Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1336 The snow beast is coming!

"Simon! York!"

On the city wall, a man in his thirties stared at the giant elephant with its head exploded, and was stunned for a moment.

Simon, York.

These two young people who were supposed to be covered in heavy snow were like his two children who froze to death in the snow. He would think of these two young people whenever anything happened.

And now...

"Company commander, be careful!"

Suddenly there was an exclamation from the side.

At the moment when they were distracted, a giant frost beast rushed over despite the pressure of the machine gun.

The company commander looked up and saw a huge icicle covering the sky and the earth, quickly zooming in on the field of vision!

It was as if he was going to be smashed into a pulp from head to toe!

But the next moment.


The icicles shatter!

Among the fine ice crystals, a figure stood in front of the company commander, with flames burning all over his body.


The man looked back and said softly: "Company Commander, I'm not dead yet."

"Simon!" The company commander's eyes widened.

At this moment, behind him, the godhead with the word "fire" rose up!

Fires were swirling and rising, and the low temperature around them turned into scorching heat!

"I won't die." He turned around and looked at the land behind him. Finally, his fiery eyes looked at the frost beasts rushing towards him, and said word by word: "Mom, you're waiting for me to come home. "


The flames burst into the cold wind!

at the same time.

One after another, gods are appearing in Europe!

Powerful auras soared into the sky. In the crisis of life and death, relying on violent emotional fluctuations, the gods broke through their limits one by one, awakened their bloodline, and even gods appeared one by one!

It’s just that the dozens of gods who appeared alone are still unable to turn the tide of the war!

Snow beasts kept smashing into the Great Wall, trampling on the bodies of the soldiers, and rushing towards the homes behind them unscrupulously amid the soldiers' wails and despair!

Just like Lin Fan said before.

Those who become gods often appear when humans suffer huge losses.

That is the unyielding will of mankind, the power to break through the limits from life and death, and the greatest weapon of mankind.

However, once gods appear on a large scale, it means that the war situation has completely declined.

This is the power that emerges from death, but the emergence of this power, or even complete reliance on this power, means that human beings have entered death.

"The snow beast rushes to the rear!"

"Turn the gun around and stop them!"

"The rear is our home!"

"No, don't spread the firepower. Everyone, continue to block the incoming snow beasts! Otherwise, there will only be more and more!"

For a time, even the orders on the Great Wall began to be confused, and the firepower began to disperse.

Snow beasts smashed into the Great Wall one after another. The 200-meter-high Great Wall made of ice crystals was as paper-like in front of these snow beasts. The ice-cracking birds, saber-toothed tigers, and dire cattle roared along the gap and rushed towards their homes behind.

At this moment, the snow beast came from the north.

The remaining land in Europe is being trampled by snow beasts!

Settlements filled with human beings are just ahead!


The Ice Cracker ran wildly in the snow, and the Frost Giant roared excitedly.

They smelled the scent of humans in the distance, and the warmth of humans.

In an instant, Oufang's command center was completely in chaos.

"Area No. 3 of the Great Wall was breached! Three gaps!"

"Area 4 was breached! Two gaps!"

"Area No. 5 has been breached! There are gaps everywhere!"

"No. 6..."

Red dots continued to appear on the Great Wall on the screen, and those white dots symbolizing snow beasts were like a tide, breaking down the Great Wall and then pouring into the land behind along the gap in the wall!

"Hundreds of dire cattle are heading straight for settlement 0155! They are expected to arrive in half an hour!"

"Three hundred ice cracking birds are heading straight for the 0547 settlement! They are expected to arrive in twenty minutes!"

"Twenty-five frost giants are heading straight for settlement 0244! They are expected to arrive in one hour!"

The commander sat there in a daze, staring blankly at the chaotic satellite images, not knowing how to give orders.

"Sir!" The staff officer shouted amidst the roar of guns and artillery: "What should we do? Do we need to divide our troops to stop the intruding snow beasts?"

The commander exhaled, then managed to regain his composure, and gritted his teeth and said: "We cannot divide our troops! Otherwise, once the firepower is dispersed, the entire Great Wall will collapse completely! All the snow beasts will rush in without any hindrance!"

