The surge in the water levels of the Huai River, Wei River, and even the Yellow River has not caused a greater disaster than in previous years, and everything is under control.

  During the war years, with the efforts of a group of monarchs and ministers headed by Qin II in Xianyang City, this spring, farmers in the hinterland of Daqin began normal sowing and spring plowing.

  Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

  Ahead, the army led by Wang Ben was firmly stationed in the Sanchuan Army, guarding the fortresses including Tongguan, without attacking or retreating, like iron chains, locking the territory of Daqin at the junction of Qin and Zhao.

  On the other hand, Zhang Han is also mature and prudent, and stably guards the front line where he sits.Although under the impact of the Western Chu army, they retreated, but the losses were not heavy, and the line of troops did not retreat much.

  In this stalemate, Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, and Xiangliang Shun, under discussion, directly convened the Pengcheng Conference in their hometown Pengcheng in the name of the King of Chu.

  The descendants of the Six Kingdoms who fled back from Xianyang set off from their ancestral land and responded to Xiang's call to attend the Pengcheng Conference.

  Liu Bang originally disdained this kind of conference, but unfortunately his strength was not as good as Xiang Yu's for the time being, so he had to bite the bullet and rush to Pengcheng.

  A turbulent meeting is about to kick off. .

Chapter 420

  It was early spring, and the wind was cold.

  On the deserted roadside, from time to time, you can see the corpses of people who died of freezing and starvation.

  Most of these people are ordinary people, born in Qianshou.

  In the land of Qilu, although Xiang Yu led an army of [-] people, it was still not peaceful.

  Xiang Yu was cruel and easy to kill. Although his rule was strict, he turned a blind eye to the harassment of the people by the soldiers.The strategists around him also disliked this style of behavior.

  But Xiang Yu was stubborn, and these people did not dare to speak deeply.

  Before, some princes who revolted against Daqin and independently enfeoffed them competed with Su Wen, the second emperor of Daqin, for the relic of martial arts in Luerling of Zhao State, and were turned around by Su Wen, the second emperor of Qin.

  Only Xiang Yu did not participate in this competition for the martial arts relic.

  It's not that Xiang Yu doesn't love money, it's just that he has a bigger ambition.

  Those princes led troops to fight for Zhao's martial art treasure, and returned empty-handed. In his opinion, they were all as stupid as pigs.

  Xiang Yu, who was nearly [-] feet tall, sat in his mansion, with Xiang Liang sitting above him.And below him are Xiang Bo, Xiang Zhuang and other important figures of the Xiang family.

  "Uncle and nephew held the Pengcheng conference this time. They said that they were divided into various regions with various princes. In fact, it was for the purpose of meeting the alliance and determining our status as the leader of the alliance." Xiang Yu said with a proud face.

  Among these people in the family, he doesn't care about anyone except his uncle.Because these people are short-sighted.

  Now, a mere Pengcheng alliance is regarded as very important, very complicated, and very uncontrollable by these internal clansmen.

  Xiang Yu ignored everyone's worries.

  In his mind, only power is recognized.As long as there is absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks will disappear under this power in his opinion.

  "Zhang Liang also said when he came back that the biggest winner in the snatch of the martial arts relics was Su Wen, the second emperor of the Qin Dynasty. And this Su Wen seemed to be very shrewd, he could kill Zhao Gao in the complicated Xianyang City. , to regain control of Daqin, which shows that this person is not easy. We have to deal with it carefully." Xiang Bo said after a while.

  He and Zhang Liang were brothers who lived and died, and they believed Zhang Liang's words without any doubt.

  "A hundred-footed worm is dead but not stiff. Daqin has not yet reached the final moment of suffocation, so he must be careful to deal with it." Xiang Liang nodded.

  Xiang Yu looked at these people, feeling a little irritable.In his opinion, the Pengcheng alliance this time is just to give the princes a notice to let them know who is the big and small king in this game and whose orders they should obey.Unexpectedly, it was complicated by my uncle and others.

  While they were discussing, soldiers came to report from outside.

  "General, there is Fan Zeng from Pengcheng who is asking to see you." The soldier knelt down on one knee and reported steadily.

  Xiang Yu nodded. If there were soldiers in his army who deserved special treatment, they were his personal guards.

  "Fan Zeng?" Xiang Yu's eyes lit up.

  If there is someone among the literati who deserves his attention, then this Fan Zeng is one of them.Because Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang are the best brothers, they are like siblings.

  Although this person is slightly older, he is well-known in Pengcheng and is a remarkable person.

  He also sent someone to look for Fan Zeng before, but now this person came in person, Xiang Liang and Xiang Yu immediately got up to greet him.

