Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1262 Winter is coming

Ten o'clock in the morning.

Under the Great Wall of the North, there are huge crowds of people!

Flags fluttered in the air, the soldiers loaded their guns with live ammunition, and a total of 200,000 God-killing mechas, 500 meters high, stood quietly, like sleeping beasts.

The disciples, members of the God-killing Army, the Daxia Iron Armor and the Daxia Iron Cavalry lined up quietly.

People have already gathered, and reporters are holding flashlights.

Everyone knows that on this day, winter is coming!

But the atmosphere was not depressing. The people looked at the glorious figure standing in the northern sky, but their eyes were fiery and they whispered excitedly.

"It's finally here!"

"Hahaha, my skis are all ready, and I'm just waiting to go down the civilian ski trail at the Great Wall in the North!"

"That's a direct slide from the 500-meter Great Wall to the foot of the mountain! The drop is more than 3,000 meters, which is more enjoyable than the Alps! And behind it is the military's Great Wall, and there are medical teams on both sides. Even if you fall, you can directly Get treatment!"

"I'm different. I came here to eat hot pot on the Great Wall in the North! Hot pot, hot pot! I even brought specially prepared hot pot base!"

"Actually, you don't need to bring them. My relatives have contracted a tourist area on the Great Wall, specializing in hot pot and charcoal grilling. They will officially open when winter comes. You can just go up and eat when you are tired! Say my name and get a 10% discount. !”

Some people even held up banners: "Welcome winter!"

"Let winter come more violently!"

There are even people hanging firecrackers waiting to celebrate when winter comes.

No awareness of facing disaster...

Instead, it felt like it was a holiday.

Shang Weitian's expression was even more excited and expectant,

Time passed with the hands, when the hands had just reached ten o'clock.




The Great Wall of the North, thousands of cannons roar!

The salute shells exploded in the air, and the sky seemed to be turned into a festive red!

The heavy artillery of the entire northern Great Wall roared in unison, and the flames were connected together, like a long dragon winding thousands of miles on the mountains, breathing out flames and roaring!

The twenty-four-gun salute shocked the entire north!


Sixty million soldiers take a break together!

The crowd fell silent instantly!

Figures one after another slowly walked up the Great Wall of the North under the gaze of everyone. At this moment, they represented the will of Daxia!

Those figures are surrounded by blood, filled with murderous aura, accompanied by Dao charm, and accompanied by sword aura!

Gods of Daxia!

Just a moment.

"My idol, the God of Death Bai Qi!"

"First Emperor! First Emperor! Are you still dancing together tonight!"

"Mrs. Bones!"

As these figures appeared, the crowd cheered instantly.

Nowadays, in Daxia, these Daxia gods are the real top ones!

They fought head-on with the gods, leading the Great Xia Divine Legion, disciples, and warriors to protect Great Xia in deadly battles!

No matter how warm and beautiful the song is, it cannot compete with blood and sacrifice!

No matter how elegant the melody is, it cannot be compared with the roar of fighting!

No matter how diligent and hard-working a celebrity is, he is nothing more than an actor in front of those who truly defend their country and shed their blood!

In addition to the gods of Daxia, a number of important officials such as Guozu, Jin Lao, Shang Weitian, and Chen Lao also walked out one after another. Although they had never fought directly with the gods, their role was no less than that of any of the gods of Daxia!

These people just stand there, making people believe that as long as they are around, Daxia will never be exterminated by the gods!

When the last figure appeared, all the sounds became the same.

"Commander Lin!"

Countless fiery shouts rose into the sky. Countless shouts gathered together, and the entire Great Xia was boiling at this moment!

Lin Fan!

Once an ordinary high school student, in this era of destiny, he joined forces with his ancestors and cooperated with the military to protect Daxia again and again!

Amid the roaring cheers and the gaze of millions of people, Lin Fan, dressed in military uniform with five golden general stars on his chest and a serious face, walked step by step to the top of the Great Wall of the North and stood on the top of the mountains!

When walking past Xingye, Lin Fan's serious face turned slightly red. He glanced at Xingye sheepishly, but found that Xingye had a cold face and didn't even bother to look at him...

Amidst the cheers, Lin Fan walked to the top of the Great Wall, stood in the middle, and slowly picked up the microphone.


Lin Fan coughed, and the heated shouts in the audience fell silent instantly.

In the silence, Lin Fan picked up the phone and said, "Everyone."

"Today is a special ceremony."

"The ceremony to welcome winter!"

"Maybe everyone knows..."

"Today, winter is coming!"

"In ten minutes, winter will come from the north!"

