At this moment, Su Wen is in Wuxin Hall, and Meng Yi, Li Si and Liu Mo are all there.

  Shusuntong and others sent the examination papers that they thought were excellent in this imperial examination to the Wuxin Hall.

  Several civil servants from the Counselor's Office were spreading out the piles of papers and commenting on them.

  Li Si and Liu Mo were still in the mood to evaluate the test paper, while Meng Yi, who was on the side, saw these things as boring.

  He is now in charge of the supply of the Daqin army.All rear scheduling is his responsibility.

  Meng Yi is serious about doing things and doing everything by himself.In the past six months, he has lost a whole circle of tiredness. The age that originally looked like forty years old now looks like he is in his fifties.

  He casually flipped through the dossier, but what was in his mind was which Ao Cang was closer to that army, and it was more convenient to mobilize rations.

  Now that it is the end of winter and the beginning of spring, whether the soldiers' clothing and armor have been replaced.

  When he flipped through it, he saw a test paper with a few square characters written upright: the heavy weapon of the soldier's country, and the soul weapon of the soldier.

  In the following commentary, I briefly talked about the distribution of forces in the world today, and then briefly analyzed several armies in Daqin.This is how the importance of rear munitions dispatching for the victory of the war is mentioned from the perspective of baggage supplies.

  Among them, the allocation of grain and grass, and the assignment of commanders, they said the truth.Although some scholars pointed out Jiangshan's stupidity, many of them were recognized by Meng Yi.

  "This person's papers are real, there is no exaggeration, but Yichen sees it as a talent." "Meng Yi took the paper, got up and sent it to Su Wen's desk.

  Su Wen picked up the paper, looked at the title, and then looked at the inscription of the title, and there were two honest and square characters written on it: Fang Ru.

  Seeing the word Fang Ru, Su Wen couldn't help laughing.After reading the test paper, he directly asked someone to give it to Liu Mo, and said to Meng Yi: "Meng Aiqing, this test paper is boring, you should go and see if there is any military intelligence report. Spring is here, and the Weishui, Huai, and Yellow Rivers are all over the place. It's going to flood, so make preparations for flood prevention in advance. You go to work, there are me, Li Si, and Liu Mo here, that's enough."

  Meng Yi glanced at Su Wen gratefully, replied, and left Wu Xin Palace directly.

  Before leaving, he pointed to the paper he had just picked out and said, "Your Majesty, if this person is hired, it will be given to the minister."

  Su Wen smiled and nodded. He was happy to have a capable and heartfelt minister like Meng Yi.

  Liu Mo read Fang Ru's exam paper with one glance and ten lines, his face changed from his usual grinning look, and returned Fang Ru's paper to Su Wen's desk again, cupping his hands and saying, "Your Majesty, this is really not a person's appearance. Unexpectedly, this rotten Confucian has a strategy in mind, and some of these views are very subtle even for the minister."

  Li Si just saw Fang Ru's papers, and nodded, "I have been prime minister for many years, and I know that Fang Ru's views are correct in many places. This is a person."

  The two people in the Counselor's House commented on Fang Ru like this, so Su Wen naturally wouldn't say much.In his opinion, although Fang Ru is a bit pedantic, there is really no shortage of such people above the court.

  He is just like Wei Zheng beside Li Shimin, dedicated to his duties, pedantic and cute.

  "I also have a paper here, which was selected by Fu Wan. Let's take a look." With that, Su Wen handed Fang Wei's paper to the two.

  As soon as Liu Mo saw Fang Wei's name, he smiled and said, "Fang Wei, this guy is aggressive. I didn't expect Lao Fuwan to be able to read his test paper. It's not easy!"

  After Li Si shook his head and read the beginning of Fang Wei's paper, he shut up and read it seriously.

  After a long time, Li Si rubbed his palms and smiled: "Your Majesty, the minister said, Fang Wei and Fang Ru are really a wonderful pair. One of them discusses the baggage at the rear, and the other discusses the strength of the troops in the front. Emotions are the matter of marching and fighting. They were all wrapped up by their Fang family."

  The three kings and ministers laughed, and it was tentatively decided that Fang Ru and Fang Wei would be considered to be entering the palace exam.Once you pass the palace test and face the king, you can determine the top three.

