Myth analysis, I know the plot and I am invincible

Chapter 925: Two people who were scared to death

Chapter 928 The two people were so scared that they pissed themselves

When Li Su looked confused and didn't know what he had done, with the establishment of the Western Alliance, the people of the Four Religions immediately began to take action.

The first thing is naturally about scriptures. Buddhist, Guimen, and Western Chan disciples quickly started to study.

It has to be said that it is worthy of being an elite sect. Unlike Jiejiao, who has accumulated a lot of experience, he has been pursuing deeply and digging deep into himself from the beginning. Compared with improving his realm, the three teachers are more focused on pursuing the limit, and they learn extremely fast.

In less than half the time of Jie Jiao, they completed the study of scriptures and began to accelerate their mastery of Yin script.

In about six days, the improvement of the Yin job was basically completed.

The Six Cases and Three Divisions were directly divided up by the other three sects with lightning speed, and they were captured before the upper, middle and lower three domain sects and casual cultivators Taiyi took action.

Following the actions of the three religions, Fengdu City was completely shaken.

In particular, many Taiyi regretted it. Because of their hesitation at the beginning, Jie Jiao occupied the Yinlu Division, and two of the Six Cases Gong Cao Queen stopped taking action, leaving them somewhat confused about the situation, and some Hesitant. Now, following the actions of the other three religions, by the time they reacted, the positions of righteous gods in Zhongcheng had already been occupied by people from the four major religions.

Equivalent to this piece of cake, they completely lost their opportunity.

Of course, some people have succeeded.

However, those people did not rejoice for long. Soon they discovered that although the Six Cases and Three Divisions each took some from the four major religions, there was no friction or fighting between them.

It was as if it had been allocated from the beginning, each occupying a little bit and then managing it together.

This is by no means good news for others, especially those who want to fish in troubled waters. It is like a bolt from the blue.

The reason why they ended the game early was, firstly, they undoubtedly sensed that the wind was going in the wrong direction, and secondly, they thought they could have both sides and seek opportunities in the cracks of the big teachers.

Now that the four companies have made it clear that we have completed the allocation, those who leave first will undoubtedly be added to the middle for a long time. Those who are conspicuous cannot be conspicuous anymore.

Being able to become Taiyi and being able to grasp the wind and tide in advance means that he is not stupid.

Now that the four religions have completed their allocation, at this point, they basically do not allow others to have the opportunity to intervene. The opportunities here are not only the present, but also the future, or other major religions.

Although those who leave the game early may not occupy a high position and cannot make a big impact, but it depends on the person!

If the official position is given to someone from other great religions, the meaning will be completely different.

It didn't take long for the person who ended up to be found.

After some discussion, the person who took the initiative chose to give in after receiving certain benefits.

There is no way, there is no way to save it.

Even if the four major sects do nothing, they are destined to be unable to survive. When they go outside, other major sects will not let go of the interests of the underworld if they have the opportunity, and will try every means to force them to give up.

As a result, in less than twenty days, the Western League officially gained control of the central city and the outer city.

At this point, the plan is fully implemented.

The four sects that gained control did not stop, but directly targeted the disciples of the sects in the upper, middle and lower domains, as well as casual cultivators.

Using the interests of the next thousands of years as bait, he gradually brought people under his command and began to reshuffle the entire Western Region.

Of course there are obstacles.

However, with the appearance of the Yin soldiers, they attacked two of the typical Taiyi cultivators, including a Taiyi casual cultivator, through direct killing or forced omens. These were all subordinate forces cultivated by the Black Mountain Sect, and they were eliminated on the same day. clean.

With the example, it became clear that the arm could not turn the thigh, and the pattern of the five religions in the Western Regions suddenly collapsed, and the Ximeng League, dominated by the four religions, became the only core of Fengdu City.

I have to say that he is worthy of being a disciple of a great sect, and his ability to do things is very strong.

Fengdu City completed its apparent unification in less than twenty-five days.

The reason why it is said to be superficial is mainly because it has just begun and it still takes time to adapt. Of course, this is basically just a matter of time, and the tone has been set. In the near future, the Black Mountain Sect, one of the eight major religions in the mythical world, will completely become a memory. , was removed from the Western Regions.


There is no airtight wall in the world!

What's more, the Four Religions had no intention of hiding it. After occupying the throne of the Righteous God in the Underworld City, they started to do it with great fanfare.

Even though the Black Mountain Sect was driven out of Fengdu City, they still got the news.

Faced with this result, the senior brother of the Black Mountain Cult, who was sitting in the Dead Soul stronghold, drinking tea and communicating with the first prince of the Dead Soul clan, was stunned on the spot. He stood up in shock and didn't notice that the tea cup in his hand fell.

He stared at the messenger and couldn't help shouting angrily: "You say that again??"

