"Besides, there are definitely more than two thousand guards around Wu Shilu." Xu Mobu said seriously: "Wu Shilu came from the Wu clan in the early years, but later there was a Wu clan who completely surpassed the Wu Rong clan. Shi, who is strong on the grasslands, is no exaggeration to say that the hidden strength of this person is not much weaker than that of a Huns king when the Huns were strong.

  Otherwise, how could it be simply because she exchanged cattle and sheep for the treasures of the Central Plains and gave them to the King of Rong, and the King of Rong gave her cattle and sheep, and the number of cattle and sheep in a valley was measured?If there is no strong strength as a backing, it is still difficult to survive in the cracks. "

  Liu Yiyi said in astonishment, "How could the empire allow such a person to exist?"

  "Because she provides enough horses, cattle and sheep every year, in the past, when I, the Great Qin, conquered the world, the most feared bows and crossbows in the six Eastern countries formed an army formation, lined up three miles in a row, ten rows of crossbows in front and back. When shooting, the city wall will be shot.

  All the bowstrings for these powerful crossbows were provided by her for free. If you were the emperor, would you still consider that such a woman would rebel against you? "

  Su Wen closely followed his brows and said, "This is also why I can obviously attack the city in an instant, but now I deliberately delay the time.

  In the past, Wu Shilu's unswerving choice stood behind me, Da Qin, and gave silently. Even if she made the wrong choice before, I will give her a chance for redemption! "

  "It's just..." Su Wen glanced at the letter and shook his head slightly: "Wu Shilu seems to have changed his mind. If these two thousand guards really come to the army, they will become a scourge."

  "Rejected, come to Wu's City to see me in person!" Su Wen snorted softly.

  "Follow the purpose!" Han Tan hurriedly picked up a pen and wrote the order.

  Concubine Xuan Gui pondered for a moment, and then said: "Your Majesty, then we need to speed up the march. According to the current situation, they are afraid that they will start soon."

  Su Wen thought for a while and said, "Beidi County Commander Yingnu is now in Wuzhi City. In addition, Jinyiwei has already dispatched a lot of personnel to this place in advance. I am heading to the [-]-strong army, disguised as a caravan, and go to Jitoushan to stare.

  Once there is a change in Jitou Mountain, there will not be a big problem all at once..."

  "Your Majesty, the concubine suggested that you should go to Jitou Mountain first, and then make a decision!" Xu Mo said quietly: "Your Majesty wants to lead the son to Fusu, but if he doesn't show up, then we can't always be there. It's like walking fifty miles every day."

  Su Wen couldn't help laughing: "You still know my thoughts best, since that's the case, then send an order that the army will march quickly from tomorrow.

  Come with Zhenbei Wang Yingniu, General Yingbu, and Mr. Wei! "

  "Hey!" Outside the tent, someone shouted in response.

  Not long after, Mr. Wei, King Zhenbei, and General Yingbu came together...  

  "Long live my emperor, but I don't know that my emperor called me to wait, but there is something important to discuss?"

  Su Wen nodded slightly: "No ceremony and levelling... Yingbu, you have requested many times to lead your light cavalry to the north to sweep the land, and now I want to hear your opinion."

  When Ying Bu heard the words, his eyes were greatly surprised, but then his face was flushed, and he said excitedly: "Your Majesty said this, then the minister expressed his humble opinion.

  This led the light cavalry to the north, and the speed must be fast, and we started from Xianyang City, and we have been walking for ten days, and we are all leisurely.

  Therefore, those traitors who are paying attention to us must not have imagined that we would suddenly send a light ride north, which would kill them by surprise.

  The idea of ​​the last general is very simple, [-] light cavalry, go straight to Jitou Mountain, look for the tents of the important leaders of the Wurong people, rush in and kill anyone who sees them, leaving no one behind.

  According to the news from Jin Yiwei, he said that he had more than [-] people, but according to the last commander, it was only about [-] local chickens.

  In just half a day, I will kill all their leaders, and at that time, no matter what conspiracies he has, keep him and disappear in an instant! "

  "Okay!" Su Wen nodded: "You go to order your troops now, at [-]:[-] a.m. tonight, you will lead [-] light cavalry to Jitou Mountain. When you get there, you can see that you will act accordingly. If it is not necessary to kill, don't kill. .

