Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1337 The Greatest Will

"The snow beast is coming!"

"Half an hour left!"

For a moment, panicked shouts rang out throughout the settlement.

Ma Qi also came back to her senses immediately, her calm eyes full of tension. She immediately grabbed a backpack, grabbed some emergency biscuits and instant noodles from Daxia's support, put on her coat and opened the door.

On the narrow and icy road, there were already countless people running eagerly, and there were also people like Ma Qi who hurriedly opened the door and ran out with their bags on their backs.

Everyone looked extremely nervous, eyes wide open, running in the cold wind.

"Honey, hurry up!"

"Wait for me……"

Some people helped their wives to stop running, some elderly parents fell to the ground and wailed, but their sons did not look back at all and ran quickly with their backpacks on their backs.

Mom, what happened?

"Aunt Ma Qi, what's going on?"

Willie and Sharon, who were playing in the snow outside, looked at Maggie at a loss.

"The snow beast is coming, we need to run quickly!" Ma Qiyi explained briefly and concisely. She grabbed the hands of the two children, one on the left and the other on the right, and said in a deep voice: "Run!"

After saying that, Ma Qi dragged the two children and started running wildly on the street with the crowd.

Someone slipped in front of her, and Ma Qi saw that the person was knocked unable to get up by the anxiously fleeing crowd, and some even stepped on his body and ran forward.

The man whose mouth was bleeding after being stepped on stretched out his hand toward Ma Qi, with expectant eyes: "Help me up, please, don't..."

Ma Qi wanted to reach out and give him a hand, but then she retracted her hand abruptly.

Can't help!

Every second is extremely precious now, not to mention that as long as he stops, in this rushing crowd, he and the two children will be knocked down by the crowd behind him in an instant!

Maggie is timid, otherwise she would not leave Chris and run away, otherwise she would not be afraid to tell Chris's husband the truth. Being timid, she seems to only be able to run away, and she is only good at running away.

She followed the crowd and knocked the man over again.

In the cold wind, the crowd ran wildly in the ice and snow, panic and fear in everyone's eyes.

The normal disguise of kindness has been thrown off, and at this moment everyone is just a beast trying to survive!

Ma Qi suddenly emerged from the crowd. She and her two children stopped in front of a door, which was her parents' door.

Dang Dang Dang!

Ma Qi slapped the door fiercely, and the door slowly opened.

Ma Qi urged: "Mom and Dad, run quickly, the snow beast is coming!"

The two old men shook their heads.

"Let's go, kid."

"We are old and can't run anymore... If there are snow beasts coming, maybe we can delay those snow beasts for you and your children... If those beasts don't mind that we are old bones."


"Run! Kid, run!" The old man pushed Ma Qi out of the door, slammed the door, and shouted loudly from behind the door: "Run!"

Ma Qi was stunned for a moment, then turned around and ran away with the two children!

Amid nervous shouts and rapid breathing, Ma Qi followed the crowd and rushed out of the settlement.

There is snow on all sides, and the thick ice and snow and the howling cold wind beat on everyone unbridled.

"Mom, okay, it's cold." Sharon and Willy were still children after all, and they had run out of energy to run.

"Be good, keep running, you won't feel cold when you run!"

Maggie breathed in the cold air, pulled Sharon and Willy's two children, and walked one foot deep and one foot shallow into the white snow that reached her knees.

The surrounding crowds were also running desperately towards the south, but under the heavy snow and cold wind, every step forward was extremely laborious.

A group of people were like ants, struggling to move forward in the ice and snow.

Ma Qi, who was carrying two children, gradually fell to the back of the team. When a strong man passed by, he glanced at the two children with complicated eyes, as if he wanted to help.

But in the end, he dragged his family and passed Ma Qi while carrying a heavy backpack.

Ma Qi didn't beg for anything, because now everyone just wants to live!

The snow beast is behind you!




Giant-like roars came from behind in the heavy snow, and Sharon suddenly screamed: "Mom! Something is coming!"

Maggie looked back.

In the heavy snow that was falling all over the sky, tall figures appeared faintly.

Although the heavy snow blocked the view, at this moment, the oppressive feeling exuded by the three-hundred-meter-high silhouette made Ma Qi's breathing almost stop!


As if they sensed that humans were ahead, those huge figures roared again, running wildly through the ice and snow!

The snow dozens of meters deep actually only reached their calves!

The heavy footsteps shook the ice field, and their breathing made the cold wind become more fierce!


"Damn, what kind of monster is this!"


The crowd instantly burst into panic shouts, and everyone started running wildly regardless of the cost, even throwing away their backpacks containing food one by one!


The timid Ma Qi also threw away the backpack containing food and fuel, and used all her strength to pull the two children and run wildly!

Food and fuel are important.

