Another round of assault.

  A corpse is left behind.

  "No matter where they came from! Stop them!" the rumbling echoed.

  There was another cavalry in front.

  Su Wen grinned and took the lead in dashing away.

  The soldiers at the back roared fiercely, and Su Wen only heard the sound of breaking through the air behind him. The enemy cavalry, who was speeding in front, instantly fell to the ground, even replacing their horses.

  "Riding on a horse!"

  Su Wen cursed inwardly, feeling that he was a bit ashamed of the emperor.

  After the soldiers behind just now killed all the infantry, they all knew that they could pick up their spears.

  I didn't think of it at all...

  This is really like what I said in vain, although we are here to kill people and set fire, but we don't need to bring fire, use their fire to burn themselves less...

  He feels now that we are here to kill, but we don't have to bring spears and stab them with their own...

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

  "Wan Sheng!"

  When the scattered cavalry heard the incomparably tidy roar of the slaughtering army, they broke away in fright.

  "Big gang! Big gang! The former army gang of the rebels!"

  Among the madly slaughtering army, I don't know who it is, and screamed fiercely.

  For a time, all the people Tu Jun rushed forward frantically.

  On Su Wen's side, before he could clearly see where the big fish they were talking about was, he was already rushed forward by the crowd.

  At this moment, the emperor appears to be so fragile, so empty, lonely and out of place...

  "Presumptuous! Ben will—"

  In the military tent under the big net, a column of soldiers rushed out, surrounded by a military general.

  The general on the horse's back carried a long-handled sword, thinking of the general who wanted to report to his family, he had just said half of his words before being hurled by a spear to kill the horse!


  Immediately, the personal soldiers surrounding the generals fled in terror one by one!

  Everyone rushed forward, without Su Wen saying a word, some soldiers cut off the head of the former general and dedicated it to Su Wen!

  "The front is where the former generals are, and the head belongs to Wang Mi! Who dares to block me!"

  At this time, a terrifying roar ripped through the night sky.

  Bai Ze laughed loudly and said, "Your Majesty! It's Wang Mi, the commander of two or five hundred people from another army!"

  Su Wen nodded and said, "At the time of the Battle of Yinshan, this person was only the master of a hundred people, which shows that his ability is extraordinary, and now he is the master of two or five hundred people.

  Hahaha, my Daqin is really talented! "

  The voice fell, and a troop of horses had already appeared not far away.

  "Ahahaha - I don't know which brother took the lead. You and I joined forces to advance to the north, and the bandit army has already begun to rout!"

  Su Wen drove his horse and rushed out: "It's me, Su Wen!"

  Wang Mi, who was covered in blood, heard these words and said in shock, "It turns out that it was Your Majesty, and the general did not know anything at the end. I would like to atone for His Majesty's order to kill the bandit army!"

  Wang Mi's voice fell, and suddenly the fire in the north filled the sky, and the light of the fire illuminated the night sky, almost igniting the dark night.

  "Not good! Your Majesty, it was Wang Su, the general of the bandit army, who ordered people to dig a trench, threw in the herbs and sesame oil, and set a fire to separate us!"

  When Su Wen heard this, Wang Su?good guy!This person is one of the ruthless characters of one of the [-] founding princes of the Western Han Dynasty!

  Never thought that I would encounter it here.Small.

Chapter 1068

  Hearing the soldier's announcement, Su Wen couldn't help but look at Bai Ze and then at Wang Mi, the three of them laughed wildly on horseback.

  The soldiers around him couldn't help but laugh.

  "Let's go! Let's go and see, it should be where the third team is divided. The third team is estimated to have rushed to the north, and Wang Su is still trying to block our progress. It's ridiculous!"

  In other words, this can stop their progress, but it can't stop the massacre of the massacre.

  Su Wen pulled the reins and led the crowd away.

  Ahead, the tall flames were billowing into the sky, and after hundreds of steps, Su Wen felt that the visor on his face was burning hot.

  Su Wen looked to the left and right, the fire ditch spread far into the distance, and he wanted to detour for a while, but it was impossible.

  It's even more impossible to rush over directly!

  "Drive out the bandit army to put out the fire!" Wang Mi shouted loudly, turning around and leading the soldiers behind him and rushing over.

