Chapter 986 Thirty-Six Heavens

Li Su still ‘woke up’.

There was no way, the other party just stayed there and refused to leave, and the medicine was quite powerful, so I had to wake up even if I didn't want to.

If you continue like that, it will arouse the other party's suspicion.

'Youyou' opened his eyes, and what caught his eye was the pretty face that made people feel frightened. Feeling the warmth coming from the back of his head, he couldn't help but shiver, turned over quickly, and flashed a few meters away. He directly distanced himself from that woman.

The stimulation was too strong.

This woman is like a natural high-concentration additive, and the man is like a burning flame. Even if it is just a spark burning, it will burst out as hot as the sun.

Just like a poppy, it exudes an indescribable magic.

Seeing Li Su's movements, the woman's beautiful eyes showed something strange. Although she was naturally beautiful, she did not have such a poison-like effect. This 'attribute' on her body came from the special 'curse' in her blood. ’, which made her very annoyed.

Originally, when she saw the other person waking up, she planned to keep a certain distance from him to prevent the curse from having an effect on him.

As a result, this 'little savior' actually ran out as if he was electrocuted. The look in his eyes did not have the 'disgusting' look of those people in the past, but was full of 'wariness'.

This made her very surprised and even a little unhappy.

Upon discovering this emotion, the woman was startled for a moment. She couldn't help but be stunned, feeling baffled by her own emotion.

He shook his head and quickly suppressed it.

It is undoubtedly the best thing for her that the little guy can do this.

Because of this curse, she has a certain degree of misogyny, especially direct physical and eye contact, and she doesn't like looking at each other. This is not only true for men, but also for women.

Because the effect of the 'curse' does not matter gender.

"Thank you for the medicine, senior. The boy's body has been repaired. Judging from the condition of senior, the injury should not be serious, so I will leave first."

Li Su clasped his hands and said goodbye directly.

Although he lost a cocoon of time in blood, the other party also made compensation. The special spiritual fluid, heavenly ginseng, and the elixir with nine orifices looked like they were not mortal things at first glance. Not only did he heal his injuries, Including his soul, he also felt a huge medicinal power lurking in his body. I am afraid that not even a fifth of it has been used. In the future, he will continue to nourish himself as time goes by.

Calculating it, it’s not a big loss, I can only blame myself for the bad luck.

Therefore, what we have to do now is to quickly put aside the relationship, distance ourselves from the other party, and never interact with each other again. That would be the best thing.

As for the reason.

This woman was trouble in every sense of the word, and it was the kind of trouble that Li Su couldn't resist.

Her strength is, and her face is even more so.

If you stay around her for a while, you will feel like something is about to happen.

Although Li Su loves beauty, there is no doubt that he loves his own life more. It is better for the 'protagonist' to bear this kind of existence that brings disaster to the country and the people.

After saying that, Li Su made preparations to run away. As long as the other party nodded, he would fly thousands of miles away, and from then on, the world would be vast.

The woman couldn't help but blink her eyes. The unpleasant emotion she had just suppressed suddenly came up again. She could see that the little guy in front of her was not indulging in lust. He was really avoiding snakes and scorpions. Although she was very disgusted with her 'curse', after being treated like this, she still couldn't help but get angry and wanted to hit someone.

After all, women are emotional creatures, even if they become practitioners, they will still be.

Of course, she once again suppressed her small emotions. As a billionaire, her long life experience has allowed her to develop the ability to handle everything calmly, and she will not shake her plans because of some emotions.

She shook her head, "Unfortunately, no! You have been with me for too long, and you are contaminated with the breath of my enemy. To me, that is nothing. To you, once you are a certain distance away from me, you will immediately Being noticed by the other party.”

"Although I have no choice, it is undeniable that I have caused you trouble, so you can't leave until I clean up the breath on you."

Wow, what a nice guy!

It's so gentle to be so considerate of others. Is this the legendary way to stay true to your original intention?

One billion Tao realms.

Sister, you must have lived for tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of years, right? At this age, my heart is not only as dry as a dead wood, but also as strong as a stone, right?

