Li Jian and Chen Jia are acquaintances, and their personal friendship is not bad.Seeing the old acquaintance, he was not polite, stepped forward and patted Chen Jia's shoulder and said, "I heard that the emperor asked you to talk about secret affairs with Han, but I didn't expect you to take care of the ** Su Wei, old Chen, are you the emperor? Shallow."

  With a smile on Chen Jia's face, it was not an easy task to talk to Han about investigating and handling the Tomb organization. He had to deal with various forces and academic schools.In less than half a year, Chen Jia has lost his naivety.

  He sniffed Li Jian's body, punched Li Jian's chest fiercely, and scolded with a smile: "I'm so stubborn as a general, I don't know if I want to enter the palace to rule, and I dare to drink too much."

  With that said, Chen Jia turned his head and shouted, "Two bowls of Ge Tang, give my brother a hangover." He didn't know Wei Huo, but he heard that this time he and Li Jian came back with two pioneers under Wang Ben's command, and he immediately gave them to Wei Huo. Wei Huo also prepared Ge Tang.

  Kudzu soup is a soup made from a mixture of kudzu and kudzu flowers, which is the most suitable for hangover.These guards are all warriors. They like to drink alcohol on weekdays, but sometimes they are on duty. If the emperor smells alcohol, they will be beaten hard, or they will die.So from the time of the first emperor, these guards asked the doctor at the Imperial Medical Center to write this recipe for hangover and left it at the guard.

  Ge soup has now become a must-have soup for the guards to hangover.

  Li Jian did not make trouble with Chen Jia, but pulled Wei Huo behind him and introduced him to Chen Jia.

  Wei Huo is extremely smart and sociable.Chen Jia followed Han Tan, and he had already practiced talking to people and talking to ghosts. The few people naturally chatted happily.

  After a while, a guard was on duty. As soon as he entered the room, he greeted the three of them and said, "The Hall of Wuxin has opened, and the ministers have entered one after another."

  Although Li Jian and Wei Huo didn't talk enough with Chen Jia, they had no choice but to say goodbye.

  When he came to Wuxin Hall, Li Jian naturally thought of the origin of the name of this hall, and couldn't help feeling a little sad.Wei Huo survived the story without saying a word. He just cupped his hands and clasped his fists at the statue of Li Xin in front of the Wuxin Hall, and bowed silently for a while before starting to follow Li Jian into the Wuxin Hall.

  The huge Wuxin Hall has now become an important hall for Su Wen to summon ministers to discuss state affairs, and it is also a place where several ministers of the Counselor's Office work.

  Seeing the ministers who came in to pay their respects one after another, Su Wen sighed silently.When Zhao Gaoquan was in power, which of these courtiers (bgdi) did not act according to Zhao Gao's face.Now that you treat yourself like this, how many people are sincere?I am afraid that most people are for the official hat on the head and the wealth of the treasury.

  Shaking his head, Su Wen removed the distracting thoughts from his mind.Today's court meeting is a trivial matter, and the most important thing in scientific examinations is the selection of examiners.A highly respected and knowledgeable examiner is the key to selection.

  Soon, Su Wen saw two young generals dressed as men who followed the crowd.There was a smile on the corner of his mouth. The two of them were in the limelight in the original competition selection, and they fought a lot. Judging from the current appearance, they turned out to be a pair of good friends.

  "I don't know what's going on today, but I'm actually making up words in my head." Su Wen shook his head.

  Soon after all the ministers arrived, Prime Minister Li Si took a step and bowed to Su Wen and said: "The imperial minister and the Grand Sima Mengtian have just discussed the scientific expedition with the colleagues in the outer hall. Everyone thinks that the emperor is unprecedented. Those who have not come, think of the method of selecting materials, which is unique and effective."

  Li Si actually told a lie.Just now he and Meng Tian were in the outer hall discussing with these ministers about the scientific examination, and almost all the ministers who came from aristocratic families were opposed to it.Even the most powerful Wang family silently expressed support for the objections of those aristocratic families.

  In the end, Meng Tian took out the decisiveness of the big Sima and suppressed the voices of those who opposed it.But all the aristocratic families believed that the imperial examination for Emperor II was only once, and it was an emergency measure during the war.If they knew that the emperor's scientific examination would be held every three years, they would probably fry the pot immediately.

  The scientific examination is about the most important cake of the aristocratic family, the descendants of Enyin.If everything is promoted by examination, those Qianshou who have been trampled under their feet may turn over if they know two words.This kind of situation is something that the people of these big clans do not want to see.

