On that screen, just as the middle-aged reporter said, Brenda stood proudly in the air, hugging Lei Wei, standing with the members of the Alliance of Gods, while opposite and below were unarmed European people.

It seems that one cannot help but sympathize with those European people.

"This world is in dire straits, and only our free country is safe!"

The middle-aged reporter loudly said: "This is why our Free Country has officially cut off contact with the outside world. It is because we are afraid that the desperate scenes in other countries will affect our internal stability and prevent refugees from other countries from seeking asylum in our Free Country."

"So, everyone, I am grateful, grateful to the top management of our free country. Thanks to their wise decisions, we can have a stable life now..."

at the same time.

Free State, White Palace.

Inside the luxuriously decorated first office.

The leader of the Free State sat on a soft leather chair and watched the live broadcast on TV with a smile on his fat face.

This period of time is the most comfortable time.

Since cutting off communication with other countries, closing the country's borders, and closing the international network, nothing has happened in the Free Country.

Occasionally, some tragic scenes of Daxia and European countries are played again. The citizens of the Free Country praise their wise capital city extremely, and there is no longer the panic of the approaching gods.

In the recent period, the leader of the Free Country has gained another five pounds.

Looking at the TV screen, the leader of the Free Country said softly: "Sure enough, Daxia is the source of evil! Without them, it would be much easier to worry about."

"And that Ou Fang... betrayed his friendship with our Free Country, and deserves to be in chaos!"

And right now.

"First seat," the assistant quickly pushed the door open, put a document on the table, and whispered: "This document was sent from Daxia just now, and..."

"What!" The leader of the Free Country snorted coldly, "Didn't I say that all communication with Daxia will be cut off!"

The assistant hurriedly said: "This information is really of great importance... Moreover, the Great Xia Emperor personally requested to speak with you!"

"What's the matter? The state minister personally requested to speak to me?"

The leader of the Free State was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his chubby little hand and flipped through the information curiously.

The information content is not complicated.

"A reminder of the future dangers of a free country

Time: seven days later

Location: Seven kilometers east of Te Green City, Mine No. 2

Event: The Zerg Queen awakens and the insect ants break out, which will have an impact on Te Green City. In addition, the Zerg Queen herself has the fifth level of peak strength. Please prepare countermeasures in advance. "

The content is simple, yet clear and straightforward!

Directly inform the leader of the Free State of the upcoming danger.

This represents Daxia’s goodwill.

The leader of the Free Country looked at the information and snorted coldly: "Humph, Daxia wants to mess up our Free Country! This is obviously trying to scare us!"

"However, a similar crisis has erupted in Daxia before... This proves that this danger does exist." The assistant whispered: "And the European side is currently making preparations."

"Moreover, I just sent someone to check in secret. There are indeed strange energy fluctuations in the No. 2 mine seven kilometers east of Te Green City."

As soon as these words came out, the leader of the Free Country was stunned.

"it is true?"


The young assistant immediately said: "Chief, what should we do? Take measures immediately? There are workers working in the mine now..."

"How many people know now?" the leader of the Free Country suddenly asked.

"This news is top secret. No one else knows except me and a staff member who received the information," the young assistant said immediately.

"Immediately issue a confidentiality agreement to the staff member, and arrange military jobs for his family members," the leader of the Free State said clearly: "If he dares to talk nonsense, you know what I mean."

The assistant nodded and then said: "But... what should we do next? Do we need to evacuate immediately? After all, not only are there workers working down the mine, but there is also a special green city seven kilometers away..."

"Get me the seat of the Great Xia Kingdom." The leader of the Free Kingdom continued.

The assistant suppressed the doubts in his mind and took charge of the contact. After a while, he said in a deep voice: "The call has been connected."

The leader of the Free State picked up the phone.

Just listen to the call: "Have you received the message?"

"Yes." The leader of the Free Country nodded slightly.

"Free Nation please take measures immediately. Daxia recommends that the workers in the mining area be evacuated immediately. In addition, all personnel in Special Green City also need to evacuate. If you need help, Daxia can provide you with the evacuation plan that Daxia used before..."

The old voice of Daxia Kingdom was particularly powerful.

At this moment, Daxia is reminding the free country from the perspective of all mankind.


Faced with Daxia's reminder, the Free Nation's Prime Minister waved his hand: "Thank you, we don't need help, we just need Daxia to keep this secret."

As soon as these words came out, Daxia Kingdom was stunned for a moment: "No, this kind of thing cannot be kept secret. Once a crisis breaks out, we can only be fully prepared."

"Haha, I, the Free Country, have a way." After saying this, the Free Country leader hung up the phone, leaving only the confused old man.

The old man held up the hung up phone with a confused look on his face: "What is the Free State planning to do again? Do they have a better way?"

After a moment of silence, the old man frowned and made another phone call: "Pay more attention to what is happening in the Free Country recently. If they have a better way, we in Daxia can learn from it."

And the other side.

"Sir, you refused Daxia's help?" The young assistant also looked confused.

"Haha, why do we, the Free Country, need Daxia's help?" The leader of the Free Country said calmly: "This small matter may be difficult for Daxia to handle, but for us, the Free Country, it is extremely easy."

The young assistant was stunned for a moment, then whispered: "But we have also seen how Daxia handled this matter. We can learn from their methods..."

"Learn from it?" The leader of the Free Country smiled: "You are as wise as me, why should you learn from it? I have a better way!"

The young assistant's eyes lit up: "You mean..."

"Don't you know the approximate location? Go notify the military and prepare for nuclear bombing." The leader of the Free State said bluntly, "It's just a Zerg Queen, it can be blown up!"

"Nuclear bombing!" The young assistant was slightly startled, "But once nuclear weapons are used, the mining area and the surrounding land will be completely destroyed, and even radioactive fallout will affect the residents of Special Green City..."

"We have a lot of mining areas in the Free State. Moreover, how much is a mining area worth?" The leader of the Free State didn't care. "This is the least expensive way and the most direct way!"

"Ah?" The young assistant was stunned for a long time and then said: "Okay, then I will notify the residents of Telucheng to evacuate, as well as the mine personnel."

But I didn't expect it.

As soon as these words came out, the leader of the Free Country was stunned for a moment: "Why do you need to notify us of evacuation?"

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