Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1298 The God of Food!

"Eat me."

Hannibal's calm voice echoed through the cell.

Lin Fan was stunned: "Huh?"

Lin Fan's eyes widened in disbelief, looking at Hannibal incomprehensibly.

Hannibal wants to eat him himself?

"What do you mean?" Lin Fan frowned: "Are you trying to play some trick?"

He couldn't understand it.

Could this cunning Hannibal be up to another trick?

This is Hannibal, who represents the evil of human nature. How could he commit suicide on his own?

"You underestimate me too much. I am not a cow or sheep who doesn't need dignity in order to survive. I am a hunter. Even if I become prey, I must have the final dignity." Hannibal shook his head slightly, chewing the warm steak. Calmly: "You defeated me in the hunt."

"You have shown your strength, your power."

"I lost, you are better than me."

"And the strong should eat the weak."

"This is the extremely pure food chain and the strongest and purest order."

"It is in order to establish this order and to become the top of the food chain that I keep holding dinner parties...and now, even if I lose, I should follow this order."

"Eat me as you would any other food!"

"Let me use my life to practice this new order! Feed on me and let you become the taker of the new order I created! Become the next Hannibal and take a part of me to the top of the food chain! "

There was no fear of death in Hannibal's eyes. On the contrary, his face was once again filled with excitement!

Even more excited than when he eats people!

He can't wait to invest his life, his own flesh and blood into the purest order!

Looking at Hannibal, Lin Fan's throat felt dry and he shook his head slightly: "No, I came to you this time mainly because..."

"You must eat me, turn my flesh and blood into your nourishment, and turn my faith into your energy." Hannibal stood up suddenly, grabbed Lin Fan's shoulders, and said with persistence: "Only You deserve to eat me, and I only want you to eat me!"

"Not only because you defeated me, but also because I know, I know we are on the same page!"

"You are the soul-devouring Shura, and I am the man-eating ogre!"

"We are all born hunters!"

"Eat me, take a part of me with you..."

Lin Fan interrupted directly: "Don't be so excited, I'm not here to kill you."

"What?!" Hannibal was stunned for a moment, his face turned gloomy, and he knocked the steak to the ground: "You want me to live?"

Lin Fan nodded: "As long as you cooperate, I can allow you...wait, aren't you happy?"

Hannibal gasped and gritted his teeth: "You are humiliating me."

"Humiliation?" Lin Fan couldn't understand it more and more. No, I let you live and humiliated you?

"It's humiliation." Hannibal stared at Lin Fan with a gloomy gaze and said slowly: "Eating the weak, what do you think it means?"

"According to your logic, this is the process of absorbing energy and establishing a food chain?"

"It's not just about establishing a food chain..." Hannibal shook his head slightly: "Eating the weak is also the obligation and responsibility of the strong. It is the strong who can give the weak the greatest recognition...let it become a part of themselves, become their own nourishment and Energy, take it with you to the top of the food chain.”

"For the weak, this is the greatest honor."

"This is also the mercy of the strong... He will take those weak lives to build food chains one after another, climbing in that pure order until he reaches the top, or becomes part of the top."

So when he eats people, he has no psychological burden.

In Hannibal's view, it was so glorious and elegant that these weaklings could become part of him and participate in the establishment of this new order.

These prey animals may even have themselves to thank!

I, Hannibal, what a good man I am!

"But you refused to eat me. A hunter, you actually refused to eat the prey you caught..." Hannibal's eyes were angry and he stared at Lin Fan: "You are insulting your prey and me. It’s also an insult to the food chain I’ve built, and it’s an insult to the ingredients that have become a part of me.”

"You are an insult to the great order!"

With that angry look, it was as if Lin Fan was being disrespectful to him by not eating him.

Lin Fan fell into silence for a while and murmured: "This is the first time I heard such a strange request. Is it so warm and hospitable..."

Old man, you are making this very difficult for me!

"Why, you don't eat me, do you think I'll be grateful?" Hannibal stared at Lin Fan and stepped on the steak that fell to the ground. "You let me eat delicious food in this prison." Steak... What’s the difference between this and a pig in a pig pen eating delicious feed that others have dumped!”

"Isn't this insulting to me?"

"I am a hunter. Even after I die, I should be the most delicious prey! How can I, Hannibal, be a pig eating feed?"

"Eat me!"

