Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 999 I am very willing

"Ah?" Mr. Jin was startled by Lin Fan's reaction, and said quickly: "I said, how about we use Neil to threaten Poseidon?"

After saying that, seeing that Lin Fan was in a bad state, Mr. Jin immediately shuddered and said quickly: "I'm just kidding, Neil the Goddess is from the Alliance of Gods and is our comrade. Don't kill him to scare Poseidon." …”

"No, that's not the sentence!" Lin Fan said solemnly: "The previous sentence!"

Mr. Jin was stunned and recalled: "The last sentence... Oh, by the way, I said, what I said is..."

"This kid looks average. He feels worse than the god Neil. Why doesn't Poseidon like Neil?"

After finishing speaking, Mr. Jin asked with some confusion: "Why do you ask this? What's wrong with this sentence?"

But Lin Fan didn't pay attention to Mr. Jin. Instead, he sat there as if he was demented and murmured to himself: "Why doesn't Poseidon like Neil? Yes, he is also a child. Why does Poseidon If he doesn’t like Neil, the god-born, why does he like North the most..."

"Why is Nos favored more than all the descendants of God? Poseidon has so many illegitimate children, but this Nos is the most favored by Poseidon and was trained to be his successor..."

Seeing Lin Fan's dejected look, Mr. Jin quickly stretched out his hand to push Lin Fan and asked with concern: "Are you okay? Calm down, don't scare me..."

But just reached out.

"Haha!" Lin Fan suddenly jumped up from the bed, looking up to the sky and laughing, "I understand, Mr. Jin, I understand! I understand! I understand! Haha, I understand!"

Mr. Jin was frightened and took a step back. Then he quickly grabbed Lin Fan and said urgently: "You, don't go crazy! I know you are under great pressure... Wait a minute, I will call a psychiatrist for you!" "

"Old Jin, I'm not crazy!" Lin Fan laughed and said, "I know what Poseidon cares about most! I know how to completely shake Poseidon's mind!"

Jin Lao was stunned: "Huh?"

Lin Fan seemed to have a light shining in his eyes, revealing some kind of truth, and said word by word: "What Poseidon cares about most is not North!"

"But the pure bloodline possessed by North!"

"Poseidon's favorite is not North either!"

"It's North's status as a pure-blooded god! It's the nobility of his natural pure-blooded god!"

Mr. Jin was stunned for a moment: "You mean..."

Lin Fan understood a lot in an instant, and said immediately: "That's right, that's right! Poseidon likes North the most... This is not the relationship between father and son at all, nor is it because of how good North is!"

"It's because North is a pure-blooded god! A pure god!"

"And the reason why he doesn't like the gods like Neil is not because those gods don't perform well or are not strong, but because... their blood is impure! They are not pure-blooded gods like North!"

"That makes sense." Mr. Jin frowned and said, "However, Neil's aura does not seem to be as powerful as this guy's... Maybe it's not because of blood, but because Neil's strength is not as good as North's, so Poseidon likes it. North, the best kid?”

Lin Fan shook his head: "Neil's strength is indeed not as good as North's, but Poseidon has many children. Neal is not the only illegitimate child he left in other planes!"

"In the Ocean Temple, I met a middle-level god elder who was at the top of the tenth level. He was the illegitimate son of Poseidon who was left in a fish-man plane in his early years."

"In terms of strength, he is much stronger than North!"

"In terms of qualifications, he has already entered the Ocean Temple. He has followed Poseidon through many battles. He even participated in the battle a thousand years ago! He also knows the situation of the Ocean Temple better than North. , He has a better understanding of other temples and the entire divine world than North!"

"In terms of loyalty, that illegitimate son betrayed the entire race and all his compatriots and helped the Ocean Temple destroy an eighth-level plane. Only then was he brought into the God Realm by Poseidon and entered the Ocean Temple."

"In the Ocean Temple, relying on his background as Poseidon's illegitimate son and relying on his outstanding abilities, he suddenly became an elder of the Ocean Temple from a marginal figure step by step."

"But no matter how good he performed in the future, it was difficult to go further. Poseidon never trained him as a successor, nor did he give him enough resources to be promoted to a high god!"

