Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1249 The golden spear accompanied by destruction


The thunder is dazzling!

In the frozen still world, the eternal spear is not very fast, but it is like a poisonous snake that recognizes its target.

With dazzling thunder. 🄲

Against the cold wind that froze everything, it penetrated the frozen space inch by inch, pierced the still world bit by bit, opened its fangs and pounced on Chione.

Under [Destruction], [Winter] melts away.

The unstoppable thunder shattered the frozen world!

In this silent world, the sound of thunder overwhelmed the howling cold wind.

Under the dazzling spear point of thunder and lightning, the ice and snow melted in the thunder and lightning, and the melted snow water became the medium for propagating thunder and lightning. The dazzling lightning penetrated the ice layer, and the frozen space continued to fragment.


Amidst the sound of ice crystals breaking, Chione watched in disbelief as the eternal spear wrapped in thunder and lightning, emitted [Destruction], and rushed towards her.

In the biting cold wind that froze everything, this golden spear was not very fast.

It can even be said to be extremely slow, getting closer inch by inch.

But in this frozen world, this golden spear is like an unstoppable thunder.

At this moment, Chione finally felt the fear and despair that those Odin gods felt when they faced this [Eternal Spear].

I even felt the terror of Zeus holding the [Spear of Eternity].

She thinks that she is also the main god. Although she has fallen to the thirteenth level, she also possesses elemental treasures.

She thought she had sacrificed her divinity to the elemental treasure and released the [Winter] in it, and even Zeus would have to retreat!

But at this moment, she felt the power of Zeus!

Now she is only at level 13!

Even if you endure the assimilation, release the [Winter] in the elemental treasure no matter the cost.

She is definitely no match for Zeus. Even if Zeus only uses the [Destruction] he has mastered, he is enough to crush her!

Seeing the golden spear approaching with dazzling thunder and lightning, Chione was already desperate.

It seems that it is already a dead end!

The moment Zeus threw the eternal spear surrounded by thunder and lightning, the death knell of destruction had sounded.

Facing this eternal spear, she couldn't even turn around and escape.

This is the eternal gun that [must hit]!

Only then did she understand why no one in the entire God Realm could escape from the Eternal Spear!

[Must Hit] Guide [Destruction]!

The combination of these two rules is terrifying. This is the [destruction] that is destined to come!

Of course, Chione, who has been isolated from the news by many temples, is not very well informed. Now there is a news circulating in the entire God Realm. I heard that not long ago, two people escaped from the eternal spear in Shenzang, and even Unscathed!

But she is neither of those two people!

As long as she dares to stop releasing [Winter], the [Eternal Spear] that is still slowly approaching will destroy her in the next second!

Even [Winter], in the face of the [Destruction] that is destined to come, can only delay the pace of [Destruction]!

[Winter], unable to stop [Destruction]!

Chione knew that if she continued like this, she would only have two endings.

Or, be completely destroyed by the eternal spear that is approaching!

Or, choose to die with dignity and increase the release of [Winter] again, and in that process, the divinity that does not have many anchor points will be completely assimilated by [Winter].

I, the Lord God of Winter, will merge into Winter and become an ice sculpture, forever becoming a part of [Winter].

Looking at the eternal spear that penetrated the ice and snow and got closer inch by inch, Chione knew that she didn't have much time.

She is about to become the first main god to be killed in history!

Of course, this is because the news from Chione is not very flexible... This honorary title has been awarded to Poseidon by Lin Fan...

But this did not affect the bleakness in Chione's heart. She raised her head suddenly and looked through the world intertwined with winter and thunder to the starry sky in the distance.

There are silent figures there. Although they are well hidden, Kao


Nie knew that they must be watching all this!

"Lord gods!"

Chione's voice was sad and full of hope, resounding throughout this frozen world where thunder and ice intertwined: "Do you want to continue watching?"

"I know I don't have a good relationship with you."

"But I am also a main god! Just like you!"

"If Zeus kills me today, won't he kill you tomorrow?"

"If you don't take action now, just sit back and watch me die under the thunder. When you die under the thunder tomorrow, who else will take action!"

"Why don't you just join forces with me? Although Zeus is powerful, if we really fight... he may not be able to kill all of us!"

Zeus didn't say anything more, he just raised his head and glanced coldly at the figures standing in the starry sky with his thunderous eyes, carrying the majesty of the God King that destroyed everything.

Those figures were silent.

It was Chione's voice that was too weak under the thunder.

The howling of winter was like a howl in the rolling thunder, but the dazzling thunder and lightning was so dazzling through the ice.

Especially the strength shown by Zeus this time is even much stronger than at that time. The [Destruction] he mastered can actually crush the [Winter] released by Chione from the elemental treasure with divinity!

Who dares to help Chione at this time?

The Lord God sighed and looked at Chione with complicated eyes.