  You also know that after the appearance of the Quyuan Plough, barren hills all over Xianyang can be reclaimed to make fertile fields, and they can be captured and farmed for us. Wouldn’t it be better? "

 3.8 Ying Bu trembled with excitement: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the last commander is gone!"

  "Don't worry!" Su Wen looked at Mr. Wei, who hurriedly bowed his hands: "Your Majesty!"

  "Yingbu is brave and unstoppable. At the beginning of the Northern Expedition against the Xiongnu, he was already called the God of War by the Huns, but the Wurong people are different from the Huns. Although they are called the Rong people on the surface, they are actually the same as our Daqin. There is no difference between the people, and all kinds of conspiracies and tricks are endless, so you follow the British army, and when you get to Jitou Mountain, keep an eye on it, and do it when you see it!"

  Mr. Wei's body was shaken, and he hurriedly cupped his hands: "I understand!"

  Su Wen smiled: "Han Xin speaks for you, don't live up to his expectations of you."

  "Wei Chen dare not!" Mr. Wei cupped his hands with a serious face. .

Chapter 915

  Only then did Su Wen say: "Go, you and Ying Bu will go to select the elite cavalry together, and set off on the second watch tonight, whether you can be a goddess against the rebels in Jitou Mountain is up to you. ."


  The two agreed in unison, and immediately quit the big tent.

  "Your Majesty, Yiqu City is the fief of the minister. This time, the most violent people are also from Yiqu. The minister dared to ask to lead an army and go to Yiqu City!"

  Su Wen held the military talisman in his hand, looked at the winning bull, and immediately said, "Have you thought about it? The people of Yiqu have always hated me, Daqin. Back then, our ancestor, the Queen Mother Xuan, deceived and killed the King of Yiqu, and then sent troops to destroy Yi. Qu country, [-] years have passed, but the people of Qu still hate us Daqin.

  The reason they didn't rebel was entirely because they didn't have that power, but now it's different.

  It may be that the remnants of the Six Nations found them, or it may be that the eldest son Fusu found the leader of Yiqu and Wu Shilu, and persuaded them to rebel. "

  Yingniu said sternly: "Not to mention that someone pretended to be the son of Fusu, even if the real son of Fusu was in Yiqu City, the minister would unscrew his head and present it to His Majesty.


  As for the remnants of the Six Nations! "

  The King of Zhenbei sneered: "In the past, the father and the emperor sat in the city of Xianyang alone and sent troops to kill the kings of the six kingdoms.

  Now that my country, the Qin Dynasty, is prospering, how can I be afraid of this hidden traitor? "

  "Okay!" Su Wen drank again, and then handed the soldier's talisman to Yingniu: "I will give you [-] troops, and these [-] troops will follow you to Yiqu City, and they will all obey your dispatch!"

  Yingniu knelt down on both knees, bowed his hands and said, "This minister leads the order!"

  Looking at the back of Yingniu leaving quickly, Su Wen seemed to have something difficult to put down in his heart, and finally put it down.

  "It's not a bad thing to choose to believe in the royal family." Xu Mobu walked from behind the screen and said softly:

  "Moreover, King Yingniu of Zhenbei has always been loyal to His Majesty."

  Su Wen turned around, looked at Xu Mowei and smiled: "The disadvantage of the Zhou Dynasty's enfeoffment system is not in the relatives who are enfeoffed, but in the relatives after the enfeoffment. After a few generations, the blood family has become very weak.

  What's more, in the family of emperors, the family relationship has always been indifferent. The Zhou Dynasty made a start, but did not complete the system. "

  Xu Mobu brought warm tea to the emperor: "Then Your Majesty now chooses to trust King Zhenbei and hand over military power to King Zhenbei, but I don't know how you feel?"

  "Very good." Su Wen was really happy.

  When he came to this world, he was full of loneliness, but now there is someone who can be trusted, which is undoubtedly a very happy thing for him.

  "That's good." Xu Mobu squinted and smiled. Just when Su Wen felt that she didn't seem to have something to say, Xu Mobu said:

  "Lv Shizhi, the captain of the army guard, broke his ankle and could not lead the army, so the concubine wanted two to five hundred masters, Wu Guang and the captain of the army, to jointly control the army of ten thousand people. Your Majesty would not blame the concubine for interfering in military and political affairs Bar?"

  Su Wen couldn't help laughing: "Don't you think it's a bit late to say it now? When you were planning on Lu Shizhi, I already got the news.

