Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1250 Do you still think you can leave?

The dazzling thunder pierced the ice and snow, and Chione could only watch as the golden spear carrying lightning arrived in front of her!

It's time to die!

"Zeus." Chione's eyes were determined and she roared: "You want to kill me, but I won't let you kill me!"

"I will write my own ending!"

The long white hair turns into ice crystals in the air!


The ice crystal necklace on Chione's chest became more and more brilliant, and the more majestic [Winter] surged out!

She is desperate to sacrifice her last divinity!

Her neck also completely turned into ice crystals, and her chin began to turn into an ice sculpture.

Ice, snow and cold wind howled out, and the winter that froze everything became even colder, and the originally shattered space froze again!

But no matter how the ice, snow and cold wind blow, the frozen space is still broken again!


The eternal spear pierces the ice and snow again.

The tip of the spear, wrapped with lightning and [Destruction], hit Chione's pupil, leaving only half an inch.

"Chione, why don't you explain your cooperation with God Shura!" Athena with blue hair said coldly from a distance.

Zeus also snorted: "Chione, do you still have hope? You will die here today."

Chione exhaled.

it's time.

I have no way out!

She stared at Zeus with extremely angry eyes. She tried her best to open her mouth, which was about to be assimilated, and said slowly: "Zeus, I have never cooperated with God Shura..."

Her eyes began to turn pale, like ice and snow.

She is going to sacrifice all her divinity, and the only remaining head will be turned into an ice sculpture!

Maybe it’s to prove his innocence by dying, or maybe he just doesn’t want to die under this eternal gun!

The Eternal Spear slowly pierced through again.

But at the moment when Chione is about to turn into an ice sculpture, this eternal spear is about to destroy Chione.

In this absolutely frozen world of silence, there is only the whistling of thunder and cold wind.

A third voice emerged.

"Chione, I'm here to help you!"


A figure suddenly rushed over!

The figure came with a knife in this frozen and still world, ghosts and gods roared behind him, and dark chains surrounded him!

The still space shattered in front of him, the absolute zero-degree cold retreated around him, and the [winter] that froze everything escaped in front of him, not daring to be contaminated at all!

The thunder of destruction hid in front of him and made way for him!

In this still world, this figure, inconspicuous under the thunder, walked around without knowing when, trampled the ice and snow, smashed the thunder, and came with a bang!

This is the third thing that can move freely in this frozen world, besides Zeus and Chione.

The scarlet-rich [Killing] spurted out, and the cold air of the frozen world could not stop it at all!


The primitive and rough bone knife soared into the sky!

From bottom to top, he suddenly slashed at the eternal spear. In just a moment, the eternal spear that tried his best to fight against [Winter] suddenly stopped!


The majestic and pure [Killing] erupts, and together with [Winter], they impact the dazzling [Destruction] and [Definite Hit]!

The shadow of ghosts and gods roared behind him, also holding the bone knife, and struck the golden spear with a bang!


Pure [Killing]!

[Killing] from Cain!

Even if Lin Fan couldn't use the first blade perfectly and could only use a very small part of it, it was still an unstoppable [killing] from Cain!

At the same time, Lin Fan's twisted and dark heart suddenly shook, and fifteen drops of the more than thirty drops of dark [pain] accumulated before were poured into it!



\u003eThat knife, in addition to the [killing] that shattered everything, was also accompanied by the wailing and crying of countless creatures. That was [pain]!

Just a moment.


The Eternal Spear, which was already struggling in the cold winter and penetrated the ice and snow inch by inch, suddenly vibrated, as if something had been broken.

The dazzling thunder and lightning on the Eternal Spear was instantly shattered by the scarlet murderous strangulation, and the thunder returned to silence!

[Pain] makes thunder tremble, [Killing] shatters [Destruction]!

And when the [Destruction] is gone, the remaining [Must Hit] can no longer sustain it!


The Eternal Spear, which lost the support of [Destruction], was instantly frozen by the cold winter, and the [Must Hit] on it was also shattered by the pure and majestic [Kill]!


The golden spear howled as if it was escaping, following the cold wind and returning to Zeus's hands like ice and snow being blown away.

at the same time.


The scarlet murderous aura suddenly rolled back and returned to the body of the figure, returning to the bone knife, rich and majestic.


Numerous injuries appeared on that figure instantly, and scarlet blood soaked through the clothes and dripped from the body.

