Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 998 Mr. Jin, say it again

"My true intention son, just die in peace." Poseidon looked at North with painful eyes, but his tone was very firm!

He really wants North to die!

North was stunned for five seconds before he came back to his senses and shouted loudly: "No, father! I don't want to die!"

"Father, stop joking."

"I am your favorite child! I am a pure-blooded god with your blood flowing through my veins!"

No matter how much North shouted, Poseidon did not change his mind. He just said coldly: "My son... even if you survive, you will only be a human pet in the future."

"How can we, pure-blooded gods, be humans' pets!"

"We have the nobility of gods, how can we surrender to humans!"

"Furthermore, even if you can escape, so what... Without me and the many ocean gods, can you alone support the Ocean Temple?"

"You are too immature!"

"Even with the assistance of the deputy palace master, our Ocean Temple will be divided up by many temples in the future."

"My son." Poseidon shouted angrily: "Follow your father and die for the nobility of our pure-blooded gods, so that these humans know that our pure-blooded gods cannot be tarnished!"

"Even if we die, we pure-blooded gods will never surrender to these humble humans!"

"You are dead and your father is dead, but we can also drag this girl to die with us! Humans will pay the price for killing us, and they will be even more afraid of us pure-blooded gods!"

"These humans will know that even if they can win against us by chance, they will still have to pay the price for killing gods!!"

"This is also the last contribution we can make to other pure-blooded gods!"

When Poseidon said this, he said with emotion: "Although everyone in the God Realm plots against each other,...after all, they are all pure-blooded gods!"

For a moment, North was silent.

Poseidon looked at Lin Fan: "Let's do it!"

Lin Fan's face was full of astonishment at this time: "No, you don't think about it? This is your son! It's better to die than live!"

"Stop talking nonsense and do it quickly!" Poseidon did not respond at all, but raised his neck: "Kill my son, kill me again, and kill the girl with him!"

Lin Fan looked at North and discussed, "How about you beg your father for mercy again?"

"Father is right." North seemed to suddenly have a backbone and said coldly: "As a pure-blooded god, how can I succumb to weak humans like you?"

"Do it!"

For a moment, Lin Fan froze.

Damn you don't play by the rules.

Are you all so unafraid of death?

But Lin Fan couldn't say anything more at this time. Instead, he was held back by these two father and son!

"Then, do it."

Lin Fan, who looked like a demon, stretched out his claw-like right hand, slowly raised it, and aimed it at North's neck.

Poseidon gritted his teeth.

Lin Fan suddenly noticed that as Poseidon's mind was scattered again, the fusion that was originally controlled by him began to loosen again. For a moment, the girl's soul that had been fused into his body actually faintly emerged from his body again. separate.

"Will losing one's mind lead to loosening of fusion?"

Lin Fan frowned slightly.

The evil ghost suddenly showed a fang-filled smile to North: "North, your father abandoned you."

"Now, you can die!"


Sharp claws stab down!

In an instant, Poseidon roared with grief and anger: "My son!"

No matter what, North is his favorite child and the child he is most proud of!

In an instant, the fusion led by Poseidon became increasingly loose, reaching an unprecedented degree. The girl's soul actually separated from her body again, and this time, only a few strands of light were connected to Poseidon!

Under Poseidon's roar.

The sharp claw went straight to stab North's throat, but at the moment when it was about to penetrate, the sharp claw stopped suddenly!

The next moment, Poseidon's pupils shrank suddenly and his expression changed drastically!

The evil ghost raised its other sharp claw at some point and clenched it suddenly!


Countless pitch-black chains shot out from that sharp claw, and even in the pitch-black ocean, countless pitch-black chains shot out.

Like a poisonous snake, it wraps around the soul of Xingye who briefly broke away from the fusion because Poseidon lost his mind!


The chains tightened, like hands grabbing Xingye's soul and pulling it away from Poseidon!

[Shura Forbidden Technique·Shura Chain]!

This evil-minded Shura God actually wants to take the girl back from Poseidon, the Lord of the Sea!

For a moment, Poseidon's expression suddenly changed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Despicable!"

This despicable Shura God has no intention of killing North!

Instead, he wants to mess up his mind by killing North, so that he can save Xingye who was forcibly fused by him while his mind is loose!

"Despicable humans!"

Poseidon looked up to the sky and roared, and immediately restrained his mind. The strands of light connecting the starry night instantly became stronger, and they actually competed with the Shura chains!

"In my world, against me?"

Lin Fan snorted coldly and was about to increase the strength of the Shura Chain, but he heard a painful groan and a shattering sound.