"Notify those settlements and organize the residents to evacuate immediately! Go to settlements 001 to 010 in the core, where there are the last armed forces and members of the Gods Alliance! Although they have not yet become gods, they can support moment!"

He picked up the walkie-talkie, opened all the channels, and then said: "This is the highest command center of the European side! I am General Eisen Gurner, the current supreme military commander of the European side, and the third commander-in-chief of the Eurasian War Alliance!"

"Thank you for fighting with me, thank you for standing on the Great Wall with me. You are all my best warriors in Europe!"

"But when our manpower is finally exhausted, the Great Wall has been breached and the snow beasts have entered our homes behind us."

"We are already a trapped army, and we will all die on this Great Wall."

General Eisen suddenly changed the topic and said softly: "When I was in military academy, I could not understand why the ancestors of Daxia fought so hard in the ice and snow and adopted those crazy tactics. Now I finally understand. What did the ancestors of Great Xia think back then, that they would use those tactics that were so terrifying that they would almost lead to death?"

"Now, I understand."

"Behind us is home!"

"It's time for us to learn from those ancestors of Daxia!"

"Now, I want to give my last order!"

"All warriors, continue to resist the snow beasts and hold on to the Great Wall! Stop more snow beasts from intruding into your home! Until the ammunition is exhausted, until you die in battle!"

"You will be afraid, you will die miserably, and many people will die here today! But remember, behind us is your home, your parents, family, and friends!"

"Today, I will fight to the death with you all until we die!"


The commander slammed the walkie-talkie into pieces.

But he clearly heard thunderous roars coming from the Great Wall.

"Fight to the death!!"

The commander pulled back his hat and drank the glass of wine on the table.


He took out the pistol from his waist and pulled the bolt.

"Everyone," he looked around at the people in the command center: "Now, command has no meaning."

"The snow beast has rushed into our rear, and we are already trapped!"

"The reason we are still alive now is because those snow beasts are too lazy to deal with us now. They are too busy conquering our lands and killing our families and friends."


"Everyone, come with me to the Great Wall and fight to the death!"

"From now on, there will be no commanders, no company commanders, and division commanders. Everyone is a warrior! Use our lives and our guns to stop more snow beasts at the last moment!"

"Until the Great Wall collapses! If the building collapses, we will be the pillars in the building that hold up until it finally falls! If the Great Wall falls, we will be the last Great Wall!"

In the command room, a group of busy staff officers put down their books and tablets, and the noisy command room fell into dead silence.




The books and microphones fell to the ground, and these staff officers picked up their guns, put on their coats, and rushed to the Great Wall!

They are not strong in body. Many of them are civilians, and many of them still have childish faces. They are outstanding students who have just graduated from the military academy. Some have fair and tender faces, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and have a scholarly look on their bodies. Literary spirit.

Although they have received military training, to be honest, they have not been holding guns as long as they have been holding pens.

But at this moment, they also roared and rushed to the Great Wall, firing into the cold wind!

The determination in his eyes and the ferocious murderous intent on his face were no worse than those of those soldiers.

"No, don't!" In the command room, looking at the staff officers rushing out to fight, the leader of the Spaghetti Kingdom turned pale: "I, I just came to express my condolences. I am not a soldier, I am the leader..."


The cold muzzle of the gun was directly pressed against the head of the leader of the Spaghetti Kingdom. General Aisen's face was cold: "Didn't you hear my order just now? From now on, there will only be soldiers on the Great Wall!"

"I've never held a gun, I'm going to die..."

"Damn it, you usually eat well and wear good clothes. My soldiers eat dry food, and you eat fucking steak." Eisen pulled the gun bolt, and his eyes burst out with unparalleled killing intent: "Now, the soldiers are working hard, you fucking Mom wants to run?"

"Why don't you pick up the gun and fight with me! Die on the battlefield like a man, and fight to the death like a leader! Otherwise, I'll kill you!"

The leader of the Pasta Kingdom said in a trembling voice: "You rebelled..."

"See if I dare!"

The evil spirit of the general on the battlefield is coming!

The leader of the Pasta Kingdom swallowed. At this moment, he had no doubt that this guy really dared to kill him!

"I, can't I just fight!" The leader of the Spaghetti Kingdom picked up a rifle, staggered out of the command room, and ran up the Great Wall!

