"She didn't say anything, she just told me that there is no need for intrigue to enter the palace.


  Well, she also said that she can continue to do whatever she wants, and she said that she has been studying astronomy.

  Even after becoming Concubine Xuan Gui, if the interest comes, you can still go to the imperial city and make a hexagram. "

  Su Wen frowned: "I don't even know about this."

  Yu Ji smiled: "Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that she told me that His Majesty used chicken blood to pretend to vomit blood, just to deceive me back.

  The Son of Heaven can do this, why should I be stubborn? "

  Su Wen always felt a little strange when Yu Ji came closer, but after smelling the familiar smell on Yu Ji, he readily accepted it.

  The next day, the sun slowly climbed up from the hillside, and the entire Wuzhi City completely turned golden.

  "Your Majesty... Your Majesty..."

  Su Wen opened his eyes in a daze, and saw Xu Mo looking at him with a strange look on his face, smiling all over his face.

  Su Wen was shocked: "What the hell? Where is Xiao Yu?"

  Xu Mozheng leaned forward with a smile: "Your Majesty, isn't Xiao Yu here?"

  This voice... turned it into Yu Ji's voice completely!

  Su Wen looked back and saw that a human skin mask was casually hung on the head of the bed, as if he was mercilessly mocking himself.

  Seeing the emperor's darkened face, Xu Mogong smiled "hehe".

  Su Wen couldn't get angry, and said angrily, "Is it exciting?"

  Xu Mogong glanced at Su Wen, lowered his head shyly, and said sweetly, "It's exciting!" Xiao.

Chapter 983

  Su Wen gritted his teeth, angry and funny: "I really want to break your dog's legs!"

  "Wang wang wang..." Xu Mobu immediately barked like a puppy, but no matter how he looked at it, he seemed to be acting cute.

  Su Wen finally couldn't help laughing.

  Outside the door, Han Tan, who was waiting to serve the emperor, also showed a small face. He said to himself: "Since the eldest son died, the emperor has not laughed so happily for a long time!"

  After half an hour.

  "So, you did go to the military camp last night?" Su Wen leaned on the couch tiredly, breathing slightly.

  Xu Mofu leaned against his chest like mud. After recovering for a while, he still said weakly:

  "I've been there, and I did tell her all this, but somehow, this little Yu was dead-headed from start to finish, and insisted on dying on the grasslands for you."

  Su Wen frowned: "The idea of ​​five, six or seven people is really amazing... You said, do I want to get her back?"

  "No!" Xu Mowei shook his head: "No, it's the best, her will is very firm, if you really call her back, I'm afraid she won't treat you like she is now."

  Xu Mo said negatively, "I did some calculations for her on the way back last night."

  Of course Su Wen knew that Xu Mozheng's fortune-telling was amazing, and hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

  Xu Mobu closed his eyes: "Speak out, you don't like it."

  "Go ahead."

  Xu Mo said: "Her fate is very strange, I don't know how to describe it, according to her life palace, she should not die in the north, she should die in the south.

  But it is very strange that her life palace seems to have changed because of some things.

  But it is still short-lived, and the god of life seems to have not fully thought about her fate, how to arrange it. "

  Su Wen couldn't help but ask: "What does this mean?" He was a little shocked. In history, Concubine Yu really died there, and she died when she was very young.

  "That is to say, she has two fates. If she doesn't go to the northern grasslands this time, she will definitely die in the south, and she will die very young.

  But if she goes to the northern grasslands, then her fate will change very strangely.

  It's like... how can you say that, her destiny seems to be able to change again.

  I call this thing, not what I call this thing, but all the sects of the masters and hundreds of schools, all call this thing a heaven-defying change! "

  "Fate against the sky?" Su Wen showed a look of surprise on his face: "So, she has to go to the north?"

  "Not bad!" Xu Mobu nodded: "And I feel that the reason why she is so stubborn to go to the north may be that someone from an expert instructed her, and that's why she wanted to go to the north.

  Do you remember, Your Majesty?When she left you, she once said that if she could come back alive, she would be a prisoner in His Majesty's palace? "

  Su Wen took a few deep breaths: "It's really so amazing? You won't shake me?"

  "Your Majesty, you are my husband... I told you before, I have seen your fate before, and your fate is also the fate of early death, but now, your fate palace is in chaos.

  What kind of fate you can get out of is entirely in your control.

  Even the God of Fate, who rules the fate of all people, cannot control your fate. "

  Here I will add that in the first chapter, I wrote that the protagonist was because of a ghost, and this time he crossed over to the second emperor Su Wen.