  After Li Si said this, Meng Tian also took a step forward and coughed a few times before saying: "The emperor's trial of this scientific examination strategy is a good thing for the country and the people. Anyone who dares to object will simply be killing the nine clans. Big sin."

  As soon as he said these words, Su Wen clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Meng Tian is very right. Just do as you say."

  Several members of the aristocratic family who were originally unconvinced and who were about to raise objections in court behind the scenes of the Wang family clenched their lips.After all, Emperor II used to kill people without blinking an eye. If he really caused a catastrophe to the family just because of one sentence, it would not be worth the loss.

  Several courtiers from aristocratic families looked at each other and chose to shut up.

  Nei Shi Wang Ce, who had been secretly urging them to oppose the scientific examination, was now different from others. He took a step forward, and his thin face was full of sincerity.

  Some servants of the noble family immediately fell to the ground in admiration for the people of the Wang family.Unexpectedly, after Meng Tian said such heavy words, the only person who dared to stand up against it was the Wang family.

  The noble officials of the Qin Dynasty, such as the Meng family, the Sima family, and the Gan family, all secretly admired it. It is worthy of the Wang family to be the largest family in the Qin Dynasty, with a rich heritage and courage.

  Just when everyone admired the Wang family, Wang Ce's speech was astonishing, immediately stunned those aristocratic families. .

Chapter 365

  Wang Ceman's sincere face suddenly filled with a smile, which made his temperament, which was still somewhat repressed, change [-] degrees in an instant, becoming a amiable and courteous courtier.

  "The minister believes that the imperial examination is a good strategy for the country. Selecting talents and selecting talents cannot be done without rules. Only in this way can some mediocre talents who rely on the grace of generations to go wrong will be misunderstood. Only in this way can the descendants of various big families not be Indulge in wine and lust. The emperor's move is wise and marvelous. The internal history Wang Ce firmly supports the imperial examination."

  Wang Ce was the spokesperson of the Wang family in the imperial court. When he spoke like this, the men of the Meng family, the Gan family, the Sima family and other major families secretly scolded the Wang family for being unkind and sold them to please the emperor.

  Several other aristocratic families wanted to follow the example of the Wang family, but in any case, they were picking up people's teeth and wisdom, which was not much fun.Several people looked at each other and chose to remain silent~.

  Su Wen looked at these princes and ministers and sneered inwardly.Today's court meeting, he knew that these people from the big clan would not let it go.

  Li Si and Meng Yi discussed ways to let Emperor Qin II and Meng Tian sing in harmony in the courtroom, and condemn those who oppose the imperial examination as a major crime.In this way, no one dares to oppose this matter lightly.

  To put it bluntly, the two still used this method by taking advantage of Qin Ershi's reputation for indiscriminate killing at the beginning of his ascension to the throne.Su Wen knew their thoughts, but in order to suppress these high-level clans, he had to pretend to be a villain again.

  The imperial examination system gave the people of Qianshou a chance to rise to the fore. This kind of subversive thinking cannot be tolerated by aristocratic families.

  Now that the Wang family of the rich and powerful family has taken the lead in subduing, it shows that the selection of talents from the people of the country has been torn open.

  In the future, there will be two major factions in this court.Su Wen pondered, and did not continue to struggle with this matter, but said while the iron was hot: "I am very pleased that all the Aiqings agree with the imperial examination. But when it comes to the imperial examination, there is another important position, that It is the examiner. This examiner decides the second place in the top spot. There are many court officials, who can be the examiner?"

  "The examiner?" All the courtiers speculated to themselves.

  What the examiner means, no need to explain, these old foxes understand.Whether the candidates who participate in the imperial examination can go to high school depends entirely on the examiner's intention.It's a fat vacancy, maybe it's a good idea for this position.

  Several members of the big family were once again tempted and exchanged glances with each other.Only Wang Ce looked at the nose with his eyes, his mouth with his mouth, and his heart with his mouth. He did not look sideways, as if the old god was there.

  Seeing his appearance, the courtiers of several families suddenly froze.The smart one immediately wanted to understand the key.Since the emperor proposed this imperial examination, he must choose the best talents in the world, regardless of the high and the low.Then there must be complete preparations, I am afraid this examiner is not as oily as it seems on the surface.

  In the silence for a while, Meng Yi took a step forward and said, "Speaking of the examiner, there is one person in my heart, but he is old and I don't know if he is competent."

  Meng Yi was originally one of the examiner candidates identified by Su Wen in his heart. Now, seeing him stand up and recommend others, it is somewhat interesting, and he nodded to signal Meng Yi to continue.

