Chapter 980

  Concubine Yu came with flying horses, but was surrounded by Jin Yiwei. This was not where the emperor stayed. As long as he was notified, he could see the emperor.

  Across the group, Su Wen frowned slightly: "Let him in!"

  The generals kneeling below, such as Ying Bu and others, seemed to be relieved.

  This is not only because the emperor loves this woman, but because the woman in front of her is a very smart person.

  In this situation, no one who is not smart can break the situation.

  And it must be a very smart person with a lot of weight to be able to break the game.

  Looking at the entire Wuzhi City, now only Yu Ji is the most suitable.

  "Your Majesty!" Yu Ji walked through the heavy army, walked to Su Wen, and knelt down and saluted.

  Su Wen's face was worried: "What are you doing here?"

  Yu Ji raised her head, looked at the emperor, and said calmly, "The emperor wants peace in the world, why did he kill the strong man?"

  Su Wen's face was grim: "Don't you know that they fought privately in the army?"

  "Of course I know, but Your Majesty knows that Liu Bang led the [-] rebels, looking for opportunities on the northern grasslands, preparing to attack our army.

  If your majesty allows me, I am willing to take these people who are about to be beheaded and go north to pursue the Liu Bang bandit army. "

  As soon as Yu Ji's words fell, Mr. Wei's eyes lit up and he secretly praised himself: "How brave!"

  He immediately cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, what Miss Yu Ji said is very true, there are more than [-] people involved in this matter.

  It would be a pity to kill him now. It would be better to lead someone in command, go deep into the grasslands, pursue Liu Bang's rebellion, and give them a chance to commit crimes. "

  Su Wen's face was blue and he glanced at Yu Ji: "Do you know where Liu Bang's bandit army is entrenched?"

  "I don't know, but I only have eight words to dedicate to Your Majesty."

  Su Wen slightly extinguished the anger in his heart: "Those eight words, let's talk about it."

  "Kou can go, so can I!"

  As soon as this remark came out, many people in the army changed their faces. After seeing that Yu Ji was just a weak woman, many burly and strong men's faces showed an uncontrollable look of shame.

  In the mouth of a woman, if she can say such arrogant words, isn't that shameful to a seven-footed man?

  A strange look appeared in Su Wen's eyes, he nodded and said, "All get up!" "

  Concubine Yu and the generals bowed their hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

  Su Wen looked back at the people kneeling on the ground, and shouted coldly, "Let's look at it now!"

  "Follow the order!" Mr. Wei stepped forward, cupped his hands, then turned around and waved his hand quickly.

  The military judge hurriedly wiped away the muddy tears on his face, waved his hand, and the surrounding soldiers quickly took all the soldiers tied up here with them.

  Su Wen turned over and dismounted, and Jin Yiwei quickly brought a chair from one side and placed it on the side.

  Su Wen looked at Yu Ji, and then at Han Tan, who was chasing after him: "Who paid attention?"

  Yu Ji pointed at Han Tan: "Chang Gong's idea, he said that he is not a man, has no courage, and can't fight for His Majesty, but he will definitely do anything that can be strong for His Majesty and for our Qin Dynasty. do it."

  Han Tan hurriedly knelt on the side with his cheeks on the ground.

  Su Wen couldn't help but sighed softly, reached out and stroked Han Tan's back: "I know what you're thinking.

  Just go north to the grasslands, go deep into the land of the Xiongnu, and bring only a few thousand people. In that case, what is the difference between courting death? "

  "If Your Majesty trusts the slaves, the slaves are willing to lead these soldiers who should have been killed, to the grasslands to the north, so that the military might of my Daqin will be completely echoed on the grasslands!"

  "Get up!" Su Wen looked at the surrounding generals, his eyes gradually fell on Bai Qi and Han Xin.

  Su Wen seems to see some ways, Han Xin is very smart, but it seems that his psychological quality is sometimes not very good.

  But for example, now, with a white face and a black face, Han Xin's temples are covered in cold sweat...

  "Tell me, how to solve this matter?" Su Wen looked at Han Xin.

  "Chen...I am guilty, but Your Majesty will not kill these strong men. I am willing to use all the merits of this battle to pay off the crime."

  Han Xin bowed.

  Bai Qi hesitated for a while, but still took a step forward and bowed his hands: "What your majesty said, it is what, ministers and generals in the army, there is no difference between the two!"

  "It's okay for the two of you to take care of your face!" Ying Hu gave a light drink, and then said, "According to the statistics, how many people were involved in this matter?"

  "Follow the order!" Mr. Wei hurriedly backed away.

  Su Wen's eyes fell on Yu Ji. Yu Ji stepped forward and cupped her hands: "Your Majesty, since I have already promised that person, even if I know that I was deceived by her, I have to bite the bullet and go on."

  "Why are you so stubborn?" Su Wen's voice was already filled with blame.

