Lin Fan and the gods of Daxia gathered their breath and walked on the silent mountain road.

The surrounding trees are dense and lush, casting shadows in the moonlight.

But in the darkness, there seemed to be countless eyes looking at the group of people.

Lin Fan suddenly stopped and shouted to the people around him: "Daxia, come and visit."

"Please come out and see me!"

The sound echoed.

But there was no response.

"You didn't hear it, did you?" Gong Shuming frowned.

"I must have heard it." Master Compassion was particularly sensitive to evil spirits because of the Buddhist scriptures he studied. "When we entered this mountain forest, we were targeted."

"Around us, there are at least twenty demon...spirit beasts hiding, watching us."

"It's just that those spiritual beasts are not very strong, but they are much stronger than those rats in the city." Master Compassion felt it, "They are probably at the seventh or eighth level."

"Seven or eight grades?" Gong Shuming frowned.

This strength is indeed a bit strong.

If you take another step forward, you might become a god!

"Can you come out and see me!" Lin Fan said loudly again.

The shouts shook the mountains and forests.


"Be careful, the other side is coming to pick up the guests!" Master Compassion suddenly frowned: "First grade! There are even second grade among them!"


More than a hundred white foxes suddenly rushed out of the darkness from all directions, like meteors, heading directly towards everyone under the moonlight!

But, just the next moment.

The moonlight suddenly disappeared.

There are only stars in the sky!

"Do you really think you are the only ones hiding in the dark?"

starry night!

In today's starry night, although the aura cannot be completely hidden in front of Lin Fan, it blends into the night and is difficult to detect even if Lin Fan doesn't intend to.

The ability of the Assassin God, coupled with the inheritance of Mo Yinxing Luomen, is really terrifying!

Although Lin Fan and the nine of them have been walking on the road, in fact, there is a tenth person - Xingye!

In just an instant, the stars fell!

The sword shines like a meteor, real or fake, they are all the afterimage of the fish intestine sword!

"Don't kill me!" Lin Fan said quickly!

At the critical moment, the sword tip, like meteors in the sky, slightly adjusted its angle and missed the throats and hearts of these foxes.


Those white foxes didn't expect anyone to hide deeper than them. At that moment, more than a dozen white foxes howled and were carried away.

"Kill! Da Qin!"

Bai Qi also smiled ferociously, and no longer suppressed his aura. In an instant, the majestic fifth-level aura rushed out, and he waved the blood sickle!

Just like a farmer harvesting crops, rushing towards the group of white foxes, the blood sickle swept across!

The terrifying scarlet evil energy soared into the sky, and all white foxes swept by the evil energy had wounds all over their bodies, with their bones visible!

God of Killing, Bai Qi!

Even if they just woke up after sleeping for many years and their strength is only at level five, these little white foxes cannot resist!

If Lin Fan hadn't spoken out in time, the killing god would have been able to cut off all these white foxes with just one scythe!

"Finally, some drinks."

The Blood Demon King Hu also laughed. Facing those white foxes, he showed no defense at all. He even opened his arms and let the white foxes pounce on him as if to welcome them.


A white fox hit him hard in the stomach.

In just an instant, the white fox actually hit Wang Hu's stomach.

There was no resistance, no obstruction.

This went so well that the white fox couldn't help but be stunned.

But then, the white fox felt something was wrong!

She smashed through the man's belly, but the belly absorbed her like a thick liquid, making it impossible for her to get out!


At this time, the other white foxes that pounced on Wang Hu and bit him also felt that something was wrong.

No matter how much they bite, no blood flows out of Wang Hu's body. Instead, the flesh and blood that is easily bitten open is like sticky blood...

Some white foxes tried to break free, but found that they could not withdraw their claws!

"Did you enjoy the bite?" Wang Hu smiled lowly.

Behind him, the dark demon wings slowly spread out, and the devil horns on his forehead soared into the sky!

The skin also turned red instantly, like thick blood, with strange lines.

The blood of Daxia, the Blood Demon King Tiger!


In an instant, the white foxes that pounced on Wang Hu and bit him screamed in pain. At this moment, their blood surged out of their skins, rushed out of the body, and merged into Wang Hu's body!

"Fox's blood tastes pretty good."

Wang Hu smiled fiercely, but before he could turn these foxes into mummies, he sighed in disappointment.

after all.

The commander-in-chief said that this thing cannot be used to kill people.


In an instant, more than a dozen white foxes on Wang Hu's body fell off. Although they were still alive, they were unable to stand up after falling to the ground due to a large amount of blood loss in a short period of time.

Facing a dozen white foxes that were rushing toward them like white awns, Gongshu Ming whistled expressionlessly.


The soil flew up, and a steel python rushed out of the ground. Its huge body reflected the luster of metal in the moonlight.


Facing those white foxes, the steel python's mouth instantly opened at a terrifying angle, and then it pounced forward!


More than a dozen white foxes were swallowed directly by the steel python!


The mouth closed again.

The dozen or so white foxes were struggling wildly inside, and dull crashing sounds continued to come from the steel python's belly, but the steel python did not move at all, and even the steel plate did not deform at all!

That was the alloy made by Gongshu Ming by adding some scraps from those two low-level artifacts!

The Compassionate Master was simple and rude. Faced with the charging white fox, he shook his cassock!


"You monster, you dare to challenge my Buddhist door!"

On the cassock, the Buddha's light suddenly rises!

The dozens of white foxes screamed and fell back instantly. Master Compassion didn't even bother to use the nine-ringed tin staff, for fear that they would all be smashed to death at once.

The Confucian scholar watched a dozen foxes rushing towards him, then silently pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose and said calmly: "I advise you to calm down."

The dozen or so white foxes still pounced fiercely, and even became more energetic after seeing that the scholar could only move his mouth!

This is a soft persimmon!


"No doubt at forty."

"You guys, if I fight forty of you, I won't be confused at all!"

Mo Zhi sighed and clenched his fists.


The terrifying muscles suddenly swelled, breaking the large scholar's shirt with force, and a bun rose into the sky, and the long hair stood upright, like a lion!

The originally gentle face became ferocious and terrifying!

The muscles on the back are stacked to form the character "Ren"!

The air around me is trembling!

For a moment, the white foxes that rushed towards Mo Zhi were stunned in front of him. The terrifying aura actually made these white foxes tremble.

Animals all have instincts!

At this moment, those white foxes felt like they had met a real hunter, and they instantly became prey!

The man in front of them exudes unparalleled power, like a beast king!


The heavy "Whispering Language" swept out like a stick, and the dozen white foxes were slapped and fell back!

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