But when it came to my Daqin and became my woman, it was different. She is now leading [-] Daqin Erlangs to help my Daqin wounded soldiers.

  Although she is a woman, but because of what she has done, she has won the support of my Daqin soldiers.

  Then, naturally, the honor and dignity she enjoys is not much lower than that of any general in my Great Qin.

  So naturally, in the future, if my Daqin is in trouble, she will sacrifice her life without hesitation! "

  Three points of truth, seven points of deceit, the highest realm of just talking.

  The Yuezhi King felt more and more that he was a failure as the king of a country.

  He never thought that the demise of the Yuezhi people would finally fall on the woman who was the most despised in the past!Small.

Chapter 699

  The flames in the brazier were beating. At this time, Su Wen saw from the corner of his eyes that Concubine Ren had appeared outside the military tent.

  When he was overjoyed, he pretended not to see anything, and added firewood to the brazier again.

  So, the emperor's low, yet seductive voice resounded again:

  "Your biggest failure is that you always treat women as tools for giving birth." Su Wen said quietly, and then his tone suddenly became mocking:

  "Even, many of you just use women as a tool to vent your desires. This is your greatest sorrow as a human being.


  It is possible to have children, but women are not born, they exist only to have children. "

  These words not only caused the Yuezhi King to fall into contemplation, but even inside and outside the army commander, many Great Qin soldiers fell into contemplation.

  But outside the tent, tears could not help but welled up in the eyes of a certain beauty.

  Su Wen said: "It's just because I occupy a high place, and I say something like this, it will cause you to think deeply, but if I say this to you from the ground, you will completely treat it as nonsense.

  Respect between people is given to each other.

  The women around me, I will give them enough freedom and security. "

  Su Wen glanced quietly from the corner of his eyes, and immediately realized that Concubine Ren, who was standing behind the man, had already cried to tears.

  But he also knew that these words, even in the current Daqin, could still cause an uproar.Not to mention the Yuezhi in the country of barbarians.

  As the supreme ruler of the world, the emperor can definitely make the women of the world obey him by saying such words.

  Anyone, no matter what their status, needs to be recognized, respected, and given the rights and interests that they deserve as a person.

  As a man, Su Wen of course likes women, especially beautiful women.

  The desire of human nature is subdued in the body of any person, and the emperor is a human being, of course it is no exception.

  But he was even more afraid that these alien beauties would dormant like poisonous snakes beside him, that was the most terrifying thing.

  Is there a saying that doesn't say so?

  The most poisonous woman in the world.

  Don't say it from afar, just say in front of you, how did Tian Lan'er treat Touman Chanyu?

  In the past few decades, he has been able to hide his hatred for Touman so deeply.

  It can even be said that Tian Lan'er definitely made a great effort in Touman's death.

  "It was my fault." King Yuezhi sighed helplessly.

  Su Wendao: "Then what do you want to choose?"

  "I—" King Yuezhi bowed his head weakly, no matter how he chooses, Yuezhi cannot escape the fate of perishing.

  Su Wen chuckled: "Now, you can hesitate, but before the war is over, if you haven't made a choice, then I will help you make a choice."

  "I choose the first one!" King Yuezhi hurriedly raised his head and said.

  Su Wen had a smile in his eyes. Before he could speak, Kang Hexi on the sickbed suddenly said weakly, "Choose the second one, not the first one."

  Su Wen glanced at Kang Hexi, and then at King Yuezhi: "You have three sons, but you never noticed it. In fact, your youngest son is the smartest one."

  The emperor got up and walked outside the tent, and the tears on Concubine Ren's face had been quietly wiped away by her: "When did you come? Why didn't you let someone inform you?"

  "I just arrived." Concubine Ren didn't seem to want the emperor to know that she had cried just now. If you didn't look carefully at the smile on her face, you wouldn't find it unnatural.

  Outside the tent, the voices of the emperor and concubine Ren gradually faded away.

  King Yuezhi sighed: "Why not choose the first one?"

  "To live with humiliation, pain, and betrayal, father thinks, is this acceptable for hundreds of thousands of Yuezhi men?"

  Kang Hexi closed his eyes, his body trembled slightly because of the high fever: "Think about it, Yuezhi still has many sons in their twenties, even if they can only live to be forty years old, they will still have twenty years to work. The miserable life of slaves.

  As long as they are free, their hearts will be full of humiliation and pain, and they will be betrayed by women who were once regarded as pigs and dogs. Has father thought about how they will live next? "

  "But children are different. Children who are not taller than the wheel, they don't know anything. Whether it's a boy or a girl, after a long time, they will completely become Qin people."

  "The blood of the Yuezhi people not only flows in the bodies of the Yuezhi men, but also in the bodies of the Yuezhi women. The blood of the Yuezhi people still flows."

  After Kang Hexi said this, he passed out in a coma.

  King Yuezhi stood by the entrance of the tent, looking at the pitch-black night outside, the army began to pull out their camp, and at the end of the pitch-black night sky, there was a burning cloud-like area...  

  As long as you listen carefully, the sound of the wind seems to carry the roar of the hundreds of thousands of people over there.


  Under the night, only the helpless sigh of King Yuezhi echoed.

  "We have more and more people in the rear, and the wounded soldiers who can survive can basically survive." When Concubine Ren said this, she suddenly felt a little sad. The implication was that many people did not survive.

