Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1549 The True Miracle

Demeter took out a handful of seeds and was about to scatter them.

These were the seeds of excellent crops selected by the Temple of Agriculture from many planes.

But the next moment,


Demeter was stunned for a moment, and saw that before she could scatter the seeds, wheat seedlings had already emerged in the fields nourished by divine power.

"These human beings are really strong. Even though they are so hungry, they still put seeds in the fields and try to cultivate them..." Demeter smiled, becoming more and more satisfied with these loyal human beings, but then she was suddenly stunned: "Wait, these wheat seedlings..."

They are actually stronger than the wheat she cultivated in the divine world? .đź…†.

Demeter gathered divine power at her fingertips and tapped.

Under the infusion of rich divine power, the wheat seedlings grew rapidly in an instant, and in a dozen breaths, they had already produced abundant ears of wheat. The heavy wheat grains were particularly full, bending the wheat and swaying in the wind.

Demeter picked up the wheat ears, rubbed them in her hands for a few times, and looked at the plump wheat grains with shock.

"The original crops of this land are so excellent!"

"This is better than the excellent crops found in all planes in the God Realm!"

She looked at the hungry people with awe on their faces and said in a deep voice: "Take out all the seeds you have saved."

The god of agriculture on the side curled his lips: "These humans are so hungry, I'm afraid they have already given the seeds to..."

Before he finished speaking.

"Here they are!"

"God, these are the seeds we saved!"

The hungry people actually took out bags of seeds.

Then they looked at them eagerly, with only "The seeds have been prepared for a long time, waiting for you to plant them" written on their faces.

Many gods of agriculture: "!!!"

Demeter: "!!!"

The gods of agriculture looked at the bags of seeds like a hill in front of them in confusion, as well as the hungry people who were pale and thin and starving to death.

No, buddy,

You are almost starving to death, why are you still saving so many seeds?

Demeter didn't react for a while. Before she cooperated with the Qingmu Temple, she had conquered many planes.

In the face of hunger, whether it is the strong orcs, the cunning foxes, or the agile monkeys, they will survive at all costs and eat everything they can eat.

Even the human race, which is known to have the strongest will and the most difficult to tame, will regard everything they see as food.

How can they be starving to death and still save so many seeds?

Are the wills of these humans stronger than all the previous races?

"How could you..." Demeter frowned, and she finally realized that something was wrong.

"Report to the Lord God," a hungry man shouted loudly: "Although we are hungry, we must save seeds even if we are hungry!"

"Seeds are everything! Seeds are hope! It is the future harvest!"

"How can we eat seeds and cut off the future harvest just because of our hunger!"

For a while, Demeter was deeply moved.

These human beings actually have such a persistent pursuit of seeds and harvests!

Even if they starve to death, they are unwilling to eat the seeds!

"The human race who loves crops so much, and even regards the harvest as more important than their own lives..." Demeter's eyes were slightly red, "These are simply believers given to us by God!"

"With these human races, why should we worry about the rise of our Temple of Agriculture!"

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\u003eDemeter looked at these weak humans with admiration in her eyes.

She once again felt that this plane was simply the dragon's rise given to her Temple of Agriculture by God!

And outside the densely packed 15 million hungry people.

Old Jin was guarding a mountain of bags of seeds, distributing them to the hungry people while shouting: "Move them over, move them as hard as you can! I'll continue to give you porridge and boiled eggs, noodles, and scrambled eggs with tomatoes tonight!"

"Don't ask why there's no braised pork, many people vomited just now! You can't eat anything too greasy now, I'll give you more in two days!"

"Yes, move them over, move them to the God of Agriculture!"

"Tell them that the seeds are ready, just waiting for them to plant them!"

The hungry people who had just eaten and drunk enough heard that they could have another full meal tonight, and regardless of their fatigue, they sent bags of seeds to the God of Agriculture.

When the transportation was finished, Demeter's eyes became more and more stunned.

It seemed like a mountain was in front of her.

It was so majestic that people felt insignificant when they looked up.