Standing in the starry sky and surrounded by the twelve golden saints, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, changed her expression and said quickly: "Chione, why are you asking us for help? We are not familiar with you! Don't let the God King misunderstand! "

"Besides, you are different from us, you really deserve to die! You actually conspired with God Shura to kill Young Master Zhou Ni. North is the child of Poseidon, and the God King cannot bear to do it. But the God King kills you, It makes sense!”

"At a small level, it's to avenge my children, but at a big level, it's for the sake of the God Realm! Could it be that I want to see you and God Shura endangering the God Realm?"

"Both emotions and reasons, you deserve to die!"

"If you really want to beg for mercy, why not first explain why you conspired with God Shura and tell the whereabouts of God Shura? Maybe the God King can let you go!"

His face was full of anger, and he didn't forget to look back at Zeus after he finished speaking, as if he was afraid that Zeus would misunderstand something.

Zeus nodded slightly and looked at Athena with slight approval.

This hat wears well!

In the God Realm, anyone who has anything to do with God Shura is the biggest crime!

Cooperating with God Shura is a crime that is against all gods!

Chione was stunned. For a moment, she even forgot that there was an eternal spear in front of her that was accompanied by destruction and stabbed inch by inch.

Her whole body turned into an ice sculpture, with only her head remaining, she looked at Athena in disbelief.

"I conspired with God Shura? Me?" Chione was full of astonishment: "When did I conspire with God Shura?"

"You know what you're asking, what are you asking me for when you know something yourself? I'm going to ask you again!" Athena said coldly,

"North was a ninth-level boy with no instructions from behind. He dared to conflict with Zhou Ni. He happened to meet God Shura by chance. And Zhou Ni died, but he survived? We don't know how to tell you. Are we all fools?"

"There must be someone behind North who has given instructions!"

"That person is you! You concealed it from us, conspired with God Shura, and instructed Nos to provoke Young Master Zhou Ni! And he is your child, he will definitely listen to you! We just saw it with our own eyes, his filial piety towards you , even if he knew that coming back would mean death, he would still rush back to save you!"

"Is it possible that you still want to say that Poseidon and God Shura conspired to give instructions to Noss? Everyone knows that he is the brother of the God King and the most loyal in the entire God Realm!"

"It's you, it must be you! There is only one truth. Because of the poor development of the Winter Temple, you are resentful and intend to cooperate with Shura to subvert the God Realm!"

"The main gods of other temples will not do this, but you, Chione, all the main gods know

, you are the most responsible main god, you risk everything for the Winter Temple! It is not impossible for you to cooperate with Shura for the Winter Temple! "

"You can hide it from others, but you can't hide it from me, the goddess of wisdom, Athena! Wisdom can never be deceived, and there is always only one truth! And I, the goddess of wisdom, Athena, have already seen the truth."

Chione: "???"

I don’t know any Shura God at all!

are you crazy!

Why do you still say it has a nose and eyes? 🄲

Zeus, who was urging the Eternal Spear to penetrate the winter inch by inch, was also stunned, with a strange expression on his face.

Unexpectedly, Athena was so smart and deduced that there must be someone behind North.

Of course, the extrapolation turned out to be somewhat wrong.

The person who instructed North behind his back was himself...

It should be just a coincidence that Zeuni and North met the Shura God.

But I have to admit that Athena is still very smart.

Although the inference result is wrong, regardless of the facts, the inference result is perfectly coherent, clear and logical.

Even the motive of Chione's cooperation with Shura was deduced, which can be said to have saved him a lot of trouble. Originally, the Thunder Temple destroyed the Winter Temple because of the death of a young master, and there were some unjustifiable reasons. Now it immediately changed. Become a teacher of justice.

Sure enough, this eldest daughter, who did not inherit her own thunder power but possessed supreme wisdom, was smarter and wiser than her younger brother. She was worthy of being the goddess of wisdom.

Thinking of this, Zeus even felt a little regretful. Why didn't she inherit his thunder power, but was as smart and wise as his brother?

If she inherits the power of Thunder, coupled with her intelligence and wisdom, she may not be able to become the Lord God of Thunder, and she will definitely bring glory to the Thunder Temple!

What other Zounis do I need to cultivate?

In fact, it is strange to say that none of the children Zeus gave birth to during his early wars, such as Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Hermes, the god of speed and messenger, and the rebellious fire thief Hephaestus, inherited He lost his authority as the God of Thunder, which often made Zeus doubt something.

Of course, young Zeus was still in the early stages of starting his business. He was busy with battles and stayed away from home all day long, so he had no time to think about this.

He was also very happy that Poseidon, his younger brother, could take the initiative to take care of his first wife who was pregnant at the time while he was busy fighting, and became his daughter's godfather.

What moved Zeus even more was that Poseidon took good care of Athena. It would not be too much to say that he took care of Athena as his own daughter. The majestic ocean god personally taught her carefully. As time went by, Athena walked around Poseidon all day long. , he was not very close to him, but instead he was very cold to his father.

