Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1548 Submit to us, believe in us!

The other agricultural gods also smiled proudly at this time.

"Haha, these stupid humans are so well-behaved and beg for our salvation, so we will save them reluctantly once."

"Speaking of which, this is the first time we have met such a well-behaved race. After experiencing famine, there is not even one resistance."

"It's a shame to say that we didn't conquer for a long time. I thought we were not good at conquering. Haha, it seems that we have been too low-key over the years, which made me forget how powerful we are."

"It's time to give these desperate begging humans a little mercy!"

"Now as long as we show mercy, these human beings will loyally offer their faith and become our believers. This vast plane will be ours!"

"Let us show mercy and conquer here!"

"Let these stupid humans see how powerful we are as agricultural gods!"

Many agricultural gods looked at each other, with noble and elegant smiles on their lips.

Humans, kneel down and beg.

We will show mercy, and you will become our believers.

Demeter led many agricultural gods and walked towards the southern Great Wall with a proud attitude, with an elegant and noble smile on her face.

"Humans, I know you have experienced a long period of hunger, and I know your land cannot be cultivated."

"But your begging is not in vain, we heard your desperate cry."

"Now, your god is here."

"Your god will save you and guide you in the darkness."

"I am your god."

She smiled at the many hungry people, watching them cheer more and more, and begging more and more devoutly.

What cooperative humans are.

And inside the city wall.

"Demeter and a group of agricultural gods are about to enter Daxia!" Old Jin picked up the intercom: "The whole country is in a state of first-level combat readiness, everyone is ready to camouflage and hide!"

"All firepower units, correct parameters, always aim at Demeter!"

"The shadow army hidden in the city wall, Daxia Iron Cavalry, Daxia Iron Armor, as well as all the God Killing Army and various flight squadrons, are all ready! The encirclement is ready to shrink!"

"If Demeter finds something wrong, start fighting immediately!"

There was a roar from the intercom: "Yes!"

Demeter had no idea that these weak and stupid human races seemed easy to conquer.

In fact, they were always ready to go to war.

After all, what she saw in front of her was just a hungry honor guard composed of European hungry people...

At this time, those hungry people seemed to see the young master North hiding in the crowd.

"North! Young master of the ocean!" Someone suddenly roared: "Why are you here!"

A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

After all, in the setting, this is a plane abandoned by the Ocean Temple, and it has experienced famine after being abandoned!

"Young Master North, you still have the nerve to come!"

"We are loyal to you, but you suddenly disappeared, replaced by land that cannot be cultivated and a long famine!"

"We believe in you so much, but no matter how we beg, even if we starve to death, you never respond!"

"We don't believe in you anymore, get out!"

"I begged you countless times, but you didn't respond at all. You abandoned us and put us in darkness!"

Demeter looked at this scene, and the broken ocean totems erected everywhere seemed to tell of their betrayal. These people who once believed in the ocean devoutly experienced hunger and were about to believe in the god of agriculture.

Young Master North snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter if it's my Ocean Temple that abandoned you. The god who saved you is not the Ocean God, but the merciful God of Agriculture!"

"But even so, you dare to disrespect me!"

"Have you forgotten the time when you knelt down to surrender and set up the Ocean Totem! Is it my Ocean Temple that is too merciful to you!"


Water dragons soared into the sky, and huge waves gathered out of thin air!

The hungry people were terrified.


"Young Master North, forget it, spare their lives." Demeter suddenly said, waving her hand at the same time, and the rolling waves collapsed and shattered in an instant.

After all, no matter what, these human beings are now very well behaved to the Temple of Agriculture.

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These are all potential believers that her Temple of Agriculture is about to conquer!

It can even be said that it is the hope for the Temple of Agriculture to grow again.

How can Demeter sit back and watch being slaughtered by North? How can we tolerate these humans being killed at will?

They must be well protected!

"Hmph, these rebellious people," Young Master North retracted his divine power and snorted coldly: "It seems that I used too much force when I shattered their faith."

Demeter smiled: "Haha, it doesn't matter, the more so the better. They have completely betrayed the faith of the ocean, and I, the God of Agriculture, can replace them better."

"I have to thank you, the Ocean Temple, and I also apologize to you on behalf of these humans who scolded you."

Young Master North waved his hand: "No need."

Demeter nodded.

"Everyone, it's time to let these stupid humans see how powerful God is." Demeter said, and turned to look at Young Master North.

Lin Fan was quite nervous when he heard Demeter say this, fearing that the other party had noticed something.

Unexpectedly, Demeter asked: "Young Master North, you said you know this place, please take us to the farmland of these humans."

"We will show miracles, nourish the land, sow wheat seedlings, and make these humans completely believe in us."

Lin Fan was overjoyed.

It is indeed a farm tool.