  Su Wen restrained the [-] warhorse and waved his hand: "Drive people to put out the fire!"

  Bai Ze handed over his orders and left, he rushed towards the flaming barracks, and immediately surrounded a group of rebels who were fleeing!

  "I am Bai Ze, deputy commander of the Human Tu Jun. You can surrender now, and you can avoid death!"

  Bai Ze held the horizontal sword high, and thunder roared angrily.

  Immediately, the people in the film hesitated for a moment, and then knelt down.

  "I'm waiting to come down!"

  "I'm waiting to come down!"

  Bai Ze snorted coldly, "Follow me to dig the ground to put out the fire immediately. You can make a great contribution when you surrender today, so as not to be denounced as a slave!"

  Everyone hesitated, Bai Ze suddenly roared, drove his horse and rushed forward, his hands fell, five or six people were chopped into two in an instant, and the scene was bloody and terrifying.

  "If you dare to hesitate any more, you will have two hearts, and this is the end! If you don't get up quickly, go dig the ground to put out the fire!"

  Everyone was afraid, and they didn't see where the generals in the army were, so they could only let Bai Ze drive.

  Not long after, everyone followed Bai Ze to the edge of the fire ditch and started digging furiously with the weapons in their hands.

  I don't know where I found some big wooden carts. After digging the soil, I pushed them forward and used inertia to rush into the big fire ditch in front.

  Wang Mi also drove thousands of people here, and in less than half an hour, the fire ditch was extinguished.

  Su Wen stretched out his hand to hold the head of the former army general and shouted loudly: "I am Su Wen, Emperor of Great Qin, your general is dead, and submitting to Great Qin can save him from death!"

  "I'm actually returning to Daqin, and I will never dare to give birth to the heart of betrayal!"

  Su Wen shouted: "This is the best, you wait for those who surrender, stay where you are immediately, don't move rashly, and wait until the army comes to accept the surrender!

  Whoever dares to move around at will, will be treated as a chaotic army at that time and will be killed! "

  After saying this, Su Wen threw the head of the former army general to Wang Mi:

  "Hang up! Intimidate the soldiers!"

  "Deal!" Wang Mi responded and ordered a wooden pole to be erected and hung on it like that.

  Su Wen led the army straight past.

  Here, from a distance, the fire is blazing, and there are military tents burning with fire everywhere, but few people are seen.

  Su Wen pondered in his heart, it seems that Wang Su, one of the eighteen princes who founded the Western Han Dynasty, really didn't have a false reputation!

  Nine times out of ten, the people here were evacuated by him.

  In such a chaotic situation, he could still organize his troops to dig trenches and set fires to block his progress for half an hour.

  It is also a talent!

  "Go forward! Fast through this area!"

  With Su Wen's order, everyone shouted and drove their horses forward.

  Not long after, I saw that the front brigade was besieging and killing the dense army of thieves!

  Yin Huhu drove the horse forward and shouted loudly, "I am the Emperor of Qin, Su Wen! Who dares to fight me to the death!"

  The emperor's anger echoed in the chaotic army, and Su Wen rushed in with his horse.

  The second generals, Wang Mi and Bai Ze, who followed behind, could only see where the emperor went. The bandit army collapsed in pieces like the grass blown by the autumn wind.

  Su Wenma has no enemy in front of him.

  In a short period of time, he completely advanced a full two hundred steps!

  "Who dares to fight to the death with me!" Su Wen shouted angrily, and the surrounding rebels were instantly scattered left and right, and his whole body was like a vacuum.

  Su Wen stared at the military flag in the bandit army, and shouted, "I'm here!"

  Under the flag, a military general gritted his teeth and yelled, "Kill the dog..."


  Before the words were completely spoken, the others had already been chopped to pieces by Su Wen.

  Su Wen snorted coldly, broke the military flag with one hand, grabbed it in his hand, and killed it calmly.

  "The emperor is mighty!"

  "The emperor is mighty!"

  For a time, shouts were heard in the army.

  "Push forward—"

  Su Wen raised his arms and shouted!

  The human slaughter army pushed forward frantically, like a human flesh harvester.

  The rebels who tried to fight back fell on the ground one after another.

  The dead corpses are stacked together, and they are already more than ten feet tall!

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