At this moment, there is no civil service

, no staff officers, no officers.

All are warriors!

A staff officer roared with a machine gun and fired wildly: "Are you drafting it, you beast, come on!"

"Staff Scott, I'm usually scared to see you kill a chicken, but I didn't expect you to be quite fierce!" The soldier on the side grinned.

"Shit," Scott, who usually never curses and always has a straight face, laughed and scolded: "When I was shooting at the military academy, you were still in high school and fell in love, so I didn't bother to argue with you. Now give me less. Nonsense, just aim and hit me!"

Everyone knows that they will die on this Great Wall! .🅆.

But once you accept this fact, you will no longer be afraid of the next battle!

Nothing more than death!

"Lord, bless me to kill one more! Kill one more!"

"Kill one more, and this Great Wall might be able to hold on for a few more seconds!"

At this moment, these once pampered European warriors were fighting the powerful snow beast in the ice and snow with the belief that they would die.

Just like those Daxia ancestors who were laughed at by their powerful ancestors!

And the will of Great Xia also burned in this foreign land, burning in the eyes of every warrior.

This wave belongs to Daxia transformation...

Since ancient times, Daxia has been a magical country, but any country that has close contacts with it, even if it is an enemy, will inexplicably become a part of Daxia.

Why in the era of globalization, countries are always inexplicably hostile to Daxia. A large part of the reason is that they are afraid that globalization will turn into global Chineseization.

That thought, like a flame, seems to spread non-stop!

But now, in the era of gods coming again and again, and fighting side by side with Daxia again and again, Oufang has entered the process of Chineseization...

at the same time.


The snow beasts that broke through the Great Wall roared and ran across the land of Oufang, running unscrupulously on the snowfields in the cold winter.

They did not attack the Great Wall from the rear, because what the Lord God wanted was the vast land and believers!

Looting and conquering come first!

At this time, an army of snow beasts composed of more than a dozen Frost Giants were running wildly in the snow. They looked around as if they were looking for something.


"We actually rushed in!"

Some Frost Giants wondered: "Didn't the Lord God say that this one named Oufang is the most powerful! We are just here to feint attack..."

"Haha, these low-level beings without divine guidance are nothing more than that!"

"Looking at it this way, it should be smoother for the Lord God. The country called the Winter Kingdom is probably holding a surrender ceremony now."

"Then we simply completely conquer this land called Oufang and dedicate it to the Lord God. Wouldn't the Lord God be even happier and reward us with glory and more powerful power!"

"That's right, conquer!"

"Conquer for God!"

They roared, and suddenly, the leading Frost Giant stopped and sniffed.

"The smell of humanity. The warmth of humanity..."

It turned its head, its ice-crystal eyes narrowed slightly, and across the barrier of ice and snow, it saw a trough hidden in the ice and snow. There was vague smoke rising from cooking stoves, dense roofs, and even some walking and cleaning people could be vaguely seen. A small figure in the snow.

There is also a signboard billowing in the cold wind, "157 Settlement"!


"Food with me!"

The Frost Giant roared excitedly and rushed forward waving his giant stick!

And the other side.

In the 157th settlement.

Maggie and her two children were sitting by the fire in the house eating a pot of cooked instant noodles.

The swaying flames struggled to release heat, the cold wind howled outside the door, and the sound of snowflakes hitting the house was clearly audible.

But since they got Daxia's support, their life has been much better.

Although the temperature in the room is very low and the cold wind is still rushing into the room through the cracks in the door, everyone is wearing thick down jackets and gloves. Although they are worn out, they are enough to keep warm at home.

The aroma of instant noodles filled the room, and the noodles were soaked in grease. Ma Qi also put two ham sausages inside that were also brought by Daxia's support.

At least staying alive is no longer a problem.

"Mom, Mom," Ma Qi, who was wearing a heavy down jacket, sucked the grease-filled instant noodles with a satisfied expression and raised her head: "In a moment, can I go out to play in the snow with Willy?"

"It's best not to..." Ma Qi shook her head.

Sharon felt a little aggrieved: "But, it's boring to be at home all the time. Mom, you don't seem to be in a good mood in the past few days, and you don't let us go out to play. Did something happen?"

