Chapter 985 Are you awake?

My body trembled, familiar environment, familiar smell.

came back!

From the cocoon of time!

For a moment, a feeling like a world away came to his heart, and he couldn't help but pause in his progress.

There was no time to sigh, Li Su suddenly ran away.

I have no choice but to stop.

It is related to his own life and safety. Even though a thousand years have passed, he still has not forgotten his current situation.

As he ran away, part of his spiritual consciousness overflowed and entered the Buddha's kingdom.

He reached out again and directly touched the strange woman's chest. He poured out his magic power and directly touched the energy in the wound under the other person's heart.

Immediately, the energy in the wound reacted extremely violently and launched an attack on Li Su.

However, as the two people's power came into contact, the power shook slightly, revealing a trace of confusion.

Similar power!

Although there are only five or six levels, one problem is that it is completely from the same source, and no other different powers are felt.

After all, it is just a supernatural power and does not possess real consciousness. It cannot distinguish between true and false like humans.

Soon, Li Su's power penetrated in, blended with the other party's energy, was contained by it, and absorbed into its structure.

And this is what Li Su wanted to do, even at the cost of a cocoon of time and a thousand years.


As he entered its structure, Li Su shouted low without hesitation, and moved the distance between Dao Yun extremely slightly, causing some changes in the original structure.

Just a little bit, compared to the energy deep in the woman's wound, it can't affect a grain of sand in the vast sea of ​​smoke, but there is no doubt that it has indeed changed!

Feeling the situation created by the power he injected, Li Su couldn't help but show joy on his face.

very good!

Confirming that the plan was feasible, Li Su accelerated without hesitation. A large amount of Dao Yun flowed over, fused with his magic power, and continued to penetrate into the power of the billions of Dao realms bit by bit.

This in itself is undoubtedly a vast project.

After all, his realm is too low. What is different from him is not only one big realm, but also two smaller realms.

Even after analyzing some of the opponent's avenues, what Li Su can do is actually still limited.

However, fortunately, he is not the main force in this plan. He is just an auxiliary. He only needs to use his own power to influence and reduce the lethality of the opponent's magical powers.

How to completely eliminate this power naturally depends on the woman herself.

Enter, enter, enter!

As Li Su input more and more mana and Taoist charm, the terrifying magical power gradually began to vibrate and was affected to a certain extent.

This change in internal structure is actually quite amazing.

This is just like diamond and carbon. They are both carbon. The former is extremely hard, but the latter falls apart when pinched. The fundamental reason is due to structural problems.

This is what Li Su is doing at this moment.

Of course, this is not without cost.

Even just a slight difference would cause a reaction from that magical power, not to mention Li Su's continuous injection?

Within a moment, Li Su was already covered in blood.

The body and soul were directly hit by a double blow. Even if the magical reaction was very weak, it was still extremely tragic for Li Su in the Taiyi realm.

A large number of flesh and blood cells were directly killed, and cracks began to appear on the recovered soul.

The inner avenues were shaking, and the Seven Saints Daoguo was shaken to and fro, vomiting blood.

Facing this scene, Li Su ignored it, his eyes widened, he gritted his teeth and continued to deliver.

It is related to his future life and death crisis, so he has no choice but to fight hard!

An hour, two hours.

Ninety-nine percent of the flesh and blood on Li Su's body was torn apart, and in some places, even the bones exploded.

His soul was also bleeding, and there were dozens of shocking wounds on it.

The injuries were undoubtedly more severe than before, and the great avenues within his body were impacted. The stars couldn't help but tremble, began to collapse and crack.

The influence has already reached his heavenly palace.

The Seventh Temple was also cracked, the central hall, the palace carrying the Immortal Fire, also began to shake, and cracks began to appear in the supreme chapters surrounding the hall.

That was a sign that his origin had been damaged. If he continued like this, there was no doubt that Li Su would be crippled even if he didn't die.

Faced with this result, Li Su still did not stop, but continued to pour strength.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t!

At this point, he either succeeds or fails completely.

Not to mention that it had been dragging on for many days. He had also been entangled a lot under the constant counterattack of the other party's power.

This is the power of a billion-level Da Luo. How rich is its flavor to the owner? Since the other party sent people to hunt her down, it meant that she had no intention of letting this woman go.

Once he realizes his power, it will undoubtedly be extremely fatal to Li Su.

Therefore, from the moment he started taking action, he had no choice.

This grudge, this cause and effect, has completely involved him. He and this woman have a life-and-death bond.

She was born, and he was born.

