Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1483 Time and space chaos

Looking at this exaggerated and huge temple, Situ Hong swallowed and said, "Who built this...and who lives in it...Is this the temple of the God of Power?"

She heard that the God of Power revealed his body and could transform into a burly giant.

Thinking about it, only the God of Power can build such a huge temple and live in it.

"No, although the Temple of Power is huge, it is not so exaggerated. Moreover, the God of Power is usually of normal size, so there is no need for such a huge temple..." Lin Fan shook his head.

He walked forward, passed the steps that were more than twenty meters high, touched the broken stone pillars, and frowned slightly.


There are rules left on this!

[Burning], [Destruction], [Winter]...

Only the frost condensed in [Winter] can remain on the stone pillars for thousands of years!

The door of the temple was ajar, Lin Fan gave the gods of Daxia a look, and everyone raised their divine power, ready to take action at any time, and slowly walked into the ajar door.

In this exaggerated size ratio, it is like a group of ants entering a temple to worship the real God.

Silence, emptiness, darkness.

"Mr. Zhang, turn on the light." Lin Fan whispered.

In an instant, the golden wheel of merit rose up, the word "medicine" shone brightly, and the dazzling golden light swept away the darkness.

Mr. Zhang whispered in a low voice: "I really didn't expect that you would let me use Hua Tuo's inheritance to do this... I am the God of Medicine! I am not the God of Lamps!"

But the next moment, Mr. Zhang shut his mouth.

The gods of Daxia also looked stunned.

The silent white hall was tall and empty, and it was also covered with traces of the battle. The dried blood stained the ground black, and traces of swords and fire were everywhere.

But this time, there are twelve statues inside.

Each statue is thousands of meters high, as if it is standing against the sky.

Some of the statues were broken, but even if they fell, they still looked like mountains.

One of the statues is sitting on the highest throne, holding a huge black scythe. It is a majestic and noble middle-aged man, exuding the domineering aura of having been in power for a long time.

"You know the best about the God Realm, have you seen it?" Situ Hong looked around and looked at Lin Fan.

Lin Fan looked at the statue sitting on the throne and shook his head: "It looks a bit like Zeus, but... I've never seen it before."

Lin Fan was very sure.

The existences depicted in these statues have never been seen by me even in my previous life!

"So, that's it?" Lin Fan and everyone looked around and saw that the hall was empty except for these statues.

What's so dangerous about this?

"Wait a minute, there's a corpse here!" Situ Hong exclaimed, and Lin Fan and the gods of Daxia hurriedly approached.

There was a corpse in the darkness behind the throne.

Half an upper body to be exact.

The corpse was completely dry, and his hands were firmly grasping the stone slab on the ground. His fingers were inserted into the stone slab, and it could be seen that he was trying hard to crawl out.

There were dents left by fingers on the stone slab, as if something was dragging it backwards.

Situ Hong checked it twice and whispered: "According to the case-handling skills I learned from the Order Society...this is the body of the fourteenth-level high-level Thunder God. He has been dead for half a year."

"How is that possible!" The First Emperor shook his head and said, "Zeus only received the news a few days ago! How could he... the time doesn't match up!"

"Although it's a bit weird, it should be the message he sent to Zeus." Lin Fan took off the communication bracelet from the wrist of the half-mummy, clicked it, and the message sent appeared.

The next moment, Lin Fan was stunned.

"What's wrong?" The First Emperor frowned.

"You, do you still remember what message Zeus said he received?" Lin Fan's voice trembled, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his pupils kept shrinking.

It seemed as if something particularly terrible had happened.

The First Emperor had never seen Lin Fan in such a panic, but he still recalled it: "Shenzang, Jubao, please help."

Lin Fan turned the communication bracelet.

At this moment, all the gods of Daxia saw the message sent by the dead Thunder Elder: "It's not a divine treasure! There is no giant treasure! This is not a request for help, this is a warning... Don't get close, don't get close, don't get close!"


Even through the text, one can see Elder Lei Ting's panic before his death.


Deathly silence.

Everyone felt a sense of terror in their hearts, as if some terrifying existence was quietly watching them.

Lin Fan instantly thought of countless possibilities. It could be that the signal in the Forest of Divine Beasts was poor, or that the magnetic field here was disordered, interfering with the transmission of information, resulting in incomplete information received by Zeus.

It may also be that the life that has been hidden in the virtual world has taken action!

But now the most important thing is.

"leave here!"

Lin Fan shouted loudly.

The gods of Daxia rushed outside the hall, but the next moment.


A dazzling purple light shot up into the sky. Lin Fan subconsciously looked back and saw that the source of the purple light was under the half-body of Elder Thunder.

A purple vortex surged, like a mouth that wanted to swallow everything!

Now it seems that half of the body of Elder Thunder was obviously trying to escape from the mouth, but it was bitten in half by the mouth, leaving only the upper body still outside!

"Don't resist!" Lin Fan shouted loudly.

