But after the appearance of stirrups, this gap has become dispensable.

  After all, he fought on horseback, and that was fighting on horseback, not doing some fancy moves.

  Wherever Mo Dao is directed, all the bells and whistles will be turned into dung.

  "You must pay attention to the unity of the waist and horse, and don't completely press your center on the saddle. If the horse runs, the force of the bumps will shock into your heart, so you must learn to step on the stirrups with both legs.

  When the body is galloping with the four hooves of the war horse, it shakes back and forth, and the rhythm of the whole body is consistent with the rhythm of the war horse's body. "

  Concubine Ren was really teaching her heart, but when she looked at Xu Mobu, who was a little pale on the horse, a vicious thought suddenly appeared in her heart. plunging headlong into the Jing River...

  Concubine Xuan Gui wears armor, which is not as heavy as the black dragon and black gold armor on the emperor's body, but it also weighs [-] to [-] pounds. Such a heavy armor hangs on her body.

  Thinking of this, Concubine Ren suddenly trembled, and subconsciously looked up in the direction of the emperor's tent.

  There was only the imperial guard with sharp swords, spears, swords and halberds guarding her, and the emperor could not be seen, but Concubine Ren always felt that there were a pair of invisible eyes staring at her, making her not dare to take half a step beyond the thunder pond.

  "Over there! Go to the beach!" Xu Mowei suddenly shouted, and the galloping warhorse slammed the earth, and the four hooves of the four sea bowls suddenly smashed the soil, rolled the dust, and galloped past.

  Concubine Ren's whole body became cold in an instant. Could it be that she has seen through what she was thinking?

  In the harem, she is the smartest person!

  A group of imperial soldiers who were bathing their horses by the Jing River hurriedly lined up to welcome the arrival of Concubine Xuan Gui.

  Xu Mobu slowed down the speed of the war horse, waved his hand, and sang the old Qin war song loudly:

  "How can you say that I have no clothes, I share the same robe with my son, Wang Yuxing is a teacher, repair my spear...々"..."

  The soldiers stood up and sang, squeezed their fists, and knocked on the iron armor shoulder pads on their shoulders, making an unusually mighty clanging sound of gold and iron, and the singing reverberated on the Jing River.

  Xu Mozheng held down the war horse, faced the wind, and stared at the rolling river. When he turned back, the war horse of Renfei Liu Yiyi also stopped behind her.

  "Are you thinking, if Ben Gong unfortunately falls off his horse and suffers a hemiplegia, or if the war horse is frightened and gallops wildly, then Ben Gong rushes into the Jing River?"

  Liu Yiyi's face changed greatly: "How dare the concubine dare to curse my sister so maliciously?"

  Xu Mozheng narrowed his eyes, smiled, and said slowly, "That's the best way."

  She turned the horse's head, and the warhorse trotted, Liu Yiyi suddenly understood, it has been almost half a year since the first time the emperor and Meng Tian led the army north to capture the fake Mao Dun alive?

  A smart person like Xu Mobu, who had suffered once in a galloping horse, how could he not seriously study riding after returning to Xianyang City?

  But how did she know what she was thinking?

  Could it be that she can really reach the heavens and the earth, and speculate on the thoughts of people's hearts?

  Thinking of this, Liu Yiyi's face looked even paler.

  "Niangniang?" Han Tan drove Ma far away, bowed his hands and said, "The soldiers caught the fat fish by the river and presented it to His Majesty, and His Majesty roasted it outside the tent, and let the maiden go back to enjoy it."

  Only then did Liu Yiyi look back at Han Tan, and whispered what had just happened.

  Han Tan was also very tight, but he said: "I have been with Your Majesty these days, and I heard His Majesty say a way to reason about the enemy's psychological tactics, called empathy."

  "Thinking in a different position is to stand on the enemy's point of view, imagining yourself as an enemy, how the enemy will deal with you, and what will you do."

  Liu Yiyi took a deep breath: "What do you mean, just now she has put herself in my position to imagine, what will I do?"

  "It must be so." Han Tan whispered: "Niangniang, slaves heard that this concubine Xuan Gui is a rare intelligent person in the world, we should not be evil with him now."

  "Don't worry, I don't have any bad thoughts about her, what's more, these thoughts just flashed away in my mind."

