Chapter 372

  Wang Ben understood Li Jian's arrogance.

  Wang Ben also understood Li Jian's ability.

  So when Li Jian proposed to go out of the city to face Bai Ba, Wang Ben just nodded and agreed after a little thought.

  Wei Huo was going to follow, but Li Jian waved his hand and said, "The fourth brother is not in good health. You take care of him in the city. Little Baiba, I'll come when I go."

  Because he knew his eldest brother's temper too well, Wei Huo didn't insist. He reached out and patted Li Jian's shoulder, and said with a hilarious smile, "Big brother is a success, little brother is waiting for you."

  Li Jian nodded, and the two brothers came to the military field together and ordered [-] elite soldiers.Wei Huo personally sent Li Jian out of the city gate. Only then did he put on his helmet and armor, prepared his horses, and asked Wang Ben for orders, asking him to lead [-] men and horses to be Li Jian's backing.

  Although Wei Huo is rumored to be old, he knows that his opponent is not a good match.Relying on his momentary arrogance, Li Jian played against Bai Ba, and he could win anything, but if he failed, he, as a brother, must rush out as soon as possible to save his brother from this disaster.

  Li Jian and Wei Huo were also called the two pioneers under Wang Ben.In the spirit that one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers, some people in the army spread rumors that Li Jian and Wei Huo are both good-looking and they are fighting for the top 16 pioneers.

  These words also reached Wang Ben's ears. He didn't want his subordinates to affect the war situation because of their pursuit of fame and fortune.Now that Wei Huo took the initiative to ask Li Jian to back him up, he couldn't help nodding his head.

  Wang Ben nodded with his white beard in his hands and said, "The old man will give you [-] soldiers and horses, leave the city with Li Jian half an hour apart, and go to Linji. If Li Jian wins, he will take advantage of the situation to take Linji City. If Li Jian loses, Just as you said, disrupting the Linji grain road. My scouts will investigate the situation at any time, and the army will always be ready to attack Linji."

  Wei Huo nodded. He originally only wanted three thousand troops to save Li Jian's life at a critical moment.But now Wang Ben gave him [-] horses at once. As a pioneer officer, it was beyond the scope of his authority to control [-] horses at once.At this time, Wang Ben trusted him.

  He clenched his fists towards Wang Ben, Wei Huo didn't say too much, he took the arrow and went directly to dispatch the troops.

  Looking at Wei Huo's back, Wang Ben nodded.In his eyes, although Wei Huo is young, he is much calmer than Li Jian.Although the strength of the two is not divided, but from the situation of several times against the enemy, Wei Huo is stronger than Li Jian.

  "In time, this son will definitely become a valiant general of the Great Qin!" Wang Ben sighed, holding his gray beard in his hands, and smiled bitterly: "Old man."

  Wei Huo left five personal soldiers to look after Yan San'er, but he didn't dare to delay. He ordered [-] horses, each of them brought three days' food and grass, and quietly left the city after half an hour.

  After they left the city, the troops and horses of the entire Dingtao City moved.

  Ding Tao, detect and ride everywhere.War is imminent.

  After Li Jian led the [-] troops out of the city, he did not rush to hurry, but selected the [-] soldiers with the best voices, and trained them to scold as they walked.Although he is arrogant, he also knows that Bai Ba can kill five pioneers in a row, and his means must be good.Therefore, Li Jian wanted to make the soldiers who cursed the formation anger Bai Ba. As long as he was angry, he would be in chaos.

  Five thousand light cavalry, moving much faster than a large army.However, it took a long time to arrive at Linji City.

  The suspension bridge of Linji City hangs high, and seeing the swords and guns on the city head shone with light, Li Jian knew that the scouts of the Zhao army had discovered his army.

  He marched in a high-profile way, and he had no intention of carrying Zhao's team behind his back.

  Li Jian's high profile, inadvertently became Wei Huo's cover.They attracted most of Zhao's scouts and spies.At this time, Wei Huo strictly ordered the Qin army to hide their tracks and hurry.

  The two vanguard armies, one bright and one dark, penetrated directly into the border of Zhao State.

  After letting the five thousand soldiers rest in place for an hour, Li Jian was the first to jump on the horse's back.He shot the spear in his hand without giving any orders.But the Qin army behind him immediately acted.Everyone quickly assembled in a few breaths to form a crescent formation. Li Jian stood at the front of the crescent formation, like a star leading the moonlight, standing with a gun.

  There was no need for Li Jian's order at all, and three hundred strong men with short heads ran out immediately behind him.

  These [-] people in the army are all short and unremarkable, but they have one common feature, that is, they are full of vigor.

  I saw that the three hundred people were divided into two teams, and they ran in an arc from both sides of Li Jian, and didn't stop until they were a stone's throw away from Linji City.

  The black dwarf Qin army headed by the bright big sword in the hands of one fell swoop, and everyone lined up in a square with him as the center.