But when he opened his mouth, Lin Fan was speechless. He even began to be unable to breathe, as if the air had solidified.

Lin Fan quickly mobilized his divine power and communicated with his spiritual thoughts: "Don't resist!"

He didn't want the gods of Great Xia to be split in half like that Thunder Elder!

That was a fourteenth-level thunder elder, and he was split into two halves under resistance!

No matter what the whirlpool is, it is not something that the gods of Daxia can resist!

A strange wave erupted, filling the entire hall in an instant and enveloping every Daxia god.

This wave did not belong to any kind of divine power, but the moment it filled the entire hall, everyone felt a feeling of being frozen.

It was as if the space had solidified, as if time had been suspended, as if the inside of the hall had been completely separated from the outside world, and as if the long river of time had stopped flowing here.

"What is this!" The gods of Daxia looked flustered and scattered their thoughts.

Even the First Emperor, Bai Qi, Lu Bu and others who had participated in the war in the previous life looked surprised.

Only Lin Fan's face turned pale, and his brain went "boom"!

A strange scene appeared. The bodies of the gods of Daxia who had originally rushed out of the hall suddenly began to retreat. They stepped on the footprints they had left before and retreated.

But in the process of retreating, their clothes flowed backwards, as if their whole bodies were still rushing forward.

It was exactly the same as when they rushed out, as if the scene was played backwards.

Meng Tian distracted his thoughts and said: "Your Majesty, don't retreat! Rush out!"

"I didn't even think about retreating!" The First Emperor looked ugly.

"Whatever, come with me and rush out!!" Lu Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd tightly, opened his eyes wide, and tried to rush out of the hall with all his strength.

But at this moment, he, the best charger in the world, was struggling!

It's like swimming in water, no, it should be said like swimming in steel. There is incomparable resistance all over the body, as if it is welded into steel!

No matter how hard he tried, his body still retreated uncontrollably.

Bai Qi also held the blood scythe tightly, trying to split open what was binding him, but no matter how red his face was, he couldn't move the blood scythe at all!

"Don't resist!" Lin Fan said with a complex expression, "You will be crushed into pieces!"

"Lin Fan, do you know what this is?" The First Emperor also looked unusually panicked. He felt like he couldn't even blink his eyelids at this time.

Lin Fan was silent for two seconds and said loudly: "This is the magic of time and the magic of space!"

Time, space, and death are known as the three hidden temples.

Lin Fan had dealt with them in his previous life, so he was very familiar with them. He himself also died in the hands of the Lord of Time.

Lin Fan originally thought that these two secret gods

The palace meeting is just like the previous life. Unless the battle between Daxia and the gods reaches the decisive stage, they will not take action.

But now they actually take action? And take a joint action?

The scene in front of me is like time and space are reversing!

"How could they find out!"

Lin Fan was full of questions. Since his return, Daxia's actions have been even more secretive than in the previous life!

Now the entire God Realm doesn’t know about Daxia, how could they find out!

But Lin Fan was more desperate. If these two major temples jointly attacked, with his current strength, he wouldn't even be qualified to compete!

"No, that's not right!" Lin Fan suddenly seemed to notice something. He turned to look at the vortex behind him and understood instantly.

This is neither time magic nor space magic.

"This is the turbulence of time and space!" Lin Fan quickly spread his thoughts: "What is here is not a divine treasure, but a fragment of time and space. It is attracting us!"

"Don't move, just go with it!"

"Otherwise we will really be shattered by time and space! Just like that Thunder Elder!"

Although the gods of Daxia were still a little nervous, they listened to Lin Fan and stopped resisting.

Everyone turned their backs to the purple whirlpool, and walked backwards towards the whirlpool step by step as if rushing outward.

Sword God Zhang Feng had a complicated expression on his face, and he said with a spiritual thought: "I just want to know now, is this a good thing... or a bad thing?"

"I don't know either. I only know that these are fragments of broken time and space." Lin Fan was also very helpless: "Maybe we will appear in the forest, maybe in the desert, maybe in the future, maybe in In the past... there is no time or space for anything to appear."

Time and space fragments.

Lin Fan knew very little about this thing and had only come into contact with it in battles with the God of Time and the God of Space.

The God of Time and the God of Space, these two priesthoods are too powerful.

Powerful enough to affect the flow of the entire divine world.

They can make time flow backwards and space disappear, and in this process, there will always be some results that cannot be consistent even in the realm of gods.

For example, the future that was supposed to happen but was forcibly changed, or the past that was erased, there will be some strange residues. The God of Time erases the past, but that is the past that has already happened, and this period of time will become a residue. And changing the future, but that is the future that is destined to happen, this is also the legacy of time.

Time within a time that does not exist, space within a space that does not exist.

It's like a point with infinite mass but infinitely small volume. This kind of point should not exist in theory, but if it does exist, it will cause uncontrolled collapse around it.

They are called singularities, also called space-time fragments.

