Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 1550 Faith Begins to Build

This actually involves the reason why the technology tree of the God Realm is distorted.

Divine power is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing.

If humans had the power of the God of Agriculture, or if they had mastered the production methods of modern fertilizers and pesticides when humans were born.

Then humans would be able to eat enough from the beginning, and they would not want to improve crops from generation to generation.

Even if there is no harvest occasionally, they will only think that their fertilizers and pesticides are not produced enough, and the level is not up to standard, and they will only work harder to develop and produce better and more fertilizers.

Similarly, the God of Agriculture with the power of the God of Agriculture only needs to release more of the God of Agriculture to usher in the harvest, and can directly increase the yield!

They will not think about the thankless improvement of crops from generation to generation. Even if there is no harvest occasionally, it is just that their God of Agriculture’s power is not released enough, and they are not working hard enough! .🅆.

Now, these Gods of Agriculture saw the crops that Daxia has improved with five thousand years of blood and sweat, and from generation to generation, and they were so excited that they almost cried.

"This plane has such great luck!"

Even Demeter couldn't help stroking the sturdy wheat ears, her eyes seemed to be lost in memories, and she whispered: "This plane is even bigger than the plane you were in back then, it is naturally suitable for farming. Zeus is right, the noble and the humble have long been determined, and your unwillingness is ultimately a joke."

"Mother, who are you talking to?" Young Master Nong Li asked curiously.

"It's okay, I just remembered some past events." Demeter smiled.

"Okay, everyone." Demeter stood up and said with a smile: "Now, let's conquer this place."

"Let these humans witness our kindness, let them know how powerful we are, let them be grateful to us, loyal, and thus establish faith!"

"All agricultural gods listen to the order, start farming!"


The majestic divine power soared into the sky!

Seeds were swept by the divine power and fell to the ground.

The fourteenth-level divine power poured into the wheat ears in her hand, and Demeter bent down to insert this elemental treasure into the barren and cracked land.

In just a moment.


With Demeter as the center, the land within a radius of two thousand miles shook violently, and the majestic power of the God of Agriculture flowed and spread, like an invisible liquid, moistening the endless farmland!

The farmland within a radius of two thousand miles released rays of light, and the dry and barren land became moist and fertile, full of vitality!

And as the power continued to pour in, the seeds thrown on the ground sprouted quickly, the originally withered farmland bloomed green, and the seedlings of various crops grew under the nourishment of the power.

"Start farming!"

Many gods of agriculture also roared, inserted their sickles into the soil, pressed the ground with both hands, and the power of the gods of agriculture gushed out at all costs!


With a radius of four thousand miles, all agricultural areas were full of light!

The power of the entire Temple of the God of Agriculture was fully nourishing this land at this moment!

It actually moistened the entire vast agricultural area, almost covering a quarter of Daxia!

The dry farmland was brewing vitality, and the seedlings rose from the ground under the infusion of divine power, swaying in the wind!


"The God of Agriculture is so powerful!"

"Great! So strong!"

"It's worthy of being a god!"

"I can't help but believe in them! If this continues, I will soon believe in them completely! God of Agriculture, come on!"

"Come on, sing praises with me!"

The hungry people cheered, their eyes full of admiration for the God of Agriculture, singing praises loudly with all their strength, and some even knelt on the ground with tears in their eyes.

They looked like they were impressed by the scene in front of them and were about to completely believe in the God of Agriculture.

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The firecrackers lit by the people of Daxia became louder and louder.

"What a great farm tool!"

"Haha, you are worthy of being the God of Agriculture!"

"It's worth our efforts to open up farmland for them! Finally they are working for us!"

"Look at the growth rate! Look at the area! It will take eight harvests a year. If it continues like this, it will be fully mature in more than a month!"

The 1.4 billion people of Daxia shed blood and sweat and worked hard to open up the agricultural area, and now they finally get their reward.

The farm tools started working!

"It's amazing," Old Chen looked down at the land nourished by divine power and grabbed a handful of soil, "This god of agriculture is indeed a natural agricultural tool!"

Old Jin also admired: "No wonder Lin Fan had to go to such great lengths to trick them in. I thought it was too much trouble at the time. After all, it was a god of agriculture with little attack power, so I could just kill him and it would be over..."

