"The Huns have retreated!" Wang Fen stared at the front, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief. He turned his head and shouted loudly to the rear!

  In an instant, the entire battlefield was filled with cheers from the Qin army.

  "Speed ​​up the boiling of the golden juice!" Wang Fen continued to order. He climbed on the observation deck and shouted loudly at the personal soldiers below:

  "Have you returned to the person who reported the military situation to the general?"

  "I'm back! The general said that if the general should follow his plan, the Xiongnu army will never be able to cross the earth wall for half a step!"

  When Wang Fen heard the words, he suddenly felt urgent to urinate. He knew that it was not a real urgency, but because he was afraid, he wanted to urinate.

  "Got it!" Wang Fen knew very well that no matter what he was afraid of, he must not show it. Once he showed his fear, the soldiers under his command would be in chaos.

  He thought again that this was also what the strategist said.

  Wang Fen thought to himself, it would be great if the military advisor could stand on the observation deck with him at this time?

  "Perhaps, the strategist is blocking the Huns with the general now!" Wang Fen looked into the distance.

  Because the Qin army's defense line was too long, the Huns' army formation was very long. He stood on the observation deck and looked at the left and right sides. He felt that almost all of the Huns were outside the [-]-mile earth wall. people.

  Of course, it was impossible for his eyes to see three hundred miles. It was just that there were too many Huns, he thought to himself.

  "Tell the brothers that the Huns are already dead bones in the mound, and the emperor is behind with an army of hundreds of thousands. If we hold off for a day or two, the emperor will personally lead the army to kill the Huns behind the ass. By that time, the Huns will It's over!"

  The personal soldiers under the watchtower shouted loudly, spreading Wang Fen's words throughout the battlefield.

  Wang Fen raised his head. He breathed in the air that smelled of scorching heat and smoke. He always felt that it was a great thing to command the army to repel the first attack of the Huns.

  "I never thought that a small person like me, Wang Fen, would one day be able to command more than [-] troops to fight!"

  At the same time as the sense of pride in his heart, Wang Fen subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold the sword at his waist, and he couldn't help laughing at himself in his heart. He was so nervous that he forgot to draw out the sword to command the army. Standing on the lookout and shouting.

  He subconsciously glanced at the army behind him, and there were a lot of soldiers with their feet open, and he didn't know how many.

  The fire beside the trebuchet was obvious, but the trebuchet array still spread out of his sight.

  Only then did he realize that he was in command of a battle within a hundred miles!

  At this time, the shield formation of the Huns moved forward again. Wang Fen calmly drew his sword and made a stroke forward. It seemed that he could follow the distance of more than ten feet, like a god, and slashed the Huns with one sword. Shield array!

  "The whole army is ready, the catapult is ready to project, the second round of the Huns' attack is coming!"

  As he stretched out his hand, a loud roar came: "The trebuchet is ready, the golden juice is boiling, and it can be used next time!"

  "The array of arrows is ready and ready to launch at any time!"


  Su Wen stood on the mound covered with green grass. He looked at the spectacle like a burning cloud in the sky. It was the Qin army fighting the Xiongnu army.

  The emperor's eyes became contemplative, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

  "Meng Tian, ​​Ying Bu, you two immediately lead the army to attack the Huns, and absolutely cannot let the Huns break through the earth wall, I..."

  Su Wen glanced at Meng Tian, ​​who was hesitant to speak, and then said calmly, "I will sit in the Central Army and wait for good news from the two of you!"

  Ying Bu and Meng Tian were overjoyed that the emperor would not go to the battlefield, and they were very relieved. Otherwise, if the emperor went to the battlefield, the hearts of many soldiers in the army were all in their throats, and they would pop out at any time.

  "The minister takes orders!"

  The two cupped their hands and shouted, then turned the horse's head and went straight to the camp.

  Su Wen squinted and looked at it, and then said again: "The order goes on, the army camp will move forward forty miles, and I will place the camp outside the gate of the Xiongnu army!"


  Dong Yi handed over and flew away.

  Su Wen's eyes swayed, but after a while, the whole earth trembled violently, Meng Tian and Ying Bu led the army out of the nest and went straight to the Xiongnu camp.