  "There is an old man in Taixueguan, called Fu Wan, who is also known as Fu Sheng. This person not only specializes in Confucianism, but also has a lot of dabbling in the theories of various schools of thought, and has unique opinions on everything. Yichen sees this. A person can be an examiner."

  As soon as Meng Yi finished speaking, Li Si took a step forward. Although he was the prime minister, he was not broad-minded.He was born in the legal family not only because of jealousy personally killed the legal family ancestor Han Feizi, but also did anything to maintain the legal family's status in Daqin.

  "Your Majesty, this minister believes that the rule of law will remain the same for all eternity. Since the selection of materials, this examiner should be a person with regular behavior and stricter than the law. Although Fu Wan is knowledgeable, no matter his prestige or qualifications, he is not enough to become an imperial examination examiner." Li Si bowed his head and bowed his hands, a look of sincerity and fear.

  Su Wen nodded and remained silent.This examiner originally had three candidates in his mind, but Fu Wan was no longer among them. After Meng Yi reminded him, he also remembered this Fu Wan.This person is proficient in classics and articles, and can be used as a master exam.

  After seeing Li Si finish speaking, the emperor remained silent, and a minister with dark eyes among the civil servants couldn't stand.He took a step forward, cupped his hands, and said, "My uncle Sun Tong dares to vouch for Fu Wan. Although this man is old, he is very talented. Although he is nearly seventy years old this year, he will never forget his essays and poems. I recommend Fu Wan as the examiner."

  What else did Li Si want to say? Su Wen waved his hand and said, "I've heard of the name of Fu Wan. This person can be an examiner. But in any case, he is too old to be a chief examiner."

  Looking at the silent courtiers below, Su Wen said: "The examiner has three rooms, one for the examination, and two for support. I see Li Si, Meng Yi, Shusun Tong, and after the addition, three of the four of you will be selected as the role. Examiner, as for the main exam, I have appointed it."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Seeing that Emperor II had already made up his mind, everyone knew that the overall situation had been settled.It's just that three of the four are important ministers in the court. Although one is an old scholar from the Taixueguan, he has been recommended by Meng Yi and Shusun Tong, which is hard to say.For a time, the courtiers were stumped.

  "Your Majesty, I have recently been preparing winter clothes for Zhang Han and Wang Ben. There are many displaced refugees in the south of the Weishui River, and I have to worry about them. I see that this examiner is still the other three, and I ask the emperor for permission." It was Meng Yi who spoke.

  Looking at Meng Yi, who had lost a lot of weight, Su Wen sighed from the bottom of his heart: "You are really a prime minister."


  "Ah!" Meng Yi didn't understand what a prime minister was, and was stunned.

  Su Wen also realized that he had reneged on his promise, waved his hand and smiled: "If you say anything, let's settle it like this. The examiners are Li Si, Shusuntong, and Fuwan. In this way, both Li Si and Shusuntong have official positions. Man, in order to avoid suspicion, the chief examiner is done by Fu Wan, and the two of you can help him."

  "No." Although Li Si was a little reluctant, he had no choice but to thank Uncle Suntong.

  "That's right." Su Wen leaned forward slightly and said, "Tell this Fu Wan to come to the palace, I want to see him. The final examiner of the top three is me, and I want to explain some matters to Fu Wan in person."

  When the examiner made the decision, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.Shusuntong and Li Si are the kind of people who are very good people on weekdays and have no pretensions, so some people in the family who meet the test requirements immediately start to pay attention to these two people.

  "Meng Yi, Meng Tian, ​​you can't help but share your worries about this matter." Su Wen smiled and looked at the two of them, then said, "You may not do this examiner, but you need to study the exam questions."

  "This minister is obliged." Meng Yi smiled.

  Meng Tian also smiled and said: "I'm just a military general, I didn't expect to give a question to Tianxiamen. Haha."

  The rest of the routine will be handled quickly, and the extras and unimportant things will be handled directly by Li Si.Su Wen asked Meng Yi and Meng Tian to stay, and at the same time signaled that Li Jian and Wei Huo, who were behind the ministers, would also stay, and the meeting was dispersed.Small.

Chapter 366

  All the ministers filed out of the Wuxin Hall.

  Several courtiers from noble families immediately surrounded Wang Ce, wanting the Wang family to say something.But Wang Ce didn't give them a chance to complain at all, and hurriedly boarded the car waiting outside Xianyang Palace.

