"Order!" someone shouted loudly.

  Yu Ji carried her hands on her back and stared at the full moon in the sky.

  A line of cavalry came roaring and stopped beside her.

  "This is the emperor's armor. It is of excellent quality, and a strong crossbow may not be able to shoot through it! He followed His Majesty to the north to conquer the Huns." Mr. Yu's voice came from behind Yu Ji.

  Yu Ji turned around, looked at Mr. Wei, nodded slightly, and the eunuch on the side stepped forward and fully unfolded the armor she was carrying.

  Yu Ji nodded slightly: "It's a good armor."

  "Girl... No, it should be the general. Why does the general have to offend His Majesty?"

  Yu Ji smiled, looked at Mr. Wei and said, "Does Mr. have a favorite woman?"

  When Mr. Wei heard the words, he seemed to see the coquettish proprietress of Huaxiang Restaurant in his eyes, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was like when he saw the very exaggerated and twisted waist and crotch of the proprietress.

  "That's it, if you fall in love with someone, then many times, you do things without reasons or asking anything."

  Mr. Wei shook his head back: "But the emperor doesn't like it at all if you do this."

  "But, if you don't do this, then do you really watch the emperor behead all these thousand people?"

  Mr. Wei shook his head: "The emperor has killed a lot of people, these are just trivial things."

  "But those people are all aliens, traitors, and these people are warriors who fought bloody battles for my Qin Dynasty.

  Brave (bgdi) warriors, then there should be a way of death that warriors should have.

  Why can't they die for the emperor and I can't die for the emperor? "

  Mr. Wei was speechless.

  "Boom boom boom——"

  A fast horse came galloping, and the knight on the horse suddenly reined in the reins, and the galloping fast horse suddenly stood up and let out a terrifying cry.

  "General Yu, the emperor returned to the city and vomited blood!"

  When Yu Ji heard the words, she suddenly got on her horse and went straight to Wu's City.

  At the line, Yu Ji looked at the emperor lying on the couch and couldn't help sighing: "I won't necessarily die."

  Su Wen's eyes were half closed, and his voice was weak: "What if you die? If you die, then I want to collect your body, but I can't find where your body is?"

  "I'm only in my twenties this year, you call me the rest of my life, how should I spend it, remembering you all the time? Missing you?

  Your heart is as vicious as a viper. "

  Yu Ji couldn't help laughing bitterly: "You are the emperor, how can you say something like this, or something that ordinary people in the market can say?"

  "I'm the emperor, but I'm also human." Su Wen sat up slowly and looked at Yu Ji: "Do you know what I'm thinking?"

  "How do I know?" Yu Ji said quickly, but couldn't help but whisper, "I know."

  Su Wen gently held Yu Ji's hand and patted the back of Yu Ji's hand, he smiled bitterly: "Being a good emperor is very tiring, on the contrary, being a stupid emperor is very happy.

  The wine pool and meat forest, open the conference without cover, do whatever you want, no matter what is written in the history books? "

  Yu Ji didn't speak.

  Su Wen sighed and continued: "Peach was like this back then, she killed Zhao Tuo for her brother.

  So he was reprimanded and went to Qinjiazhuang.

  At that time, I started to want to be a fool. "

  He looked at Yu Ji and said weakly, "This is the second time."

  Yu Ji stretched out her hand to hug the emperor in her arms, very hard, and the emperor's muffled voice came from her arms, and she struggled slightly with the emperor:

  "Let go, I'm going to suffocate!"

  Yu Ji let go of the emperor, and the two looked at each other. Yu Ji couldn't help laughing. She stretched out her palm and gently stroked the emperor's face, and said with a sigh:

  "You said, if you are really just Zhao Yi in the mangrove? How good would that be?"

  Su Wen said softly: "If you want, then I'm Zhao Yi."

  Yu Ji shook her head: "But you are the emperor, you are the emperor, you have to shoulder what you have to do."

  "Fusu... um..." Su Wen said, "Fusu asked me to kill him a few days ago. The one who died was the real brother of Fusu, and the one who died in Shangjun is fake."

  Yu Ji looked at Su Wen in astonishment, and then a flash of decisiveness flashed in her eyes: "Don't say anything, Fusu lives... Let Fusu be the emperor, and you do what Zhao Yi said!

  You are the Emperor of Qin, you are the Son of Heaven, and you are also my husband, Yu Ji. I promise you, if I can or come back from the grassland, I will obediently stay in the harem, be a prisoner bird, and accompany you for the rest of my life! ".

Chapter 982

  "Your Majesty is disappointed?"

  "Since you really like it, then go after it. Anyway, everyone in and out of the city is yours. If you order, no one will go against it."

  Xu Mogong's laughing voice echoed in Su Wen's ears.

  Su Wen glanced back at Xu Mobu, a little helpless: "When did you come back?"

  "When you were going out to cut people, Han Tan had already sent someone to come back to me. He was a little worried about Yu Ji... Oh, it's not General Zhengbei now - I can't persuade you."