  A troop of men and horses slashed straight to the mound where the emperor was, and the artist at the head was none other than Qi Lian.

  Qi Lian drove his horse to Su Wen's side, then turned over and dismounted, and said with hands: "Your Majesty Qi, I request to go with General Meng Tian, ​​Touman is at the end of the battle at this moment.

  Before there were earth walls and trenches to block the Huns, and then His Majesty personally led a large army to kill them, the Xiongnu army was already in a situation of certain death.

  Chen believes that this is the best time to persuade to surrender! "

  Su Wen looked inside the horse team, and then asked, "Won't Tian Lan'er come with you?"

  Qi Lian cupped his hands and said, "I heard that the Daqin ruled the country with filial piety, so I could not bear my mother to follow me to the battlefield, and I asked Your Majesty to allow my mother to rest in the rear.

  The minister was Zuo Xian Wang before, and he will surely succeed in persuading His Majesty to surrender again! "

  "It's pretty quick to learn." Su Wen nodded and said, "If that's the case, then I will give you [-] Yuezhi troops, and you will immediately go to the center of the Yuezhi army to order troops. How many Huns can be persuaded to surrender depends on your own ability! "

  Qi Lian was overjoyed that the emperor could command more troops and horses for him, which was a sign of trust!

  "Chen! I will definitely live up to His Majesty's grace!"

  Seeing Qi Lian driving his horse galloping away, Su Wen couldn't help laughing, but he also said to himself: I really don't know what this guy is thinking?He already knew that all the Huns who surrendered would serve as my slaves of the Great Qin. How could he still work so hard?

  People, greedy for life and fear of death has reached a certain level, it is really invincible!

  "Go! Go to Yuezhi's military camp, I want to chat with Yuezhi King!".

Chapter 698

  "Report - Your Majesty!" A team of cavalry roared, "The Xiongnu high priest failed to persuade the remnants of King Zuoguli to surrender, and was shot to death by random arrows!"

  Su Wen was taken aback, looked at the person who came and said, "Is the news reliable?"

  "Reliable!" The scout cupped his hands and said, "Only a dozen or so remnants of the Yue clan have escaped. According to what they said, the remnants of King Zuoguli have already fled towards Helan Mountain in the opposite direction."

  "This is too surprising." Su Wen rolled over and dismounted: "It's okay, after all, it's a grasshopper in the autumn after all, and it won't be a few days. You go and tell Tian Lan'er about this. And sent someone to tell him that if he is unwilling to lead the troops to surrender the Huns at this time, I will naturally have it and will not force it."

  "Here!" The scout army got on his horse and galloped away.

  In the tent of the King of Yuezhi, the prairie king who used to be pampered in the past can only huddle by the stove and lean on the fire now.

  There was a very strong herbal smell inside the tent. According to the military doctor, most of the flesh and blood on Kang Hexi's back had been smashed by a mace, three or four bones were broken, and even cracks appeared on the spine. , it is a miracle to survive.

  As for leaving a disability, that's for sure.

  King Yuezhi looked at his sleeping young son and sighed, this is God's punishment for Yuezhi.

  It was at this time that the emperor came - to the tent of King Yuezhi.

  King Yuezhi was a little scared, so he hurriedly stood up and saluted. During the days when he was a prisoner in the army tent of the Qin people, he understood that the status of the emperor of the Qin people was extremely respected, and it was also for this reason that the etiquette of the Qin people was far from the norm. -More than Yuezhi people.

  "No ceremony!" The emperor walked in slowly, glanced at the sleeping Kang Hexi, and then looked at King Yuezhi, who was a little scared, and said slowly:

  "So, he hasn't woken up yet?"

  "When we came from the left wing of the army, he woke up several times on the way, and he was still having a fever at this time, and the military doctor said that as long as the fever subsided, it should be fine.

  But the military doctor also said that if you are unlucky, you may burn your brain out. "

  Su Wen reached out and touched Kang Hexi's forehead, and was immediately stunned. According to his understanding of the memory of the previous life, this guy's current body temperature is definitely going up at forty degrees.