  "This Wang family is too outrageous, let us oppose it, but his family is showing off their loyalty in front of the emperor." It was Fengchang who was in charge of the rituals of the ancestral temple and Meng Bo of the Meng family.

  "The Wang family is from a big family, so when will you take me seriously?" Sima Yong is the current master of the Sima family, and the weakest of the several great families.

  On the other hand, Gan Meng of the Gan family sneered and said, "Several members of your Sima family are now serving in the army, and I'm afraid they will soon be on a par with the Wang family."

  As soon as these words came out, the other families looked at Sima Yong with strange expressions.In the last competition, Sima Yi of the Sima family performed well.Now Si [-] Ma Yi and Sima Xin are both in the Zhang Han army, and their reputations for military exploits have been reported repeatedly.

  The reason why the Wang family can despise such a big family is because their family has produced many famous generals, not to mention the deceased Wang Jian, the current Wang Ben and Wang Li are both famous people in front of the emperor.Such a family can naturally look at other families.

  "Let's gossip, why don't you go to the three examiners tonight for a walk."

  "The old Confucian scholar will be spared after he is finished. Prime Minister Li Si and Uncle Sun Tong still want to visit."

  "Keep your voice down, don't be heard by Chunyuyong, this censor is too capable of making a complaint." An old man saw Chunyuyong walking alone, and immediately reminded the people around him.

  Everyone immediately silenced, until Chunyuyong walked past them, they were relieved, Gan Meng looked at Chunyuyong's back, and scolded in a low voice: "Damn, this kid has become a censor and caused us a lot of trouble."

  "There's no way, who made the emperor believe him. If I want to see, this second emperor doesn't know what to do, he's just looking for some younger, less experienced juniors. Look at the two young generals who just stayed in the Wuxin Palace. tsk tsk." The man shook his head exaggeratedly.

  "I remember those two people. The tall one is Li Xin's descendant, called Li Jian. The other one was selected by the emperor in the last competition. It seems to be called Wei Huo or something."

  In the hall, Wei Huo couldn't help sneezing.He rubbed his nose and glanced shyly at Su Wen.

  Su Wen and Meng Tian and Meng Yi are discussing about the imperial examination questions.

  As for the proposition, Su Wen expressed his meaning, and did not want to come up with some innocuous literary questions.If he wants to take the test, he must take the test of the world's major events. The things of current affairs can best see a person's vision.

  This is recognized by the Montessori brothers.

  Meng Yi thought about it for a while and said, "There are several directions to test current affairs. Now that the world is in chaos, how to quell the rebellion and preserve the village is a proposition direction. Also, the winter season is about to enter, the weather is freezing cold, and many refugees have nowhere to go. If the clothing to keep out the cold is not properly placed, it may cause chaos. These problems are faced by the minister, and they are one problem and two big. It is better to throw it to these candidates and see if they can write a judgment that is suitable for the country. "

  Su Wen looked at him and smiled: "You are trying to shirk your responsibility to the candidates."

  "I really mean this. It would be a great thing if someone could share the concerns of the minister." Meng Yi smiled humbly.

  Su Wen nodded and said: "The imperial examination will be held frequently in the future. This is the first time to try it out. You two will consider the test questions, and I will decide in the end. There are good juniors in the Meng family who can take this test. It's a reward from me to Montessori."

  Meng Tian and Meng Yi are both smart people. As the official who issued the question, although the final ruling is in the hands of the emperor, the scope can never be wrong.If this is the case, no one in the Meng family can pass the exam, but I really can't blame others.

  After the two thanked them, Su Wen motioned for Meng Tian to stay.Only then did Li Jian and Wei Huo come to him.

  Li Jian and Su Wen are about the same age, but Wei Huo is the youngest and a little shy.However, in the Wuxin Hall, Wei Huo remained calm.

  For the young generals, Su Wen made great determination to train them.Especially young and heroic generals like Li Jian and Wei Huo, Embryo, must ensure that they are on the emperor's side.

  The palace maid also moved seats for the two of them. After the two thanked them for their seats, Su Wen asked with a smile, "What do you two think about this examination?"

  Li Jian and Wei Huo didn't expect the Emperor II to ask, and they were a little stunned.The shy Wei Huo reacted quickly and said with his hands: "This minister is a military general. Although he is vulgar, he also knows that the imperial examination is a bright road opened by the emperor for the people of the world."

  Li Jian nodded without making a sound.

  Su Wen looked at the restrained two and said with a smile: "It's too late now. Dinner is in Wuxin Palace. Let's chat while eating."

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