  Liu Yiyi pondered for a moment, and then continued: "She just left after speaking, which proves that she only guessed that I would do this, but her identity is far beyond mine, so she dared to say it directly.

  What's more, the emperor loves her more than I do. Doing petty and coquettish things once or twice will make the emperor like her even more. "

  Han Tan said: ".. In the past, when the late emperor was still alive, the slaves were just the most common eunuchs on duty. They served outside the hall for five years, and they only talked to the late emperor. Just a word.

  The first sentence is: Has the rain stopped outside?

  The second sentence is: The world is stable, why does the wind still blow the grass and trees? "

  Liu Yiyi looked at Han Tan in surprise, then nodded and said, "I understand what you mean, the current dignitaries are not the same as the future dignitaries, and the present humbleness is not the same as the future humbleness."

  A smile appeared on Han Tan's face: "The clumsy wisdom of the slaves made the empress laugh... The Minister of War and General Han Xin are both there. Your Majesty and the generals in the army have never liked to divide the high and low, after the empress passed. , deal with the scene a little bit, don't stay by the fire for a long time."

  Liu Yiyi didn't ask why, just nodded: "Understood!"

  Wuzhi City!

  In a courtyard that looked like a wealthy family, a very tall earthen platform (Li Hao) was built.

  Standing on this Tutai Mountain, Nuoda's Wuzhi City can be seen in an instant.

  An old man in his [-]s and [-]s slowly walked up the stairs to the top of the earthen platform, looking at the whole city and seeing the scenery everywhere, but the old man couldn't help sighing slightly.

  "Why is the son sighing? Is it possible that this area is about to turn into scorched earth?" A young man with a full beard walked up slowly.

  The old man, who was called Young Master, sighed contemptuously: "What are you sitting on here, do you think I'll just jump off and kill myself here, Mai?"

  "Young master is joking. The scenery here is very beautiful. Lele alone is not as good as everyone. Wouldn't it be wonderful to watch a certain family with you?"

  The old man smiled contemptuously: "You have already used my name to attract the emperor to send troops to suppress the Jitou Mountain rebellion. If you don't move me away now, aren't you afraid that I will die among the rebels?".

Chapter 917

  "Young master is joking again, Qin Jun calls himself a teacher of benevolence and righteousness, how can he kill innocent people indiscriminately?"

  The old man squinted at the bearded man with contempt in his eyes.

  The man finally smiled: "Originally, we planned to revolt in Wuzhong City, Chu, in the name of the young master, but who would have guessed that the emperor seemed to know where we would act.

  Wu Zhong can't do anything, so we can only go somewhere else..."

  "Exactly, this Northland County is the most suitable place."

  The old man sighed: "It's okay to use me, but at least you should tell me what you plan to do and where to do it, right?"

  "Wu Shilu wants to see Young Master." The man said that, as if he did not hear what Young Master was saying, and did not notice that Young Master's face had become extremely ugly.

  "Humph!" The old man snorted coldly: "Very well, don't tell me these things, then you should tell me where the Dutch are?"

  The expression of the bearded man finally became serious: "I can assure you with my life that she will never have any accident!"

  "Your life is worth nothing to me!" The old man sighed and said in complete compromise:

  "Let's go, lead me to see that Wu Shilu, I really don't understand why she, a smart person, would seek death with you."

  In the elegant room, a faint scent of flowers was revealed, which made the old man feel like he had walked into the wrong room.

  This shouldn't be an old woman's room, it's more like an eighteen-seven-year-old girl's room.

  Only girls like flowers and colorful things.

  Elderly people, when they see something beautiful, are easily touched by the scene and sigh that they are no longer youthful.

  "Young Master Fusu!"

  Behind a curtain of gauze screen, came a slightly familiar old voice.

  The old man sighed: "I am now the late Emperor Renxiao of Daqin, but I am not a son of Fusu. I haven't seen you for so many years, madam, your body is still so healthy."

  "Mr. Zhang Liang came to see Lao Shen with a big beard on his face, and Lao Shen knew it was time to do something for Da Qin."

  An old but majestic voice came out: "In the past, the late emperor once gave me the same treatment as a prince, although the old man is not a prince, (bgdi), but he enjoys the treatment of a prince.