  Xiang Bo, Xiang Zhuang and others saw Xiang Yu doing this for the first time, so they got up and followed him out.

  Passing through the door, I saw an old man with a slightly hunched waist standing at the door. He looked like he was in his sixties. His white hair and gray beard made him look a bit old-fashioned.

  The moment he saw Xiang Yu and the others greet him, the old man Fan Zeng took a step forward, clasped his fists and said, "Pengcheng Fan Zeng, I've heard the name of the general for a long time, and I'm here to meet you today."

  Saying that, he slightly clasped his fists and cupped his hands.

  Xiang Liang hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed Fan Zeng's hand, and laughed, "Old Fan, if you come, great things can be accomplished."

  Saying that, he pointed to Xiang Yu and said, "This is my family's Xiang Yu, Yu'er, this is Mr. Fan Zengfan. He and I are brothers and sisters. You should treat me like an uncle."

  Xiang Yu saw that although Fan Zeng was old, there was a hidden light in his eyes, and he was a wise man.In addition, I heard Xiang Liang talk about Fan Zeng many times before, which are all praises.

  Seeing Fan Zeng at this moment, after hearing Xiang Liang's words, he folded his fists and bowed deeply and said, "I am in love with my uncle, that is Xiang Yu's Ya-father. Xiang Yu pays respects to Ya-fu."

  Fan Zeng quickly grabbed Xiang Yu, and several people walked into the hall hand in hand.

  After they were all seated, they exchanged a few words. Fan Zeng was not polite and asked directly, "I heard that the two generals are going to hold an alliance in Pengcheng. What is the purpose?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Xiang Liang knew Fan Zeng well and did not speak, but looked at Xiang Yu.

  Xiang Yu looked at Fan Zeng and said, "To meet with Pengcheng, one is to meet with the princes of the various families, and the other is to discuss how to advance the army to destroy Qin."

  Hearing what Xiang Yu said was so simple, Fan Zeng shook his head and said, "The general is duplicitous. As far as I know, at this Pengcheng conference, the main purpose of the general is to use force to coerce various anti-kings, and recognize you as the leader of the alliance, right? ?"

  Fan Zeng spoke straightforwardly and did not detour.This is his strength and his fatal weakness.

  Xiang Yu heard the words and said nothing.

  Fan Zeng said with a smile: "The general's idea was good, but imagine that the world is in chaos today, Qin loses his deer, and everyone chases him. Which anti-king is not an ambitious person? If you use force to force it, I am afraid that you will kneel today and raise troops tomorrow. Against you. If this is the case, the world will be in chaos, and in the end, I am afraid that they will be defeated by the violent Qin who are dead but not stiff."


  Xiang Liang and others who said these words nodded their heads, looking at Xiang Yu, hoping that he would make a statement.

  Xiang Yu just kept silent and listened to Fan Zeng.

  Fan Zeng didn't care about Xiang Yu's attitude, and still said to himself: "Among the feudal kingdoms once divided by Zhou Tianzi, the six kingdoms were destroyed by Qin, and only the Chu kingdom was the most innocent. There was also a rumor that although Chu had three households, Qin will kill Chu. If the general wants to show his prestige for a while, he can follow the original plan and use force to oppress all the princes and make them recognize the general as the leader of the alliance."

  "If the general's ambition is to bring peace to the world and rule the kingdoms, then he has to slow down and change his method." Fan Zeng's eyes flashed with dim light, looking at Xiang Yu.

  Xiang Yu's calm face now had a hint of movement, and he listened to Fan Zeng's words.

  "Please tell me in detail."

  A faint smile appeared on Old Fan Zeng's face, and he said the route he had planned for the Xiang family.

  "At the meeting of Pengcheng, when the kings come, they must be led by the generals, but in their hearts they will not be convinced. Since the whole world feels that Chu is the most wronged, we will use this thought of the people of the world to find a descendant of the Chu state and establish it as Chu. King. At that time, the general and all the anti-kings will serve the king of Chu together, and then let the king of Chu seal the general to lead the world's troops. In this way, the teacher will become famous. If anyone refuses to obey, he can be punished in the name of the king of Chu to stop the world from wandering. Mouth..." Fan Zeng talked eloquently, and the more Xiang Yu listened, the more reasonable he felt.Small.

Chapter 421

  On an official road in the land of Qilu, a group of bulk cargo merchants drove their carts slowly forward.

  In front of the team was a middle-aged man in a thick padded jacket. He was short and stout, with a sturdy face, and he didn't look like a businessman.Especially when this man had a long knife on his waist.

  It's a chaotic world now. Although there are no professional bodyguards, should this group of bulk cargo merchants study it? Together, they have hired a few brave people to help take care of the goods.