  "Alas—" Qin Jun, headed by him, raised his voice.

  The three hundred Qin troops behind him immediately followed suit and said, "Alas—"

  "I said, the bastards of Zhao State, let your lord Bai Ba get out and die immediately. You little Bai Ba, your ancestor is the Wuan Jun Baiqi of Daqin, and now it's your turn to fight Daqin, you are forgetting Eight generations of ancestors. You bastard, I'm fucked..." These sergeants were reasonable at first, but in the end they turned into some curse words made up by themselves, which were filthy.

  What is rare is that they can shout these words at the top of their throats, and they shout uniformly.What is even more rare is that this group of people is serious in the process of scolding people. No one laughs. They are very serious and professional, and they seem to have very high professional quality.

  Even a serious person like Li Jian couldn't help but smile when he heard his words scolding the army.

  With the scolding of these three hundred men, the morale of the Qin troops in the crescent moon formation behind gradually increased, and some even began to echo the scolding soldiers in a low voice.

  Just when Qin Jun was scolding, he only heard two cannons ringing from the head of Linji City.

  After two cannon shots, the suspension bridge between Linji City was slowly lowered 197 times.At the same time, the city gate behind the drawbridge made an unpleasant creaking sound and slowly opened.

  When the three hundred soldiers in the scolding formation saw that the city gate was opening, everyone scolded one last sentence in unison.The Qin army headed by the big sword in one fell swoop, three hundred people divided into two columns, calmly retreated.Hidden directly into the crescent moon formation behind, hidden merit and fame!

  It was not until the [-] men returned to the army that the soldiers of the Zhao State were able to leave the city.

  "General Qin Jun is too rude. Watch your grandpa Deng clean up you bastards!" With a loud shout, one of the leading generals rushed out with a knife in his crotch. It was Deng Tu.

  The first few times the Qin army challenged, the five pioneers were all easily beheaded by Bai Ba out of the city.When the news reached the royal palace in Handan, the state of Zhao, the king of Zhao was very happy.Immediately ask Zhang Er to give Bai Ba a reward.

  Even slaying the Qin army's five pioneers, this kind of military feat is unparalleled in Zhao State, even the general Chen Yu also thinks that Bai Ba is amazing.

  Only Deng Tu, who was watching the battle at the top of the city and plundering the white tyrant, didn't think so.

  In these five battles, he could see clearly how Bai Ba killed several pioneers.From his point of view, Bai Ba rushed over and solved the battle with just one face-to-face with those Qin army generals.This situation is not because Bai Ba is too strong, but because Qin Jun is too weak.If he goes out, he can kill five enemy generals in a row.

  Therefore, Li Jian came to scold today.Without waiting for Bai Ba to leave, Deng Tu took the initiative to ask Ying to kill Li Jian. .

Chapter 373

  Li Jian squinted at Deng Tu, who was coming from the horse, snorted coldly, and asked loudly, "Is the traitor in front of you the white tyrant of Zhao State?"

  Li Jian's voice was like rolling thunder, and everyone on the battlefield could hear it clearly.

  Deng Tu had a sinister smile on his face. Since Bai Ba became the vanguard of Zhao State, he had robbed him of all his auras.The original Linji Yiba Deng Tu has now also fallen under Bai Ba's account, ready to be dispatched at any time.

  Deng Tu never thought that Bai Ba's ability was better than himself, but he was just bluffing and cheating on the name of the former Wu'an Jun Bai.

  Now that the Qin army vanguard was named Bai Ba, he was even more annoyed.With a big knife in his palm, he roared angrily, "I am Grandpa Deng Tu Deng of Linji, and I came here today to take your dog's life."

  Li Jian was holding his spear when he heard that the enemy general said that he was not a white tyrant, but a man named Deng Tu. Instead, he put down the long spear in his hand, took the reins of the horse in his hand, and snorted coldly: "No name, get out of here. Go back to Linji City. Let Bai Ba come out and die."

  Deng Tu was determined to compete with Bai Ba, but now he was underestimated by Li Jian, and the anger in his heart could not be described in words.

  "Huangkou child, look at the knife." Deng Tu was furious, and stopped talking nonsense with Li Jian, his legs were tucked into the horse's stomach.The warhorse got the master's order, neighed, its front legs vacated, its hind legs kicked on the ground, and it rushed out of Zhao Jun's position and rushed towards Li Jian.

  Li Jian snorted coldly, ready to fight.

  At this moment, the flag beside him flashed, and a member of the official cupped his fists and shouted, "You can kill a chicken with a butcher's knife. This nameless Deng Tu can be handed over to the last general."

  It was one of the generals under Li Jian who spoke.Li Jian knew that he was going to have a great time, and nodded.

  The general danced a long sword and rushed out of the Qin army's position to meet Deng Tu, who was charging.

  At the moment when the two horses handed over, the two broadswords each drew a crescent-shaped arc in mid-air and collided in mid-air.