When she dies, she dies.

As the time came to the fourth hour, Li Su's face turned as pale as death, there was no more blood left on his body, his soul was almost split in two, and the universe inside his body was even more tattered. One hundred and seventeen Large pieces of stars collapsed, and the Seven Saints' Dao Fruit also fell to the ground. The central palace that was burning with raging fire was dimmed, the hall was cracked, and the scriptures collapsed.

Finally, the terrifying magical power under the woman's heart trembled. Too many structures had been changed, affecting the fundamentals.

With a slight tremor, the woman's body exploded with astonishing brilliance, and huge power overflowed from the wound, strangling the invading force like thunder.


Li Su's transformation technique has been released, no, it should be said that it can no longer be maintained. At this moment, there is no intact part of his body, and even his star-like eyes are dim and dull at this moment.

There was a flash of light in front of him, and the woman who had been admitted to the Buddhist Kingdom appeared in front of him.

At this moment, the woman's beautiful eyelashes were moving. As the enemy's power was repulsed, the extremely powerful vitality of the Great Luo Realm was immediately revealed. The injured part recovered in the blink of an eye, and the person also woke up from a deep coma.

Facing this scene, Li Su's pale face flashed with relief. Then his body tilted, his vision went dark, and he fainted on the spot.

Before he fell to the ground, a white arm gently hugged him.

It was the woman, she recovered.

She was a mysophobia person, but when faced with the bloody Li Su, there was no trace of disgust on her face.

She raised her palm, and milky white liquid shining with seven colors fell directly to cover Li Su.

Not only that, a plant as big as an arm and with one hundred and eight leaves on the top of its head. According to legend, the heavenly ginseng, a ten thousand-year-old medicine that can bring people back to life as long as they have a breath, is directly taken out.

Regardless of the difference between men and women, the index finger of his right hand gently pried open Li Su's mouth. With a squeeze of his left hand, the golden liquid with endless fragrance fell down and entered Li Su's mouth.

Then, she took out another elixir. There were nine orifices on the elixir, and it was breathing out. Sacred scriptures were shining along with the breath. Without hesitation, she stuffed it directly into Li Su's mouth.

After finishing everything, the woman stopped and looked at Li Su without blinking.

It wasn't until his damaged body began to recover and his severely wounded soul was nourished that she let out a gentle breath.

Although she was in a coma, when she woke up, she quickly became aware of what was happening around her.

As Da Luo, who is in the billion-level Dao Realm, he has already entered the realm of time. Although it cannot be said that he knows three hundred years before and five hundred years later, what happened in the past few days can still be felt.

She thought it would take about a day or two at most, but she didn't expect that not only would she be in a coma for five whole days, but she would also be in an extremely embarrassing situation where she was neither alive nor dead.

In the end, it was Taiyi who helped her destroy the power structure that severely damaged her at the cost of almost dying.

The kindness in this is really too great.

No matter what the other party's reasons are, if she is allowed to die like this, she may not be able to have peace in her life, and her Taoist heart will be covered in dust.

Thinking of this, the woman said in a voice that was a hundred times better than Oriole, full of apology and guilt: "I'm sorry, I have caused you trouble, but don't worry, I owe you a lot, and I will compensate you one by one."


At this moment, inside Li Su's body, he was in the depths of the origin.

The flames of the fire flag shone brightly, suppressing his origin firmly. Li Su, who should have passed out, was still conscious there.

Listening to the other party's words through the fire flag, Li Su's face was full of complexity.

There is no doubt that the serious injury was caused by him!

It is true that he cannot withstand the power of a billion Dao Realm Daluo, even if it is just the aftermath, but Li Su has a treasure, if he can't hold it, how can the treasure be able to hold it?

As for why?

Nonsense, naturally it is to defend against the opponent.

To be able to involve a passerby in the grievances between billions of realms, this woman is not just as simple as gritting one's teeth, but is also deeply wary.

Faced with such a serious injury to himself, the other party would probably not silence him even if he wanted to. Even if he silenced himself, he would most likely not take it too seriously.

What's the benefit? He didn't expect it from the beginning to the end.

Sheng Mi En and Dou Mi Qiu Li Su still understand.

How heavy is the burden of such a great favor?

As a result, unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be a damn good person? Li Su's eyelids couldn't help but twitch when he saw the panacea he took out.

No, eldest sister, can’t you just leave? Hello, so am I!

Looking at the woman who looked like she was waiting for him to wake up, Li Su felt a toothache.

Is he awake? Still not awake?


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