Ma Qiyu

After hesitating, he finally sighed, looked at Sharon and Willy's childish eyes eager to play, and nodded: "Okay, let's go out and play. You can only play in front of your house."

"Thank you, Mom!" Sharon happily ran out with Willy, and the laughter of the two children could be heard through the door.

Ma Qi smiled bitterly and said, "What a carefree child."

As long as there is food and clothes, it seems that this winter has become a paradise for children.

Immediately, Ma Qi's face darkened and her brows furrowed.

The Ice Crystal Great Wall has begun to fight.

I don’t know if I can withstand it...

If you can't withstand it, we are a settlement in the north... It should be able to withstand it, and it shouldn't be that unlucky. They may not come specifically to us.

In fact, they should have moved south in advance, but heavy snow blocked the road. If they left the settlement, they might freeze to death in a few days and starve.

Maggie sighed.

In the past few days, although no one in the entire settlement talked about this matter and subconsciously pretended not to be worried, the atmosphere became much lower and everyone looked worried.

Ma Qi stood up and was about to turn on the radio to listen to the latest situation.

This is still a radio supported by Daxia. In Europe, it is basically one by one. Although it seems to be of little use, it is the only effective communication method today. Now even mobile phones have no signal.

A calm report came from the radio, just like every other day.

"The third transportation team is about to arrive at the 147th settlement to airdrop supplies. Please prepare the department personnel at the 147th settlement to receive and distribute the supplies. This time the supplies are..."


"Zi la la~"

The radio suddenly rang with noise, and then a hurried voice was heard: "Emergency report! Emergency report!"

Suddenly, the roar of guns and artillery sounded on the radio, as if it was live broadcast on a fierce battlefield!

"This is the highest command center of the European side! I am General Eisen Gerner, the current supreme military commander of the European side and the third commander-in-chief of the Eurasian-European War Alliance!"

"Thank you for fighting with me, thank you for standing on the Great Wall with me. You are all my best warriors in Europe!"

"But when our manpower is finally exhausted, the Great Wall has been breached and the snow beasts have entered our homes behind us."

"We are already a trapped army, and we will all die on this Great Wall."

"When I was in the military academy, I couldn't understand why the ancestors of Daxia would fight so hard in the ice and snow and use those crazy tactics. Now I finally understand what the ancestors of Daxia were thinking back then. Using tactics that are so horrific that they almost lead to death.”

"Now, I understand."

"Behind us is home!"

"It's time for us to learn from those ancestors of Daxia!"

"Now, I want to give my last order!"

"All warriors, continue to resist the snow beasts and hold on to the Great Wall! Stop more snow beasts from intruding into your home! Until the ammunition is exhausted, until you die in battle!"

"You will be afraid, you will die miserably, and many people will die here today! But remember, behind us is your home, your parents, family, and friends!"

"Today, I will fight to the death with you all until we die!"


The roar of guns and the roar of snow beasts are intertwined. Even through the radio, you can imagine the tragic battle!

Ma Qi froze on the spot. At this moment, the entire settlement was instantly quiet. Only the children who knew nothing and were still playing were laughing.

"Everyone." The radio rang again: "This is the last command order from the Ice Crystal Wall. The Ice Crystal Wall has been smashed in many places, and the snow beast has stepped in!"

"Currently, contact has been lost on the Ice Crystal Great Wall battlefield, and the communication system has been destroyed. The soldiers are holding on to the broken Great Wall with their lives, and will hold on until the last moment to buy us the last time!"

"The person I am talking to you now is Settlement No. 001. Please leave immediately and go to Settlement No. 001-010! The Alliance of Gods has gathered its members and is ready to welcome you! If you are unable to come, please leave the shelter and escape to the south. !”

"We are now reporting that the shelter that is about to be attacked, shelter 0471, will be attacked by snow beasts in ten minutes!"

"Shelter No. 0524 will be attacked by snow beasts in ten hours..."

"...will be..."

"Shelter No. 0157 will be attacked by snow beasts in half an hour!"


Ma Qi was stunned for a moment, and the cup in her hand fell to the ground.

at the same time.


A shrill alarm sounded throughout the settlement!


The originally silent 157th settlement suddenly became turbulent.

The snow beast is coming!

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