Small singularities are easy to say, such as breaking a cup three days ago that will be broken today. This difference is nothing at all, and time and space can be self-consistent.

The God of Time and the God of Space can still handle it. Even if they don't, the God Realm will not collapse. As time and space become self-consistent, this small singularity will quietly disappear.

But a singularity that is too big... can completely collapse the God Realm and countless planes, and even the God of Time and the God of Space cannot handle it.

As Lin Fan finished speaking.


The purple vortex completely erupted. Fortunately, none of the Great Xia Lords resisted, and they were all sucked into it by the irresistible force.

The next moment.

Everything became quiet again, only this ancient and huge temple of the past still stood.

Lin Fan only felt that his body was falling in the infinite darkness, and he could vaguely see scenes appearing around him, as if he had passed through countless planes and traveled through countless time and space.

I don't know how long it took, but Lin Fan felt his body light up.


Lin Fan fell into a cold and viscous liquid, and his mouth and nose instantly smelled fishy.

Lin Fan opened his eyes and saw bright red liquid covering his field of vision. Lin Fan mobilized his divine power and reached out to swim upwards, and suddenly caught a hand in the bright red liquid.

Lin Fan felt happy, thinking it was some Daxia god, and quickly pulled it.

It was pulled over easily, as if it was just a hand with no body behind it.

Lin Fan dispersed

With his divine power, he forced back the bright red liquid around him and said with a smile: "Are you okay?"

next moment.

Lin Fan was stunned.

In his hand, there was only one hand.

Human hands, and they were already bones.


Before Lin Fan could think about it, a hand suddenly grabbed Lin Fan and lifted him up!

The First Emperor lifted Lin Fan out of the red liquid and saw the scarlet ocean below, with all the gods of Daxia standing on the ocean.

Everyone looked a little nervous. They had never experienced such a weird thing.

The First Emperor was the first to ask: "What are space-time fragments! Where are we now!"

Lin Fan thought briefly.

"Fragments of time and space... are difficult to explain. You can understand them as cracks in time and space, and there is no concept of time in them. This is chaotic time and space. This place is static relative to time. This is a drop of water that has been separated from the long river of time and no longer follows the flow of time. Running along the long river of time.”

"I don't know which god of time and space changed the past or the future, causing time and space to no longer be continuous, and this time and space fragment appeared."

Lin Fanyi replied briefly and concisely, then smiled bitterly, looking around, and said: "I really don't know where it is, who knows which broken time and space this is... No, that's not right, I seem... really understanding.”

Lin Fan suddenly stopped talking.

As he looked at the world, his whole body suddenly began to tremble.

The blood-red ocean is surging.

The blood-red sky makes it difficult to tell the difference between day and night.

The blood-red seawater set off huge waves of hundreds of meters, and the fishy smell permeated everywhere. In the bloody seawater, countless human remains and bones were tumbling.

Densely packed.

There are also all kinds of strange bones, including the bones of sea beasts, the white hair of snow beasts, the bones of giants, broken wood chips and branches, as well as bricks and stones.

It seems that the density of this viscous liquid is so high that even heavy objects can float.

In the distance is the broken earth, where there are eternal flames burning in the sea of ​​blood, and there are ice and snow that will never melt and are dyed red by blood.

In the blood-red sky, thunder roared and the wind roared, turning into fierce blades, as if countless wronged souls were wailing.

This is a broken world, a world without life, only death and destruction. Like purgatory.

Lin Fan was very familiar with this world.

This is Lin Fan's nightmare.

"Impossible, impossible... How could it be here... How could it be here... This place should have disappeared a long time ago... No, it's fake, it's all fake!"

"Don't try to lie to me! This is God's illusion! It's all fake!"

Lin Fan covered his head, his expression painful as if he was in a nightmare, but the next moment, he trembled again.

"No, this is real, it's real... By the way, it was the God of Time who took action at that time... But now I'm back... Time has changed, both the future and the past have changed, so there will definitely be fragments of time and space. …”

"That is to say...this is the past...this is the erased future...the future of the erased past, the past of the future...this is the time that happened but did not happen, it was reversed and The disappearing space…”

"That battle, I died in that battle, we lost... So it became like this... That's right, that's right..."

"Why can't I understand what you're talking about?" The First Emperor frowned slightly, he didn't understand.

"I seem to understand."

Situ Hong sighed, pressed his palm down, and a burst of divine power surged out.

In the viscous sea of ​​blood, the stinking blood separated in all directions, and that divine power held up something.

It was a mostly broken Azure Dragon Sword.

"I didn't expect that Guan's knife fell here." The second master grinned and was about to rush down to get the knife, but the next moment he suddenly froze and turned his head slowly to the right.

What caught the eye was the sharp blade.

The second master's right hand was holding a cracked Qinglong knife.

For a moment, the air was silent, only the sea of ​​blood roared, thunder roared, fire burned, and the wind roared in this hell-like world.

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