  Yu Ji smiled heartily, she glanced at Han Tan, and said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty is a Ming Jun, but the appearance of a Ming Jun must be accompanied by the spread of war.

  There are countless people who have to sacrifice their precious lives in order to achieve the goal of Mingjun.

  What Chang Gong said is good, and I also think that every bloody man in my Daqin should stand up, support His Majesty, and fight for His Majesty!

  But how does the world know?

  I am a bloody person in Daqin, not only a man, but also a daughter who has a passion for blood, and is willing to sprinkle it on every inch of my Daqin territory! "

  Yu Ji immediately knelt down, looked up at Su Wen, slowly clasped her fists with both hands, and shouted in a deep voice, "The last commander Yu Ji, please - fight!"

  At this moment, countless people were moved.

  Only the Emperor Yu sighed softly, only he himself knew that the woman in front of him must have loved him to the core.

  She was far away from the rivers and lakes and wandered the world, but after hearing the news of the remnants of the six kingdoms in Kandong, she came to find herself as soon as possible, hoping to tell herself all the news she knew.

  Whether you are in the end of the world, or the cape.

  However, there are many things in this world that are very strange (Li Wangzhao), they clearly love each other very much, and they love them deeply, but there will always be no way to be together because of various reasons.

  "Final Commander Yu Ji! Please - fight!"

  Yu Ji stopped drinking again.

  Su Wen's eyes showed resoluteness, and Han Tan was full of remorse, and he was trembling with regret at this moment.

  Yu Ji led the army to the north, chasing behind Liu Bang's army, the biggest possibility is to die on the grassland.

  Liu Bang's army was different from Wu's army.

  The fact that Liu Bang's army crossed the grasslands on its back had long been premeditated.

  Even if the Huns saw it, as long as they knew the intentions of Liu Bang's army, not only would they not obstruct it, but they would go all out to help.

  The enemy of the enemy is always his friend.

  This principle will not change in another thousand or ten thousand years.

  But Yu Ji is different.

  "Okay!" The emperor's eyes were red, "I canonized you as General Zhengbei, but people! I can only give you that, have you really thought about it?".

Chapter 981

  With a smile on her lips, Yu Ji looked at the emperor with admiration: "It is the honor of the last general to fight for your majesty!"

  "Okay!" Su Wen stood up and glanced at Han Tan, "Isn't the number counted yet?"

  Han Tan said in a panic: "The slaves are going to rush!"

  "Report! Your Majesty, a total of [-] people participated in this fight!"

  With sweat all over his face, Mr. Wei rolled over from the horse and dismounted, knelt on one side, and reported loudly.

  Su Wen stepped forward, looked at Yu Ji who was half-kneeling in front of him, squatted down suddenly, grabbed Yu Ji's collar, and whispered but full of resentment:

  "Would you rather go to the north to die than stay by my side?"

  Yu Ji looked at the blood-red eyes of the emperor and said softly, "Only in this way will your majesty remember me forever.

  But no matter where or when, my heart will always belong to Your Majesty.

  Those women in the harem who only know how to compete and be jealous cannot die for your majesty, but I can! "

  "Don't you even want a title?" Su Wen tore at Yu Ji's collar, his fingers creaking!

  Yu Ji said: "The illusory status is like a compliment in the living world, if someone takes the lead, it can change from compliment to slander.

  But the glory that remains in His Majesty's heart will always be there. "

  Su Wen sighed deeply, stood up, and said loudly: "Give my battle armor to General Zhengbei, and all the armaments under General Zhengbei will be furnished.

  As for when the army will set off for the north, it is up to General Zhengbei himself to decide, and no one should urge anyone to wait! "

  Han Tan, who was on the side, hurriedly responded: "Slave and servant lead the order!"

  However, Yu Ji, who was kneeling on the ground, shouted loudly: "The last general will lead the army to the north tomorrow to chase down the robbers! Show your majesty the grassland!"

  Su Wen turned around and glared at Yu Ji, don't you want the thinking time I gave you at the end?

  You are so cruel!

  Su Wen strode forward, "crash", and got on his horse!

  Without even looking at Yu Ji, she shouted loudly, "Go back to the city!"

  "Back to the city!"

  Han Tan hurriedly got on his horse and followed.

  The sky was dark, and Jinyiwei was like a dancing fire snake, meandering on the ground, Yu Ji was still kneeling on the ground, looking back at the direction where the emperor was gone, and only slowly stood up after a long time.

  All the generals Bai Qi, Ying Bu, and Han Xin had dispersed, and there was only a sincere military judge, leading [-] people, holding torches, standing in the field.

  Thousands of eyes stared at Yu Ji, Yu Ji looked back at everyone with a majestic face:

  "If you have injuries on your body, seek medical treatment immediately. For those who are not injured, get the military tent from the quarters and start setting up tents for the night!"

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