But as if he couldn't feel the pain, he held the first blade and stood in the cold winter, blocking in front of Chione.

"Don't try your best!"

"Chione, I'm here to help you!"

Surrounded by carnage, even the figure holding the first blade could not get close to him. His voice was clearly transmitted in this silent world.


Ghosts and gods standing thousands of meters away holding knives.

The four words "Painful Shura" are like thick black ink, hanging in the cold world!

Just a moment.

There was silence!

Zeus looked stunned, and the gods outside the frozen world also had frozen expressions!

"The first blade..."

"God Shura, it's you!!!"

That bone knife was the first blade!

Only the pure [killing] from Cain in [First Blade] can defeat the [destruction] mastered by Zeus head-on!

"Jie Jie Jie Jie," under the clown's mask, Lin Fan let out a ghost-like smile. The twisted heart that was no longer suppressed made Lin Fan greet Zeus enthusiastically: "Long time no see, Zeus."

This is the real Lin Fan!

The North who was like a clown in the God of Winter was just the shadow of Poseidon wearing [Loki's Mask]!

While North was seeking death, the real Lin Fan sat quietly, observing North's battle with [Ghost Eyes] and giving orders from the side.

Zeus's face was extremely gloomy. He stared at this figure, or rather at the first blade, with thunder surging in his eyes.

"You still dare to stand in front of me... Why do you have to wear a mask? Your portrait has been plastered all over the God Realm!"

"Do you still want to hide your identity? Your appearance is already well known in the God Realm!"

This mask annoyed Zeus.

That exaggerated smile seemed to be mocking Zeus.

And, why wear a mask?

You've already taken out the first blade, do you still want to hide your identity?

Lin Fan dragged the clown mask off his face, and a voice came from under his exaggerated smile: "What do you think?"

In fact, Lin Fan didn't want to hide his identity.

After all, neither ghosts nor gods, nor the power of Shura, nor the "Painful Shura" can be hidden.

What's more, he still has to use the first blade.

These simply cannot be hidden.

Dan Lin

These are not the things to be hidden!

But to cover the left eye that was blinded by Zeus as North!

After all, the Asura God himself had both eyes intact when he left last time. As a result, after Zeus blinded North's left eye, the Asura God himself also became blind in the left eye... This inevitably makes people suspicious.

Under the dazzling lightning, the eyes under the clown's smile were obscured by shadows, shadows that even thunder could not penetrate!

Zeus looked at Chione with a gloomy face: "Chione, what else do you have to say!"

Chione: "???"

Chione, whose head had not turned into an ice sculpture, looked blankly at the Shura God standing in front of him, and said confusedly: "I, I really have never seen him..."

"Now you are so stubborn!" In the distance, Athena, whose blue hair resembled Poseidon's, released a light of wisdom in her eyes, and said coldly: "Now this Shura God appears to save you, and you still say you have never seen him? "

"Is it possible that he is doing something good?"

"In order to save you, he would rather appear in front of the God King or in front of us. He is completely risking his life... You must be cooperating with him! And the cooperation is so deep that he will protect you with his life!" .🅆.

Chione quickly said: "No..."

"Chione!" God Shura suddenly said: "Don't hide it, they have already discovered you, we don't have to stay in this world of gods!"

"Do I know you?" Chione's voice was horrified!

Are you sick!

Do I know you?

Lin Fan didn't look back and said coldly: "Don't worry, according to the cooperation agreement, I will ensure that you leave safely!"

Chione was stunned again.

No, when did I make an agreement with you?

It’s really just the first time we’ve met!

For a moment, even Chione had some doubts. Did he really cooperate with God Shura?

To be honest, Chione was actually a little moved... Anyway, it was really touching that this Shura god actually stood in front of him when he was besieged by Zeus.

"Chione, do you still want to quibble?" Athena in the distance said coldly: "Even this God Shura has said that he will keep you safe and leave!"

Chione looked at the Shura God in front of her, and then at the main gods in the distance. She knew that she was already at a loss to explain.

This Shura God has completely dragged himself into the water!

As the saying goes, it's either shit or shit. No matter how I explain it now, these main gods will believe that I have led the Winter Temple to cooperate with God Shura!


What a fucking explanation!

Just don't do one thing and keep doing the other, simply...

Looking at God Shura standing in front of him, Chione's eyes changed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Then, take me out and kill him!"