"On the contrary, as soon as North was born, he was designated as the young master by Poseidon!"

"He spent all kinds of resources regardless of the cost, and built up North's strength to the ninth level in a short period of time!"

Lin Fan continued: "Looking at the Ocean Temple, there are actually many ocean gods who are descendants of gods and are stronger than North, but none of them have been favored by Poseidon."

"They did not lose because of their strength, their qualifications, or their loyalty."

"They lost because... their blood was impure!"

"The reason why they are not favored by Poseidon is because they are not born pure-blooded gods!"

"In Poseidon's eyes, no matter how hard they work and how powerful they are, they can't compare to North, who is a pure-blooded god!"

"They have the blood of other races and are inherently inferior to North!"

"In Poseidon's opinion, they are the blood of gods whose blood has been tainted by the blood of weak beings!"

"So, even if they spend their whole life proving themselves and working hard to become stronger, even if they are smarter and more powerful than North... But in the eyes of Poseidon, they are destined to be inferior to North, a pure-blooded god. Lost!"

"Not only Poseidon thinks so, even other pure-blooded ocean gods speak with contempt when they secretly talk about those ocean gods who are descendants of gods!"

Lin Fan said it all in one breath. At this time, Mr. Jin also understood what Lin Fan meant and frowned: "You mean..."

A ferocious smile gradually appeared on Lin Fan's face: "What Poseidon cares about most is the noble blood of a pure-blooded god!"

"It is the blood of the gods that is born noble in his eyes!"

"It is the innate superiority that is superior to all life!"

At this point, Lin Fan paused.

His voice became sinister and penetrating.

"If you figure this out, the rest will be easier to handle."

"We want to completely break Poseidon's mind and rescue Starry Night."

"Killing North is not enough."

"We must let Poseidon know one thing... the blood of the gods that he regards as being born noble, superior to all life, and so proud of is vulnerable to a single blow!"

"We will crush his arrogance as a god head-on!"

"We want him to witness...that extremely powerful pure-blooded god being defeated by human blood!"

Jin Lao's breathing gradually became heavier and he said in a deep voice: "How to do it?"

"Notify the Alliance of Gods and ask Neil to come!" Lin Fan said decisively: "In addition, make a global announcement that Daxia will host a real decisive battle between humans and gods! Invite global audiences to watch!"

"This battle is about human dignity!"

"We want the whole world to witness that human blood is superior to gods!"

"Let Poseidon witness with his own eyes that Young Master North, whom he is proud of as a pure-blooded god, was defeated by a hybrid god he looked down upon!"

"In this battle, the god Neil will face the young master North!"

Lin Fan chose to let Neil face North!

One on one!

One was a mongrel god who was tainted by human blood in Poseidon's eyes and made him feel ashamed. He was not even worthy of being called father!

And the other one is Poseidon's proud young master North, who has the blood of a pure-blooded god and is born noble!

These two brothers with the same father are about the same age, have similar strength, have exactly the same priesthood, and both have the blood of Poseidon, but their treatment is very different!

The bad thing is that it comes from the mother’s bloodline!

One is the equally pure bloodline of the gods, and the other is a human bloodline that is extremely weak in Poseidon's eyes and has tarnished the noble bloodline of the gods!

The difference is the difference between man and God!

"This will be a real battle between humans and gods!" Lin Fan said softly.

Mr. Jin immediately nodded: "I'll make arrangements right away!"

ten minutes later.

The whole Blue Star sensation!

While everyone was still cleaning up the battlefield, just three hours after the battle ended, Daxia, who had captured Poseidon alive, suddenly announced to the world that the final battle between man and god was about to begin!

at the same time.

In League of Gods, Neil walks into Brenda's office.

Brenda looked at Neil with a complicated expression and sighed, "Are you willing to go?"

Neil slowly said: "No matter what, he is my half-brother after all, a brother and a friend, connected by blood."

Hearing this, Brenda sighed and waved her hand: "Okay, I understand, and I won't force you. I will find a way to reject Daxia..."

Before he finished speaking, Neil raised his head and said with a serious smile: "So, I am willing to kill this brother with my own hands in front of that father."

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