Once the thieves camp was on fire, we split into their camp.

  They have no intention of calculating, and they have no precautions. Even if they get [-] pigs, they can put [-] people into the water to feed the fish! "

  Su Wen watched from the side, his heart was full of emptiness.

  Looking at the meaning of Bai Qi and the ten thousand husbands in front of him, it is not like an army of [-], but [-] sheep...

  "Your Majesty! I know that you must go to the battlefield!" Many thousands of husbands and wives have already acted.

  Bai Qi looked at Su Wen.

  "Not bad!" Su Wen nodded and said, "But I don't know where the general intends to arrange me?"

  Bai Qi was silent for a while: "Your Majesty led the first team to kill the rebels' Yuanmen.

  After the thief army's gate was broken, His Majesty went all the way to the north to kill.

  The pirate army's camp is extending north and south, and at that time, it will kill people when it sees it, and set fire to things when it sees it! "

  Su Wen suddenly said, "Did we forget something?"

  Bai Qi laughed and said, "Your Majesty is talking about something that ignites fire? Hahaha... Has Your Majesty forgot?

  These days, it has been rainy and cloudy, which has caused the climate here to be very low, so the thieves have already hoarded a lot of wood.

  When we destroy the camp, won't we have torches and something to start the fire?

  Just throw a fire into the wooden warehouse, and you can burn a river full of red! "

  Su Wen really couldn't help rubbing the cold sweat on his forehead. The word "madman" brewed in his mouth for a long time, and finally became one word!


  Counting the stars and the moon for two hours is really very comfortable for Su Wen.

  After all, among the [-]-strong army, there are [-] people, all of which are quietly marching towards the north.

  All the people attacked the [-] bandit army together two hours later!

  Thinking about it is heart-warming.

  "His Majesty--"

  Not long after, Wang Mi walked up to the emperor and bowed his hands.

  Su Wen stood up, and almost at the same time, all the people who were resting on the hillside Tu Jun also stood up slowly one by one.

  The entire hillside was full of the sound of battle armor rubbing against each other.

  Wang Mi held a pair of slaughtered armor in both hands, and looked at the emperor firmly.

  Su Wen turned around and put on his armor, and he felt a heavy feeling all over his body. After wearing the pure steel visor, Su Wen felt like he had completely turned into a bloodthirsty demon king who only knew how to kill.

  "God bless Da Qin!"

  Su Wen raised his hand, and the horizontal knife around his waist was unsheathed in an instant. He pointed to the east, the Yan-Han coalition camp where the lights were still bright, and shouted in a low voice:



  On the hillside, a thousand soldiers slaughtered in unison.

  In an instant, the mountain seemed to tremble slightly.

  Su Wen walked in the forefront silently, holding a horizontal knife in one hand, and the soldiers behind him all dodged sackcloth on their feet.

  Even though thousands of people walked together, there was no very loud noise.

  On the contrary, the turbulent river water in the flooded water, coupled with the night, became the best cover for the army.

  On the wooden gate above the Yuanmen, the soldiers were dozing off with their spears in their arms, as if they had never felt that the god of death had come silently to the world.

  On the arrow stack, the soldier holding the crossbow took a sip of strong wine, then shook his body, yawned and looked left and right on the arrow stack while holding the crossbow.

  Suddenly, he saw that many people appeared on the ground?


  When he was about to make any move, an arrow had already broken through the air and hit him in the neck!

  The man fell straight down, but was caught by Tu Jun, who was densely packed below.

  The body fell and was not found.

  Su Wen only felt hot sweat on his forehead.

  He waved his hand, and the people on the side, Tu Jun, stepped forward slowly, and all of them pressed against the wooden army village.

  "Fuck! I let you touch it, but I didn't let you push down the military camp! How can this be pushed down?"

  Su Wen's depressed voice just passed, and that section of the military village rumbled and fell toward the barracks. .

Chapter 1067

  Su Wen froze, and then roared furiously: "Kill! Kill when you see anyone, and let go if there is fire!

  I will take you to kill and set fire tonight!Act for the sky!

  kill! "

  Excited, Su Wen didn't even notice what he said.

  Under the collapsed army fortress, the people who roared furiously and slaughtered the army violently waved the horizontal knife in their hands.

  The wood that was tied into a wooden village and was as thick as an adult's thigh was broken, and the incision was smooth!

  This is clearly chopping wood, but in the hands of Ren Tujun, there is a sense of sight of chopping cabbage and chopping carrots.

  Su Wen grabbed the wood and jumped. He thought he could jump directly over, but he didn't want to fall halfway through the jump.

  The feeling of the slaughtering army on the body is far more difficult than fighting with a strong man on his back.

  "Om—" Xue Liang's blade shattered the crossbar in an instant, and Su Wen roared and rushed in.

  It was only at this time that the combined Yan and Han forces, who had recovered from the earthquake, roared and rushed down the camp.

  Su Wen roared: "Rush forward, don't fight!"



  Thousands of people roared, but the momentum was like a million lions.

  This is a thousand tigers, rushing into the sheepfold of hundreds of thousands of fat sheep.

  A group of cavalry rushed forward from nowhere.

  Su Wen, who was rushing forward with a horizontal knife, grinned wildly: "My sons, the bandit army is rushing to send us horses!

  Kill the past, kill the horse! "


  In the massacre army, only one voice echoed.

  But it made the surrounding air tremble!

  Su Wen rushed to the front. After he watched the war horse approaching his side, he suddenly put his arms around the war horse and pressed it to the ground.

  The knight on the horse screamed in horror, and stabbed the spear towards Su Wen, but immediately even the person who replaced the horse was pressed to the ground.

  Before he could see what his opponent looked like, he was kicked by Su Wen to the chin, and half of his head flew out.

  Su Wen put his arms around the horse's neck, and immediately lifted the surprised warhorse up, then turned over and mounted!


  Beside him, there was an incomparably neat battle roar from the slaughtering army!


  Su Wen turned his horse's head and suddenly charged towards the army.

  At this time, the enemy army didn't even check the reaction, and even a strict array was formed!

  "The man's arm is the car, it's beyond your own power!" Su Wen snorted coldly, and dashed forward.

  The Human Tu Army does not treat the seated warhorse as a sustainable warhorse at all.

  He actually slashed directly on the horse's ass!

  The pained warhorse neighed wildly and charged towards the army formation.

  "Bang bang bang-"

  There were sounds of broken tendons and fractures everywhere. Su Wen was a relatively slow driver.

  Objectively speaking, there is still a little difference between the emperor and this group of war lunatics...

  Not as crazy and not as bloody.

  Screams echoed everywhere.

  Su Wen waved his knife horizontally, pointed at the surrounding military camp and shouted: "People are killed! It's time to set fire!"

  The mad people slaughtered the army and went mad with the blood of the enemy, and some people directly waved the brazier on the wooden stack that was illuminated in the barracks and flew out.

  The sparks in the sky were mixed with burning wood, which fell directly onto the military tent!

  For a time, the fire was blazing, and as far as Su Wen's eyes could see, there were burning tents everywhere.

  "Go ahead and kill!" Su Wen roared, his legs clamped on the war horse, and he rushed forward frantically.

  "Choo Choo Choo--"

  The neighing of war horses was everywhere.

  A group of soldiers appeared out of nowhere, and without saying a word, they waved the spear in their hands and threw them at the crowd.

  Without Su Wen's words, the running army suddenly separated to the left and right.

  Before the roaring spear could fall, the enemy saw his left and right cavalry dashing out twice, wielding horizontal swords.

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