This leads to the distance that seems so close in modern times, and it becomes the ends of the earth here, which also limits their vision.

  So they never thought about whether there was any place north of the Xiongnu.

  Where is Lingnan in the south?

  Where is the west of the Daqin Mountains?

  And in the vast and boundless sea, is there any other land?

  They fight openly and secretly in the DPRK every day, in order to win the so-called power.

  According to Ying Zheng's previous words, it is very understandable, but now it seems ridiculous.

  Leaving such a vast world without thinking about conquest, lingering on this little bit of power all day long, is like a frog trapped at the bottom of a well.

  You can only see the world in front of you in the well, but you can't see the vast sky outside the well.

  If Su Wen didn't exist, I'm afraid they would be like him.

  She lives in the palace every day, craving wine and sex all the year round, and dreaming of longevity all day long until she finally dies.

  It can be said that Su Wen's existence not only made his whole body rejuvenated and rejuvenated.

  Even more, his whole person's mentality and vision have undergone earth-shaking changes.

  At this time, there was a sense of pride in his heart, just like the day he swore to the throne when he was young.

  He vowed to sweep the six countries and unify China in his lifetime.

  At this time, he was like the former youth, with an unfinished dream in his heart, who wanted to bring the whole of China and the whole of Daqin to the world.

  The real realization is that there is no king's land under the whole world, and no king's ministers are the coast of leading the land.

  He believed that after this series of reforms, the entire Daqin's appearance would definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

  At that time, both the people of Qin and the people of the other six countries will have this strong sense of belonging to Da Qin.

  This sense of belonging is no longer produced by being suppressed, but by being truly proud of this country.

  Ying Zheng looked at the young man beside him with reverence, and the admiration in his demeanor could not be described in words.

  And Su Wen also glanced at him lightly, and then turned his eyes to the ministers in the audience. .

Chapter 179

  In fact, Su Wen understood these ancients very well.

  The backwardness of economy and technology leads to backwardness in transportation.

  So after some people meet once, they may never meet again in their lifetime.

  So some people say that love in ancient times is true love.

  Love at that time did not have the impetuousness of modern people, and there was no space limitation.

  Often two people can be together forever after marriage, without the intervention of others, which directly leads to almost no divorce.

  And this also greatly limited the vision of these ancients, because in their impression, this world is already very big.

  They couldn't imagine how much beyond the boundaries they were in.

  As the first unified dynasty in the history of China, Daqin, that is, the territory of the seven kingdoms, is naturally extremely vast.

  Therefore, not to mention the people of Daqin, Ying Zheng and Li Si have always felt that, except for the Baiyue in the south and the Xiongnu in the north, all the heaven and earth belong to Daqin.

  If they can successfully capture the Xiongnu and Baiyue, then Daqin is equivalent to occupying the whole world.

  What they don't know, however, is that the world is bigger than they imagined.

  Not to mention the American continent on the other side of the ocean, the Asian continent where they are located is completely beyond their imagination.

  If it wasn't for Su Wen's previous point, I am afraid that Ying Zheng is still immersed in the dream of Tianfu's 073 countries, where would he have the ambition to conquer the world.

  He naturally knew what Ying Zheng meant at this time.

  So he looked around at the people around him, and then said lightly.

  "What do you think is the size of this world and what shape is it?"

  All the ministers in the audience were stunned when they heard it.

  They looked at each other, wondering what the point of Su Wen's question was.

  But since the national teacher asked, they did not dare not to answer.

  So Li Si stepped forward and bowed respectfully and then said.

  "Master Guo Shi, Wei Chen believes that the territory of the Qin Dynasty is a paradise on earth, and it can be regarded as the center of this world, and this world is naturally a place with a round sky, and the vast and boundless sky wraps the earth and constitutes us. world."

  Hearing Li Si's words, Su Wen also felt speechless (bgdi).

  It seems that the theory about the round sky and the earth recorded in those ancient books is indeed a reality.

  This theory should be regarded as ancient science's understanding of the universe, which can be said to be reflected in many aspects of ancient China.

