At the moment when they bent over to give salutes, only to hear the sound of the spring, the two Hu people were triggered by them with flower crossbows on their backs.

  Just listening to a light bang, the two crossbow arrows were like two poisonous snake cores piercing the night, and they took Li Jian and Wei Huo directly.

  Although Li Jian and Wei Huo are not seasoned veterans, it is naturally not bragging that they can be called Wang Ben's two pioneers at a young age.

  The moment they heard the sound of the spring, the two suddenly felt bad, their bodies flashed, and at the same time they swung their spears and daggers. ~.

  The two Hu people were originally not weak in force, but when they met Li Jian and Wei Huo, it was their bad luck, and they were captured without the slightest resistance.

  Wei Huo was even quicker, stabbed down with a short sword, and cut one of the Hu people's clothes from the neck to the buttocks, revealing the Hu people's close-fitting crossbow.

  "This flower crossbow is exquisitely made, but it is a good weapon for killing people." Wei Huo tore off the flower crossbow on the back of the Hu man and looked over and over.

  Li Jian is the son of an aristocratic family. He has studied many ancient books, and even has a special teacher to explain the world school to him.At this moment, he saw a small 'ink' inscribed on the flower crossbow in Wei Huo's hand.

  "Is this the Mo family's mechanism?" Li Jian frowned.

  Wei Huo smiled and said: "The Mo family's organ technique should not be so simple. Looking at the method of assassination, it seems to be a bit like the Tang family in Shu. When I was walking in the rivers and lakes, I heard that there was an abandoned son of the Tang family who was called Tang Mo, likes to engrave his name on the hidden weapon he made."

  Li Jian's eyes lit up when he saw Wei Huo, and he turned his head and kicked the tattooed Hu people fiercely.Said: "I said that the northern barbarians can't make such a delicate thing. Say, who gave this thing to you?"

  The Hu people lived a nomadic life, mostly feeding on beef and mutton. They were fierce and warlike, and their bones were very hard.When Li Jian stepped down, the two Hu people who were under control just snorted and did not answer.

  Seeing this, Li Jian raised his eyebrows, and the spear in his palm was about to pierce the choked throat of the Hu Ren leader.

  Yan San'er rolled his eyes and called out, "Brother, I'll ask him."

  Before Li Jian and Wei Huo could speak, Yan San'er ran to the place where the horse was tied.One of the war horses just pulled a large pile of horse dung, and soaked it in a bath of hot urine, the smell was extremely unpleasant.

  Yan San'er didn't hesitate to wear clothes, he tore off a piece of cloth from the corner of his clothes, picked up a large piece of horse manure soaked in urine, scratched it with a branch, wrapped it and ran back.

  Looking at the leader of the Hu people, Yan San'er said with a wicked smile, "I'll give you some meat today."

  The Hu people were restrained by Li Jian and Wei Huo and could not resist.Yan San'er didn't think the horse dung was dirty and smelly at this moment, he took a large piece of horse dung in his hand with a smile, and swayed it twice in front of the Hu people leader's nose.

  He rolled his eyes, looked at Wei Huo and said with a smile, "Third brother, I'll lend you a dagger."

  Wei Huo looked at him with a wicked smile, handed the dagger over and said, "I'm a dagger for murder, don't get it dirty."

  Yan San'er nodded and borrowed the dagger, and when the Hu leader was not paying attention, he suddenly stabbed it on the back of his hand.

  The leader of the Hu people suddenly felt pain and opened his mouth to scream.Before he could make a sound, Yan San'er shoved the horse dung into his mouth.

  "Ouch!" The Hu people's painful cry turned into a disgusting voice, and the taste of horse dung soaking in urine rushed to the brain.

  Yan San'er looked at the other Hu man with a smile, and said, "Brother, if you have anything to ask him, if you don't say anything, I'll give him a copy as well."

  Many people are not afraid of death, but they can't stand this kind of filth.

  Unfortunately, so did this idiot.Seeing the miserable appearance of the leader, he looked at Li Jian and nodded again and again, which meant he would answer any question.

  Seeing this, Yan San'er smiled proudly and said, "Hu people are all cheap bones, and they won't be transparent if they don't eat horse manure."

  "This kind of flower crossbow can only be made by the Mo family and the Tang family in Shuzhong. How did you get it?" Li Jian asked the barbarian.

  Seeing their leader's mouth full of horse dung, the Hu people did not dare to delay, and immediately said in a jerky language: "This is the equipment made for us by the master craftsman of our last small division, Mo Tang, a VIP friend of the Xian King."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Looking at Wei Huo, Li Jian was almost certain that this Mo Tang was the abandoned son of Shu, Tang Mo.

  "Fourth brother, ask that Hu man if he is willing to answer our question. If he is not willing, give him all the horse dung to eat, and then kill him with one knife." Li Jian said.