Hannibal, who was usually extremely elegant, roared like a wild beast, overshadowing the elegant man-eating ditty that came from the bottom of his heart.

The deepest wildness!

in his logic.

Being eaten is the treatment and honor a prey should have!

And Lin Fan, the hunter who caught him, actually refused to become a part of him and refused to share his glory!

This undoubtedly crushed the order that Hannibal had worked so hard to establish. It not only insulted him, but also insulted the prey that became a part of him!

Hannibal knows how to be grateful. He always treats the prey he eats with the gratitude and respect that a eater should have. He will never allow them to be so insulted in his body!

"You are abusing prisoners!" Hannibal protested using the new words he learned in the past two days: "I want to report to your leader that you are abusing me!"

Lin Fan: "..."

You are so stupid to report this!

Are you still guilty if I don’t eat it?

The image of Mr. Jin scolding him instantly appeared in Lin Fan's mind.

"Hannibal reported that you abused him?"

"Old Jin, please listen to me first..."

"Stop talking! I'm just going to ask you if you were abused!"


"Don't do this again! I, Daxia, treat prisoners favorably, how can I abuse them? You are irresponsible for your work, you are disrespectful of life... tell me, how did you abuse him?"

"I refuse to eat him."

"How can you refuse...Oh, ah, that's okay..."

It is impossible for Lin Fan to eat Hannibal. Although he is a soul-devouring Shura god, eating people is still a bit too exaggerated for him...

Lin Fan's killing was never to establish the food chain.

Just pure killing!

This is the essential difference between him and Hannibal!

As for devouring souls, it's just for better killing.

This is the essential difference between him and Hannibal. I can't say who is more evil, but they are both quite evil anyway...

So he will never eat Hannibal, and this is his bottom line.

While Lin Fan was distracted, Hannibal became more and more excited and shouted loudly: "Eat me!!"


"I will eat you." Lin Fan smiled and nodded.

The calm words were like the sound of nature. Hannibal stared blankly at Lin Fan. The smile was so warm in his eyes. The spring breeze was blowing on his face, and thousands of pear trees were blooming.

For Hannibal, this is the most beautiful love word in the world.

What could be happier than becoming a part of the hunter's body, establishing a new order with him, and sharing the glory?

He will take himself to become his next self and establish a new order of his dreams!

The law of the jungle!

As long as Lin Fan does that, even if he dies, Hannibal will not die! He wants to exchange his own flesh and blood for a more powerful Hannibal!

"Thank you, thank you!" Hannibal, who had been furious just now, laughed instantly, his eyes filled with happiness, like a woman in love, looking at Lin Fan as if he was looking at the other half that he would entrust for the rest of his life.

He will become a part of the boy in front of him, integrated into his body.

Follow him to establish a new order as he dreamed, until he is at the top of the food chain!

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time. A hunter that I recognize is more powerful than me. This makes me so happy." Hannibal smiled so happily for the first time.

He stood up quickly, walked to the dining table in an elegant tune, opened the drawer, and flipped through the recipe cards.

“As an ingredient, I know best what I should do.”

In an elegant cannibal ditty, he chooses a recipe for himself.

"I want to choose the most perfect dinner recipe for myself... Well, my hands are very dexterous and the meat is elastic. Since you are from Daxia, for taste reasons, I recommend the braised chicken feet."

"I have some fat on my arms, alternating between fat and thin. It's high-quality beef... It's good to make stir-fried pork. Well, it's still the taste of Daxia, stir-fried pork with chili pepper."

"My back muscles..."

For food, he quickly picked out a recipe for himself.

"You cut the vegetables for me first, and I'm going to take a bath, clean myself, and shave." Hannibal quickly walked to the simple bathroom and turned around and said, "You can boil the soup first. I'll help you when I'm back." Let’s cut vegetables together. Of course, I have to leave the meat cutting to you. I believe you will live up to my hopes and this body.”

Lin Fan: "..."

Don’t say anything else.

This Hannibal was very cooperative as an ingredient... Lin Fan had never seen a pig that he shaved himself.

But at that moment Hannibal's happiness index soared.

"I didn't say I'd eat you now." Lin Fan suddenly interrupted.

Hannibal froze suddenly, and his face gradually darkened: "Are you kidding me?"

"No. I just said that I will eat you, but not now." Lin Fan looked at Hannibal, his eyes

God scorned: "You don't deserve it."