Now the entire God Realm believes that the Winter Temple has betrayed the God Realm and cooperated with God Shura!

As long as she is alive, the Winter Temple can hope to explain all this!

Even if she has a chance in the future, she might be able to help the God Realm catch this Shura God and clear away the suspicion of the Winter Temple!

She can die, but the Winter Temple must not bear such an unfounded crime!

Otherwise, even if North leads him in the future, the Winter Temple will be strangled by the entire God Realm!

After thinking about all this, Chione no longer resisted and took a deep breath.


She no longer releases the majestic [winter] in the ice crystal necklace. Amidst the vibrations, the ice crystal necklace gradually subsides, and the cold wind and ice and snow return to silence.

The surrounding [winter] also slowly dissipated, and her remaining divinity was barely preserved.

And as the [winter] subsided, the absolute zero within a thousand-mile radius could no longer be maintained. The frozen world began to melt a little, and the frozen space began to collapse.

next moment.


Chione spat out violently


With a mouthful of icy blood, the aura that was so powerful before suddenly dropped, falling straight to the twelfth level, and it was about to fall to the eleventh level before finally stopping!

There is really too much loss of divinity!

Even the body turned into an ice sculpture, leaving only a head!

Not only was she injured, but her followers also suffered heavy losses in this release of [Winter].

Under that majestic [winter], there were only 5 million of the tens of millions of believers in the thirteenth level. Fully half of them were completely turned into ice sculptures, and half of the divine realm was completely frozen!

Brought by the cold wind, Chione, whose body turned into an ice sculpture with dancing arms, slowly floated behind Lin Fan.

Lin Fan held the first blade, scarlet murderous aura surrounding his body, and wisps of dark pain attached to it.

He looked up at Zeus. Under the thunder and lightning, the clown mask smiled exaggeratedly.

The primitive and rough bone blade was raised again, and the scarlet murderous aura on it condensed again, aiming at the thundering figure from a distance.

Just like last time, he said two words to the god-king: "Make way."

Behind him, the phantoms of ghosts and gods also roared: "Make way!!"

Give Way!

These two words resound throughout this melting world!

The corners of Zeus' mouth twitched crazily!

Listening to these two familiar words, Zeus's eyes were ashamed, remembering the painful and humiliating memory of the last time, but then his eyes became cold and firm.

"Shura," Zeus slowly raised the Eternal Spear: "You told me to give way?"

"You don't think that after you come, you will be allowed to leave, right?"

"I wasn't prepared last time, but this time..."


[Destruction] surrounds again, and the dazzling thunder covers the sky!

This time, it’s different from last time!

All the gods are watching!

As a god king, how could he give way in full view of everyone?

How to unify the God Realm in the future, I'm afraid these temples will look down on me!

The most important thing is... this time, the main gods of the various temples are also there!

If we talk about the destruction of Winter Temple, it is a matter of Thunder Temple.

Then destroying the Shura God is a matter for the entire God Realm!

Just a moment.

"Shura, do you still want to leave?"

"You're not going anywhere today!"

"Do you think we will watch you go?"

"Kill Asura!"

Figures in the distance erupted with different divine powers, piercing the sky, rushing towards Lin Fan from all directions!

Divine spells are brewing in the hands, and rules that are not as terrifying as [Destruction] but are equally powerful are condensing!

Except for the main god of thinking who just died, and some main gods who don't like to watch the fun.

In most of the temples, the main gods have arrived!

Surround and kill Shura!

The wind is like a knife, and the yellow sand is like the sea.

Terrifying divine powers intertwined and rules surged, causing the space to shake violently and the starry sky to tremble!

This means that those Gods of Thunder who were previously frozen by [Winter] have not yet been thawed, otherwise tens of thousands of higher Gods of Thunder will be added!

But even so, the scene surrounded by so many gods is terrifying enough!

And this is just to surround and kill a twelfth-level Shura God holding the [First Blade]!

"You do have face."

"It has been many years, but no Shura god has ever enjoyed this kind of treatment." In the dazzling thunder, Zeus chuckled: "Shura, do you still think you can leave?"

The main gods of each temple, who were absolutely powerful figures in the divine world, were all surrounding Lin Fan at this moment!

This scene reminded Lin Fan of Sasuke who broke into the five-kage meeting... No, it was even more suffocating than Sasuke. After all, there were only five, and there were more than twenty in front of him!

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