Just bring it to your door yourself. You'll be ready to work as soon as you arrive, so you don't need to say anything!

This drive, this awareness.

You are worthy of being the god who came to save us!

Lin Fan cupped his fists and bowed: "Then please, Lord Demeter, follow me into the winter and go straight to the farmland!"

Demeter nodded.

Amidst the cheers of the hungry people, Lin Fan walked step by step into the city gate and behind the city wall.

Walking out of the city wall, you will see endless mountains and rivers.

Demeter's eyes became more and more surprised. She really didn't expect that the country called Great Winter was so vast.

"Please come with me, there is an agricultural area ahead." Young Master North reminded, and swept forward.

"The God of Agriculture is moving!" Mr. Jin held the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice: "The Hunger Demonstration Village is ready!"

When passing several villages and towns along the way, Demeter saw hungry people with sallow faces and thin muscles.

Those hungry people wore shabby clothes, and their eyes were hollow from long-term hunger.

When they saw Demeter and the gods of agriculture, the hungry people cheered and prayed to them, shouted with all their strength, and even knelt down and kowtowed.

"God, you are finally here!"

"We had such a hard time waiting!"

Demeter's smile grew.

Very good.

This land was indeed completely starved.

They are eager for their arrival and for the salvation of the God of Agriculture.

"Everyone, hurry up and go to the agricultural area. Show mercy quickly and completely conquer these poor humans!" Demeter urged.

And the other side.

When Demeter left, the hungry people who had specially built a "hunger demonstration village" along the way ran back to their houses without saying a word.

"The Faun has passed!"

"Can we eat it?"

In that room, there were bowls of braised pork, bowls of fried tenderloin, braised pork with pickled vegetables, fish-flavored shredded pork and other dishes.

And basins of rice and steamed buns.

It’s not extravagant, it’s all home-cooked food, but it’s extra satisfying!

A soldier with a loaded gun smiled and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Oufang brothers. Your current mission is completed. The God of Agriculture sees your hungry look... Now, I, Daxia, treat you all to a feast!"

The hungry people rushed to the meal with cheers.

"Let's eat!"

"I want to eat meat!"

"I can finally eat meat! I haven't eaten meat for a year!"

These European hungry people were once lawyers, doctors, accountants, makeup artists and other glamorous people.

Li's profession, but now they only have one identity, hungry people!

These hungry people from Europe were like the reincarnation of hungry ghosts, without any dignity and elegance of the past. One by one, they ran over with all their strength, grabbing the white steamed buns with dirty hands without caring about their appearance, leaving behind them all covered with dust. of handprints.

But they didn't care. They didn't even have time to refuse and swallowed the dirt on their hands into their mouths. They grabbed pieces of fragrant and juicy meat and showed it off to their mouths.

Oils and carbohydrates moisturize their almost dry bodies, and they feel an unprecedented sense of satisfaction, feeling that their bodies are quickly moisturized and rejuvenated.

The withered body was recovering rapidly, and even the originally withered face began to turn rosy.


"Daxia's do they have so much food? It's so delicious."

"It's just for this bite that I came to Daxia to help perform!"

"As long as I always have this kind of food to eat, I can do whatever Daxia asks me to do, let alone kneel down and kowtow to God, even if I get beaten every day, it will be fine!"

"Hey, I've been starving to death this year. Who would have thought that now we only need to kneel down and kowtow to God and cheer a few words to have enough to eat!"

They devoured it.

Some even hid steamed buns in their trouser pockets - in fact, the famine experienced by Europe has left too many indelible shadows.

Now, they finally understand why the people of Daxia like to save food, and why they cherish food so much.

Half of the steamed bun in someone's hand fell to the ground and was stained with dust, but that person actually grabbed it.

The soldier just shouted: "Hey, tear off that piece, it's dirty..."

As a result, the man had already stuffed half of the steamed bun into his mouth, chewing it with a look of enjoyment as if he was afraid of being taken back by the soldiers.

These hungry Europeans once dumped untouched food into the trash can without any guilt. They once couldn't understand why Daxia people kept their plates clean after eating. Some Daxia people were even reluctant to throw away five expired food. hours of food. It's like a poor man, giving people the feeling of not having enough to eat.

This is all because Daxia has experienced hunger and knows the importance of food.

Now, because they do not pay attention to food, they also experience hunger.

They also learned the fear of hunger.

As the saying goes, people can't teach others, but things can teach people only once.

This year's hunger, they simply became honest. They had not known the value of food for many years, but they learned to cherish it within a year.

Some people even vomited after eating. The soldiers on the side quickly advised: "Don't just think about swallowing it. It's almost enough. You can't eat so much if you are hungry for a long time. Eat less meat and vegetables. You can't eat too greasy now." Damn... the one who vomited, don't lie down on the ground and feed it back... vomit, it's so disgusting..."

