Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 402 Follow me to kill the gods!

Close the baggage mouth!

Soldiers, heavy artillery, fighter planes, and missiles are all in place, ready to fire with full force at any time.


A steel warship docked at the ports of Lianda City and Yanzhou City roared and crashed through the waves, rushing into the sea between Lianda City and Yanzhou City.

The Bohai Sea encirclement is particularly important!

Especially the location of the baggage mouth!

Lin Fan has already mobilized all the warships in Daxia. After all, as long as the gods are not allowed to rush out, there will not even be a battle on the Great Steel Wall in other areas!

The steel battleships were like steel beasts, stretching as far as the eye could see, almost covering the sea.

Destroyers, battleships, submarines, and several powerful aircraft carrier battle groups!

Amidst the dull sound of the whistle, the terrifying number of steel beasts broke through the waves. With their terrifying numbers, they wanted to seal the 150 kilometers of sea between Lianda City and Yanzhou City!

"The baggage mouth is closed!"

Situ Hong, the military god in charge of the baggage port, stood on the warship and picked up the walkie-talkie to report.

"Okay, just stay there and don't let a god rush out!" Lin Fan nodded.

In this battle, the gods of Daxia formed three teams.

Only Situ Hong was not included in any team.

It was just to let her, the god of war, command the battle area between Lian Da City and Yanzhou City, and make this 150-kilometer sea area a forbidden area that even the gods could not forcefully break out of!

"Yes!" Situ Hong replied loudly.

At this moment, the Great Steel Wall on both sides of Baofengkou, in the Lianda City and Yanzhou City areas, was silent and heavy.

All the heavy guns were loaded, and the warships also adjusted their angles, aiming their shooting direction at the depths of the Bohai Sea!

They are waiting.

As long as the gods try to break through, they will burst out with the strongest firepower in an instant!

At this moment, the giant dragon closed its sharp teeth and prepared to bite to death those gods who dared to enter!

"In addition, all soldiers listen to the order. When we are close to the gods, stop the fire coverage and put all the firepower on the charging sea beasts!"

"Don't allow a sea beast to charge up the Great Wall!"

"As for the gods...leave them to us!"

Lin Fan knew that although the artillery fire could suppress the three ocean gods for a short time, it could not kill them.

Moreover, once the gods come to their senses and release the sea beast believers, with the huge number of sea beast believers to disperse the firepower, these three ocean gods will no longer be suppressed.

The real life and death is the battle between the gods of Daxia!

Lin Fan put down the walkie-talkie and turned to look at the gods of Daxia behind him.

"It's our turn, are you ready?" Lin Fan said softly.

The gods of Great Xia had already been divided into three teams. Bai Qi and Gong Shuming, who were in charge of leading the teams, nodded.

Bai Qi smiled brightly: "Finally, it's time to start killing!"

"My puppet has been waiting for a long time." Gongshu Ming nodded.

Zhang Feng, who was on the same team as Lin Fan, had his sword ringing at his waist, and his sword energy was everywhere!

At this point, there is no point in saying more.

Blood Demon King Hu lowered his head and his hands trembled slightly.

Bai Qi frowned and glanced at him: "What, are you scared?"

The Blood Demon King Tiger slowly raised his head, with a stern smile and his eyes as scarlet as blood: "I'm so thirsty..."

Is there any fear in his eyes?

There is only the desire for killing and blood!

Daxia people are indeed afraid of gods.

What's more, it's a seventh-level or eighth-level god!


If a god dares to invade his own land... he is an enemy!

No matter how powerful you are, you are still an enemy!

Facing the enemy, Daxia people only have crazy killing intent!

This is the bloody nature of Daxia people!

But having said that, the smile on Wang Hu's face was still a little nervous.

After all, he is a seventh-level or eighth-level intermediate god!

The alliance of gods joined forces to kill one!

"It's not shameful to be afraid." Lin Fan smiled, "To be honest, I'm afraid too."

"He is a god after all."

"But I'm even more afraid that we can't kill God!"

"I'm more afraid of our failure than the gods!"

"Once we fail, our home, our relatives, the land our ancestors shed their blood to protect... will be gone from now on!"

"Now, we have no retreat!"

"We can only kill gods!"

Who is not afraid of that superior god?

