Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 147 The reaction of the free countries

As soon as he got closer, the driver breathed a sigh of relief.

The soldiers had quickly set up sandbags at the gate of the military base to build a flood defense fortification more than two meters high. Inside the flood defense fortification, many drivers and family members who had escaped had gathered there.

On the flood control fortifications, there were soldiers armed with live ammunition and standing ready with serious faces.

A soldier asked the evading drivers to stop their vehicles and get in to take shelter, but some drivers asked him and said nothing.

"Huh, you should feel more at ease here, right?" Seeing this scene, the white woman in the passenger seat smiled and said, "If you ask me, you are just worrying."

The white drivers did feel a sense of security when they saw that the military base was prepared to fight floods and that the soldiers were armed with live ammunition.

But she was a little confused, why were these soldiers armed with live ammunition?

Isn't it just a rising tide? Logically speaking, you should be holding sandbags or something to fight the flood!

"It still feels a little wrong... You go in and hide for a while, and I'll go ask." The white driver asked his wife to hide in the military base, and then he and other drivers who had escaped together surrounded the commanding officer and said: "Sir, behind you What happened?"

"Why are you still holding a gun?"

"Is there anything else besides sea water? What are you doing with guns?"

Many drivers who had temporarily escaped asked chirpingly, but they were not panicked, just confused.

"Everyone, please believe us and the officials of the Free State!" The officer shouted loudly: "Please believe it is just a simple sea surge, please feel free to take shelter!"

"We are fully prepared!"

With these words, coupled with the strong flood-fighting fortifications, most of these drivers said nothing more. They all looked relaxed and went back to comfort their wives and friends in the same car.

Only the white driver from before always felt something was wrong.

He looked back and saw that on the walls of the flood control fortification and the military base, there were already groups of soldiers setting up machine guns, picking up rocket launchers, and loading ammunition nervously.

"Husband, what's wrong?" His wife saw that he looked a little ugly and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know... something feels wrong." He said softly, picked up the phone and looked down at it, and suddenly his face changed suddenly!

There is already a lot of noise on the Internet!

Videos are circulating!

The sea water is sweeping, sea beasts are roaring, houses are submerged, and people are torn apart...


"It's okay..." He took back his cell phone tremblingly, looked at the soldiers who were waiting and the tall courtyard wall, and said in a dry voice: "I believe the official of the Free State!"

After saying that, he hugged his wife, held her tightly in his arms, and whispered: "I love you."

And at this time.

While the officer was directing, he whispered to his deputy: "Has the helicopter been arranged?"

"It's all arranged! It's already on the rear apron and ready for takeoff," the deputy whispered.

"Okay, I'll go over right away, and we'll fly directly to the east!" After the officer finished speaking, he shouted loudly to the soldiers guarding the courtyard wall: "Soldiers, we know what happened, but believe us, we will definitely be able to hold on. here!"

"Also, keep the information secret and don't arouse greater panic among the people!"

"I will live and die with you!"

The young Free State soldiers answered in unison: "Yes!"

The officer nodded, turned around and left!

As the leader of a division, he can't die here!

He knew exactly what happened!

Time is passing.

Second by second passes.

Finally, the soldiers saw the rolling water.


They pulled the trigger like crazy.

However, this little firepower is nothing to the sea beast.

The four-meter-high, so-called extremely strong military base wall faced the erosion of the rolling sea water. It only lasted three seconds before it collapsed!

The sea beasts roared and rushed into the courtyard wall, and the sea water poured in!

"Sir! Where is the sir!"

"Protect sir!"

Young soldiers struggled with their guns, trying to fight off the sea beasts, and some soldiers carried sandbags, trying to fight against the sea water.

There were even countless soldiers searching for the commander, trying to cover his departure.

"Sir..." Standing in waist-high water, facing the mouth of the giant whale, a soldier suddenly looked behind him: "He has already run away..."

For a moment, all the soldiers were silent.

The drivers hiding here looked at the sea beast that came with the sea water and broke through the courtyard wall, and their faces were full of disbelief: "What's going on!"

"Don't you mean, it's just a swell on the sea! What are these!"

"The Free State officials lied to us! What Daxia said is true!"

"Give us an explanation!"

"Why should I laugh at the high wall built by the Daxia people!"

The white driver, who had known the truth for a long time, hugged his wife tightly, facing the rolling sea water, and whispered: "I love you."

"I love you too……"

The two figures, as well as countless drivers who came to seek refuge, were directly submerged by the sea water.

All the regrets and angry shouts disappeared, leaving only the roars of sea beasts and the red name of the sea.


On the rear apron, a helicopter spun its propellers crazily and rose into the air at the moment it was about to be swallowed by the sea!

The officer stood on the helicopter, looking at the rolling water below and the looming figures of sea beasts, with a trembling expression on his face: "It's too dangerous, it's too dangerous, hurry up, pull up! Don't let those sea beasts rush up!"

"Pull up! Fly towards the capital, it will definitely be safe there!"

This scene happens in every military base.

The west coast of the Free State is also dotted with many military bases.

They have considerable firepower, strong walls, and even a lot of air strike power.

But facing the rolling sea water and the ferocious sea beasts, the so-called courtyard wall was like fragile paper!

As for thermal weapons, they cannot fully function at all.

Most of the parked planes did not have time to take off. Even if they did take off, they would only serve as tools for the commander to escape!

Those people who hide here with hope believe that the government will protect them until their death.

Those soldiers who obeyed the orders of their superiors and fought believed that their superiors were right until their death, and that their superiors would live or die with them.


They don’t have the high walls of Daxia!

They are not wrong.

But the stupidity of the top leaders of the Free State will always be punished on these innocent people.

Xinjinshan City.

This is a coastal city on the west coast of the Free State and one of the most developed economic cities.

Because of economic factors and geographical location, there are many Chinese here.

But just last night, all the Chinese disappeared.

Someone photographed them all arriving at the airport, boarding planes with red badges and the word "Daxia" written on them, and they all roared off and left the city!

Evacuate overseas Chinese in Daxia!

There was a lot of chatter about this in Johor Bahru throughout the morning.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard. Daxia actually plans to evacuate overseas Chinese. This is too similar."

"Yes, don't they just want us to believe that gods will come, and then let us spend huge resources to build walls and bring down our national strength?"

"This performance must be too vigorous. I heard that 800,000 people were evacuated this time. All the Daxia people here with Daxia nationality have left!"

"And they really listened to what Daxia officials said. When my colleague left, he even advised me to take my whole family to book flights and go on a date to hide away... Hahaha, I was laughing so hard. They were all fooled by Daxia The officials have brainwashed these stupid Daxia people.”

On TV, the leader of the Free Country was still refuting the rumors in a serious tone: "Fellow citizens of the Free Country, please do not believe the rumors in Daxia and do not stir up unnecessary panic. Please believe in us, trust the official, and maintain normal life and work. Avoid being affected by Daxia's rumors and hindering our economic development..."

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