Under the emperor's order, meals will be delivered soon... Wine, meat, fruits and vegetables are all available, not like winter meals at all.

  Su Wen stretched out his hand, pointed to the sumptuous wine and rice on the table, and said, "Zhen and Meng Tian can be regarded as borrowing the light of the two Ai Qing to improve the food today."

  "The emperor doesn't have to be strict with himself, and he should pay more attention to his diet on weekdays." Meng Tian knew that First Officer Su Wen cut down on the expenses in the palace, and now each meal is only two side dishes.

  "Don't talk about that." Su Wen picked up the jug, thought about it, and smiled: "I planned to pour some wine for you, but if I really do this, you will thank you and go back and forth, and the taste will be gone. Still Pour yourself the wine." Then he filled himself a glass and handed the jug to Meng Tian.

  Seeing the emperor doing this, the two young generals relaxed a little, and their tense bodies softened.

  When the wine was full, Su Wen picked up the cup, got up and said, "This temple is called Wuxin Temple, do you all know the origin?"

  Seeing several people nodding, Su Wen said, "In that case, this first glass of wine should be given to General Li Xin."

  The second emperor said this, and everyone suddenly became solemn.Before Li Xin died of exhaustion in the Wuxin Hall, no one could compare this credit.

  Li Jian looked even more solemn. Thinking of Li Xin, who loved him, he felt sad, but in front of the emperor, he couldn't cry.

  After paying respects to Li Xin, Su Wen moved his chopsticks, first took a piece of meat for Meng Tian, ​​and then motioned for Li Jian and Wei Huo to be free.

  "I heard that the two of you were in Sanchuan County and called Wang Ben's two vanguard officers. That's not bad." Su Wen praised the 3.8 sons of the two young ministers.

  It is said that people are more and more evolved, but thinking about the era he lived in, a young man as old as Wei Huo was still a big child, still studying in high school, preparing for the college entrance examination.

  Thinking of the college entrance examination, Su Wen sighed.The scientific examination is just a front end. He wants to popularize education in Daqin, and if the state allows it, he will also engage in compulsory education.

  Only by creating an equal and fair environment for people can the society be truly harmonious.Otherwise everything is empty talk.

  This dream, he talked to the dormitory when he was in college.But it was just a fantasy at the time. Now that he is on the throne, if he can resist the impact of these rebels and keep Da Qin, he will have the opportunity to achieve those goals in life.

  "Chen She is gone, and Liu Bang and Xiang Yu will make his debut next. How to deal with it?" Su Wen took a sip of wine and looked at Li Jian and Wei Huo in front of him, thinking. .

Chapter 367

  Facing Qin Ershi's praise, Li Jian and Wei Huo were very humble.

  Su Wen drank a cup and said, "This scientific examination, if it works well, is the foundation of the country. Not only the civil servants, but also the selection of military officers will be carried out simultaneously in two ways, one is to select from the army, and the other is to hold martial arts. Test."

  "I am a general of the Qin Dynasty, Meng Tian and Zhang Han are still capable of fighting, and Wang Ben is already old. As for Wang Li, if you can defend the northern border for me, even if it is a great achievement. Now that the world is full of rebels, I am still very optimistic about you rising stars. After returning to Sanchuan County this time, please pay attention to you in your army, and if anyone is available, report directly to Taiwei Meng Tian."

  Li Jian and Wei Huo nodded immediately.Give them the chance to elect generals, this is simply the emperor opening a back door for them.

  After the monarch and ministers finished eating, Su Wen warned a few more words before leaving the Wuxin Palace.

  After the emperor left, Meng Tian got up slowly, walked to the square table, took out the bright yellow silk imperial decree that had been prepared for a long time, turned around and handed it to Li Jian and said, "This is the imperial decree from the emperor to Wang Ben. Now during the war, Officials proclaiming the decree cost a lot of money, so this time I won’t have someone to announce the decree, the two of you will go back to Sanchuan County and show Wang Ben the imperial decree.”

  Li Jian and Wei Huo nodded quickly.The imperial decree was sealed with varnish and held by Li Jian, which was very precious.

  Meng Tian was the Taiwei, and all the troops in Daqin were mobilized and managed by him.Li Jian and Wei Huo were brought to the army by him. The three of them were clearly superiors and subordinates, but secretly they were close relatives of teachers and students.

  After inquiring in detail about the current situation in Sanchuan County and the news of Zhao Guo, Meng Tian let the two leave the Wuxin Palace.

  After the two brothers left Xianyang Palace, Li Jian wanted to go back because his home was in the Xianyang Imperial Capital.For the past few days back in Xianyang, Wei Huo has been following Li Jian, and today he suddenly swore two brothers, Liu Mo and Yan San'er, and he fell in love with him.After talking to Li Jian, he went straight to the Taixueguan to find Liu Mo.

  At this moment, half of the time has passed, but the Confucian scholars in Taixueguan did not leave as usual, but gathered together in twos and threes to discuss something in private.