Cracks spread across Xingye's soul.

Her soul was being torn apart and fought over by the High God Shura and the Lord of the Sea, Poseidon!

Although Xingye is extremely powerful, in the final analysis, he is only an average god!

I simply cannot bear such tearing!

Under this terrifying tear, Xingye's soul could faintly hear the sound of cracking, and cracks with light marks appeared on her soul.

Poseidon smiled ferociously: "God Shura! Keep fighting me for her! She will die in front of me and in front of you!"

"I'm not afraid of her death anyway!"

"Are you afraid?"

Poseidon looked at Lin Fan with a ferocious smile.

"Lin Fan..." Xingye groaned with a painful expression. She slowly raised her head and looked at Lin Fan: "Don't let go... I would rather die than become Poseidon's tool to threaten us and you..."

Lin Fan stared blankly at her cracked soul.

"Don't be sad... Ghosts and gods, you can't cry..." The cracked face forced a smile and said: "I'm very happy if you can come to save me... I am an assassin who no one pays attention to, but I just... Being able to let you pollute a world to save me... I'm really happy."

Lin Fan stretched out his claw-like palm, as if he wanted to touch the cracked face.

Xingye turned his head slightly to avoid it, and said softly: "Don't look at me, face must be very ugly now."

After saying that, Xingye suddenly shouted loudly: "Now, grab me and tear me apart!"

But Lin Fan released his claws.


The Shura chains that entangled Xingye's soul were instantly retracted.

For just a moment, Xingye's soul that was filled with cracks in the tearing was no longer shattered, but it was only for a moment. Without the pull of Shura's chain, Xingye's soul, which had slightly escaped from the fusion, was dragged into Poseidon's body again.

"It seems that you still haven't completely disturbed my mind."

"Besides, you still don't want her to die."

Poseidon smiled ferociously. Although his whole body was restrained by the dark wave, his arrogant tone sounded as if he had the upper hand.

Lin Fan looked at Poseidon and sighed: "Your son is going to die in front of you, and you haven't been completely distracted and forgotten about fusion."

"Stop talking nonsense and let's do it!"

Lin Fan stood there silently.

He could kill Poseidon at any time, kill North.

Completely destroy the Ocean Temple.

Completely end this first decisive battle between humans and gods.

Let the sea level that has risen hundreds of meters return to the ocean, let the land return to normal, and let this war end completely.


After working hard for so long, do you still want to give up?

After traveling back in time, do I still have to watch my companions leave?

Do we have to accept this ending?

Lin Fan grabbed North's neck and slowly disappeared into the crown world.

In the dormitory.

North and Lin Fan opened their eyes almost at the same time.

"Haha, you still can't..." North turned to look at Lin Fan, and was about to sneer when he saw Lin Fan's raised palm.


North suddenly fainted and fell to the ground.

Lin Fan casually formed a series of Shura chains, and after tying North firmly, he sat on the bed and meditated.

And right now.


The door rang.

"Come in." Lin Fan said without raising his head.

"I heard some noise here..." Jin Lao San smiled and opened the door. He was stunned when he saw North, and then asked expectantly: "Success?"

Lin Fan sighed: "Still not."

Mr. Jin glanced at the girl who was still wearing the crown, her eyes closed as if she were sleeping, and sighed: "How about..."

"I think there is still hope. It was just a little bit close just now... But I don't have a clue now." Lin Fan frowned and said: "I thought that through the threat of North, I could shake Poseidon's mind and give him something to do. Then he completely forgot about the dominant fusion for a moment... Even if it's just for a moment, as long as his mind is completely confused, I can save Xingye."

"But here's the thing."

"Even when he saw North being killed by me, his mind was not completely broken."

"But North is obviously his favorite child, the child he is most proud of, the child he has trained with his own hands, and the pure-blooded god who has inherited his pure bloodline."

"Why can't even North completely break Poseidon's mind?" Lin Fan frowned, "Don't Poseidon care about him the most? But if it wasn't North, then what is most important in Poseidon's heart? ?”

Lin Fan couldn't understand!

Because of Poseidon's previous performance, it was clear that he liked North the child the most!

Mr. Jin didn't know much about Poseidon and didn't know how to answer. He just looked at North who was locked up by Lin Fan and commented: "This kid looks average. He doesn't feel as good as the god Neil. Poseidon Why don’t you like Neil?”

"How about we use Neil to threaten Poseidon?"

As soon as these words came out, Lin Fan was stunned.

He was stunned for three seconds.

"Mr. Jin, what did you say?" Lin Fan seemed to have caught something, widened his eyes, and said loudly: "Say it again!"

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