  When I went back to read the book review, I found that many book friends were complaining about this, so I will spoil it in advance. This is a deliberate arrangement. As for why there is a ghost story, you will understand when you get to the end.

  As for what it is, I won't say if I send the blade, unless you send me a beautiful girl, and I can tell you quietly.

  Su Wen sat up and looked at the scorching sun outside the window, with a strange look on his face:

  "Then you pretend to be her, does she know?"

  "Do you think I'm the kind of person who does things and doesn't discuss with others?" Xu Mo negatively asked, and he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  "Your Majesty, General Bai Qi reported that the slaughtering army was ready and set off for Xianyang." Outside the screen, Gong E's voice came in.

  Su Wen said, "When did it happen?"

  "At dawn."

  Su Wen narrowed his eyes: "So, the Ren Tu army is already on its way... um, what about the rest of the army?"

  "The generals of the rest of the armies have already submitted their orders, and the army has been reorganized and can set off at any time."

  Su Wen glanced at Xu Mofu who was sleeping soundly, thought for a while, and said, "This time back in Xianyang, we need to think about everything from a long-term perspective. Naturally, the army doesn't have to rush too much, ten days is enough to return to Xianyang.

  It's just this world, ten days, but I don't know how many things will happen..."

  "Order all the armies, tomorrow morning, the whole army will set off, and the army will return to Xianyang City!"

  "As ordered!" Gong E responded.

  On the endless grassland, the mighty army walked aimlessly.

  The two leaders were none other than Liu Bang and Fan Kuai.

  Fan Kuai yawned and then said, "Big brother! Will those Huns really let us pass through their territory?"

  Liu Bang sat on the back of the horse and squinted at Fan Kuai: "You dog killer, have you killed too many dogs and become a fool yourself?"

  "Oh! Aren't I worried? What if the Huns King Hunxie and King Xiutu don't play cards according to common sense?"

  "Don't worry!" Liu Bang said with confidence: "The Huns on the grasslands have long been afraid of being beaten by the Qin emperor, so how dare they attack us?

  We should be careful ourselves, if they do come, we will tell them that the emperor of Qin is dead and the Central Plains are in chaos, and we are going to take a detour to attack Wang Li's ass.

  Whoever dares to stand in our way will kill all the men in their tribe and plunder all the women. "

  Fan Kuai's eyes brightened when he heard the woman, and he rubbed his hands: "Well, we haven't seen a living person for a long time since we went to the grasslands in the north.

  Those people who catch slaves are really hateful. In order to avoid them, we have suffered a lot. "

  Liu Bang laughed: "The people from the Slave Hunting Corps are the most disgusting people. Although we suffered a lot, the traceability 3.8 was not discovered by them.

  It's Mr. Zhang Liang, I wonder if he has escaped now? "

  Fan Kuai also thought about looking south: "It's hard to say."

  His only right eye was full of worry: "The biggest possibility, he has already died in Wuzhi City?"

  "Don't talk nonsense?" Liu Bang squinted, raised his head and looked towards the south.

  Fan Kuai turned his head and looked at Liu Bang.

  Liu Bang smiled: "Haven't you heard a word? Good people don't live long, but disasters will last thousands of years!

  He Zhang Liang, for the Qin state, is a great scourge!

  How could it be so easy to die? "

  Fan Kuai was about to speak when he suddenly saw a black line appearing on the horizon ahead, like a tide, rolling over here.

  Liu Bang narrowed his eyes: "It should come, let's come after all! Fan Kuai, let's start your performance!".

Chapter 984

  Fan Kuai drove his horse and walked forward slowly. This was the Huns' army encircling them from a distance.

  Perhaps, when they had just entered the grassland, the Huns had already discovered them.

  But out of fear of the Qin army, the Huns never approached them or made contact with them.

  It was not until the Huns found that this army was very strange and had been going deep into their own hinterland, and then they had to convene a large army to prepare for contact or a battle!

  "The country of Qin has perished!"

  Fan Kuai's thunderous voice suddenly exploded on the grassland, and the sound wave spread to the end of the world.

  The horses at the forefront of the Xiongnu army, separated by more than a mile, were so frightened that they screamed.

  The sound of a cracking explosion echoed directly at the end of the world.

  The Huns suddenly became chaotic, and their advance suddenly stopped.

  Fan Kuai grinned and laughed, and couldn't help but look back at Liu Bang: "Brother! These barbarians really believe it!"

  "Don't be careless, let alone get carried away!" Liu Bang shouted.

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