And this mountain was actually seeds!

What's wrong with you humans? You're almost starving to death, but you still keep so many seeds?

And you've prepared so many seeds... How vast is this land! How many agricultural areas are there!

"Their desire for a good harvest even surpasses most of the gods of agriculture." Demeter suddenly became excited. You know, the gods of agriculture like to farm the most!

So many seeds, and so many fields that have been cultivated and are waiting to be cultivated.

This is simply the paradise of the gods of agriculture.

The gods of agriculture around are also eager to try. The seeds in front of them are like beauties calling them - "Come and plant me."

But they can't rush to plant.

"Let's see what these seeds are like." Demeter's divine power was agitated again, and a few seeds of each crop floated out and fell on the ground.

The divine power was infused, the land was moistened, and it turned into rich nutrients and poured into the seeds.

The sleeping seeds seemed to be awakened, letting out silent cheers and bursting out of their shells instantly.

Under the infusion of divine power, buds sprouted from the seeds at a speed visible to the naked eye, growing into a series of crops such as wheat seedlings, rice seedlings, apple seedlings, watermelon seedlings, and vegetable seedlings, and finally matured.

The cracked and barren land is filled with the fragrance of harvest.

Demeter glanced around, her eyes moved slightly, and then she moved her fingers.

Wisps of divine power spread out, and plump ears of wheat and rice, as well as round watermelons, red apples, juicy vegetables and plump corns floated in front of her.

She took a bite of the apple and looked shocked.

“This apple is so crisp and sweet!”

She didn't even care about the image for a moment and ate the whole thing, leaving juice all over her face.

The God of Agriculture on the side couldn't hold himself back, and immediately split a watermelon with a sickle. He was stunned when he looked at the melon rind, which was only a few millimeters thick, and the red flesh: "This looks so good..."

There was no time to sigh, so I took a bite and the sweet juice burst out in my mouth.

“It’s so sweet!”

"And these grapes, my God, they smell like roses!"

"The grape I ate even had


Smells like milk! "

"Oh my god, this corn is so soft and waxy!"

"These humble vegetables are so fragrant and refreshing! There is no peculiar smell at all!"

"This potato turns out to be so soft and chewy after being cooked!"

All the gods of agriculture shouted in disbelief and ate these rare delicacies crazily and with enjoyment.

It's not that they haven't seen these crops before. As the gods of agriculture, they have seen countless plants and collected excellent crops from every plane.

But those crops are nothing compared to the ones in front of you!

Speaking of apples, there are apples in other planes and in the God Realm itself, but they are all small, sour, hard and unpalatable.

Besides, the wheat and wheat ears are so full, and the branches are so strong that they will not fall down even if blown by the strong wind. There is also corn, which is actually full of corn kernels!

There are also grapes, there are actually rose-flavored ones, and milk-flavored ones, so sweet that they are almost overpowering!

This is something that even the crops born in the God Realm cannot do!

The crops on this plane are simply perfect!

They don't even need to infuse too much divine power, they can grow to such an extent just by naturally maturing!

"This place is actually blessed with such excellent crops!" Demeter shed tears as she ate the apples. "This place is indeed an opportunity given to us by God!"

Other gods of agriculture also burst into tears: "Such a seed, my God, such a sweet watermelon."

"I used to think it was because we didn't release enough divine power or that we didn't work hard enough. But now it seems that it's clearly the seeds that aren't working!"

"It is a great blessing for us, the God of Agriculture, to be able to cultivate such excellent seeds! I even feel honored!"

"Thank you for coming, otherwise we wouldn't know how bad the things we farmed before were!"

"Don't mention it, the categories are really complete, not only wheat, but also rice, peppers, onions, ginger, garlic..."

"This plane is so lucky. These people are so lucky."

The gods of agriculture only feel that the first half of their lives have been in vain!

This is the paradise of the God of Agriculture! This is their home!

What could make a farmer happier than excellent seeds and vast land?

Looking at these seeds, Demeter was excited from the bottom of her heart. How magical is this plane? It can actually produce so many excellent crops.