  Yan San'er kicked the Hu people leader's waist fiercely, and scolded: "Your grandmother, do you hear me? If you want to answer, just say it, or I will feed you all this horse manure."

  Hearing Yan San'er's words, the leader of the Hu people nodded again and again, but he did not dare to speak, for fear that Yan San'er would take this opportunity to put the horse dung in his mouth again.

  "Take them to both sides and ask about the martial art treasure." Li Jian ordered.


  Yan San'er and Wei Huo nodded and led the Hu people to both sides.

  Li Jian added in a loud voice: "If they said something different, they would fill their mouths with horse manure, cut off their tendons and hamstrings, and throw them in the barren mountains and ridges to die."

  The leader of the Hu people, who had been thinking about a small abacus, listened to this sentence and immediately became honest.

  The interrogation went very smoothly.This group of Hu people really came for the relic of Wuling.

  According to the two Hu people, this treasure of martial arts is in the territory of Zhao State, near Luerling and a village called Xiaogu Village.

  There was a family surnamed Fan, who used to be the personal guards of King Zhao Wuling. After King Zhao Wuling died, they received a secret edict to guard the treasures hidden by King Zhao Wuling from generation to generation.

  With the passage of time, the people of the Fan family gradually could not remember where the treasure of King Zhao Wuling was.Only family treasure maps are kept in the safest place.

  It is also a relic of this martial art.

  The Fan family had a prodigal son named Fan Ba.This Fan Ba ​​is lazy, and after learning that there may be a treasure map of Wuling's relics at home, he intends to get his hands on it.

  He was expelled from the family by the head of the Fan family and could never enter the family tree.

  This Fan Ba ​​received such treatment, not only did he not think about his own sins, but he vented all his grievances to the Fan family.He fled all the way north and entered the territory of the Hu people.

  Because the Nanren dressed up, he was quickly caught by the last branch and was ready to kill.In order to save his life, Fan Ba ​​eloquently revealed the secret of Wuling's relic.

  The last person had so much treasure, and he was immediately tempted to let Fan Ba ​​lead a few Hu people to explore the way first.

  It's a pity that Fan Ba ​​was so tall that he was shot by Li Jian second.Small.

Chapter 371

  At the end of the interrogation, the barbarian finally confessed that there was a treasure map with a rubbing on the leader's body.

  With the treasure map, Li Jian and Wei Huo naturally wouldn't let it go, and Yan San'er jumped excitedly.The first time he left Xianyang City, he encountered such an exciting thing, and suddenly felt that life was much more exciting than Sniff Xianglou.

  According to Li Jian's intention, he directly reported the news to Emperor Qin II.But Wei Huo stopped Li Jian from doing this.

  He thought that it should not be too early to alarm the emperor.Because the truth of this matter is still uncertain, if it is rashly reported to Xianyang Palace, it will be a great credit, but if it is false, it is not so easy to say.

  Knowing that Wei Huo was right, Li Jian put away the treasure map found by the leader of the Hu people.Naturally, the two Hu people could not stay.

  After killing one by one, the three of them rested for a while, led the Hu people's nine horses, and rushed to Dingtao County on the edge of Sanchuan County in [-] before the sky was about to light up.

  Dingtao borders the current state of Zhao, and is considered a distant rival to Linji.

  In the secret order, the two had long known that Wang Ben's army had already set off for Dingtao.

  Under the instigation of the advisors sent by Li Si, the original Wang Wuchen of the Zhao State had already shown a trend towards Daqin.But now he was killed by Li Liangzuo, the new king of Zhao Zhao Xie took office, changed his tune, and became hostile to Da Qin again.

  The king of Zhao Xiewen used Zhang Er, and Wu Ze appointed Chen Yu as the general, and made Bai Ba, the descendant of Bai Qi, as the vanguard, and led the elites of the State of Zhao to directly launch the encirclement and suppression of Li Liang. on the edge of Sanchuan County.

  It can be said that Li Liang single-handedly destroyed the fishy smell of the temporary peace between Daqin and Zhao, and made the soup that was supposed to be stewed into a fishy mess.

  However, this Li Liang sent a signal to the Great Qin Dynasty for help, but the Great Qin party had to save because of many considerations.

  Now there is this Li Liang between Qin and Zhao, and the relationship is very delicate.

  From Xianyang to Dingtao, it takes two days without stopping.

  Now the two have brought Yan San'er, and Yan San'er can't ride a horse, which greatly delayed their trip.

  Yan San'er changed several times on Li Jian and Wei Huo's horses, and finally couldn't help but said, "Big brother, third brother, hey, look at how strong the nine horses are, why don't you teach me how to ride, so that we can Hurry up too."

  Horse riding, for beginners, is not so easy to learn.

  But Yan San'er brought it up, and Li Jian and Wei Huo were right.This brother of his own may have to make a living in the army in the future, and he can't fight on horseback.

  After thinking about this section, Li Jian nodded, while Wei Huo personally taught Yan San'er how to ride a horse.