"The low temperature of minus 40 degrees Celsius will freeze the whole world for four months!"

"Please don't be nervous, Daxia has


We are fully prepared..."


"We're not nervous!"

"It still takes half an hour? Can you come quickly! I'm in a hurry to ski!"

someone among the people shouted.

In an instant, countless people echoed, and some even laughed.

In fact, everyone is not nervous at all... The reason why we are gathered here is because we want to go skiing on the Great Wall of the North or eat hot pot for the first time...

To be honest, in this kind of meeting, it seems a bit illegal to interrupt the leader's speech.

However, Lin Fan never considered himself the leader of Daxia!

And during this long period of fighting together, Daxia never felt that Lin Fan was such a majestic leader!

He ate and lived with the soldiers, he and the workers built the Great Steel Wall together, and he even owed the worker master two boxes of cigarettes...

When the god comes, he and the soldiers fight together. Although they face different enemies due to different strengths, everyone is the same comrade-in-arms!

After all, Lin Fan is just an ordinary Daxia citizen, but he is more powerful!

If any people in Daxia had Lin Fan's strength and understanding of the gods, what they would do would not be weaker than Lin Fan!

Lin Fan didn't choose Daxia, but Daxia chose him. One hundred and four hundred compatriots chose to believe in him without any doubts and help him regardless of the cost.

In the eyes of the people of Daxia, Lin Fan is not a superior leader, but a family member, a brother, and a comrade-in-arms!

Therefore, no one felt anything was wrong, everyone was just like brothers.

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, and looked helplessly at the people holding firecrackers waiting to celebrate, the people holding skis with expectant faces, and the banners warmly welcoming the arrival of winter...

"Haha, don't worry, everyone will be able to climb the Great Wall of the North soon. We have set up a special sightseeing and play area where you can eat hot pot and go skiing. Food that cannot be stored in the refrigerator at home can be taken outside and frozen immediately. .”

"But here, let me say a few words."

"First of all, I'm here, thank you all!"

Lin Fan saluted straightly, his eyes were already red, he smiled and said: "I never thought that we would have such a strange ceremony..."

"The ceremony to welcome winter!"

"It sounds like a joke. Winter is coming, and all the people of Great Xia are welcoming it warmly!"

"We should be like the European side... Of course, I am not criticizing the European side, I am just saying a fact... We should be like them, facing the freezing winter of minus 40 degrees Celsius, hiding underground, Trembling, guarding the stove in the dark room and guarding the small amount of dry food."

"Or, just like a free country, abandon the land of your ancestors and hide underground, like a bereaved dog, letting the gods trample your home!"

"Because of you, we have three major projects, we have the Great Wall of the North, we have the underground furnace, and we have the Roaring Barrier!"

"This is the greatest project in human history so far!"

"This is not my fault."

"This is everyone, this is the credit of my 140,000 compatriots in Great Xia!"

"Thank you for allowing Daxia to face the cold winter!"

"Winter is coming, some people are shivering, others are scurrying away with their heads in their hands, but I, Daxia, face the winter head-on and stand tall in the ice and snow!"

For a time, countless people's eyes turned red.

Many of them participated in the construction of various places, some participated in the Great Wall of the North, some participated in the excavation of the underground furnace, and some participated in the construction of the Roaring Barrier.

They remembered the sweat and toil of that time.

Maybe some people don't have that high level of awareness and are just doing it for the salary.

But at this moment, looking at the majestic Great Wall of the North in front of them, and looking back at the six hundred and sixty roaring barriers standing on the earth, they were all proud of themselves and the blood flowing in their bodies!

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, who are you being polite to? Damn it, aren't you building a wall for your own house?"

"Haha, when I get older, I can proudly tell my children, did you see that wall? Grandpa built it back then!"

"To be involved in such a project... I'm so lucky!"

"Thank you, brothers! Otherwise, I really wouldn't be able to ski..."

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he turned and looked north.

Dark clouds have gathered in the endless sky and earth.

There was a biting cold wind coming.

The gods standing in the sky have stretched out their palms, as if they want to hold the world in their palms and hold this land firmly.

The howling of the cold wind was like the excited breathing of a god.

The military uniform was fierce. Lin Fan faced the faint cold wind and said with a smile: "Today, winter is coming!"

"And my 140,000,000 compatriots in Great Xia will tell the gods with their blood and sweat!"

"I'm a big summer, so I'm not afraid of winter!"

"Facing the cold winter, we have furnaces, city walls, and barriers. I, Daxia, am ready!"


Against the cold wind, Lin Fan took a step forward.