  The circle of heaven and earth is essentially the interpretation of the law of formation and operation of heaven and earth in the yin and yang system of the Book of Changes.

  The "Book of Changes" is the first of the hundred classics, and it is also the root of Chinese learning.

  Its main ideological system is that all things evolve according to the laws of yin and yang and five elements.

  Therefore, it can be said that among the various disciplines in ancient times, there are many ideas of one yang and five elements mixed in them.

  For example, the "Luban Classic" in architecture and the "Huangdi Neijing" in life science.

  There are also "Sun Tzu's Art of War" in military law and geomantic feng shui doctrines such as "Qing Nang Jing", which all implement the yin and yang ideology in the Book of Changes.

  The round sky and the place are the conclusions drawn by the Chinese ancestors in the process of understanding the universe.

  In Taoism, it is believed that the "roundness of the sky" means that the mind must be harmonious in order to be accessible.

  "Local" means to be strict and disciplined in doing things.

  In the traditional buildings of the ancient Chinese dynasty, the sky is more round and the place is round.

  For example, in the Ming and Qing dynasties, the heavens and the street stalls were built following the principle of the roundness of the sky and the earth.

  Even the homes of ordinary people often have a small square yard, and then a small circular pool is built in it, which is the embodiment of the sky and the place.

  The Siheyuan in the northern region is a typical representative of the Tianyuan local theory.

  Then the ancient coins, such as the square hole and round coins used in the Daqin today, are a manifestation of the sky and the round place.

  Therefore, since the pre-Qin period, the theory of the round sky and the place has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

  Almost everyone thinks that the sky is round and the earth is square.

  The vast and boundless world blends together to form this world.

  However, only Su Wen and Gao knew that the world itself was made up of a sphere, and there was a wider universe outside this world.

  And that vast universe is still under constant exploration even in modern times.

  It can be said that science has no end, and neither does the world.

  After hearing Li Si's words, Su Wen did not answer, but stood up and walked off the stage.

  Then, in front of everyone's eyes, he gently waved his right hand.

  Above the open space in front of him, a blue sphere with a diameter of about one meter appeared.

  The sphere is fixed on a frame and is constantly spinning.

  If you look closely, you will find that there are some fonts and graphics that they don't know at all.

  What shocked them was not what this thing was.

  But how did this thing come about.

  No matter how you look at the national teacher, it is impossible to hold such a big thing.

  However, just now the national teacher just stretched out his hand and waved, and such a huge sphere appeared out of thin air, which can be said to completely subvert their imagination.

  "The universe in the sleeve."

  Ying Zheng was shocked, Su Wen's method just now reminded him of a technique called Qiankun in the sleeve that the warlock once told him.

  He hurriedly got off the dragon chair, walked to Su Wen's side and looked at the sphere in front of him that he didn't know, his eyes full of horror.

  In his heart, Su Wen was an immortal, but every time he saw this kind of immortal method, he couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat.

  In the hearts of the civil servants and military generals present, it was a bit better.

  After all, in their hearts, this is completely the method of the fairy family.

  So after they were shocked, everyone's eyes were full of surprise, and they still whispered to each other.

  "The national teacher is really a fairy-like figure, such a big thing was changed out of thin air."

  "Who said it wasn't, I just saw the national teacher stretched out his hand and waved, and this thing appeared here. In any case, we can't fight against the national teacher. These immortals are not something we mortals can resist at all."

  "Actually, I'm more curious. What is the purpose of the national teacher conjuring this ball? Does it have anything to do with the question just raised?"


  Ying Zheng looked at the spinning sphere in front of him with a hint of confusion in his expression, he had never seen such a thing before.

  So he asked Su Wen with a bit of shock and a bit of doubt.

  "Country, national teacher, what exactly is this."

  Su Wen glanced at him lightly, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, walked to the front of the huge blue sphere, stretched out his right index finger lightly, and the sphere that was spinning suddenly stopped. .

Chapter 180

  Seeing the doubts in the eyes of Ying Zheng beside him and the ministers behind him, Su Wen smiled lightly, and then said.

  "This is a globe, and you can understand it as a model for our world."


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