  Wei Huo taught in a strict manner, Yan San'er was smart, but he was not slow to learn.But two hours later, this kid was so daring that he even dared to let go of his horse.

  In this way, the rhythm of the journey will be faster.

  Li Jian and Wei Huo knew that the battle between Qin and Zhao was right in front of them, so they went straight to Dingtao without stopping.Yan San'er is only a teenage child. Although he was born in the **, where has he suffered such bumps and hardships.

  Two days later, when he saw the head of Dingtao City, Yan San'er felt a little feverish.When Li Jian and Wei Huo entered Dingtao City, Yan San'er fell ill.

  Brothers Li Jian and Wei Huo hurriedly called the best military doctor. They arranged for Yan San'er to live in and found a personal guard who was responsible for making medicine for this little brother and taking care of him.The two of them hurried to the handsome mansion that Wang Ben set up in the Dingtao county government office.

  When they returned to Dingtao, it was more than half the time of Shen.At this moment, there is no one else in Wang Ben's handsome mansion.However, from the expressions of the guards standing around, the two of them have noticed something unhappy recently.

  Li Jian returned to the army and immediately returned to his cold and arrogant look.Wei Huo, on the other hand, was still smiling and very easy-going.

  Seeing the heavy atmosphere in the handsome mansion, Wei Huo pulled Li Jian and motioned for the eldest brother to wait for a while.He slid to the side and ran back after a while with a smile on his face.

  "Brother, I finally understand what I asked. Coach Wang Ben is worried and has already scolded several generals and captains." Wei Huo squeezed his eyes and smiled.

  "What's the situation?" Li Jian was cold on the surface, but he wanted to know the answer for a long time in his heart.

  Wei Huo said in a low voice: "In Linji County ahead, Zhao State sent a pioneer officer to block the way of our army. Old Master Wang Ben shot a few pioneers, but they were all defeated by Zhao State's pioneer officer. There are even a few unfortunate generals who directly became the souls of that person's gun."

  Li Jian heard the words, his brows furrowed, and he did not speak.

  Wei Huo sighed and said, "It seems that this time I'm in a hurry to call you and me back, I'm afraid it's for the sake of this Zhao State's pioneer Bai Ba."

  "It's fine for a while to see if he's really powerful." Li Jian's face was cold. He despised those generals who lost their heads after losing battles.

  The two walked along the steps of the handsome mansion, crossed the courtyard on the first floor, and saw in the tall bright hall behind, Old Wang Ben was looking down at the table, his brows furrowed...  

  In front of Wang Ben, there is a partial map of Sanchuan County, Shangdang County and Handan County.Between Dingtao and Shangdang County, Wang Ben marked a line of advance, but this line was cut in half by a line from Linji.

  Wang Ben just stared at the place where it was cut off, frowning silently.

  "See Wang Shuai!" Li Jian and Wei Huo entered the handsome mansion and bowed to Wang Ben first according to the rules.

  The old general Wang Ben didn't care about these pompous manners, he waved his hand and cursed angrily: "I hope you two cubs will come back. If you don't come back, this old man will personally go out to meet for a while, the descendant of Jun Wu'an, Bai Ba."

  Before the two could speak, Wang Ben first scolded Li Liang, then calmed down and said, "You still don't understand the situation, now the emperor ordered us to march north to Shangdang County, and take the people who were besieged there by the Zhao army. Li Liang was rescued."

  "Here." Wang Ben pressed his hand firmly on the place in Linji, and said, "We cut off the connection between us and Li Liang. To save this bastard Li Liang, we must break through Linji's block."

  Seeing that the expressions of Li Jian and Wei Huo did not change, Wang Ben nodded secretly and said, "I have sent roadless pioneers, and these idiots were all killed by the army when the white tyrants fought, and they lost all of my Wang family's army. Your face has also lost Da Qin's face. Now that you two are back, just look at this map, how can we defeat Bai Ba and enter Shangdang."

  "How about Li Liang's situation on 3.8?" Wei Huo asked after thinking for a while.

  Wang Ben hates the name Li Liang the most now, but he has to tell the truth: "They are trapped in the Shangdang, and they have no worries about food and clothing. It is said that they can survive for a year and a half even if they persist behind closed doors."

  Wei Huo nodded and said, "That's good. If they can persist in Shangdang for a year and a half, we are not in a hurry to rescue Li Liang. We just need to send someone to tell Li Liang that we have started a war with the people of Zhao, and let him Just stick with it.

  As for Linji, it is just an isolated city that penetrates deep into the border of Daqin.As long as they control their food supply, they won't have to worry about the white tyrant fleeing without abandoning the city. "

  Li Jian raised his eyebrows on one side, took a step forward and said, "A mere white tyrant, what a shame. You don't need to spend so much time. Please, the old commander, order five thousand soldiers and horses for the last general, and I will go and meet the white tyrant for a while. descendants of the family.”.

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