In this ice and snow, without food and heating fuel, they will freeze to death and starve to death in a few days.

But the snow beast can crush them to death directly!


In the ice and snow, Ma Qi behind her ran desperately. Her legs felt like lead on the soft snow, and every step was extremely heavy.

The biting cold wind filled her lungs, and her chest felt hot, as if it was frozen and torn apart.

At this moment, feeling the pain in her lungs and the heaviness in her legs, she suddenly recalled scenes from the past.

When my best friend Chris was in school, she often dragged herself through physical tests like this.

In the cold winter that came later, Chris and herself ran like this.

When food was scarce in the settlement, he would run like this with food.

But this time, no matter how she ran, the roar behind her got closer and closer, the heavy footsteps got closer, and the shaking of the ice and snow became more violent.

She could even feel the breathing of those giant beasts.

How can an ant that is over one meter outrun a giant beast that is 300 meters away?

This is not a fair race!

Someone in the crowd rushing ahead shouted: "We are going to be overtaken!"

"We need someone to lure away those snow beasts! Kru, you go!"

"Fuck you! Why should I go and die? You go!"


"Mom, I, I can't run anymore." Sharon said with a pale face. Before she could finish her words, her little body could no longer support her and she fell directly into the snow.

Maggie quickly helped Sharon up. She looked back and saw that the giant beasts were getting closer and closer. Their huge bodies rushed forward from the ice and snow, and their terrifying appearance was clearly visible.

"Sharon! Listen to me!" Ma Qi's eyes were full of determination. She held Sharon's face like a porcelain doll and said in a quick voice: "No matter when the time comes, mommy will love you."

"Now, run!"

Don't look back, mommy will take care of those snow beasts! Just run forward!

"Mom..." Sharon was worried.

"Don't worry, mom is very powerful, mom is superman. Mom will deal with those snow beasts," the timid Ma Qi said in a calm tone as much as she could, and patted Sharon on the head: "Mom, just a moment I’ll wait for you in front.”

"Sharon, run! Don't look back, run!"

Maggie pushed Sharon and Willy forward suddenly, watching the backs of the two children running forward in the ice and snow gradually fade away.

She turned around and looked at the ferocious beasts chasing behind her.

Heading in the other direction, alone, running into the distance!

Suddenly, she stopped.

Behind them, the giant beasts did not chase after them, but continued to chase the crowd. The two small figures behind the crowd were almost chased.


Ma Qi took a deep breath.

She knew that those giant beasts didn't seem to take her seriously, and she seemed to have survived.


"I've been running for too long. This time, I won't run away anymore."

The timid Ma Qi, who always runs away, turned around without hesitation and ran towards those terrifying and evasive beasts!

Facing the cold wind, facing the ice and snow, rush towards those giant beasts!

"You beasts, come on, come on!"

"Come towards me!"

"I'm here!"

She has been running away for too long in front of Winter.

Always running away, she waved her arms and ran toward the snow beasts in the cold wind.

At this moment, Ma Qi, who could only run away, no longer ran away. This small and timid mother stood in the ice and snow, trying her best to rush towards the terrifying giant beasts in the vast wind and snow, roaring Screaming desperately in the cold wind to attract their attention!

Her legs became heavier and her breathing became more difficult, but Ma Qi seemed not to feel it and just ran as hard as she could!

She who only knew how to run away had never run so fast before, even when the cold wind of winter froze everything behind her, even when she left Chris behind, she had never run so fast before.

A force surged in this thin body, but it always seemed to be suppressed by something.

Already exhausted and cold, she became confused during the rapid running. She seemed to have returned to those times of escaping. She seemed to have returned to that day. She ran away with her back turned to the howling cold wind, and behind her, Chris fell into the ice and snow, shouting something.

She felt extremely guilty again, and Chris was probably cursing viciously at herself.

"Kris... I'm sorry..." She seemed to have returned to that day, as if she saw Chris again and heard her vague cry.

And this time.

In her increasingly blurred consciousness, she suddenly heard clearly. From the ice and snow behind her, Chris's cry that was drowned in the howling cold wind that day could be heard clearly. The cry that she subconsciously forgot in her nervousness.

"Ma Qi. Run! Don't look back, run!!"

The howling cold wind was just like the winter that came that day, just like Chrissy’s cry!

For a moment, her consciousness collapsed, and Ma Qi, who was trapped in memories, suddenly froze.

That day Chris was telling herself... to run!

At this moment, the complex guilt blocking her heart suddenly disappeared. It turned out that Chris had never blamed herself or scolded herself.

In Ma Qi's ears, the howling cold wind seemed to turn into roars.

"Ma Qi, run!"

"Ma Qi, run!!"

"Run, Maggie!"

That’s the encouragement from her parents, that’s the encouragement from Kris, that’s the encouragement from Kris’ husband!

