Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 148: Evacuate overseas Chinese from Daxia!

When disaster strikes, words of peace will not help.

And now.

Hell is coming! !

The terrifying sea water swept forward, breaking down tall buildings and mountains. The ferocious sea beasts carried the sea water and hunted on the streets, chasing down the fleeing people.

"Don't be afraid, we are different from Daxia people. We have weapons at home!" A strong black man suddenly rushed out of a residential house with a bullet belt on his back. He pulled the trigger in the face of the ferocious charging sea beast!

"Da da da……"

Civilian rifles gave off hot flashes.

But the bullet whirled and hit the giant whale warrior, but it couldn't even penetrate the skin.

The giant whale warrior slowly walked in front of the strong black man, and a huge shadow enveloped him.

The strong black man raised his head and looked at the scarlet eyes and the terrifying body that was more than ten meters tall. At this moment, he even forgot to breathe.

How insignificant are human beings in the face of this kind of life?

What are the uses of so-called civilian weapons...

He tremblingly raised the muzzle of his gun and pulled the trigger towards the giant whale warrior.



The giant whale warrior roared, slapped the human into a pulp, then grabbed the bloody mass, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it.

The streets have become a hunting ground for all kinds of sea beasts to kill! Countless blood filled the air, dyeing the streets flooded by sea water red.

It is true that free countries promote legal gun ownership, but when a disaster really strikes, what use are those civilian guns?

After all, these civilian guns cannot be used to fight wars, nor can they be used to protect homes in the face of disasters!

It seems that its only purpose is to kill fellow humans.

Some gangs even took advantage of this chaotic situation to carry out their final madness, carrying out robberies and shootouts with firearms.

There are even some lunatics shouting "Let's destroy together". "Haha, rich white people, you too have today", holding rifles and massacring the fleeing crowds on the street!

It seems that if you can drag a few more people to die together, it will be considered a profit.

This scene is even more terrifying than the end of the world.

The sinister nature of the human heart is exposed at this moment!

On the chaotic streets, on the broken billboards, the fat face of the first free country was saying seriously: "Please don't believe the false news and false videos circulating on the Internet, stay calm, trust us, and don't be affected by the rumors of Daxia." Our economic development requires everyone to live and work normally and carry out economic construction..."

Under the broken billboard.

The water is surging, sea beasts are screaming, people are running away, and there are screams and roars.

When the entire Great Xia worked together to build high walls under the scorching sun, and fifty million warriors defended their homes to the death.

These citizens of the Free Country were still under the official inducement to ridicule and cynicize.

But now, disaster strikes.

The citizens of Daxia were eating hot pot and singing songs at home, but they were screaming and running in the streets, being submerged in the sea, torn apart by sea beasts, and killed by the bullets of those thugs!

A yellow-skinned middle-aged Chinese man drove a car and stepped on the accelerator crazily on the broken streets.

He was unlucky.

As a Daxia native, he loved Daxia from the bottom of his heart. He also believed in what Daxia officials said about the coming of gods, so he prepared various equipment at home.

But his wife and children believed the official words of the Free State and refused to leave, insisting on staying. They even said that he had been brainwashed by the Daxia officials.

Therefore, when the time came to evacuate overseas Chinese, he was reluctant to leave his wife and children, so he could only stay with them.

But he was also lucky. When the seawater rushed into Xinjinshan City, he was driving his car to take his family out for fun.

"Husband! Hurry up, hurry up!" Looking at the rolling sea water and the roaring sea beasts from behind, the co-pilot's wife was trembling with fear and urged loudly.

The two children also screamed and cried.

"Everyone, be quiet!" He grabbed the steering wheel, dodged the broken vehicles on the road and the thugs' guns, and stepped on the accelerator!


The engine roared, and the vehicle temporarily distanced itself from the rushing water.

It's not that the car is fast, but that the collapsed high-rise buildings temporarily blocked the speed of the incoming sea water.

But no matter what, it’s still safe for the time being!

"Husband, where are we going...where are we going..." The white woman looked at the sea water behind her in panic, and shouted: "Where are we going!"

"Stop screaming!" Middle-aged Daxia shouted: "When I asked you and your children to come with me, you refused to go and even said that I was brainwashed by Daxia!"

"Now! Why are you so scared now! How energetic were you then?"

The white woman's whole body was trembling, and her eyes were full of regret: "I, it was me who was wrong. I should have believed in you and Daxia officials..."

"What's the use of talking about it now, the evacuation is over!" Middle-aged Daxia sighed, holding the steering wheel with despair in his eyes, "Now, we can only pray that the fuel in the tank will allow us to run for a while... …”

But right now.

A sound suddenly came from the car stereo!

Not English, but...the long-lost Daxia Chinese!

"For Daxia citizens staying in Xinjinshan City in the Free State, this is the highest command center of Daxia, the Xinjinshan City evacuation command center."

"The last flight will take off from Daxia Airport in ten minutes."

"Please go immediately, go immediately! We don't have much time, please go immediately!"

"In addition, Daxia citizens who are no longer able to move freely, please report your location, and we will send a helicopter to pick you up. Please report your location immediately and send a text message to... I repeat, please report your location immediately and send a text message to …”

"Please remember, we will never give up on any of our Daxia compatriots!"

this moment.

Listening to those familiar and calm words.

The desperate middle-aged Daxia, who fled with his whole family for his life, had tears in his eyes!

Even if it’s just a few words.

But it gave him an incomparable sense of security!


The car turned around on the chaotic street and sped towards the airport!

"Husband, what's wrong..." The white woman looked at her husband, who was suddenly full of energy and eyes full of joy, with a puzzled face.

"We can be saved, we can be saved!" He laughed loudly, stepped on the accelerator, and explained in English: "Daxia, you have not given up on us!"

"What?" The white woman looked in disbelief: "It's time... hasn't the evacuation ended long ago, and now..."

"No, you don't understand!" The middle-aged Daxia shook his head, his eyes firm: "Daxia will never give up on a fellow Daxia!"

"They are still waiting for us, at this time, still waiting for us!"

"Still, waiting for us!"

"Now you know why I would rather be bullied than change my nationality!" The middle-aged Daxia laughed and said, "Just because Daxia will always be the home of Daxia people!"

When the white woman heard this, her eyes were extremely shocked, and she was extremely surprised, but then she seemed to have thought of something, and she felt lonely.

"What's wrong? Why are you unhappy?" Middle-aged Daxia looked at the airport that was already visible in the distance, and his voice became more and more joyful.

"I..." the white woman's voice trembled and her eyes turned red: "I am your wife, but I am not from Daxia... When the time comes, you take the children and leave first... I am alone, that's fine..."

The smile on middle-aged Daxia's face was stiff, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, but he still stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the airport!

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