  The loud "bang" was deafening.

  After Deng Tu and the big sword of the Qin army's partial general collided fiercely, it was obvious from the two armies that Deng Tu's force was superior.

  The force of the two knives collided with Deng Tu only slightly, while the general Qin Jun slammed his body backward, and the tiger's mouth on both hands was even more numb from the shock.

  At the moment when the two horses kicked by mistake, Qin Jun's numb hand has not yet recovered.Deng Tu leaned back, lying on the saddle bridge, the big knife backward "々" swish" a round, a move of "picking gold from the back of the head", the blade straight to the neck of Qin Jun's general.

  Qin Jun's hands were numb at this time, and when he heard the strong wind behind him, he secretly thought that it was not good, but his palms were numb and could not be solved at all. In a hurry, he had to tilt his head and lie on the saddle.

  How do you know that although Deng Tu is a butcher, his knife skills are indeed exquisite.He had expected that Qin would bow his head to avoid, and the steel knife in his hand sank three points long ago.

  Only two soft sounds of "cha" and "poof" were heard.

  There was silence between the two battle formations.

  Deng Tu turned the horse's head, and saw that the warhorse of the Qin army's side general did not turn, but slowly stopped in the formation of the two armies.

  Qin Jun, who was on the horse, had half of his head cut off by Deng Tu with a knife. The moment the war horse stopped, his body fell twice on the horse, swayed twice, and fell to the dust with a "pop".

  It was quiet.

  After that, thunderous cheers broke out in the Zhao army formation.

  Deng Tu did not look at Li Jian, but looked at Linji City triumphantly.

  He raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai Ba with burning eyes, as if he was challenging.

  Bai Ba at the head of the city stared blankly at the battlefield. As a famous general, Bai Ba knew that killing an enemy general would not make a decisive victory in a war.The real victory depends on the large-scale battle against the army.

  Killing enemy generals can only improve the momentum of one's own army.Of course, if the array cuts the opponent's main general, then it's another matter.

  The moment Deng Tu slashed the head of the Qin army general, Li Jian's eyes shrank instantly.A burst of anger rose from his heart, and murderous aura naturally grew out.

  The generals of the Qin army who had just fought were not familiar with Li Jian, and their status in the army was not high, but being beheaded for a while had a great impact on the Qin army.

  Deng Tu killed the enemy with one knife, excited in his heart. After protesting against Bai Ba, he turned around with the knife and shouted to Qin Jun, "Who else is going to die?"

  The general behind Li Jian raised the blade in his hand and was about to fight.But Li Jian waved to stop.

  Although there are some generals in the Qin army who can kill Deng Tu, in Li Jian's view, none of these people can kill the enemy generals instantly.

  Now his own side has been beheaded first, and morale is low.If you can't cut down the enemy's generals neatly, it will inevitably affect the subsequent strategic plan.

  Thinking of this, Li Jian rushed out.

  "Anyone who comes by name and surname." Deng Tu said to Li Jian with a burst of pride and a burst of pride.

  "The vanguard officer under the command of the Great Qin King Ben, Li Jian," Li Jian said loudly while holding the warhorse, shoved his spear behind him.

  "A certain family is close to Zhao State..." Deng Tugang was about to report his name.

  Li Jian sneered and said with contempt: "It doesn't matter what your name is, anyway, you will be dead for a while." He led the horse forward slowly.

  Deng Tu was furious at Li Jian's words, he shouted loudly, and the big knife in his hand struck a lightning bolt in the air, smashing Huashan with one force, and hugging his head and covering the top gave Li Jian a hit.

  Li Jian's spear flew from the saddle bridge instantly, and the spear flower bloomed in the air.

  Just listening to the sound of ding ding ding, it turned out that Li Jian stabbed several shots like lightning, and each shot hit Deng Tu's big knife.

  Deng Tu's stance was continuously broken by Li Jian's spear, and it was immediately messy.

  Li Jian saw the gap, and the spear turned into a poisonous dragon, directly passing through the obstruction of Deng Tu's big knife, and choking his throat.

  Deng Tu only felt the spear flower in front of him was chaotic, and suddenly a spear tip flew out from the dazzling spear flower.He didn't even react, he just felt a pressure on his throat, and he couldn't breathe well, and the big knife in his hand seemed to be heavy.

  Deng Tu threw the knife in his hands, covered his neck with both hands, and blood flowed out of his neck uncontrollably.

  "It's not good, General Deng Tu is dead." Someone in Zhao ** said in a low voice.

  "Retrieve the body of the general." Deng Tu's two besties gave an order (already), and rushed to Li Jianyou in the two armies.

  Just as the two had just rushed out of the army formation, they saw Li Jian's spear hanging on the victory hook on the opposite side.

  Just hearing the two bowstrings of "bang bang", the two of Zhao's generals fell to the ground.

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