Are they really not afraid of those soldiers roaring and firing, these gods of Great Xia who are about to fight to the death with their gods?

They are all afraid!

However, true fearlessness is not to be fearless, but to go resolutely even if you are afraid!

They are afraid of the gods, but they are even more afraid of not being able to kill the gods!

Lin Fan is afraid of gods, but he is even more afraid of everything in his memory reappearing!


"The gods invade our home."

"The gods want to slaughter our relatives."

"Then, follow me and kill the gods!"

"Guardian God of Daxia, the mission begins, the mission goal is to kill the gods!"

Lin Fan suddenly pulled out the black Shura sword and soared into the sky!

The dark sword light flew across the sea amid the gunfire, dividing the world like a black line!

That black light went straight to the god suppressed by gunfire on the sea!

At the same time, the gods of Daxia also rose into the sky one after another!

"Killing God!"

Daxia Sword God Zhang Feng's ancient Daxia sword soared into the sky. The sword energy stretched hundreds of meters across, roaring like a silver dragon, lifting Zhang Feng and rushing through the air!

"I didn't want to fight before, but now I understand that killing gods means saving people!!"

Mr. Zhang no longer suppresses his aura, countless silver needles surround his body, and he carries the golden wheel of merit on his back like a golden sun, following behind him!

"My Taoist sect kills demons! Anyone who offends me, Daxia, is still a demon even if he is a god! Today I will do justice for heaven!"

There was an old Taoist priest who looked up to the sky and laughed, wrapped around himself with paper talismans and magic swords, carrying the yin and yang wheel, and walked away gracefully.

"Amitabha, there is no one in hell. This poor monk invites gods to enter hell today."

There is a bald monk holding a nine-ringed tin staff and chanting Buddhist scriptures in a low voice. Behind him is a Bodhisattva with low eyebrows. Surrounded by the "Swastika" seal, he steps away under the Buddha's light!

"It's easy for me to see two children! How dare you, three children, do something wrong!"

There was a scholar holding a scroll, laughing and rushing towards the gods.

"Blood...your blood is mine!"

The ferocious blood demon turned into a sea of ​​blood and roared away.

The starry night disappeared silently and quietly, only a subtle and undetectable ink color melted into the sea water and swept away.

But the most excited one is undoubtedly Bai Qi!

Facing the three descending gods, Lin Fan, including the gods of Great Xia, although full of murderous intent, was more or less afraid and apprehensive in his heart.

It wasn't that Lin Fan was timid, but that he was afraid of the opponent's strength.

But for Bai Qi...

The so-called god, he killed 400,000 people!

Such a seventh-level or eighth-level strength was not worthy of even a glance from him back then!

He really has no fear at all, and is even full of disdain!

"Haha, my king, please keep an eye on it!"

"Bai Qi will become a farmer again today!"

"Where is my Great Qin Iron Armor!"

Bai Qi, who rushed into the battlefield, looked like a demon for a moment, his eyes were full of madness, and his muscles all over his body suddenly swelled!

He raised his sickle, and behind him, figures appeared in the light.

The armor is thick!

The long knife is sharp!

The war horses neighed.

The broken flag fluttered in the sea breeze, carrying thousands of years of vicissitudes.

The writing was as bright red as blood, exuding a frightening aura.


It was a dazzling era!

That was the dynasty that Bing Feng pointed to, and that the world surrendered to!

These two hundred thousand Great Qin armors were the sharpest sickles of that era!


The armored men of Great Qin were roaring.

This roar spans thousands of years and fills the sea.

"Array up!" Bai Qi roared again.


The horses are silent and the warriors are arrayed.

"Today, let them know that even after a thousand years, we are still the masters of this land!"

"Even if I just woke up from a deep sleep, I am still the murderer who made them run away!"

"Da Qin Iron Armor, charge with me!"

Bai Qi waved the blood sickle, as if he had lost all reason, his scarlet eyes fixed on the gods in the distance, and rushed away!


Two hundred thousand Da Qin armors rushed forward together!

And after him.

Charming Daji covered her mouth and smiled softly.

"The demon fox is causing harm to the country... Your Majesty, this time, I will protect your great merchant."

"God," those charming and charming eyes narrowed slightly, "Have you ever seen a beauty?"

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