  How can such Long En not want to repay? "

  "Pseudo-emperor Su Wen usurped the throne and messed up the government, claiming to be the Son of Heaven. Even if he has the merits of the Northern Expedition, he still cannot be the Son of Heaven!"

  Ying Fusu sat down on the side, and sighed helplessly: "You just want to say that you have been favored by my father, so now you have to force me to accept your help and defeat the fake emperor Su Wen. , sit in Xianyang and reorganize Da Qin?"


  Ying Fusu laughed dumbly, and pointed to the bearded man standing outside under the eaves: "Then do you know that Zhang Liang is a descendant of the Han kingdom, and what he wants to do is to destroy my Da Qin, if you really are As for Da Qin, I will order Zhang Liang to be killed now, and then I will raise the banner of righteousness with you to crusade Su Wen, the chaotic minister and thief, how about that?"

  "Young Master is joking again!" The voice of the old woman, Wu Shilu, burst into laughter, and Ying Fusu only found it extremely harsh.

  "I have reached a consensus with Mr. Zhang Liang to destroy the usurper and traitor Su Wen, divide it into the world, and return it to the land of the six kingdoms of the past. Qin and the six kingdoms coexist. This is what the old man wishes."

  "A bunch of lunatics..." Ying Fusu scolded weakly: "To divide the world, that's the retrogression of the historical trend... That's all, I'm restricted by you now, and I haven't been able to since I was a child, so what do I say?

  Say it directly, what you want to do when you come to me, you can't just catch up with me, right?

  Back then, I just toasted with you at the late emperor's banquet, and there was no other friendship. "

  "We've found a person who we're going to use to impersonate you and want to ask for your opinion."

  Ying Fusu almost suffocated: "Are you kidding me? It's not the first time you guys have done something like this. What do you ask for my opinion?"

  "The people who impersonated you in the past were all wearing human skin masks, but this time is different. The whole person is not wearing a human skin mask."

  Ying Fusu's eyes showed horror: "Could it be the same as Mo Dun? You have found someone who looks exactly like me?"

  He seemed a little unbelievable: "How can there be such a coincidence in this world? Someone who can find someone exactly like himself is like a myth and legend..."

  "Go out!" Behind the screen, Wu Shilu's voice was very flat. A young man dressed in white, handsome and handsome, with a discordant temperament, even looked a bit similar to Su Wen and walked out slowly. Bowing to the old man in front of him, he said slowly:

  "From now on, the villain occupies the identity of the son, but the son can rest assured that the villain will never put on the identity of the son and make the son ashamed."

  Ying Fusu's expression changed greatly: "You...you carve the flesh of his face into mine? You are all a bunch of lunatics!"

  "As expected of His Highness the eldest son, with extraordinary vision, you can see what we have done at a glance."

  Wu Shilu's voice came after the screen was heavy again, and she said gently: "Half a year ago, I saw a skilled craftsman, who carved a wooden figure so vividly, and suddenly came up with an idea, is it possible to do it directly? Using a knife on the face, carefully sculpting one person into the appearance of another person?

  In this attempt, Lao Shen didn't use me, the people of Qin, I caught many robbers and horse thieves from the grasslands.

  These people who do all kinds of evils have become the test objects of the old body, and the hard work pays off. In a short time, the doctors under the old hands have matured and mastered this magical skill.

  It's just because the wound is bleeding, and there are many infections and pus, so the face the son sees in front of him is not perfect. Under his left lip, there is a very slight scar, and that scar is left by pus. "

  Ying Fusu took a serious look and exclaimed, "Even so, it's amazing... Now can you tell me, what do you want to do with my identity?"

  "Lead the Wurong clan to raise troops and kill Su Wen, the usurperous thief, and our army will split into two groups."

  Ying Fusu shook his head: "You can't win, there's really no need to let so many people be buried with your ambitions... Just like now, there's no need for you to tell me anything, if you want to do it, just do it. , I wouldn't agree with it anyway."

  "We have always regarded you as a future king. If you don't want to do the things that restore the country, we will do it for you, but we must let you know what we plan to do and what we do in your name."

  Ying Fusu looked at the "self" with a fanatical expression on the face in front of him, his eyes were full of disgust, and he shouted:

  "A bunch of lunatics!".

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