  Xu Mobu sat down next to Su Wen, sniffed the emperor's mouth, and then said with a little chuckle:

  "Don't use chicken blood in the future. This thing is too strong. Fortunately, Miss Yu Ji was in a mess, so she didn't see any flaws. Otherwise, you dignified son, what do you think you will end up with?"

  Su Wen sighed helplessly: "Have you always been so smart?"

  Xu Mobu looked at Su Wen pretending to be terrified: "Could it be that Your Majesty wants to kill someone?"

  Su Wen glanced at Xu Mobu angrily, and leaned on the pillow a little tiredly: "The matter of vomiting blood is what Han Tan thought of this shit.

  Are you saying I'm a scumbag?How to listen to a eunuch's advice and go after a woman? "

  Xu Mo was out of breath with laughter.

  Su Wen stared: "Are you still laughing? She went north to the grasslands this time, and she died without life!"

  Xu Mobu shook his head: "Your Majesty is very strange, you treat Taozi like this, Yu Ji is like this, you are like this with the queen, even if you treat me like this, you are like this.

  You never want to force us to do anything, but you are the Son of Heaven, and your words are the imperial edict, who would dare to disobey? "

  Su Wen half-closed his eyes: "That's not because I have always put you and me on the same level.

  Didn't I say it before?

  I don't want to be a loner, and I don't want people sleeping beside their pillows, thinking about how to make money for their parents' family, regardless of the safety of the court.

  I don't want to, when I kiss you, your heart can't be connected with mine. "

  Xu Mo hugged the emperor and kissed him fiercely.

  Su Wen sat up, wiped the saliva from his face, and looked at Xu Mowei who was crying and laughing: "Crazy?"

  "Crazy! That's crazy! Your Majesty likes Yu Ji so much, why not?" Xu Mozheng's eyes were full of quirks, and she hurried out.

  When Su Wen didn't understand what was going on, Han Tan walked in with hot tea.

  "Come to plead guilty!"

  Su Wen picked up the tea and smiled: "When did you learn to be hypocritical? Where's the princess?"

  "The imperial concubine said that she has something important, and the servants are not allowed to intervene."

  Su Wen held the tea, took a sip, suddenly looked at Han Tan, who was kneeling with his head down, and said slowly:

  "Don't lower your head, come and have tea with me and talk?"

  "How dare the slaves dare to be rude?"

  Su Wen reached out and picked up the teapot, poured two cups of tea, and pushed one cup in front of Han Tan. Han Tan was frightened, took it with both hands, and said thanks to him.

  Su Wen held the teacup: "Old Han, what do you think this woman is thinking?"

  Han Tan's face was full of bitterness: "Your Majesty, can you ask the slave maid something else? How does the slave maid know?

  Did you just give His Majesty a bad idea? "

  Seeing Han Tan's behavior, Su Wen waved his hand: "Come on! I know, then tell me, can Yu Ji lead the thousand or so people through the hinterland of the Huns?"

  "This?" Han Tan became bitter again: "How can slaves know?"

  Su Wen stared: "Can't you tell me what you know?"

  Han Tan hurriedly said: "The servant knows that the Majesty's order now, Miss Yu Ji will stay, and there is no need to worry about the issue of safe death."

  Su Wen frowned and said, "You're not talking nonsense, but if I really ordered her to stay, then... that's not okay... But, I always feel that if she doesn't want to stay, I feel in my heart. It's very uncomfortable."

  Han Tan's face was full of bitterness: "Your Majesty, it's not okay for you to stay here, and it's not okay if you don't stay. The servants don't understand even more. You are the emperor, and the world belongs to you. What do you want to do, do you have to ask others?"

  "You don't understand this." Su Wen smiled: "If you stay, you can unlock a lot of knowledge, but I force you to stay, it's not much fun.

  Take Concubine Hui and Concubine Ren for example, they are far worse than the empress, peach, and imperial concubine.

  I sat with the Empress and the others and drank some boiled water, and they all thought it was sweet, but sitting with Concubine Hui and Concubine Ren and drinking a sip of sweet water, I felt that something was wrong?

  This is the relationship between active and passive. "

  Han Tan was startled, but shook his head in confusion: "The slaves don't understand very well."

  Su Wen raised his head and was about to speak when he suddenly saw a tall figure walking in from outside the door, and walked towards Su Wen quickly.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  Su Wen looked at it, and his eyes were full of surprise.

  Han Tan glanced back, quietly packed up the tea set, and quickly backed out.

  "You... why are you here? Aren't you going to die on the grassland?" Su Wen's voice was a little dissatisfied.

  Yu Ji slowly sat down, looked at the emperor and smiled: "Your Majesty doesn't want me to come?"

  "I do! Of course I do!" Su Wen said movingly, but then he said, "What did Lao Xu tell you? Have you changed your mind?"

  "Old Xu?" Yu Ji didn't quite understand.

  Su Wen then said, "Imperial Concubine... um, what did she say to you? Did you change your mind all of a sudden?"

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