He bent down to pick up a brick, skillfully put cement on the last gap in the Great Wall of the North, and pressed it slowly!

A worker master among the people suddenly laughed and said: "The commander-in-chief learned this skill from my master! He still owes me two packs of cigarettes!"

The craftsmanship is very good.

That brick fits perfectly!

At this point, the Great Wall of the North is completely closed! 🄲

This Great Wall is like a long winding dragon, entrenching the mountains in the north, standing on the top of the mountains, facing the coming winter!

This also marks the official completion of the three major projects!

Lin Fan raised his head and looked directly at the cold figure above the thick dark clouds in the northern sky, his eyes as if he were looking at a god.

He said in a deep voice: "Winter is coming!"

"And the three major projects built with the blood and sweat of my 140,000 compatriots in Great Xia will be known to the gods."

"What is human power!"

"Lin Dong, come on!"

"I, Daxia, am right here!"

next moment.

"Lin Dong, come on!"


"We are right here, Daxia is right here!"

"Look at the ways we humans face the severe cold!"

At this moment, whether they were warriors, disciples, members of the God-killing Army, or the gathered people, they all faced the north and roared towards the biting cold wind!

Don’t be afraid of winter!

This is a declaration of war against winter!

And the other side.

Outside the plane wall.

One by one, the gods of winter opened their eyes and stood up slowly.

After adjusting their breath, they had recovered somewhat from the previous battle, and their faces were no longer sickly and weakly pale, but as white as ice and snow.

"Have you recovered?" Chione also opened her eyes. Her body was still an ice sculpture, but her condition was obviously better. She had stabilized the few remaining gods and suppressed the backlash of [Winter].

"Goddess of Enlightenment, you have almost recovered." The deputy palace master, who is also at the thirteenth level in strength, smiled: "We can start to exaggerate."

Winter Fury said enthusiastically and excitedly: "Lord God, give the order and let them feel the winter!"

"They must be extremely nervous and scared now!"

"I can't wait to see them fall into complete fear and despair!"

"Okay, now that I have recovered, then..." Chione nodded and said slowly: "Start conquering and start showing off!"

"Freeze their world! Let them feel the cold!"

"Let this plane enter the cold winter."

"Let those lower beings feel despair, fear, and insignificance in the face of our divine power and glory...let them develop devout faith in the cold and snow!"

“Let them know not to disobey God!”

Her voice was like the whistling of cold wind, echoing with the ultimate coldness and the pride of a god.

The gods of winter stood up one after another, with excited and noble smiles, stretched out a hand and pressed it on the person facing the wall.

The divine power of winter roared out, slowly rendering the wall-faced person into ice cubes, and the coldness seeped into it, while analyzing the plane wall, it penetrated into the world that was about to welcome them to conquer!

This is the routine operation of the Temple of Winter to conquer a plane. Before conquering, the plane must be rendered with the divine power of Winter!

While analyzing the plane wall, it can also bring that world into the Ice Age, with winter coming and freezing the plane!

The frozen world is conducive to the next conquest.

It can also reduce the fighting power and resistance of those lower life forms.

The remaining low-level beings struggled to survive in the harsh winter and cold. When they arrived, these low-level beings who had experienced the Ice Age had no power to fight against them.

The lower beings who have experienced the extreme cold will deeply feel the power of the gods. They have no courage to be enemies with them. They will only kneel down and pray for them, hoping that the winter will leave them a piece of land that is not frozen to survive, even if Like livestock in captivity.

Although a large number of lower beings will freeze to death, it doesn't matter. Gods never worry about the number of lower beings. Just like animals in a captive farm, there are many ways to make them reproduce quickly.

He was obviously a conquered divine slave, but Winter Fury was particularly excited. His hands continued to release the divine power of winter and the billowing cold air. Looking at the man facing the wall, he seemed to see the low-level beings inside, wailing and fleeing, shivering, just like The same as before!

"Hehehe, it's really interesting. I can't wait."

"Facing the cold winter, you must have fallen into despair. You are in pain, fear, wailing, and hiding!"

"Scream, hide, hide in a small room, listen to the roar of ice and snow in fear, look at the ice and snow outside in horror, desperately guarding the small flames and not much food."

There was a morbid joy in his heart.

He was imagining those lower beings wailing in despair and freezing in the ice and snow.


Or maybe starving to death!

It's a pity that he can't see it through the plane wall... But Dongnu knows that those lower beings must have fallen into despair and panic in the ice and snow as he imagined. He can even hear the faint voice from behind the wall. Come exclaimed.

Just thinking about that scene made him more and more excited!

Dongde, who was born in the same plane as Dongnu, glanced at Dongnu expressionlessly: "Are you happy?"

