Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 404: They have time



The entire Great Steel Wall surrounding the Bohai Sea was filled with the roar of cannons!

Thirty-eight hundred kilometers, artillery fire roared. The fire of heavy cannons and the flowing fire of missiles soaring into the sky were like coating the entire Bohai Sea with a fiery red golden light, or like humans igniting flames around the ocean.

Dazzling and dazzling!

The terrifying recoil made the entire Great Steel Wall tremble violently.

Cannonballs and missiles like raindrops hit the center of the Bohai Sea from all directions, suppressing the three gods for a short time!

Countless fighter planes roared and took off from the Great Steel Wall in all directions, like steel falcons, launching fully loaded air-to-ground missiles towards the gods, and then immediately returned to reload!

But neither the soldiers manipulating the heavy artillery nor Mr. Jin, who was in charge of the command, had any joy on their faces!

Because, while the gods of Daxia rushed towards the gods suppressed by artillery fire.

The believers released by the three gods also rushed out of the artillery fire area without fear while carrying the corpses of their kind, roaring unscrupulously in the sea water, sometimes sneaking, sometimes leaping.


"Fight for the Lord God!"

"Kill humans! Conquer them!"

Lifted by the waves, those ferocious sea beasts rushed from the center of the Bohai Sea towards the Great Steel Wall in all directions, like a dark wave, about to hit the Great Wall!

These sea beasts will use their own charges to force the warriors to disperse their firepower and turn the muzzles pointed at the gods towards them!

In this way, even these sea beasts will die.

But the pressure on the main god will decrease suddenly. As long as the main god is freed from the suppression, even if it is only for a moment, he can dive into the ocean again!

These sea beasts are life forms cultivated by the gods, and they are also tools of conquest!

The words of the gods are the oracles that they must follow with their lives!

That crazy and twisted belief makes these monsters fearless and become the craziest warriors.

"To die in battle is an honor!"

The terrifying figure faintly visible in the wave is frightening even when viewed from the satellite surveillance screen!

All are ninth grade!

The speed and power are all more powerful than the sea beast believers that appeared last time!

The number is three million, and this is after two million were killed by artillery fire when they broke out of the God's Realm!

After all, they are believers of three moderate gods!

Nowadays, the strength of ordinary warriors is mostly at the fifth level.

In addition to the gods of Daxia and the old God-killing Army veterans from Chique, there are also two newly promoted first-order ocean gods. Most of the God-killing Army are also in the seventh level.

Once these sea beasts rush onto the Great Steel Wall, it will be a huge trouble!

At the moment, seeing those huge sea beasts roaring in the waves, the warriors looked more and more nervous.

"The sea beast is still 130 kilometers away from us!" A staff officer shouted: "Mr. Jin, divert the firepower!"

"Otherwise these sea beasts will charge over!"

After all, the range of machine guns, R/PGs, and heavy snipers is limited.

Heavy firepower is required to attack these sea beasts that are running dozens or even hundreds of kilometers away.

But now, all the heavy firepower is suppressing the gods, forcing the three gods to escape into the sea.

But if this continues, those roaring sea beasts that are not hindered by heavy firepower may really be able to charge forward!

Jin Lao looked at the sea beast roaring on the sea from a distance, then looked at the artillery fire in the distance, and the gods of Daxia who rushed towards the artillery fire and towards the gods.

There was a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

"Continue to suppress fire!" Mr. Jin shouted loudly: "Aim at the gods and ignore those sea beasts! Let them charge!"



"There is no but!" Jin Lao pulled down the launch rod again and shouted: "Once these gods are not suppressed by us, they want to run away, and there is no way to stop them!"

"Once they escape, they will be in big trouble! Our entire coastline will be threatened!"

"The greatest threat to us is the gods!"

"If we divert our firepower, we will be following the wishes of those gods! Why do you think they summon sea beast believers! Just to force us to divert our firepower!"

"We will hold on until the commander-in-chief and the gods start fighting in close quarters, and then we will consider dealing with the sea beasts. Now...let them charge at us!"


Amidst the roar of heavy artillery, Mr. Jin shouted loudly.

The staff officer was silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "But if, before the commander-in-chief can hold the god back, the sea beast rushes up... then we..."

Although he didn't finish what he said, his meaning was very clear.

If heavy firepower is used to suppress the gods.

If the gods of Daxia failed to start close combat with the gods before the sea beasts rushed to the Great Steel Wall.

Then, those sea beasts will easily rush up to the Great Steel Wall!

To put it bluntly, this is a matter of choosing between two!

Or, help the gods of Great Xia suppress the gods remotely, and persist until the gods of Great Xia rush into the center of the ocean and fight with the gods.

Or, use heavy firepower to deal with the charging sea beasts in front of you, and give up suppressing the gods!

Choose to help the gods of Daxia on the battlefield, or defend the Great Wall of Steel!

This choice is very difficult.

Because if you choose to suppress the gods, the sea beast will rush in during this gap!

If the gods of Daxia arrive at the battlefield too late, or if they fail to hold back the sea beasts when they rush to the Great Wall, this is equivalent to.

The risk is high!

If you choose to turn the muzzle to deal with the charging sea beasts, the gods who have lost their suppression and have not yet come into direct contact with the gods of Daxia can directly escape into the sea water. When the time comes, they can dive and escape without being noticed. .

The ocean will always be the battlefield of the God of the Ocean!

Of course, in that case, at least the Great Steel Wall would not be broken, and in a short period of time, those gods would not even attack the heavily defended Daxia coastline.


"Don't turn the muzzle!" Jin Lao's old body burst out with incomparable determination and decisiveness, and said loudly: "Just suppress these gods!"

"I believe them!"

"They can come in time!"

However, Mr. Jin still prepared for the worst. He was silent for a moment and said: "Machine gunners, R/PG operators, grenade launchers, be prepared. As long as these sea beasts really rush into the shooting range... open fire with all your strength!"

Heavy firepower is now suppressing the gods.

But be prepared for light firepower!

"Yes!" The soldiers no longer hesitated. At this moment, they were no longer afraid and carried out the order!

Looking at the roaring sea beasts in the distance, as if they were about to rush up and tear them apart, the soldiers turned a blind eye and still pointed the muzzles at the gods behind them, pouring artillery fire on the three gods in the center of the Bohai Sea!

The firepower never stopped!

"Fuck, come on, whoever is afraid of death is the grandson!"

"We also believe in the commander-in-chief, he can come in time!"

"No one should turn the cannon until the commander-in-chief starts a direct battle with the gods. Damn it, I want to see if these sea beasts dare to charge forward!"

"Without heavy firepower, we still have guns, grenades, fists, and teeth!"

Artillery fire roared.

The soldiers roared in unison.

Machine guns are ready to go!

Without heavy firepower, there are still guns, grenades, knives, my own body, and my own teeth!

The warriors of Daxia are never afraid of the oncoming enemies!

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