  "Try cold compresses with cold water." Su Wen said, tearing off a piece of Kang Hexi's sleeve from one side to demonstrate.

  "That would protect his brain a little bit from damage."

  King Yuezhi was a little puzzled, but there was already a look of gratitude in his eyes.

  "Little Wang dared to ask, His Majesty the Great Emperor, what do you want to do with us Yuezhi people."

  Su Wen said: "The Xiongnu will end sooner or later. I came here because I want to discuss this matter with you."

  "I also ask His Majesty the Emperor to leave a way out for the sake of my docile surrender!" Yuezhi's king servant crouched at Su Wen's feet.

  Su Wen said: "If Zhen bypasses you now, will you Yuezhi be rebellious in the future?"

  King Yuezhi raised his head in horror: "I, the Yuezhi people, would never dare to rebel against Da Qinsheng!"

  "How can you be accurate now about the future?" Su Wen chuckled: "Two ways, you can find all the Yuezhi people on the grassland to come to Zhaowu City to accept the surrender and become my Daqin slaves. After three generations, you can Enjoy the same identity as my Qin Zimin."

  King Yuezhi's expression became sullen. According to the emperor's words, three generations... Even if it is calculated according to the forty-year-old generation, it will be a hundred and twenty years later.

  By that time, the Yuezhi tribe, the race, had already been completely assimilated by the Qin people. Where else would the Yuezhi people be?

  King Yuezhi asked with a pale face: "Then... what about the second option?"

  "The second one?" Su Wen seemed to have long known that King Yuezhi would ask this: "The second one, my general Li Xin, the handsome army is now stationed in Zhaowu City, and he has asked me a few days ago. , let me order to gather all the clansmen of the Yue clan together, but whoever is taller than the wheel will be beheaded!"

  "The remaining children are all castrated, and the remaining women belong to my Daqin soldiers and become the wives and concubines of my Daqin soldiers. The children born in the future will naturally be my Daqin people."

  Su Wen smiled and looked at the pale-faced Yuezhi King: "I thought, how could others be allowed to sleep on the side of the couch?

  Although I have built the Great Wall in Daqin, but among the border counties, you Yuezhi and Xiongnu, if you want to go south, it is simply something that cannot be stopped.

  I have even calculated that you Yuezhi people will cross the upper reaches of the Yellow River to reach our Shanglin Garden, and you will only need two or three days to arrive at the speed of your horses.

  Such a dangerous force, of course I will not allow you to exist in the world. "

  Yuezhi Wang's face was white, and his eyes became full of ferocious charm because of fear.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "My son-in-law Yuezhi, if all of them become slaves of Daqin, then I don't know how many descendants will survive three generations later."

  "I will naturally give you the opportunity to choose from Yuezhi people." Su Wen said: "All Yuezhi women can choose to be the wives and concubines of my Daqin soldiers, or they can choose to marry Yuezhi men who have become slaves, so naturally they will also became a slave."

  "Your Majesty has figured out the human heart to the extreme." King Yuezhi sighed and said, "Those women who usually take off their trousers for a fat sheep, how can they share weal and woe with my Yuezhi man?"

  Su Wen set up the firewood, and the smile on his face couldn't hide the contempt: "This is just because in the past, you Yuezhi men have never regarded Yuezhi women as one thing.


  Therefore, at this time, Yuezhi women will not choose to share weal and woe with Yuezhi men. "

  Su Wen shook his head and said, "It's different in our Daqin, and even hundreds of years ago, I had an ancestor in Huaxia, called Fu Hao.

  She is the Queen of Zhou, she can still lead troops to fight, and enjoy the same status as my Chinese man.

  Even now, my Daqin woman is the same. "

  Su Wen looked into the eyes of King Yuezhi: "You should have heard that the Huns' saintess who sacrificed to heaven became my women."

  "I heard...I heard about it." King Yuezhi's eyes had some hollowness in his eyes, because he thought that Yuezhi also had a high priest and became the emperor's woman.

  Su Wendao: "Before, the Holy Maiden couldn't do anything, she could only pretend to serve ghosts and gods on the edge of Tianci Lake in Longcheng.

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