  In fact, the test papers selected by Fu Wan and others today are all well-known people on the list.It's just that Su Wen has to decide the order.

  Soon, the high school imperial examination list will be released.

  Lists are posted everywhere in Xianyang City, and soldiers are waiting.

  On the day the list was released, Fang Ru hid in a small restaurant, poured and drank by himself, and burst into tears.

  Some uninformed people next to him looked at him like crazy, and someone quietly asked the shop assistant.

  The shop said: "This person is called Fang Ru, and he is a famous scholar in Xianyang City. It's a pity that he contradicted the emperor at the Taixueguan a few days ago. Sometimes I forget to bring the wine money. If my boss didn't pity him, he would have driven him out..."

  Some scholars who were acquainted with Fang Ru heard that he contradicted the emperor, and when they saw his dejected appearance, they avoided Fang Ru at a distance, for fear that bad luck would spread to them.

  "..."Look at his stupid and pedantic appearance, no wonder he offended the current emperor regardless of the seriousness. In my opinion, there is no chance in this life."

  "Brother Tai, you and I were also the people who received Fang Ru's advice at the beginning. Why don't you go chat with him to relieve boredom."

  "You're stupid. In the past, if the emperor of the court found out, you either won or missed. Do you understand?"

  "Ah, why didn't I think of this level. Forget it, I don't want to be unlucky with him."

  This kind of discussion has been staged every day since Fang Ru left the examination room.

  He looked at the familiar and unfamiliar figures in the restaurant, his eyelids drooped slightly, he sighed, and drank again.

  "I said, Brother Fang, I think you were handsome and handsome back then. You pointed the country and inspired your words. Where's your spirit now?"

(Looking at Zhao) Fang Ru looked at him and knew that this person was a rich young man in Xianyang, who was in the circle of literati every day, and regarded himself as a literati.

  The upright and outspoken Fang Ru simply disliked him such a playboy pretending to be a bachelor, and he had ridiculed him several times.

  Now that he is down and out, it is normal for this young master to step on his feet immediately.Thinking of this, Fang Ru had no other way to deal with it than to sigh secretly that the world was cold.

  Just when Kuo Shao was about to step on Fang Ru, suddenly there were hurried footsteps from outside.

  "Fang Ru, is Teacher Fang Ru here?"

  "Is Mr. Fang Ru here?"

  "Mr. Fang is drinking here, this shop is going to be popular in the future!"

  One after another, noisy voices came, and suddenly a group of people dressed as scribes poured in from outside, and they were all descendants of the Confucian school.

  As soon as they entered the room, they saw Fang Ru drinking suffocating wine, and that Kuo Shao was arrogant in front of him.

  "Fang Ru, you are the top of the high school rankings. Waiting to enter the Wuxin Palace will try it!".

Chapter 419

  "Ah!" Fang Ru opened his mouth with a look of astonishment.

  In his heart, he contradicted the emperor, and he had no chance to enter the palace and participate in the regime.Originally, he planned to wait for the day when the list was released, to confirm how far he had been stepped on, and then leave Xianyang City with his family and his mouth.

  A distant relative who was under Pei Gong Liu Bang had already heard news that Pei Gong was thirsty for talent now, and if he came, he would definitely be valued.

  Fang Ru was already moved, and now that he heard that his high school ranked first, he was really surprised.

  He couldn't believe his ears, but seeing the sincere and respectful expressions on the faces of those Confucian scholars who came to announce good luck with money, this couldn't be faked.

  "Where is the latest list?" Fang Ru got up quickly, because he was in a hurry, the sleeve of the robe rolled up the wine glass and fell directly to the ground, breaking into pieces.

  The shop boy wanted to stop him, but a few Confucian scholars beside Fang Ru immediately took out the money and threw it on the table, directly blocking the shop boy back.

  Someone led Fang Ru to the most recent list.

  Before that list, there was a dense layer of people.

  Everyone is pointing, and the names of Fang Ru and Fang Wei are constantly being mentioned.

  The sharp-eyed people saw Fang Ru staggering in a hurry, and immediately moved away.

  "Here comes the top of the list, this is Fang Ru."

  "I heard from 227 that just before the exam, Fang Ru had confronted the current emperor outside the Taixue Hall, but I didn't expect it to be top of the high school rankings this time. It's really not easy."