He couldn't help but not be shocked, couldn't help but not be frightened.

He is not stupid. He suppressed Jie Jiao in just one and a half years. He is just a traitor, but he cannot reach that level. After all, you have to know that even if it is like that, Jie Jiao only has some doubts in the hearts of some people. Something went wrong and there was no way to identify it.

Merely possessing the news cannot reach this point.

In an instant, he realized what the four religions in Fengdu City were doing.

They are digging for the roots of the Black Mountain Sect and overthrowing the mythical world of the Western Region. They have maintained this order for millions of years, and the five major sects co-manage this order.

If the action was just to teach him, he wouldn't be surprised.

After all, the Black Mountain Sect and the Jie Jie Sect have entered into a fight to the death, and even the saints have ended.

No matter how hard you do it, it's never too much.

But Buddhism, Ghost Sect, and Xichan Sect have all come to an end?

At this moment, the senior brother of Black Mountain Cult could not sit still at all, with a rare look of panic on his face.

Because the news is too scary and terrifying.

Once such a situation is formed, there will be no place for the Black Mountain Sect in the Western Regions.

For the Montenegrin monks, this is absolutely unacceptable.

Regardless of how many people they have now, Taiyi has a total of two thousand. As mentioned before, the biggest source of disciples is the active output of countless families in the Western Regions. Otherwise, they can just rely on the people under their command to make money. It doesn't matter at first, but over time it will directly become a generation.

And this is only one aspect of the problem.

Another aspect is resources.

Once the power structure in the Western Region becomes four, not to mention Jie Jiao, it is impossible for Buddhism, Gui Sect, and Xi Chan Sect to do nothing. Watching the Black Mountain Sect and Jie Jiao fight as usual, they will definitely end up and rob the Black Mountain Sect. resources at your disposal.

Without the source of disciples and training resources, how long can the Black Mountain Sect exist?

Thinking of this, the senior brother of Black Mountain Sect couldn't help but feel panic in his heart.

Because, he is very familiar with this scene!

He knew about it long before the underworld appeared, and he has been following this scenario!

This is the layout of the ancestors of Montenegro!

Contact the dead soul clan, form an alliance with them, and release the underworld.

Subsequently, the Black Mountain Church helped the dead souls seize Fengdu, the underworld, and killed a large number of people in the Western Regions. Especially the Jie Church, which completely destroyed the opponent's foundation.

The other three sects will also be dealt with, but most of them will remain and use their hostages to suppress the anger of the three sects of Buddhism, Ghost Sect, and Xichan Sect, so as not to overturn the table directly.

At the same time, they took the opportunity to allow the Dead Soul Clan to tear a hole in the Western Region and gain a foothold in it.

After that, the Black Mountain Sect can further compress the Jie Sect's living space by joining forces with the Dead Soul Clan.

Isn’t it a bit similar?

That's right, the Black Mountain Ancestor plans to use the Dead Soul Clan to change the pattern of the Western Region and eliminate Jie Jiao.

After hearing this plan for the first time, the senior brother of the Black Mountain Sect was almost astonished. He did not expect that the ancestor could make such an astonishing plan when faced with the two major sects of the Jie Sect and the Human Sect.

Now, not only has the layout here been destroyed, but the original plan has been completely interrupted.

On the Jiejiao side, the Buddhist sect, Guimen sect, and Xichan sect were mobilized, and they deployed almost identical methods in Fengdu City, although there were some differences.

In an instant, Brother Heishan taught him that he was almost suffocated, and he felt a pair of invisible big hands reaching out from the darkness and strangling his neck tightly.

At this moment, the Black Mountain teaching elder brother felt cold, an unprecedented coldness.

Not only did he see through the ancestor's plan, he also used the same but more terrifying layout as the ancestor's plan.

who is it?

Who is planning it?

It wasn't just the Black Mountain teaching elder brother who was feeling cold. At this moment, the prince of the dead soul tribe who was sitting firmly couldn't help but put down the fine wine refined with Taiyi soul in his hand, and his face showed an unprecedented solemn look. It is aware of the layout of the Black Mountain Ancestor and understands the seriousness of it. For this reason, it is quite afraid of the Black Mountain Ancestor's Dead Soul Clan.

But now, after hearing about the situation in Fengdu City, it could no longer calm down. For the first time, its empty heart felt the chill of exploding.


so horrible!

Recalling what happened in the past month or so, the prince of the Dead Soul Clan, as a strong man in the Da Luo Realm, couldn't help but feel chills in his heart at this moment.

This person, no matter who he is, is an enemy, an extremely terrifying enemy! ! !

We can't sit still like this, we must take action immediately, mobilize everyone, mobilize everything.

Act now, act now.

Time is no longer on their side. Such a person will never be quiet. He will definitely have more and more terrifying plans behind him.


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