  Wei Huo came to the Taixue Hall and saw those Confucian students whispering, and his heart was greasy and tight.As a military general, what he dislikes the most is that literati talk about unreliable things with their tongues and lips.

  Among this group of Confucian students, Liu Mo was very easy to find.

  Because everyone else gathered to talk, he was the only one sitting on the side with a roll of bamboo books in his hand, and while reading, he wrote the contents of the book on the paper in front of him.

  Since the paper developed by the supervisor was officially popularized, Su Wen immediately allocated a batch of paper to the Taixueguan, and asked these Confucian scholars to copy all the books in the Taixueguan onto the paper.

  It's just that most of these Confucian scholars are raised by lazy people, and only a few people are doing this huge project.Among the people who worked, Fu Wan was the one who took the lead, and Liu Mo was the one who worked the hardest.Even Chun Yuyong, who was already a censor, would occasionally come back to transcribe some chapters.

  These Confucian scholars had already criticized Liu Mo. Today, when they heard that the emperor was going to hold the imperial examination, they immediately said that Liu Mo was actively copying books because he had already gotten the wind and was preparing for the imperial examination.

  These things, Liu Mo naturally disdain to argue with them.

  "Second brother, my eldest brother and I will leave Xianyang tomorrow, and we will come to see you and fourth brother today." Wei Huo shouted enthusiastically when he saw Liu Mo from afar.

  Seeing Wei Huo's arrival, Liu Mo put down the bamboo slips he was holding, and said with a happy face, "Third brother wait for brother for a while, and I will finish writing this sentence." .

  After a while, Liu Mo came out and dragged Wei Huo to find Yan San'er in Sniff Xiang Lou.

  Wei Huo asked with a smile: "When is the Taixueguan so busy, and it's still there after you."

  Liu Mo looked at the Confucian scholars who were whispering to each other, and said contemptuously: "I don't know where this group of people heard that the palace sent someone to summon Lao Fu, saying that they wanted to give him a high-ranking official. This one is waiting for Lao Fu to come back. It's good to flatter."

  "Really?" Wei Huo thought of the examiner who heard from the emperor that the emperor wanted to make Fu Wan do the imperial examinations, and when he thought that Liu Mo would also take the imperial examinations, he couldn't help but said, "Why didn't brother stay and flatter this Fu Wan. "

  Liu Mo smiled proudly and said, "Is Lao Fu the kind of vulgar who is flattered?" He glanced at Wei Huo's sly eyes, and suddenly realized something.

  Pulling Wei Huo's robe sleeves, he said, "By the way, you are not in the Wuxin Palace in the afternoon. Tell me, could it be that Lao Fu has really risen to the ground?"

  Wei Huo shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not so exaggerated to fly on the ground, but you should really flatter the end. If there is no accident, I'm afraid he will be the chief examiner of this imperial examination."

  Looking at Liu Mo, who was shocked, Wei Huo patted him on the shoulder and said, "Second brother opens his mouth and closes his mouth, so he must be very familiar with Fu Wan."

  Liu Mo is a scholar. Although his behavior is evasive, he still has the arrogance of an intellectual. He put his hands behind his back and said, "When a man acts, he can only choose what is right, not what he wants."

  Seeing the righteousness he said, Wei Huo stretched out his thumb and was about to say a few words, but unexpectedly Liu Mo said in the second half: "But some things only depend on the result, not the process. My generation of scholars should not be pedantic. In the evening, I will go to Lao Fu and let me know."

  Wei Huo almost vomited out a mouthful of blood due to his panting.But it seems that Liu Mo and Lao Fuwan have a good relationship, so don't worry about this.

  The two brothers were talking and laughing, and went straight to Sniff Xianglou, looking for Yan San'er.

  At this time, the night fell, and the smelling incense building was the busiest time of the day.

  **The voice of Ziyan's mother's middle-aged milf reverberated from time to time in the Sniffing Fragrance Building.The voices of the clients and the sex workers are like background music, setting off the Xiangxianglou into a nephrite and warm fragrance, a heaven-like existence on earth.

  In this harmony, a scream suddenly came from the second floor.

  Immediately afterwards, a ** ran out of the room.

  The door was smashed with a "bang" by the person inside.Immediately afterwards, three northern barbarians with bare upper bodies rushed out from the inside.

  One of them also had a wolf head tattooed on his body, looking terrifying and imposing.

  "Fuck you, Gui Nuzi, get out of here for Lao Tzu." The barbarian with the wolf's head roared in a jerky Qin Yu.

  Yan's mother hurriedly stepped forward, comforting a few Hu people with a smile on her face, while on the other side she secretly asked why she ran out.

  The ** said with a terrified gesture: "Their things are so big and long, they look afraid of people."

  Yan's mother secretly scolded: "Damn bitch, don't you just enjoy it."

  "But they have to get up and put them there together. Even a donkey can't stand it." ** argued timidly.

  The nasty whore client Yan Ma has encountered, but she has never tried the trick of putting all three in one hole at the same time, and she doesn't know what posture can allow three people to enter a hole at the same time.