"Aren't you happy? This, this is everything we have experienced!" Dongnu smiled fiercely: "Hungry, cold, relatives who were frozen to death... Feel the power of God, feel the power of winter! Trembling, wailing! Maybe they They will be angry and resist at first, but in the end, they will feel their own insignificance, kneel down to the winter and snow, the dazzling glory, and God devoutly, and make the right choice! Just like the ignorant, stupid and arrogant people at the beginning We are all the same, impressed by true power!"

"We are helping them, these stupid lower beings, to see the true glory of greatness!"

"They will know how powerful God is, and they will also know that God cannot be violated or resisted!"

"Now, face the cold wind and savor despair and your own weakness!"


The dark clouds in the north shook suddenly, the cold wind suddenly became biting, the ice and snow fell, and the storm swept across!

Extremely cold!

An ice and snow storm that is about to cover the world comes from the north, and with the moving dark clouds, it slowly approaches the Great Wall of the North!

Winter is coming from the north!

Everything he passed was frozen!

When the cold wind blows, the ground freezes and is covered with snow. The swaying vegetation freezes momentarily, or is broken by the strong wind, or submerged by ice and snow, or directly turns into ice crystals.

This storm of ice and snow, like an angry beast of ice and snow, will smash the dragon-like Great Wall of the North into pieces and turn this land into a silent ice field!

The sea surface passed by the cold wind froze directly, and the blue sea water turned white inch by inch, like a carpet of ice and snow being laid out, and the ice layer was a hundred meters thick!

It is obviously an invisible cold, but against the backdrop of the frozen land and sea, winter has color. The cold is like a giant beast visible to the naked eye, roaring towards the summer!

The Ice Age is coming!

The global ice age is coming!


"Haha, it's really coming, it's really coming!"

"Wuhu! My pickup truck is ready. I will go ice fishing on the edge of Heilongjiang River soon. If I'm hungry, I can go directly to the Great Wall of the North to eat hot pot!"

"Where's the ice cream, where's the ice cream, get the ice cream ready!" a citizen shouted excitedly.

"Honey, you can put on your skis now. Take the cable car up in a minute and I'll teach you how to ski!"

"Hahahaha, the hot pot city in the Great Wall of the North will officially open soon! I want to choose a seat by the window!"

“Finally, the food we couldn’t fit in is found!”

"The hot pot boiler, rise it first, rise it first! Here is the spicy base I bought specially, take it out quickly!"

"Brothers who are ice fishing, prepare tents and stoves, set out as soon as the river freezes, and get a good position! This time you don't have to worry about the ice being thick enough!"

There are also countless private ski resorts that are ready to open, and the opening firecrackers have been lit, just waiting for the winter to freeze...

Outside various cities, villages and towns, and outside the Roaring Barrier, people are gearing up and preparing for snowball fights.

Especially the brothers who have never had snow in the south are particularly excited and looking forward to it...

Hot pot restaurants and barbecue restaurants have even set up dining tables and stoves in the wilderness outside the Roaring Barrier. The shop owners and waiters are on standby at any time, just waiting for the guests to have a big meal when they are tired of playing in the snow!

People in the south have been waiting at home early to prepare to heat the floors!

"Winter is coming!" A man was rubbing his hands at home and watching TV excitedly. He smiled at his wife who was holding hot water, wrapped in a quilt, and stepping on the electric oven: "It's only ten days here now." The temperature is 2 or 3 degrees Celsius, and I have caught a cold during this period, and the electricity bill for air conditioning and heating is quite high for a month."

"It's good now. When winter comes, the underground furnace runs and the floor heating turns on, it's completely warm! The electric oven is no longer needed, the air conditioner is no longer needed for heating, and the few full freezers can also be used. Turn it off and put it outside, and you can save a lot of electricity money!"

My wife was also happy and said: "Thank you and praise Lindong!"

Facing the biting ice and snow, the people of Daxia were not afraid, but instead became more and more excited.

As if waiting for relatives who came to visit relatives, the meal was ready and waiting for the guests to arrive... This scene fell into the eyes of European netizens who were hiding in a small house full of smoke and shivering by the stove. I think Daxia people are crazy...

Winter is coming from the north.

Red flags are waving.

Under the Great Wall in the North, more people lit firecrackers and waved banners.

"Welcome winter!"

"Lin Dong, we miss you so much!"

"Thank you Lingdong for saving us electricity bills! Praise Lingdong!"

The red banner is full of joy for the arrival of the ice age that will freeze everything... Well, just for this joy, it can be said to be very pious...

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