"Are you insulting me?" Hannibal's face became even more ugly.

"I mean, you are not strong enough. At least you are not strong enough now." Lin Fan slowly ate the steak on the plate and said contemptuously: "Level 10... What do you think is the difference between you and these steaks in my eyes?" ?"

"To me, now you also only have the function of absorbing energy, just like a steak... and at this point, it is not even as delicious as a steak raised in captivity."

"Eating you doesn't give me any sense of accomplishment, let alone creating a new food chain or creating a new order. It also doesn't give me the wonderful feeling of working side by side with the God of Creation."

"The ones I usually kill are all gods."

Hannibal's face turned red and he wanted to say something, but no words came out.

In terms of combat power, there is a huge difference between the twelfth-level Shura God and him, a tenth-level ogre!

In terms of strength, Lin Fan, who has the mighty Daxia and the gods of Daxia as his backers, is even more different than Hannibal who fights alone!

What Lin Fan said was exactly his logic!

Looking at Hannibal who was blushing, Lin Fan said calmly: "But I can give you a chance."

Hannibal seemed to have grasped the last straw and said quickly: "What chance?"

"Improve your chances in the food chain and make yourself stronger, until I have the chance to eat you!" Lin Fan said in a deep voice.

For a moment, Hannibal's voice was trembling: "What should I do?"

Lin Fan did not answer him, but thought to himself: "Do you know why you are still so weak despite your efforts to eat people and improve your position in the food chain?"

Hannibal shook his head. As an ogre, he had already worked hard to eat people...

"Because you are eating humans." Lin Fan said softly, "You have never tasted better food."

"Better food?" Hannibal said in disbelief, "Man is the leader of all things, what else can..."


Lin Fan stared at Hannibal with bright eyes, "A god who is above human beings, above all living beings, conquers the heavens, and calls himself a noble god!"

"Humans are indeed powerful, but it is undeniable that humans are a naturally weak race when facing gods!"

"And gods are the top ingredients!"

"You eat it, but in the food chain, you can still only live under the gods forever!"

Hannibal's breathing became heavier and heavier. At this moment, his dim eyes suddenly burst into light!

"Why are you so weak? Because you only eat people! Your food chain has not improved. No matter how hard you try and how much you eat, you can't be above the gods! Above the top of the food chain!"

"And I kill the gods and devour the souls of the gods."

"You said you and I are on the same side. We are both hunters."

"But I'm sorry," Lin Fan shook his head slightly, not hiding his inner contempt at all, "In front of me, you who eat people are just sheep eating grass."

"You will never be worthy of being my food!"

Lin Fan did not persuade Hannibal to fight for humanity, because this guy had his own logic.

To persuade a pervert, you can only make him obey according to the pervert's logic.

Are you kidding, let Hannibal fight for humanity? It’s good if he doesn’t eat a few more!


Hannibal was breathing heavily. At this moment, he opened the door to a new world!


So what if the person you are eating is a human being?

Lin Fan killed gods and devoured their souls!

He is a hunter who hunts the gods, and he constructs his position in the food chain to be superior to the gods!

No matter how hard he works, in this food chain, in front of Lin Fan, he is still a sheep eating grass!

No matter how much he eats, no matter how much he puts himself above humans, in the order of the food chain, he is still below the gods, and even below Lin Fan!

Hannibal even felt a sense of regret from the bottom of his heart - he had neglected such top-quality ingredients for so long!


In front of that naturally powerful god, what do humans and this so-called food material mean?

He actually feels happy eating human food. He thinks that he has established the so-called food chain, created the so-called order, and is even comparable to the God of Creation!

How ridiculous!

"Don't eat me!" Hannibal was uncharacteristically looking at Lin Fan expectantly: "Send me to the God Realm! I, I want to hunt the gods like you! I want to build a food chain that is superior to the gods!"

Lin Fan smiled and nodded: "This is the opportunity I give you."

"I will take you into the divine realm."

"And you have to hunt the gods, eat the gods, build a new food chain, and elevate your position to be alongside the gods, or even above them!"

"Prove yourself that you are enough to become my food!"

"At that time, I will give you the honor of being my food and complementing the food chain you have built."

Hannibal's eyes were filled with surprise: "It's a deal! Don't worry, I

I will definitely work hard to hunt gods and eat more gods! "

"I'll move up the food chain!"