A soldier was a little worried: "If they continue to eat like this, they will gain weight in less than half a month... What will we do then? Will the God of Agriculture reveal his secrets as soon as he sees it?"

Another soldier sighed: "Oh, what else can we do? Let's change. I hope there are enough hungry people on the European side."

At the same time, Lin Fan and a group of agricultural gods were about to arrive in the agricultural area.

A god of agriculture muttered: "Oh, we have to cultivate land again... Although farming is a pleasure, cultivating the land is still too tiring."

"Yes, when I came before, what I hoped most was that there would be a race that had already reclaimed the world and was waiting for us to come."

It is simply too laborious to cultivate the land.

Even the God of Agriculture, who likes farming, is reluctant to cultivate land.

next moment.

"Everyone, we're here." Young Master North suddenly said.

This..." Demeter and the other gods of agriculture were stunned on the spot, with disbelief on their faces.

In front of them was a vast expanse of cultivated land!

Endless as far as the eye can see!

As far as the eye can see, there are fields!

All the gods of agriculture swallowed their saliva and were shocked.

Is this endless stretch of farmland really something that humans can cultivate?

How big does this have to be?

Although these farmlands are barren, they can be cultivated immediately as long as they release their divine power to nourish them again!

"Oh my God,

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This, is this something humans can cultivate? "

"Do the creatures in this plane attach so much importance to farming? The area here is even comparable to that of Endless Pastoral! In comparison, even Endless Pastoral looks small!"

Endless countryside, one hundred thousand hectares.

It was cultivated by the gods of agriculture for generations, and they have put countless efforts into it. It is a famous miracle in the world of gods.

Coupled with the divine power of the God of Agriculture, the food produced almost supplies the entire divine world.

And the endless fields in front of us... this is the real endless countryside!

All the gods of agriculture were extremely excited.

"Humans in this plane really have the potential for farming! They are our natural believers!"

"It seems that God still has mercy on us. This is the plane God gave us! This encounter is not our disaster at all, but an opportunity given to us by God!"

"Humans who are so well-behaved and have such a talent for farming are our best believers!"

There was already a god of agriculture who couldn't wait and said urgently: "Start doing it immediately, I can't wait."

"Yes, Lord God, let's get started. I can't wait to experience the fun of growing crops and the joy of farming and harvesting!"

This kind of farmland that has been prepared and is just waiting for cultivation is very attractive to the God of Agriculture! If they are not allowed to plant, they will all feel uncomfortable!

This piece of land just waiting to be cultivated is like a naked beauty in front of you!

What's wrong with the gods of agriculture? They just want to cultivate the land well.

"There's no rush," Demeter looked back: "Those hungry humans haven't caught up yet."

"When they follow us, we will perform miracles, show mercy, nourish the land, and start farming."

"Otherwise, no matter how passionate we are, they won't be able to feel our power, and it will be meaningless."

The gods of agriculture are waiting with heart-scratching.

They couldn't wait to get started, and they were tortured by the desire to farm and cultivate.

A god of agriculture suddenly said: "By the way, Lord God, will they be too hungry to make it through and die of starvation on the road..."

The words have not yet fallen.

"God, you are here!"

"Are you going to help us farm?"

"God, please show your miracle!"

In the distance, groups of hungry people were crowded in darkness, as if they had gained strength from nowhere and were running all the way over.

The God of Agriculture, who was just worried that these hungry people would starve to death on the way, was stunned for a moment: "Here they come so quickly, and they even ran over?"

"It seems that these human races are still very strong." Demeter became more and more satisfied: "Even their complexion seems to be much better. Haha, this is the power of hope in the mouths of weak beings. Because of our arrival, they see hope . Their belief in us kept them going.”

"It is our glory that gives them strength. Let them chase after us."

And in fact.

It was these hungry people who had eaten enough... After they sent the god of agriculture to the god of agriculture, they immediately ate and drank in the canteen of the southern Great Wall. Everyone's stomach was full, but they felt energetic and looked better.

As for why we are chasing here.

Because Mr. Jin said that as long as they cheer here and continue to sing praises to the gods, they can eat again.

Still full.

Demeter said solemnly: "Now, show your miracles and nourish the land!"

"Completely impress these humans, let them see how powerful we are, and let them completely believe in us!"

Demeter said, her divine power surged out!

The divine power of the God of Agriculture is nourishing, and the land within a radius of a hundred miles is no longer barren at this moment, but becomes moist and fertile!


"I will obey the command of the Lord God!"

"Let us save them! Let us completely convert them into believers!"

The gods of agriculture also released their divine power to make this land fertile!

In the praise and praise of the hungry people, the gods of agriculture only felt full of energy.

Human race, take a good look, how powerful we are!

Then, be loyal to us, surrender to us, and believe in us!

Start farming!

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