And the other side.

"What a pitiful god of agriculture. Have they never had enough to eat? Just a stick of corn. Are they crying?"

Holding the tablet in his hands, Mr. Jin looked at the satellite images showing the gods of agriculture gnawing corn with tears streaming down their faces. He couldn't help but sigh with some confusion: "Why do I feel like they are more like hungry people?"

Shang Weitian on the side also said helplessly: "Yeah, isn't it just the most common and common corn and apples? They cost a few yuan or even a few cents per catty on the market. People are tired of eating them, and now they are developing new varieties. ”

Mr. Chen shook his head: "These crops we are accustomed to are not ordinary."

"These are all crops that have been improved and selected by generations of people over the past five thousand years of my life."

The God of Agriculture thought that this plane was born with such excellent crops.

The God of Agriculture thought that the luck in this plane was really good.

In fact, there is no such thing as luck in a crop that is born with such excellent qualities.

The luck of this land, its

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Really bad.

There is miasma in the south and severe cold in the north.

There are yellow sands in the west and plateaus in the southwest.

Floods occur frequently and droughts continue.

Even the two mother rivers suffered from frequent flooding at the beginning and kept changing their courses.

As for the crops that grow, they're not perfect.

The yield isn't high, the flavor isn't great, and it's extra fragile.

Years of disasters, famines, or even just a few more heavy rains in a certain place, or a few less rains, or a strong wind and no food.

The people of this land are really unlucky.

They are weak and can only try their best to survive.

Facing floods and droughts, they could not change the weather, so they dug the land and built reservoirs with their own hands.

Since then, water has been stored during floods and released during droughts. This land has enjoyed good weather and the two major rivers have since become mother rivers.

There is yellow sand in the west, so trees are planted, and in the southwest plateau, highland barley is cultivated and yaks are grazed.

When there is miasma in the south, saltpeter is used to make ice. When there is severe cold in the north, cotton-padded clothes are made and stoves are built to keep warm.

The weak human race tried their best.

They do not have divine power to nourish the land and crops, so they can only rely on their own hands, their own wisdom, and their own will.

Faced with fragile crops, they racked their brains and tried to improve crops. They combined excellent crops from generation to generation.

The yield is small, so they select crops with high yield from generation to generation and try again and again.

If the taste is not good, they will improve it from generation to generation.

If it is easy to die from drought, choose drought-tolerant plants. If it is easy to be blown down by wind, choose crops that are resistant to lodging. If it is easy to be eaten by pests, choose crops that are resistant to diseases and pests.

They experienced countless failures and famines, but the weak human race never gave up.

Because they are weak, they are not qualified to give up. They can only grit their teeth and persevere!

Gradually, these weak human races developed their own crops that were dry, cold and lodging resistant, resistant to diseases and pests, and had extremely high yields and delicious taste.

Gradually, apples are no longer small and dry, watermelons are no longer thick-skinned and tasteless, and corns are no longer shriveled and difficult to chew.

I don’t know when, these weak human beings had red apples that bent the branches, watermelons with round and firm skins and sweet flesh, and ears of wheat that bent the branches.

There is no such thing as good luck, and there is no such thing as a naturally excellent crop.

This is the blood and sweat of the people on this land for five thousand years!

Those crops are no longer the original ones. They are crops created by humans and belong exclusively to humans!

"It's not that these gods of agriculture have never seen the world, it's that they are too strong." Mr. Chen envied these people eating these crops. He also envied these human gods of agriculture and sighed: "They have the ability to nourish the land, With the power of nourishing crops, they don’t need to do anything to survive.”

"They only need to work hard to release their divine power, and they will have good harvests again and again."

"If our ancestors had this ability, there would not have been countless famines in Great Xia, and people would not have starved to death one by one. We would not even have fallen into starvation."

"This is God's handiwork."

"But it is precisely because we do not have this ability that in order to survive, we, the weak, can only continue to transform crops and the land."

"Until we, the weak, create miracles that even the gods are shocked by."

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