"Now it seems that it's a good thing that the god of agriculture was not killed!"

"They must enter my Daxia! I'll feel bad if one of them dies!"

Even the domineering Overlord Xiang Yu couldn't help but be moved when he looked at the wheat seedlings under his feet, and said in a deep voice: "I see who dares to hurt the god of agriculture! I'm willing to fight for the god of agriculture!"

The people of Daxia are the best at farming, and their five thousand years of history are closely linked to farming.

Some people even say that the true origin of the five thousand years of civilization was when Shennong taught people to plant the first seed.

In the past, "being a good hand at farm work" was a great compliment to a person.

Five thousand years of cultivation have made the fields an integral part of the Daxia people's DNA. Even those city dwellers who have never worked in their lives would take a few more glances and take a few deep breaths when passing by the endless wheat fields.

Especially after getting older, the farming blood in almost all Daxia people will revive, and they must plant something in the community even if they live in the city.

Farming is engraved in the DNA of Daxia people.

No Daxia people can say no to a good harvest.

Likewise, no Daxia person can say no to farm tools that bring a bumper harvest!

Farm tools to help your family work!

At this moment, all the people in Daxia were extremely happy, excited, and full of deep gratitude to the God of Agriculture. Some people even had tears in their eyes because they lacked devout faith.

Of course, Daxia people's beliefs are different from those of believers. The main belief is that I will believe it only if you work hard... It is not a true, dedicated belief at all.

But it only lasted half an hour.

"I'm so tired." The God of Agriculture withdrew his power with a pale face: "I'm too tired... I can't do it anymore, Lord God."

"Lord God, this area is too big, we can't bear it."

"Yes, it consumes too much divine power. It is many times bigger than Endless Fields!"

"There are only exhausted cows, no damaged fields... If they are damaged, I will become a cow!"

"Why do humans want to cultivate such a large farmland? Can they be weak enough to cultivate it... I suspect they are cultivating it specifically for us..."

The gods of agriculture gasped and fell to the ground one by one.

The area of ​​​​the farmland is really too large, and the amount of divine power consumed to nourish it is several times the normal amount.

For the God of Agriculture, having more farmland and more crops is certainly a good thing.

But it’s too much and I can’t stand it.

The gods of agriculture, who had been emptied of their bodies and overdrawn their divine power, fell happily and tiredly into the farmland. There really was not a drop left.

"Get up!" Demeter snorted coldly: "Such a large farmland is given to you, why don't you hurry up and experience the joy of farming?

! This land and these crops are all cheering! "

"And those humans are looking at us!"

"They are all cheering for our divine power and grateful for our gifts. Their faith will be established soon!"

"Look, there are even more marks of gods, and many people have become our believers!"

"Get up and work! As long as we work hard, this land will have a complete harvest, and these humans will become our believers sooner or later! We want them to know how powerful we are, and let them be loyal and give everything!"

The gods of agriculture turned to look at the hungry people. .🅆.

I saw those hungry people singing hymns loudly and praising the greatness of the gods with fanatical expressions on their faces.

There are even thousands of people with divine marks on their eyebrows.

Clearly, faith is building!

"God, you are so awesome!"

"I can't help but believe in you! Please accept my piety!"

"Oh my god, I kneel down for you! You are so awesome! You saved us!"

The gods of agriculture who had reached their limit suddenly worked harder and harder.

After all, this is conquest, and those humans are all grateful. The number of divine marks is constantly increasing, which shows that more and more people believe in them!

The mark of the gods cannot be faked, and it exudes the aura of the God of Agriculture!

And in fact.

Behind fifteen million hungry people.

"Come on, come on, five hundred more, come here and get a tattoo of the mark of the gods!" The members of the scientific research team led by Chen Lao held tattoo papers in their hands and greeted the hungry people. They did not forget to tell them: "When you are finished, come to the front and let them God, look how pious you are.”

The tattoo paper is naturally the pattern of the divine mark of the god of agriculture.

As for the dye... it was naturally made from the ashes of the several gods of agriculture that Lin Fan had collected.

The corpses of gods are treasures. The meat can be eaten, the hair and other things can be made into fertilizers, and the bones can be made into dyes for the gods' marks.

Daxia is professional in the use of the corpses of gods.