  Yan's mother hurriedly asked Yan San'er to bring two pots of good wine to the three Hu people to take upstairs. She smiled and said, "Several masters drink first, this girl is ignorant, and I will change it for you."

  At this moment, Yan San'er just brought the wine to the Hu Ren, and the Hu Ren with a wolf head slapped Yan San'er to the ground and cursed in a jerky accent: "Damn, other girls don't want it. , I heard that Luluo is not bad, so I asked her to accompany Lao Tzu."

  Yan San'er was originally Yan's mother's bastard son, and he was used to being beaten and scolded as a turtle slave.But today he had just sworn in with Li Jian, Liu Mo, and Wei Huo, and knew that Li Jian was in love with Luluo.

  After listening to the Hu Ren's words, Yan San'er couldn't hold back his anger any longer. He jumped up from the ground, threw the plate in his hand directly at the Hu Ren, and scolded: "I'm going to fuck your grandma, I want a stinky Hu dog too. Green dill..."

  Before he could finish cursing, several Hu people were furious, and drew out their machetes and charged at Yan San'er.

  Yan San'er has rich experience in street fights. Seeing a few people chasing him fiercely, he immediately slipped from the second floor to the first floor and ran towards the door.

  In the past, he used this trick to deal with bad guests, and he was very clever.

  But I saw that the tattooed Hu Ren jumped from the second floor and landed directly on the first floor, blocking Yan San'er's way, and the machete in his hand cut off Yan San'er's neck mercilessly. .

Chapter 368

  As the machete fell, Yan Ma cried out.

  She received guests for half her life, and the only mistake left Yan San'er, a bastard called by others.Although Yan's mother occasionally scolds like this, she values ​​Yan San'er as a bastard.

  "The uncle keeps people under the knife." Yan Ma howled.

  Just when everyone thought that Yan San'er was going to be beheaded at the door, suddenly the door opened from the outside.

  Open.The moment a figure saw the machete slashing at Yan San'er, it was like an electric shock, and the teleportation generally appeared between Yan San'er and the barbarian with the wolf head tattooed.

  "Looking for death." Hu Ren cursed in jerky language.The machete didn't slow down, but the target changed from Yan San'er to Wei Huo, who was in front of him.

  It was Liu Mo who rushed in after Wei Huo. He pulled Yan San'er and was about to flee, but was blocked by the two Hu people who came later.

  Looking at the two bright scimitars, Liu Mo was afraid, but he did not retreat. Instead, he stood up and stopped in front of Yan San'er.

  "People from Qin are just ants on the earth, they can't compare to the eagles in our grasslands." The two Hu people who stopped Liu Mo and Yan San'er smirked and humiliated them as they approached slowly.



  With a scream and a heavy blow, the tall figure of the Hu man with the wolf head tattooed like a kite with a broken string, flew out directly, passed through the door opened by the Sniffing Incense Building, and fell down the street.

  His previous cry was that Wei Huo grabbed his wrist and lightly removed the wrist joint.Immediately following the wolf's head punched in the chest by Wei Huo, the whole person flew out.

  Under Wei Huo's punch, the hideous wolf's head was slightly sunken, making it even more terrifying.

  "This little brawny man is very strong." Many of the clients are from the Great Qin Dynasty, and they usually hate the Huns and Hu people in the north the most. Now, when they see Wei Huo knocking down the Hu people with a punch, they all praise him.

  The big man fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, and he suffered internal injuries.

  Seeing this, his two accomplices immediately abandoned Liu Mo and Yan San'er, and slashed at Wei Huo with a machete.

  Wei Huo's eyes narrowed slightly, his body flickered, fists and feet crossed.After a few rounds, the two Hu people were drawn like gourds, and Wei Huo threw them out of the Sniffing Fragrance Tower.

  "The eagle in the grassland? That's all." Wei Huo clapped his hands, pointed at the three Hu people, and said, "Listen, young master, I am the least advanced of the Qin people, and I will see you once again in Daqin. Beat you up once. Get out." "

  The two barbarians helped the big barbarian man with the wolf's head tattooed and staggered away.He didn't even say a word at the scene.

  Seeing the Hu people leaving, Wei Huo smiled and said to Yan San'er, "Fourth brother, my eldest brother and I will be leaving tomorrow. Today you and my brothers have a good time together. Let's go to the Baijialou for a drink."

  Seeing Liu Mo also nodded with a smile, Yan San'er got up and walked out happily regardless of the embarrassment just now.

  Seeing this, Ma Yan shouted, "Little bastard, where are you going?"

  Yan San'er turned around and replied boldly, "These are my two sworn brothers who invited me out for a drink, and I'll be back in a while."

  Yan's mother knew Liu Mo, but was very unfamiliar with Wei Huo, but seeing Wei Huo's bravery just now, only Zhizhiwuwu was left.

  It wasn't until Yan San'er swaggered away with Wei Huo and Liu Mo that Yan Ma sighed and said, "When did this little bastard actually recognize such a character?"

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