Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 390 The sea breeze blows

Mr. Jin nodded and immediately picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Open the door and receive the goods!"


In just a moment, the huge and thick city gate slowly rose.

The cargo ships docked in front of the Great Steel Wall in the Yanzhou City and Lianda City areas. The soldiers who had been waiting for these weapons for a long time did not need to be mobilized at all. They were all busy unloading the goods with red eyes!

Arm-thick steel ropes tied up the containers, and with the roar of the large elevators, the containers were transported one by one from the large freighter to the stacking place.

Immediately, heavy trucks pulled away one after another and drove to the training ground.

In the training ground.

Bai Zhan opened the container and saw that it was full of wooden boxes!

"Are they all moved down for testing?" a soldier asked.

Bai Zhan frowned: "I think so too. The key point is that we don't have enough time now! Are you going to pretend to be moving down?"

Time is indeed running out!

The day after tomorrow, the gods will come!

It would take half an hour for a truck to move the arms in each container, inspect them, and then put them back together. Just the move in and out!

Thousands, tens of thousands of trucks, I'm afraid it will take a few months to inspect!

Nowadays, what Daxia lacks most is time!

I have to admit that the Free State managed its time very cleverly. Two days was barely enough for installation and distribution, but it was absolutely impossible to check it carefully!

"Just check the outer few boxes." Bai Zhan said, walking into the container and opening a wooden box on the outermost layer. He saw that it was full of American M4 series rifles!

Bai Zhan took it out, weighed it, and nodded: "This is a good weight. I have to say that when the Free State was the world's hegemon, its accumulation was indeed very good, especially its military development."

"This is completely different from Daxia."

You know, the proportion of the free country's annual military expenditure to its gross product is three times that of Daxia!

After all, the two countries have different development directions. While the free countries are competing for world dominance and provoking wars everywhere, Daxia has always been developing and producing in a peaceful manner.

The most important thing is... the soldiers in Daxia are also very down-to-earth. Many troops raise pigs and farm their own land, and even run factories...

Soldiers farming? Soldiers raising pigs?

This is simply unbelievable to those young soldiers in the Free Country who eat ice cream on the battlefield!

But it is undeniable that under the huge military expenditure of the Free State and decades of accumulation, the quality of their weapons is indeed very strong!

Bai Zhan took out bullets from the wooden box next to him and filled the magazine.


Amidst the crisp collision of metal, Bai Zhan skillfully pulled the bolt and loaded the gun, pressed the magazine, opened the safety, adjusted to automatic mode, and pulled the trigger toward the target in the shooting range!

One push to the end!

"Da da da!"

The muzzle of the gun burst out with brilliant fire, and the target was instantly shattered by the rain of bullets. The crisp sound of the gun was deafening, and the terrifying recoil even made the battlefield-hardened Bai Zhan numb one arm!

"Enough!" Bai Zhan exhaled suddenly and laughed: "It seems that those guys have spent a lot of money, these are all good goods!"

"Come on, pick out a few grenades from that box, two RPGs from that box, and one of those one-ton surface-to-surface missiles. Check and let them go!" Bai Zhan pointed. Pointing to several other wooden boxes placed outside.

Amidst the roar of artillery fire, trucks that had undergone testing roared out of the training ground and were pulled under the Great Steel Wall.

The soldiers stationed here couldn't wait any longer. Almost as soon as the truck stopped, there were soldiers rushing to open the containers and move them immediately!

There are also transport vehicles that pull those heavy weapons to the firepower points of the Great Steel Wall for installation.

"Everyone in the second company, please slow down and leave some space for us in the third company!"

"Third Company, don't be shameless. Your weapons haven't arrived yet! Brothers, move them quickly!"

"Haha, this time we fight against the gods, we have weapons!"

"Damn, my hands have been empty these past few days. I have been worried all day long, for fear that the gods will suddenly come... Now it's better, I finally have a weapon!"

"By the way, there won't be any problems with the weapons of these free countries, right?"

"Don't be ridiculous, this is all tried and tested! Moreover, once we lose, wouldn't the Free Country also be in danger? Of course they will take out the good stuff at the bottom of the box!"

"Haha, there's a gun!"

The soldiers carried heavy wooden boxes one by one to the firepower point of the Great Steel Wall, with excited smiles on their faces.

That happy look is just like marrying a wife!

Some soldiers even couldn't wait to open the wooden box in advance, took out a rifle and put it in their arms, stroking it carefully.

That cold touch and heavy weight made them feel confident!

A gun, what is it to a warrior?

That's fate!

That's my wife!

That is the confidence to fight the enemy bravely on the battlefield!

That is the hope of winning alive!

With the distribution of weapons, the Great Steel Wall in Lianda City and Yanzhou City looked like it was Chinese New Year.

The soldiers who had surrendered their weapons and felt a little guilty were now confident, with smiles on their faces, and they carefully wiped the guns and ammunition in their hands.

As long as they have a gun in hand, they are not afraid even if the gods are coming the day after tomorrow!

"Damn it, it'll be better if the gun comes! If those gods dare to come the day after tomorrow, I'll just stuff the barrel of the gun into their mouths. I want to see if the gods will bleed after being shot!"

"That's it, beat his fucking brains out and see if the god will die!"

Daxia people are good at everything, they just like to brag...

For a time, these soldiers were carrying boxes of heavy ammunition and weapons, and they did not feel tired. Instead, they were bragging enthusiastically.

at the same time.

"Baizhan," Lin Fan held the phone and asked, facing the faint roar and gunshots coming from the training ground, "How do you think about this batch of weapons?"

"Da da da!"

A series of loud gunshots came from the phone, which seemed to answer Lin Fan's question.

"Nothing to say! I almost underestimated them before. The military strength of the Free State cannot be underestimated!" Bai Zhan grinned: "I can't tell, my brother from the Free State is quite righteous!"

"How can we not be righteous? We are equivalent to helping them fight the war!" Lin Fan said angrily, and then said: "You have said so, then I can rest assured."

After all, Bai Zhan is a famous general from Sichuan!

Weapons of various types are all treasures. The weapons supported by the Free State can make Bai Zhan full of praise. The quality is evident!

In just one day, ammunition and weapons were all distributed to various firepower points!

Daxia's execution ability can be described as terrifying to the extreme!

Furthermore, these soldiers did not need to be mobilized at all, and each one worked tirelessly to participate in the distribution work.

The next day, all the heavy firepower on the Great Steel Wall was installed!

At midnight the next day, Lin Fan, who had been directing the whole day's work, had dinner and walked on the brightly lit Great Steel Wall in Yanzhou City, inspecting the installation situation.

Each heavy cannon has been installed!

The Great Steel Wall that originally looked empty due to the heavy firepower demolition, at this moment, there is a heavy cannon every fifty meters, and below it are a mountain of shell boxes stacked together, full of American artillery shells!

There are many machine guns, and the soldiers of each team set up machine guns, aim at mortars, carry RPGs, and carry rifles, each with their own division of labor.

It can be said that he is armed to the teeth!

The muzzle of the gun, the muzzle of the gun, all point to the sea in the darkness, let the sea breeze blow!

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