"Strive to be qualified to be your food as soon as possible, and let you eat me as soon as possible!"

When he said "eat me", Hannibal's voice trembled with excitement! This is the pure food chain!

What excites him even more is eating the gods...

What a wonderful taste it was!

Why did I neglect such wonderful ingredients!

That is an extremely noble god who claims to be superior to all races!

The texture of the meat must be very delicious.

Hannibal felt dizzy just thinking about cooking that noble god for dinner.

This is the real construction of the food chain, this is the new and pure order!

This is the true feat of rivaling the God of Creation... no, even defeating the God of Creation who puts gods above all life, and completely overturning the order created by the God of Creation!

In contrast.

Human beings are really unsuitable ingredients for eating.

Hannibal's horizons have broadened. He is no longer willing to be an ogre, but wants to be a god of food!

To be honest, in comparison, human flesh was nothing beautiful at all, and he didn't even bother to look at it.

Gods are the top ingredients!

"When should I go?" Hannibal looked at Lin Fan anxiously. As an excellent chef, he couldn't wait to promote his cooking skills in the God Realm.

"Don't worry, I will organize another auction after I finish dealing with Chione." After Lin Fan said this, he suddenly said: "But you must agree to me a condition first."

"What?" Hannibal looked nervous, "You're not going to change your mind again and want to eat me, are you?"

Lin Fan: "..."

That's not what you were like just now.

Lin Fan coughed and said: "In the God Realm, once you are exposed, you must kill yourself, and you cannot reveal the existence of Daxia and the entire Blue Star, let alone join forces with the gods to invade..."

This ogre is not one of the gods of Great Xia who fights for mankind wholeheartedly. He does not have a firm will!

It does not rule out that this cunning ogre will unite with the gods to stab Daxia in the back!

"Unite the gods?" Hannibal sneered: "What are you doing, invading Blue Star for food like human flesh?"

"Right now, I just want to enjoy the gods. I have no interest in human flesh at all."

The ogre Hannibal said he had no interest in human flesh...

Seeing Lin Fan's expression was strange and he seemed to be a little disbelieving, Hannibal said helplessly: "You can believe in my consciousness as a hunter. I will not cooperate with the prey to deal with another group of weaker prey. Hunting is a pure hunter and hunter. Only in this way can a pure food chain be constructed through the game between prey."

"Although I am an ogre, you can trust my integrity and my taste in dining." Hannibal is like a gentleman.

Hannibal is an ogre with elegant taste and great integrity.

If you say you want to treat someone to a meal, treat them to a meal.

Then a lucky diner is randomly selected... In terms of integrity, he never fails to make an appointment.

Lin Fan shook his head: "A guarantee is not enough."

He can't put Daxia's safety on a guarantee!

"In this case, please give me the corpse of a god..." Hannibal suddenly said.

Half an hour later.

In the elegant music, Hannibal chewed the liver sashimi of a god of the sea, and burped with enjoyment: "The taste of the god is really good... Although I didn't hunt it myself, it is indeed the top ingredient."

"Just thinking that what you are eating is a god who is above all life makes people feel so wonderful that they tremble."

"It's just a's not a prey that I personally hunted, and it's not fresh, but frozen..." Hannibal shook his head in disappointment again.

As an ogre who pursues gourmet food, he still likes warm and fresh ingredients that he hunts with his own hands.

I really look forward to cooking a fresh god myself...

After gathering his thoughts, Hannibal wiped his mouth and looked at Lin Fan: "Now, I have eaten the gods too."

"Whether you are willing to admit it or not, you and I are in the same boat."

"If I betray you...then the gods will be the first to kill me for eating them."

Lin Fan pondered for two seconds: "The ogre's way of solving problems is really strange."

He really didn't expect that Hannibal could eat a god on the spot... Well, in this regard, he, the Blood Demon King Hu, and the parts maniac Gong Shuming would probably become very good friends, and the utilization rate of the gods would be 100%.

But no matter what, this certificate is indeed enough.

"I can trust you now." Lin Fan turned around, opened the stone door, and walked out of the prison without looking back: "In two months, you can enter the God Realm and hunt the gods."

"By the way, tell me what priesthood you are, and I will consider where to sell you in advance."

Hannibal quickly said: "The God of Food!"

Lin Fan: "..."

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