  Among the caravans, the largest bulk merchant was a young man dressed as a young man.He brought the most goods and paid the most money.Several strong men who were in charge of escorting were all on the way to Pengcheng to join the army.Along the way, I got to know these bulk cargo merchants and protected them along the way, which is also considered to make a fortune.

  The chubby man at the head was the leader of the dozen or so people who had joined the army.Originally from an hunter, he has some skills.Uneasy about the safari life in troubled times, he thought of Xiang Yu, who was in the limelight, begging for food in the army, and had a dream of being promoted and making a fortune accidentally.

  They stepped on the half-melted snow and didn't care.

  Mei Don and his brothers had planned for a long time that once there was an emergency and a strongman blocked the road and robbed them, they would not care about this group of profiteers who were still full of copper in the chaotic world.

  This way, if it's safe, that's all.If they really encounter a strongman who robs, they do not contribute to the flames, even if they do it for the sky.

  Just as everyone was walking slowly, a skinny young man who had been jumping back and forth all the way ran to Mei Don and said in a low voice, "Brother, I just entered Ludi, the roads are remote and the people are sparse. This profiteer is asking for money. Don't die, why don't we just rob them here and join the army as soon as possible."

  Mei Don glanced at the caravan behind. Although there were dozens of bulk merchants, he had sent people to investigate quietly these days. These bulk merchants didn't have much money on them.

  Only the young son, he did not understand the depths.Because this son's pomp is relatively large.When there is nothing to do, he always sits in his big car with curtains hanging all around, so he can't see the situation in the car at all.

  Next to this son's goods, a young man with a standard stature has been leading a few strong men to check and care at any time.Although it is impossible to tell whether these strong men know kung fu, but looking at the pimples, Mei Don doesn't want to provoke them.

  "Didn't you say that when you entered Ludi, your brother from the far house came to pick us up? Why is there no one there yet?" Mei Kun said while rubbing his chin.

  "This, hey, this..." The thin young man was speechless, so he could only laugh a few times to change the subject.

  Mei Qian pointed to the strong men on the side of the light-boy merchant, and said in a low voice, "Have you seen those people? If your brother comes to pick us up, we will directly join forces and destroy them. I see them carrying The box is unusually heavy, probably a heavy object."

  The thin young man wished that he didn't care too much about whether his distant brother came to pick him up, but after hearing Mei Don's words, he actually hoped that his brother would come to pick him up.

  People in troubled times, people are not ancient.

  In the blink of an eye, it was about noon, and under the persuasion of Mei Don, a group of merchants stopped on the side of the road and ate the food they brought in the slightly warm noon sun.

  Most of these people brought white-faced buns, and at first glance they were businessmen from the Lao Qin area.

  Mei Don shook his head, they had also heard the wind in Xianyang.Now Emperor Qin II has implemented several policies that they think are better.

  But Mei Don and the dozen or so people around them were all thugs in their hometown who killed people and had to run away.Now that I have no home, I have to join the army.

  Just when Mei Kun and the others were biting the straw sticks and thinking about how to clean up the few strong men beside the young master, a group of soldiers appeared on the official road in the direction of Ludi. There seemed to be more than twenty people. Only the head of the little leader rode a war horse, and the others followed behind and trotted.

  The soldiers quickly approached the merchants' convoy.

  You can faintly see a big Chu character embroidered on the battle flag held by the soldiers.

  "Chu, that's Xiang Yu's person." Outside the young merchant's cart, the young man who had been in charge of the outside said.

  His words seemed to be talking to himself, but also to the people in the car.

  Soon, a group of people approached.

  The skinny young man beside Mei Dian built a pergola with his hands and looked at the group of soldiers from the State of Chu that was getting closer, and suddenly shouted, "Brother, it's my brother who is here." Caravan, waving to the leader of the horse...  

  The leader of the horse saw the thin young man with a smile on his face, and led the horse to run directly to the young man's side, then jumped down, patted the young man on the shoulder vigorously, and said with a smile, "Brother, you don't know? , Now all the princes and anti-kings have come to Pengcheng, and they are very busy, my brother can be regarded as coming out today."

  The thin young man immediately took the little leader's hand, pointed at Mei Don and said, "Brother, this is the eldest brother Mei Don Mei I told you, and he was the one who took us to escape."

  Seeing that, Mei Dian said, "Mei Dian came to seek refuge without bringing any gifts. But..." He rolled his eyes and said, "These are all bulk merchants, and most of them don't have much money, but the young merchant seems to have some Silver, it's a gift from me, hehe..."

  The little leader's eyes flashed. In the midst of the war, he did a lot of murder and robbery. Mei Qian just said something, and he immediately understood.

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