Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 324 It’s better if there is no one

The numbers on the electronic screen in the temporary command center were constantly beating.










Amidst the roar of guns and gunfire, wooden birds fell from the windows holding the members of the God-Slaying Army and the rescued citizens.


The rat tide raged more and more crazily.

But under the terrifying firepower output, they were still beaten back again and again, and they could only watch the evacuation vehicles leaving Qingqiu City through safe streets.

"Hold on!" Bai Zhan said loudly while firing wildly, "There's still one house left!"

"hold onto!"

Two minutes later.


Glass shattered.

Several members of the God-Slaying Army jumped from the window on the nineteenth floor and jumped onto the wooden bird that had been waiting for them.

at the same time.


Huge rats actually jumped out of the windows following these members of the God-Slaying Army, trying to jump onto the wooden birds and drag them into the tide of rats below!

Like a dark waterfall rushing towards the wooden bird, it wants to smash the wooden bird into the black ocean below.

The mice on the ground raised their heads one after another, bared their fangs, and roared excitedly, preparing to receive food.

And right now.


The rolling fireball crashed onto the rats and exploded in the wave.

Fire superpower!

In addition, there were ice spears like rain, bursting out directly from the defensive position below, passing by the wooden birds, and piercing the rats that rushed out from the bottom up.

"Cover!" Bai Zhan shouted at the top of his lungs.

Under the cover of terrifying firepower, Muniao carried five members of the God-Slaying Army and quickly descended to the temporary defensive position.

Bai Zhan ran over quickly, his face becoming extremely nervous.


The members of the God-killing Army were empty-handed!

Didn't pick anyone up!

"Where are the people!" Bai Zhan shouted loudly: "Weren't they rescued?"

"The search for Room 1903 is complete. It's empty and no one is there!" a member of the God-Slaying Army said loudly.

Bai Zhan exhaled.

no one.

In other words, Bai persisted in these last two minutes.

You know, in order to maintain these ten kilometers of road and create a safe area in the rat tide, two hundred thousand soldiers are in danger every second.

Every second, a certain point on the road will be breached, and all the soldiers will be buried in the sea of ​​rats.

Every second, the shells fired are like mountains, and the military expenditures consumed are almost astronomical!

But... there is no one!

In order to search for an empty room, 200,000 soldiers persisted for two more minutes in this rat-infested city!

"Hahaha!" Bai Zhan suddenly laughed, "That's great, as long as there's no one around!"

An empty room is the best result!

That means no one is in danger inside, no one is surrounded by a wave of rats!

Even so, the soldiers' desperate fight for these two minutes was like a joke. It had no effect and was just a waste of danger.


No one, that’s fine!

Soldiers are born to protect the people!

If Bai Zhan was given a chance to choose, he would still lead his troops and hold on for two minutes just for that "no one"!

For the peace of mind that comes with being a soldier!

But now is not the time to be happy.

The guns were still roaring, and the rats seemed to be completely crazy, rushing in from all directions and attacking like crazy!

"All residents have 100% evacuated!" Bai Zhan shouted: "All units, gather their formations and prepare to evacuate!"

"Military truck driver, get ready!"

at the same time.

The number on the electronic screen of the temporary command center also turned into a green "0"!

"Report! Evacuation is 100% complete! No one is trapped in the last household!"

Mr. Jin, who had been sitting there motionless, staring at the screen, suddenly stood up, pounded the table hard, and said loudly: "Okay!"

No one is trapped!

Jin Lao also knew what this meant.

This means that the last two minutes can be said to be in vain.

However, you must persist!

No one is trapped, which is the best news!

"It's a vain fight!" Mr. Jin picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Do a good job of evacuation!"

"Not only the residents must be brought out, but all the soldiers must be brought out one by one!"


Bai Zhan's voice came from the intercom.

In the defensive position, Bai Zhan held a walkie-talkie and shouted loudly: "One group, all soldiers in the defensive position, stand up and gather back to back, with the muzzles facing outward! Don't stop firing! Watch your steps!"

The soldiers inside Yunhe Community slowly stood up from the temporary defenses, then slowly retreated back to back and began to converge their formation.

The rats rushed forward crazily, but they were still beaten by the seamless firepower and lost their temper!

"The second group at the gate of the community! Cover!"

"As a group, retreat slowly. There is an evacuation vehicle at the gate of the community. You go first!"

"The second regiment at the gate of the community concentrated their firepower to suppress the rats. After the first regiment left, the second regiment retreated to the street and got into the evacuation vehicle. The third regiment on the street took cover!"

"After the Second Regiment evacuated, the Third Regiment retreated a hundred meters and entered the Fourth Regiment's defense area! The Fourth Regiment covered the Third Regiment's evacuation vehicle and suppressed the rats!"

After all, Bai Zhan is also the general manager of the Sichuan Military Region. Although it is troublesome to evacuate the ten-kilometer front line one after another, for him, it can still be done in an orderly manner.

"Commander!" The commander of a regiment ran over and shouted: "Come with us first!"

"I am the rear and the last to leave! This is an order!"

Bai Zhan said loudly as he squatted beside the evacuation vehicle and fired at the rat tide to suppress it!

The group leader wanted to say something else, but he gritted his teeth and got in the car.

Soldiers have a duty to obey orders!

This is not the time for indecision!

When all the evacuation vehicles of the first regiment left, Bai Zhan had already arrived at the gate of the community where the second regiment was stationed, and shouted to the soldiers beside him: "Second regiment, get up and retreat! Keep the firepower output!"

Two hundred thousand soldiers are gradually evacuating this city that was flooded by the rat tide!

As if they knew that the last group of humans were leaving the city, the rats went crazy and their attack became more fierce.

But under Bai Zhan's command, despite the tide of rats washing away, the soldiers were still evacuating in batches in an orderly manner.

Evacuate all areas from ten kilometers to nine kilometers!

All sections from nine kilometers to eight kilometers have been evacuated!

All sections from eight kilometers to seven kilometers have been evacuated!

All sections from seven kilometers to six kilometers have been evacuated!

At this moment, the road they used to maintain their lives became a safe road for them to leave this rat-infested city!

The soldiers fought bloody battles to protect the people, but were they not protecting themselves?

Military vehicles full of soldiers passed by the soldiers who were still staying behind. The soldiers in those vehicles saluted the soldiers who were still fighting on both sides of the road!

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