Sect, through traitors, almost wiped out the middle and lower levels of the Jie Sect."

"His Royal Highness Daozi, with one backhand, directly squeezed the living space of the entire Black Mountain Sect in the Western Region."

"If the Black Mountain Ancestor finds out what happened in the underworld, I'm afraid he will be furious."

Regardless of whether it was the Buddhist eldest sister, the ghost sect eldest brother, or the Xichan sect eldest brother, they couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning and felt how terrible the calculation was.

The most terrifying thing is that the plan itself is a conspiracy.

What was before the three of them was a multiple-choice question, let alone a multiple-choice question, because there was no option to refuse from the beginning.

Unlike Zhao Ming, they knew that there were still two thousand Taiyi in the Black Mountain Sect. The reason why they joined forces to expel the Black Mountain Sect people from Fengdu was because the other family had the power to turn the tables.

Thinking of this, the three of them had a wry smile on their faces, and immediately understood that the person who had informed them that there were two thousand Taiyi in the Black Mountain Sect was probably the Taoist who was right.

Faced with the pressure brought by the two thousand Taiyi of the Black Mountain Sect, the attraction to unify the underworld is even greater than the distribution of benefits.

After all, the premise of benefit is that you can get it. No matter how much benefit you don't get, it's useless.

Thinking of this, the three people's evaluation of Li Su became even more shocking.

He made a decision in his heart, that is, unless he can directly kill the opponent, he should not become an enemy easily.

Having strength will only make people fearful.

Having strength and wisdom can make people feel scary.

But those who have strength, wisdom, and the ability to share cannot be described as terrifying.

Because of this kind of person, you will find that once you decide to deal with him, you will often have to face a group of people.

This kind of person is the most terrifying!

The scary part is that you don't know when, maybe a person will jump out of a corner, stab you out of nowhere, and then say in a cold voice, "The person you want to deal with is a great favor to him."

Of course, this is only for the worst.

The good thing is that if you make friends with this kind of person, you won't suffer. He will share the benefits and won't keep the results for himself.

Undoubtedly, it is far better to be friends than enemies.

Now that we have the foundation to be friends, and the other party has shown enough sincerity, it is impossible to refuse this proposal as long as the mind is not full of water.

Soon, the three families completed their discussion.

Agree to form an alliance!

And this has also become a legacy for later generations. After countless in-depth research and intense discussions day and night, countless experts have unanimously determined that this oath alliance written by the Taiyi monks of the four great religions will completely change the original order of the mythical world and reshuffle the cards. This pattern of the great sects of the mythical world being separated and governed is the beginning of the establishment of the eternal dynasty!

From that day on, the world of mythology opened a new chapter and entered the era of great unification.

Of course, no one knows about this yet, and even the four major religions that signed the agreement only thought that they had shuffled the pattern of the Western Region and kicked out the Black Mountain Sect.

Armed with the answers, the second senior brothers from the Buddhism Sect, the Gui Sect, and the Xichan Sect, together with a junior brother, returned directly to the inner city of the Jie Sect in less than a cup of tea.

Soon, the second and third leaders of the four religions sat down and began to make preliminary plans for the underworld oath alliance.

The rules are quite simple.

The four families are united in spirit.

There is no internal fighting allowed in the underworld.

All resources of the underworld will be allocated according to the actual situation, and each company will handle the specific details by itself.

The management of the underworld is done by several people together.

In less than an hour, the alliance was finalized.

However, among the many items, one item was singled out.

Those are Li Su's two scriptures.

After the alliance was established, Zhao Ming did not hide it and directly took out the scriptures that Daozi shared with them.

After reading the content, the three of them were undoubtedly shocked.

This sutra involves the soul, and practicing it can enhance the strength of your own soul.

In an instant, they understood why the Yin positions of the disciples on Jie Jiao's side were so high, and they had widened the distance between them in just a few days.