  Wu Guang's people can be reused, not to mention..."

  Su Wen put down the teacup, looked at Xu Mowei and smiled and said: "Then the ten thousand army soldiers are all my Great Qin Erlang, I let them go to the battlefield because I want them to kill the enemy and make contributions, but I don't want them to be commanded by an idiot. lost their lives."

  Xu Mogong looked at Han Tan, who had turned back again, intentionally or unintentionally.

  Before her eyes, Han Tan followed him out to check Wu Guang's replacement for Lu Shizhi, and Lu Ze's reaction.

  Jinyiwei's people haven't arrived yet, so the people from Dongchang can only take the lead in reporting to the emperor that they intend to mobilize Wanjun's deployment.

  Thinking that the three of them were in the same military tent just now, and no one had even walked out, but the emperor knew exactly what was going on inside.

  Xu Mobu felt both helpless and joyful in her heart. She boldly felt that the emperor had already understood the whispers that the queen had said to her.

  "Tomorrow the army is going to move at full speed, so the two of you have a good rest tonight, otherwise it will hurt people."

  Listening to the emperor's concern, Xu Mobu subconsciously reached out and touched his buttocks.

  When the emperor and Meng Tian led the cavalry suddenly north to the Langshan Pass of the Great Wall and captured the fake Mao Dun, she was arrested and accompanied.

  After the galloping horse, it took a long time for her to regain her senses. The flesh on her thighs and buttocks was all torn and bleeding...

  Thinking about it made her feel scared, and the whole person didn't feel trembling.

  Concubine Ren Liu Yiyi was originally from the grasslands. Running on horseback was just commonplace, so she didn't care. Instead, she asked strangely:

  "Your Majesty has already rushed to Jitou Mountain with Ying Bu and Mr. Wei. If our army speeds up the march tomorrow, wouldn't it make those rebellious hearts suspicious?"

  Su Wen glanced at Xu Mofu: "Concubine Xuan Gui, tell me?"

  Xu Mo was not hypocritical, and said directly: "In war, the truth is always true, and the false is true.

  How to make the clear mind of the enemy gradually become confused?

  The best way is to pretend to be a suspicious soldier and do something very abnormal on purpose.

  During these ten days, our army has traveled fifty li every day, with [-] troops in the front and [-] troops in the rear.

  So naturally, those people in Jitou Mountain must have scouts to report back.

  The people over there will definitely think, why is the emperor clearly here to pacify the chaos, but the speed is so slow?

  This is where the doubts start.

  Second, when the scouts report again, they will find that our speed has suddenly increased, and they have split up with King Yingniu of Zhenbei, so their attention will still fall on us..."

  Xu Mobu gave a sly smile: "Mr. Wei is resourceful, 530, of course he knows exactly what His Majesty's arrangement with Ying Bu means, that is, before the army arrives at Jitou Mountain, they must not reveal any marching tricks, and they must not walk in the slightest wind. Can be called a miracle soldier!

  However, there are still more than [-] miles to go to Jitou Mountain. We walked along the edge of the Jingshui, but Yingbu and the others could not walk along this way, they could only take a detour.

  Who knows if the rebels will send scouts elsewhere to watch?

  Therefore, His Majesty's side has suddenly accelerated the marching speed. In order to pay close attention to the situation here, those rebels will definitely focus most of their attention on our main force.

  In addition, a part was allocated to Wang Yingniu of Zhenbei, and Na Yingbu and the others led the light cavalry to take a detour, and there would be no accidents! "

  After Xu Mobu finished speaking, a pair of beautiful eyes narrowed subconsciously: "This is the tricky way of soldiers, the truth is the truth, and the truth is the truth.

  Whenever a war is to be won, any slight possibility must be taken into account. "

  Concubine Ren took a deep breath, lowered her eyebrows and said, "My elder sister is very smart, and my younger sister admires her extremely!"

  "Okay, don't buy it." Su Wen stretched out a horse whip and threw it to Concubine Ren:

  "You grew up on the grasslands since you were a child, and you have excellent riding skills. Going out to teach her how to ride a horse will not make her butt rotten. You can even use this as a threat to ask her to teach you some points of her intelligence. Wouldn't it be beautiful? ?".

Chapter 916

  Not long after, Xu Mobu was already galloping on horseback.

  Concubine Ren's riding skills were superb, and even in some places, Su Wen felt that he couldn't compare to her.

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