  "Bah, I don't like to hear you say that. It's not easy, it's the emperor's benevolence and generosity. In my opinion, the emperor is a really good emperor. What he did in the past must be the ghost of Zhao Gao."

  Because of Fang Ru's arrival, everyone was talking about it for a while.

  Fang Ru staggered to the front of the list, and the others did not see clearly, only to see that on the golden list, the name of 'Fang Ru' was written one size larger, and it was at the top of the list.

  "Really! It's really me!" Fang Ru looked at the list with tears in his eyes.

  Originally, he planned to leave Xianyang in a desperate attempt to go to Peigong Liu Bang after watching his failure.

  Unexpectedly, the ups and downs of life are so fast that Fang Ru, a slightly pedantic scholar, is a little overwhelmed.

  "Hey, why did the talented Fang Ru cry?"

  "The top of the high school should be happy, why is that?"

  "Mr. Fang is overjoyed, you know shit."

  In the midst of the crowd's discussion, the general doctor Fang Ru knelt in front of the list and kowtowed deeply and heavily. For Da Qin's liver and brain, he is loyal."

  With his cry, the crowd gathered even more, and even Fang Wei, who also came to see the list, saw Fang Ru in such a state, showing compassion on his face.

  This is the first large-scale scientific expedition in Daqin and even history.

  The list of exams caused a sensation throughout Xianyang.Soon, the story of Su Wen and Fang Ru, the second emperor of the Qin Dynasty, was spread out in Xianyang.

  During the period, how Fang Ru contradicted and insulted the second emperor, how pedantic, but in the exam, relying on his talent and learning, he won the attention of the second emperor of Qin, how to climb to the sky in one step, with nose and eyes.

  Let the people who heard this story not only lament Fang Ru's erudition and fortune, but also have a new understanding of Qin Ershi's mind.The whole of Da Qin's rule was sung about the goodness of the second emperor of Qin.

  The palace exam went very smoothly, and Su Wen successfully selected some talents.

  Now is the time of war, and these many literati did not help much in the war.

  But Su Wen has great ambitions and has already predicted what will happen once the country is unified.

  The so-called martial arts world sits in the palace, and in the future, the governance of the country should still be governed by culture.

  The so-called cultural and martial arts, one can not be missing.

  A scientific expedition attracted a lot of talented scholars, Su Wen thought of a good way to win the hearts of these people first.

  Literati, it's very simple, they don't have much ambition, as long as they fill their stomachs, satisfy their vanity, and do some serious things, they can be romantic and happy, that's the best destination.

  After the big exam, Su Wen immediately summoned Fu Wan.

  This old man is very powerful and has certain ideas. He was able to hide a copy of all the classics at the severe moment when Qin Shihuang burned books and scolded scholars. Just this kind of mentality is a great master.

  Su Wen directly assigned the talents recruited in this imperial examination, together with all the Confucian scholars in the Taixueguan, to Fu Wan for the time being.

  The order he gave to Fu Wan was that no matter when the national war is going on, you Confucian scholars who are helpless, just do your studies, record and summarize all the classics of the previous era, and be sure to report all the theories of the schools. Save intact.

  Even Su Wen gave them a big order, that is, once Daqin really perished in the strife of various princes, then these scholars must preserve the classics of each family and leave these classic documents to future generations.

  Su Wen's order immediately made the literati headed by Yifuwan feel grateful.They entered the state at once, and everyone did not want Daqin to perish.

  Because Qin Ershi's attitude towards literati is in huge contrast with Qin Shihuang.

  Some people from various schools who had been secluded in the past entered the gate of Xianyang after hearing the wind. For a time, there was a feeling that the world's articles were published in Xianyang.

  When the various vassal kings in the front continued to rise up, it was almost unprecedented for the hinterland of Daqin to have such a literary momentum.

  Fang Ru was assigned to Meng Yi by Su Wen.

  Although Fang Ru is a bit pedantic, after the scientific examination, a lot has changed.Meng Yi was originally a generous person, and it was simply the icing on the cake to cooperate with a thoughtful scholar like Fang Ru. Everything was done flawlessly and flawlessly.

  Under the scheduling calculations of Meng Yi and Fang Ru, spring has come.

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