Although this is not a complete book on practice, it can only be regarded as a single article at most, but its value is still huge.

Especially here in the underworld, with it, it can help practitioners learn Yinwen faster and master Yinwen. It is very targeted and its value is even more than that of middle-grade immortal methods.

After all, everyone knows that Yinwen is a good thing, but good things and being able to learn them are two different things.

With the help of these two scriptures, the practice of lower third-level and middle third-level Yinwen will be greatly helped, and you can master a lot more, which is equivalent to increasing the upper limit of what you can achieve.

This favor is not small, and there is no need to compromise the benefits.

This is cause and effect, a debt that must be repaid.

What practitioners are most afraid of is this kind of human debt. If you owe too much, repaying it will not be as simple as giving money, but will cost your life.

Of course, you can also owe money without exchanging it.

This is not a big deal. At most, it is just a hurdle in my heart that I cannot get over.

How does this work?

The underworld is not open for only a few days. This is a business that lasts for hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of years, and the people involved are generations, dozens, or hundreds of generations.

If the debt goes on like this, the fruits accumulated in the end will be so great that even a saint cannot bear it.

Not only that, although these two scriptures are low-level, they are novel and innovative. They show how to strengthen the soul on the mortal and immortal levels. Taiyi was deeply moved by it, so he learned from it, and maybe added some insidious texts. Can form a unique soul Taoism.

When added up like this, the relationship is huge.

In the end, these two scriptures were separately mentioned and designated in the covenant. Any disciple must pay money to study them and cannot teach them to others. Moreover, the exercises created based on this scripture need to be put into it for free, and others have to pay to learn it, and half of it is given to Jie Jiao Taozi.

Finally, through discussions among the disciples of the four religions, the underworld covenant organizations of the four major religions in the Western Region were formally established.

The abbreviation is Ximeng!

There is one leader, three deputy leaders, and sixteen members, a total of twenty people.

They will discuss the detailed management of the underworld and subsequent more detailed content plans.

Currently, Taiyi is managing it first. After the underworld is opened, the four major religions will arrange for Da Luo to take over. The four extreme Da Luo and the sixteen Da Luo will jointly handle it.

There are officials from the Six Cases and Three Divisions, mainly from the Ximeng League.

As for the seventeen righteous gods of the Ten Halls of Yama, the Five Directions Ghost Emperor, the Dongyue Emperor, and the Fengdu Emperor, the four major religions will try their best to obtain them. After obtaining them, they will not participate in the actual management of the underworld and will only enjoy the benefits.


Looking at the news coming from the fortune card, Li Su couldn't help but blink his eyes, feeling a little stunned.

It feels so formal.

You must know that his original intention was just to give up some of his interests to ensure the safety of Fengdu City in the underworld.

As for squeezing the space of the Black Mountain Sect, that is a matter for the future, and the specific executor is not him, but the Saint and Da Luo.

Now, looking back, what is the underworld alliance of the four major religions in the Western Region? Ximeng for short?

Looking at the contents of the document sent to him by Zhao Ming, Li Su's eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Although the content is to ensure the balance of interests, if you think about it deeply, you will find that this is a completely independent organizational structure no matter how you look at it. It seems to be under the joint management of the four major religions, but in fact it is equivalent to Another pot was set up.

"The brothers from the Buddhist sect, the Gui sect, and the Xichan sect have all tentatively agreed. Although it will ultimately have to be nodded by the saints and Daluo, I believe the result will not change much."

Zhao Ming looked excited and said through the life card with great excitement: "Your Highness, these are just preliminary drafts. We will continue to follow up. After the underworld is opened, we will also notify the teachers that they will participate in the management to ensure that the tasks of Your Highness are completed. Plan set!”

? ? ?

Looking at the excited person, Li Su took a deep breath, nodded without saying anything.

Seeing the other party hang up the communication in great excitement, he began to think deeply with a blank look on his face. After a while, he raised his head in confusion.

What the hell did I plan? ? ?


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