Including Ying Zheng, they still didn't understand what the model was, but they heard that the huge blue sphere in front of them should be related to their world.

  They just don't know how the two are related.

  Seeing their doubts, Su Wen was speechless for a while.

  But it's also true, tell them about the globe and the model, there is almost no difference between the two, they don't understand it at all anyway.

  So he continued reluctantly.

  "You can think that the globe is a miniature version of this world, and all parts of the whole world are recorded on it."


  Ying Zheng was shocked for a while, and all the civilians and military generals also stared at the blue sphere in front of them with disbelief.

  Such a sphere with a diameter of less than one meter actually recorded all the places in the sky and the earth.

  You know, aside from Daqin, they can't even estimate the area of ​​Daqin's current territory.

  However, on such a small sphere, the entire world was covered, which made them unbelievable for a while.

  And some people even see the problem.

  Thinking of the question raised by Su Wen before, and the theory of the round sky and the earth answered by Li Si, their expressions changed greatly.

  In their impression, the sky is round, and the earth under their feet is square.

  However, there was a sphere in front of him, but Su Wen said that all the boundaries of their entire world were recorded on this sphere.

  This completely broke their cognitive range, leaving them all stunned in place for a while.

  Even Ying Zheng understood this at this moment, and looked at the boss with the pupils of the stagnant blue sphere in front of him.

  "Guo, national teacher, do you mean that this sphere reflects our world, and the earth of our world is round???"

  Although he was horrified, Ying Zheng still asked.

  Even if he had incomparable trust in Su Wen, he was even more astonished by the means he had just done.

  But he couldn't imagine how the world could be round.

  If it is really round, why do they see squares and how do they live on them?

  If this theory was put forward by someone else, he must think that this person is absolutely crazy.

  However, this theory was in front of him, and it was proposed by the national teacher he regarded as an immortal, which made his heart extremely complicated.

  One is the trust in Su Wen, and the other is the trust in the ancient ancestors and his cognition.

  He couldn't imagine that the world he was in turned out to be a sphere.

  Hearing Ying Zheng's words, Su Wen nodded slightly and said.

  "In fact, the world we are in is essentially a sphere, and he is called the earth by me, and there is a vast universe outside this sphere."

  "Let's not talk about the endless universe, that is, there are countless areas on the earth that we have not yet explored."

  "The Daqin where we are now is just a very narrow boundary of this world.


  Having said that, his eyes turned to the globe in front of him, and then he pointed at a small place above the globe.

  "This is Da Qin."

  When he told Su Wen, everyone followed his fingers.

  Although it looks a little blurry, people with sharp eyes can still see that the place Su Wen is referring to is only a very small part of the entire globe, and it can even be said to be an extremely insignificant part.

  They only feel that today is probably the most shocking day since they were born.

  First, they learned that the world they were in was nothing but a sphere.

  Only later did they realize that their promising Qin state was just the tip of the iceberg in this vast world.

  If the news was from other populations, they wouldn't believe it anyway.

  But who is the man in front of him.

  He is the national teacher of Da Qin.

  Is an omnipotent fairy.

  Not to mention his countless unimaginable fairy family things from the fairy world.

  It was just that he waved his hand and changed the globe in front of him, which they could not understand.

  So they had to believe that what Su Wen said was absolutely correct.

  This completely subverts the cognition that they have been widely read and passed on by word of mouth for many years.

  This is simply the existence that they can't imagine.

  Ying Zheng asked Su Wen with deep shock.

  "National teacher, what you said is true. The world we live in is a sphere, and Daqin is just the tip of the iceberg on this sphere."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "But this is completely inconsistent with the books that our ancestors once recorded. Are the books they left behind all fabricated."

  Su Wen glanced at him lightly, and then said.

  "The ancient books of the ancestors are not completely fabricated, but there are also many problems in them."

  "I won't say anything else, just before this, have you ever imagined that there are crops with an output value of [-] kilograms per mu? Is there a vaccine that can prevent the plague? Is there technology that can perfectly refine steel? But also can today's extremely thin paper ?"

  According to the thinking of the laity, the backwardness of the ancients is entirely due to the incompleteness of their science and technology, and those things are not made up, and even some of the laws contained in them cannot be fully analyzed in modern times.

  But the Earth is a sphere, it's a no-brainer theory.

0 ......................

  Because Ying Zheng, who was in the Qin Dynasty, couldn't imagine that after more than 2000 years, human beings have already stepped out of this world and stepped into a wider universe.

  Hearing Su Wen's words, Ying Zheng was stunned.

  He felt that there was nothing wrong with what Su Wen said, just as he said.

  If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't imagine the existence of those things at all.

  In his impression, the unimaginable can only be explained by the fairy tale.

  Of course, he also understands what Su Wen means is that there are countless things in this world that they don't understand at all.

  And these things, although they can't believe it, are real.

  Just like the appearance of Suwen is a mystery in itself.

  And he can even predict the future historical process of Daqin. Isn't this a mystery?

  So at this time, he felt a little more trust in Su Wen's Arabian Nights just now.

  Just for a while, he still couldn't fully accept this information, after all, it was a bit too amazing.

  If nothing else, he could not fully accept the statement that the earth is a sphere.

  Not to mention the records of the ancestors, that is, the land that he sees with the naked eye is obviously flat and square.

  If this world is really like the sphere in front of you, how are the various terrains fixed in it?

  Like those oceans, how rivers don't stay.

  And how can they stand firmly on this land.

  That's why they don't understand it at all.Small.

Chapter 181

  However, there is no explanation for these Suwens, after all, it involves the problem of gravity.

  But if he really asked him to talk about these hidden issues, it would only make these people more confused.

  The reason why he took out this globe was that he wanted to introduce the world outside Daqin to them.

  In this way, they can fully know that their place is just a drop in the ocean of this world.

  Only in this way can they broaden their horizons even more, so that their thoughts will not be narrow and stubborn in this narrow world.

  Only in this way can they stop arguing about the trivial matters in this dynasty every day, but put all their eyes on the wider world.

  But he also knew that it would take a long process of [-] to get them to accept this.

  After all, these thoughts have stayed in their minds for countless years.

  He didn't say any more words, but his eyes kept rolling around on the people around him.

  Ying Zheng lowered his head and thought for a moment, but his eyes were still filled with confusion.

  He walked over to Su Wen and bowed before speaking.

  "The words of the national teacher just now really shocked Ying Zheng. I can't imagine that the place where we are is actually on a sphere."

  "Ying Zheng is a little stupid, so I want to ask the national teacher some questions, I wonder if the national teacher can help me."

  Looking at Ying Zheng in front of him, Su Wen was also speechless.

  No way, he had to nod lightly, if he explained, he could explain, but whether they could understand it was beyond his scope of response.

  "Okay, you can ask."

  A look of joy appeared on Ying Zheng's face, and then he asked.

  "National teacher, if according to what you said, the world we are in is like this sphere in front of us, then those mountains, rivers and trees, and why we won't fall."

  In fact, this question is also a question in the minds of all the ministers present.

  Su Wen did not answer directly, but turned his attention to Li Si who was behind him.

  "You said Li Si's statement that the sky is round and the place is round, but after I said it, what do you think of my statement?"

  Li Si was still thinking about what Su Wen just said, when he heard someone call him, he was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said respectfully.

  "Guo Shi, in fact, I have the same thoughts as the king, and there is a doubt in the heart of Wei Chen. If it is as the national teacher said, then the buildings we have built, those rivers and mountains, and the wider ocean, Even how we stand on top of the world. Like that."

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