Being so thoughtful about others is not in line with your billion-level personality, okay?

It is said that the Supreme Being forgets his feelings and the great love has no love. Why can't you be so noble and let me go?

Li Su was numb. Of course he knew that he had been infected with the aura of many enemies, but that was not a problem. As long as the other party left, he could immediately use the treasure to block the aura.

He had no way to deal with the magical power of making a special oath, but he could still deal with this simple cause and effect.

After all, the treasure itself is a great cause and effect, not to mention that there are seven supreme saints in him, so there are many causes and effects.

Using breath to cover up the breath, the other party really dares to go against the cause and effect. Li Su guarantees that even if the other party is in the billion-level realm, he will still be unable to survive.

He didn't dare to act at this moment, mainly because the master in front of him hadn't left yet, so he didn't dare to use it.

Thinking of this, Li Su felt very uncomfortable.

Because he couldn't explain it, and he didn't dare to explain it.

So, after pretending to be shocked, he spoke again: "In that case, can you get rid of the seniors and send me away from this place? As long as I go outside, I will contact the elders of the division to come over."

Before Li Su could finish speaking, the woman shook her head again, "No way!"


Li Su was stunned for a moment!

no? Why?

"You can't leave now. This cave in heaven is very special. Once you leave, I'm afraid it will be difficult to come in."


"Special?" Li Su couldn't help but have a hint of doubt in his eyes.


The woman nodded and said: "This cave is not a secret place where treasures are placed in the usual sense of heaven. Although there are treasures in it, there is an essential difference. That is, the cave itself is a treasure. "

"The cave itself is a treasure?" Li Su couldn't help but widen his eyes.


The woman said: "And it's not an ordinary treasure. Based on what I saw and felt, this cave should be related to the legendary thirty-sixth heaven, and it is one of them!"

Thirty-sixth heaven?

There is no doubt that this is information that makes Li Su's scalp numb.

That's right, he didn't feel any joy, but his whole body went numb.

Is this thing precious? Of course it's precious.

I'm afraid its importance is no less than that of the Thirty-Six Heavenly Palace. Although I don't know what its function is, it will still attract countless people to grab it, not from Taiyi, but from the Daluo realm.

Obviously, the fight for this thing is definitely not something that Li Su can participate in today.

Whenever the other party gets into a fight, the impact alone is enough to make him drink a pot.

Unable to help but take a breath, Li Su said without hesitation, "I understand, senior!"

"Then please send me to the exit seat, senior. I can go out by myself. When I get outside, senior's enemies won't chase me out and kill me."

After all, it is said that this is the Thirty-sixth Heaven. It should be impossible for the other party to leave the Thirty-sixth Heaven and go out to hunt for him, right?

The woman had a strange look on her face. The little guy in front of her was undoubtedly different from anything she had ever encountered before. Not only did she not feel any excitement or excitement when she heard about the Thirty-Six Heavens, but she showed a look of great trouble. She changed the legendary Thirty-Six Heavens Zhongtian was disgusted.

"There's nothing wrong with that, but are you sure?"

"Any questions?"

"If you want to leave this cave, you need the strength of the Yi Dao Realm as a prerequisite. Although I can open it for you, the outside is probably surrounded by aliens. Although there is no Yi Dao Realm, there are four or five Yi Dao Realm. indivual."

"If you must leave, I will send you there right away."

Li Suyi said righteously: "No need, senior. Once your injuries are over, it's a good time to strike back. We can't waste this opportunity on this kid. If this place were in the Thirty-sixth Heaven, it would undoubtedly be a huge threat to the mythical world." It’s of great significance. Please consider this first. As for the kid, please find a place to hide me first. When everything is over, I will leave with the senior.”

When the woman heard this, she smiled and was very happy!

"Not reluctantly?"

Li Su twitched the corner of his mouth and said without hesitation: "Not at all!" Just kidding, Yi Dao Realm, four or five, are you going to send them off?

"Okay, I'll take you first!"

"Thank you, senior!"


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