The most powerful will of human beings has never been strong, brave, or unyielding.

But love.

Love makes cowards strong, rats brave, betrayers unyielding, and weak beings dare to fight against gods.

"It turns out that they have never blamed me. I am so cowardly and always run away, but I have been loved by so many people..."


The boulder weighing on my heart melted in the flame called love, and the suppressed warmth rushed out, filling Ma Qi's cold and stiff body, and a force emerged in Ma Qi's tired body!

Love redeemed Ma Qi, and timidity turned into unparalleled courage in love.

"I'm always running away."

"This time, I won't run away again."

Looking at the ferocious beasts chasing Sharon and Willy in the ice and snow, Ma Qi whispered, "You shouldn't anger the timid Ma Qi, let alone a mother."

the other side.

Willy gasped: "Sharon, I feel like they are catching up!"

"Don't be afraid!" Little Sharon's eyes were full of belief, "Mom said she will solve it. She will wait for us in front. Mom will definitely do it! Mom is superman!"

"Don't look back, listen to mom and run!"

But the next moment.

A huge shadow enveloped them. Sharon raised her head and saw a terrifying foot covering the sky.

On the same day, I walked through the ice and snow, and stepped down with a bang!


Sharon screamed in horror.

But the next moment.


A figure ran like an afterimage. The petite figure was like an angry lioness, smashing into the ice and snow at a terrifying speed. It ran vigorously on the snow, almost pulling out an afterimage!

Taking rapid steps, he crashed towards the giant beast without hesitation!



The soles of his feet paused in mid-air, and the crisp sound of bones breaking instantly sounded!

The three-hundred-meter-tall one suddenly fell to the ground, holding its huge broken leg and wailing.

A figure blocked Sharon and everyone behind them, facing the ice and snow, looking directly at the giant beasts.

behind her.

The word "speed" rises dazzlingly!

Her legs were shining with divine power, and her rapid heartbeat was like a dull drumbeat, resounding in the biting cold wind.

"Becoming a god!?"

"They're coming to support us!"

Some people in the crowd exclaimed excitedly, but then they felt something was wrong.

"No, it's the timid Ma Qi!"

Timid Ma Qi is Ma Qi's nickname in the settlement. As her name suggests, she is always cowardly and evasive. She will only pretend not to see her neighbors being robbed when she sees them.

"Ma Qi...has become a god?!"

"God of speed! Oh my God, the timid Ma Qi with two children has become a god!"

"Great, we are saved!"

Sharon also hugged Ma Qi happily: "Mom, Mom, I knew you wouldn't lie to me!"

She said to Willy like she was showing off: "Look, I said mom wouldn't lie to us! Mom is waiting for us in front! Mom is superman!"

"Yeah." Ma Qi smiled and touched Sharon's head, then looked at the three-hundred-meter giants who were completely enraged and roared towards them.

At this moment, she, who always ran away in the cold winter, no longer had any fear or escape in her eyes.

It doesn't matter whether you become a god or not, it doesn't matter your strength. After all, she had not yet become a god when she charged towards these giant beasts.

Just because behind her is the child she loves more than her own life.

Love redeemed her timidity, love allowed her to break through her limits, and made her who could only run away become the god of speed!

"Sharon, you wait first." The timid Ma Qi, who always ran away, rubbed Sharon's head. Her eyes were fearless, and her deep love turned into a flaming fighting spirit: "Mom, deal with it first. These, and then, we go home.”


The frost giants also roared angrily and rushed towards Ma Qi.

But the next moment.


These giants trampling on the ice and snow seemed to hear something and froze suddenly.

He actually turned around and ran away, never looking at Ma Qi or the crowd in front of him again!

Ma Qi frowned slightly.

Sharon said happily: "Mom scared them away! They also know that mom is Superman!"

The crowd commented: "What's going on? They ran away?"

"Maggie scared them away?"

"No, believers will not be afraid, they will only follow God's orders. On the battlefield of Daxia, believers will not run away even if they die... not to mention that we are right in front of us!"

"Wait a minute, I understand. It was Daxia who put pressure on the gods, forcing these believers to turn back!"

"Daxia..." Ma Qi looked at the backs of those snow beasts and narrowed her eyes slightly: "If it weren't for Daxia, Sharon Willie and I would have starved to death."

"They're the ones who love us, too."

"I will not let you go back to Daxia! Hurt the people who love me!"

There are two types of people that are most important in a person's life.

The one who loves me, and the one I love.

Sharon, please wait a moment while mom helps those uncles in Daxia who love us handle the matter. Ma Qi said softly.

Sharon obediently let go of her hand: "Then, mom, come on! Help Daxia's uncles!"


A figure rushed towards the snow beast against the ice and snow!

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