At this time, the gods of agriculture did not know how dangerous human beings were, and they were happy that the marks of gods were increasing, so they worked hard...

In the loud hymns, the fanatical gazes and praises of the believers, these exhausted gods of agriculture gradually lost themselves, as if they had gained strength again.

The Lord God is right, now is the time to establish faith!

Look at these weak humans, they are watching us perform miracles and are grateful to us!

How can we relax at this time!

"The Lord God is right, as long as we work hard, we can conquer them!"

"We can't relax! We must work hard and let these humans know how powerful we are!"

"Look at how grateful these humans are. Oh, let us give them gifts and conquer them completely!"

"This plane will eventually be ours!"

The gods of agriculture ignored their fatigue, gritted their teeth and stood up, desperately releasing all the divine power in their bodies!

They vowed to conquer this land and conquer these weak human races!

Human race, have you seen how powerful my god is!

Under our glory and our gifts, tremble and surrender!

Be grateful and have complete faith!

For a moment, a strange scene formed.

The more the hungry people in Europe praise, the more hard the gods work on farming. The more hard the gods work on farming, the more the hungry people in Europe praise.

The hungry people sat there, singing hymns and praising loudly, watching the invading gods of agriculture cultivating wildly.


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The common people sat at home, crossed their legs and drank Coke, watching the invading agricultural gods working hard to farm.

They even commented on it.

"It's really worthy of being a god. This is simply a pollution-free and zero-consumption agricultural machinery!"

"Alas, this agricultural god did a good job. His face turned pale and he was still releasing his divine power."

"She won't faint, right? No, give her some water! Don't get a heat stroke!"

"But it seems that the power of the gods comes from faith. Drinking water should be useless... How about we sing his name? She introduced herself under the city wall. It seems to be called Anzadel... Never mind, sing a few words first, then print out her portrait, and burn two incense sticks."

For a while, millions of people burned incense and sang a few words.

This is just a faith that is not pious.

It is completely incomparable to the faith of true believers.

If a fanatic provides 1 faith to God at a time, then this kind of casual gratitude faith provides at most 0.001.

But they couldn't stand the large number!

Only a moment.


The aura of the third-level low-level god named Anzadel suddenly surged, and the originally chaotic and exhausted divine power soared into the sky, and it was restored again!

"This huge faith..." Anzadel glanced at the hungry people in Europe who thanked him devoutly, and his eyes were surprised: "It really works. We are conquering them, we are conquering this land! We are gathering faith!"

"This is really the place where our dragon rises!"

"Brothers and sisters, come on! Our faith has begun to be established!"

On the other side, the people also saw that the god of agriculture had recovered his strength, and then worked harder.

"Ah, burning incense to thank them can restore their divine power! Great!"

"It's worthy of being a god! Plowing 100 kilometers consumes three incense sticks!"

"Thank the great god! Brothers, burn incense to thank! God is great!"

"If you had said that the god of agriculture would invade like this, we would have welcomed you earlier! Burn some incense and let them work hard!"

The people of Daxia are simple and know how to be grateful.

As long as you are willing to work and don't ask for money, you are a good brother!

Isn't it just gratitude, isn't it just burning incense?


For a while.

The more grateful the people of Daxia were, the harder the God of Agriculture worked.

The harder the God of Agriculture worked, the more grateful the people of Daxia were.

A positive cycle has been established.

Lin Fan exhaled.

Old Jin, who had been holding the walkie-talkie, was also relieved: "Okay, each combatant from each unit should thank the gods, light a few incense sticks, and then rest on the spot. The gods of agriculture are in shape. They can't fight anymore."

Combatants: "..."

"Captain, I always feel something strange. I remember they seemed to be invading us." A god-killing mecha driver frowned and said, "Just now we were ready to fight at any time, but now we are suddenly asked to thank them and burn incense..."

The captain waved his hand: "Hey, don't think too much. After all, they really work for us. Just tell me whether we should thank them or not."

The driver was silent for a moment and took out three incense sticks: "Praise the gods of agriculture."

In the farmland, the gods of agriculture kept cheering: "Come on, we will be able to completely conquer them soon!"

"As long as we work hard enough, we will definitely be able to completely conquer them!"

"As long as we work hard enough, this plane will eventually be ours!"

"The Temple of Agriculture is about to rise! Come on, brothers!"

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