  Su Wen reached out and patted her shoulder, and she leaned against the emperor.

  "The war is about to end, and Modun will flee towards the Helan Mountain generation. General Bai Qi over there is the most loyal person by His Majesty's side, and he will definitely not let Modun go."

  Su Wen suddenly thought of something, for example, this beautiful woman leaning on his shoulders, since he was captured by God-given Hu, until now, he has not had anything to do with this person.

  It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he has some grudges in his heart. What he is most afraid of is that when he is happy, this affectionate woman suddenly shows murderous intent!

  That is really the time when a man is most relaxed.

  "You sit in the tent, and I will personally lead the iron cavalry to Helan Mountain!"

  Concubine Ren's complexion changed and changed: "Is it possible that your Majesty is joking? Now there is Helan Mountain; there are as many troops as ants!"

  Su Wen said: "Do you think that Mordun will be at the 3.8th Camp of the Xiongnu Great Fifty miles away now?"

  "Your Majesty! What do you mean?" Concubine Ren said in astonishment, "Modun has abandoned the warriors who followed him, has he run for his life?"

  "He will definitely do this." Su Wen stood up: "He believes that as long as he returns to the grasslands, he will definitely have a chance to make a comeback.

  But I! "

  Su Wen showed murderous intent: "I will never give him such a chance." He pointed at the wall chart:

  "Concubine Ai, look at it, this is the [-]-mile earth wall built by our army, but from this side, it is Helan Mountain. As long as Modun personally leads a small number of loyal guards, it is also known as the Golden Wolf Soldiers by the Huns. , carry enough food, and set foot through Helan Mountain on foot, it seems that it is not arrogant!"

  "Then you, Your Majesty?" Concubine Ren looked at Su Wen in horror.

  "The monarch of the Xiongnu dares to take risks. As the monarch of the Qin Dynasty, is it not as good as the monarch of the Rong and Di?".

Chapter 700

  No one knew that the Emperor Qin personally led [-] iron cavalry towards the northwest that night.

  What's even more surprising is that the emperor also brought the concubine Ren, who was helpless!

  The reason is very simple. Concubine Ren believes that she has lived in the Huns for many years and is most familiar with the living habits of the Huns.

  If the emperor wanted to trace the traces of the Huns in the white snow, he must be able to do his best.

  The Qin army was invincible, and the Huns were naturally defeated like a mountain.

  In the Xiongnu army camp, there were not many soldiers and horses. When they saw the dense and overwhelming Qin army, under the command of Meng Tian and Yingbu, they were madly killing them, and they were even more frightened.

  In the chaotic Xiongnu army, half of them could not be found to command the army to fight, so this battle turned into a rout directly.

  On the wall, Wang Fen was able to calmly command the army to fight. In a bloody night, the Huns left thousands of corpses on the battlefield, but they didn't even touch the wall.

  This is undeniably ridiculous and pathetic.

  Originally, Wang Fen was worried that the Xiongnu army would continue to attack until dawn, because the arrowheads and slings in the army had been exhausted, and even the dung of humans and animals that had been hoarded for nearly a month was all thrown onto the battlefield last night.

  The soil pots made by the army at 16:[-] were almost completely consumed. When the sky just started to light up, they were concocted and smashed into the soil pots that fell among the Xiongnu army. All of them were boiling water.

  But the lethality of boiling water is far more ferocious than slingshots and arrow rain.

  Even if the Huns were not afraid of death, they were still terrified when faced with boiling water that could tear their flesh apart if they rubbed a little.

  It can even be said that if other Huns attacked and hit this level, the sergeants would have already mutinied and rebelled.

  This is simply not treating human life as human life.

  But the Golden Wolf Soldiers still gritted their teeth and rushed forward. Even though the original number was very small, most of the Golden Wolf Soldiers who had been killed in one night's attack were still obeying orders, but occasionally a few soldiers looked upwards. Revealing some suppressed murderous intent for a long time.

  "The army should hurry up to eat and rest, there are not many people in the Xiongnu army to consume!" Wang Fen touched the empty jug. At this time, he felt that he had the possibility of becoming a famous general. In the annals of Daqin, Wang Fenshuai will also be left behind. The glorious record of the Xiongnu Golden Wolf Soldiers.

  In the rear of the Xiongnu army, the Aries King's face was extremely ugly, and before he could speak, a war horse came galloping on the side, it was the right day chasing the king.

  "Modun has already left!" You Rizhuwang gritted his teeth and said, "He actually slipped away when we were leading the army to die with the Qin people. He is really a despicable and filthy person!"

  Soon, the left and right captains also flew in, and the expressions of the two were equally ugly.

  "The rear army has been breached, and Meng Tian and Yingbu led the army to attack. There are at most more than ten thousand people around us. Where should we go?" Commander Zuo Da had a gloomy face.

  Captain Right's face was full of pain. He had always been very loyal to Modun, but now he has become the abandoned son of Modun.

  "Surrender?" You Rizhuwang said with an extremely ugly face: "Now what else can we do besides surrender?"

  The King of Aries looked at the King of You Rizhu with contempt: "Do you still remember your brother who died in the Qin army? Don't you want to avenge him?"

  Right Ridge King's face became ugly: "Of course I remember, but what can we do now?

  Last night, tens of thousands of Golden Wolf Soldiers were damaged. These are Golden Wolf Soldiers, the most ferocious warriors on the grassland. One person can withstand ten people.

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