This made Zeus, who occasionally came home, angry and funny. They all said that daughters were little cotton-padded jackets. How could a daughter not kiss her biological father?

But after becoming the God King, when Zeus touched his silver hair that was like thunder, he always felt something was wrong, especially when he looked at his blond, smart and wise brother. Athena, who was smarter and wiser and had the same beautiful blonde hair.

Of course, with the status of Zeus as the God-King, this kind of thing must not be made public or spoken out. Otherwise, wouldn’t the majestic God-King become the laughing stock of the God Realm? What's more, there is no evidence at all, maybe it's just my own overthinking?

Just keep it in my heart.

Perhaps this is why Zeus developed some strange hobbies and interests after becoming the God King.

Perhaps this is why Poseidon was clearly the one who contributed the most, but was still the weakest after Zeus became the God King.

Of course, after becoming the God King, Zeus did not regard these children who did not inherit his thunder power as the children he really wanted to cultivate, nor did he intend to let them inherit the power of the Thunder God and God King. Merit, according to their divinity, the temples are divided, and they are treated equally with other old subordinates.

He didn't have the time to worry about those things, and was busy privately sowing seeds for children who would inherit his thunder power, not only in the God Realm, but also in various planes.


Now Zeus can proudly puff up his chest. The most important thing he lacks now is children, and he has two children, Zhou Ni and Zhou Nan, who have fully inherited the authority of the God of Thunder and have pure blood of the gods!

But now that I have just lost my son, and seeing Athena's intelligence and wisdom, I can't help but sigh.

When the other gods heard Athena's precise reasoning, their faces were stunned and their eyes were filled with admiration.

"It has to be Athena, and she has to be the goddess of wisdom."

"How smart! She is indeed the daughter of Zeus. She also served as Zeus's strategist when she was fighting against the Odin god system. She is really smart and wise!"

"I saw the shadow of Poseidon in her... She is indeed the niece who was taught by Poseidon himself. She indeed has a bit of Poseidon's style."

"Yeah, when she said that, I understood instantly... Why didn't I think of this before? You see, people can think one more step!"

"So, this Chione is really damn good! She is really good at pretending. I thought the God King was a bit too much before, but this Chione almost deceived me!"

"Now that I think about it, the God King is so wise and powerful that he must have noticed this a long time ago."

Even Chione was in a daze at this moment. She couldn't help but wonder if she had really cooperated with God Shura... Athena's inference was really too strict!

And the motivation for cooperation is also very reasonable for Chione!

Cooperating with God Shura is a crime of betraying the divine world. But just as Poseidon deduced, Chione asked herself, if secretly cooperating with God Shura can really make the Winter Temple rise, then she... may not be able to!

Under this strict logic, Chione even reflected for a moment before confirming that she really was not cooperating with God Shura!

"Everyone, I have discussed the execution of Chione with you, and you have unanimously agreed. If anyone has any objections, it is not too late, and you can help Chione." Zeus's voice echoed like thunder, "I Never stop it."

What seems like encouragement is actually the best deterrent.

Who dares to take action at this time?

Not to mention the strength and murderous intention shown by Zeus, who is willing to bear the charge of conspiring with God Shura? What if you consider yourself an accomplice?

Isn’t it crazy to be an enemy of Zeus and the entire divine world for the sake of a Winter Temple?

What benefits can Chione give you? His strength is already low, but he has given birth to a child for Poseidon, not to mention that now his body has turned into an ice sculpture. Who among the gods present can take notice of him?

All the gods were silent, and Athena said: "King of Gods, don't think too much, we just came here to take a look... See with your own eyes the goddess of winter who betrayed our gods and conspired with God Shura, died under the thunder! "

Lord Qingmu on the side echoed: "If you dare to conspire with God Shura, you must watch her die with your own eyes to relieve the hatred in your heart!"

The Lord of Winds also sighed: "Chione, you are confused. Did you forget when we fought side by side with the God King? This is the God Realm that we fought bloody battles with the God King! We finally established it. You have also fought for the order of the world, how can you betray us and betray the divine world we established with our own hands!"

"If you have a conscience, take advantage of now to explain your cooperation with God Shura!"

Chione gritted his teeth and said: "When did I ever cooperate with God Shura! I have never seen God Shura!"

"Under the Eternal Spear, you still haven't told the truth!" Athena said coldly.

"If I really see God Shura, let me die without a burial place!" Chione's voice was as cold as the wind, "I can die, but I am also the main god of the Winter Temple. Even if I die, I can't let you do this. Discredit me, discredit the Winter Temple!"

"Okay, okay, Chione, why don't you say yes when you are about to die?" Athena sneered: "Is it possible that you still have hope in that God Shura and hope that God Shura will save you?"

"Oh, give up, he won't come. We are still looking forward to the appearance of the Shura God. There are so many main gods here. Once he comes, don't even think about leaving!"

"We want to see you die with our own eyes!"


The golden spear that comes with destruction every inch is already close at hand!

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