The sea is turbulent.


The dull roar silenced the world at this moment.

One after another, terrifying figures were like mountains, slowly standing up from under the sea.

Jet-black scales, sharp teeth, and eyes shining with faint blue light.

Thick and sharp claws, and strong barbs on the back.

Like a monster in the ocean.

It's like the ancient dragon resurrected here.


Only the word monster can describe them!

"What is this!"

"Damn, these guys are as tall as the Great Steel Wall!"

"Wait, this, this is what the commander-in-chief said...the Godzilla clan!"

Godzilla clan!

The most powerful group of sea beast believers, the only ones that can rival it are the legendary prehistoric marine races such as the Mosasaurus and the King Dragon Whale.

For a while.

The soldiers looked at those terrifying creatures with stunned expressions.

This sense of oppression is really too strong.

Among the other sea beasts, the largest whale warrior was only twenty or thirty meters tall.

Although those rough-skinned giant whale warriors were considered huge, their full impact had no effect on the Great Steel Wall.

It's even more impossible to pounce and climb up under this kind of firepower.

The soldiers dealt with those sea beasts with condescending strafing!

The Great Steel Wall is like an insurmountable chasm. Even if the sea monster is already below, the soldiers standing on the Great Wall are not afraid at all!

This is the sense of security that the Great Steel Wall provides them!


When those terrifying creatures stood up from the ocean, their blue eyes were level with the Great Steel Wall, and their cold eyes looked directly at the warriors!

Look at each other!

Only then did the soldiers realize how powerful this life was!

One eye is almost bigger than a warrior!

"Is this monster... really something we can defeat?"

Under the gaze of the monster, a warrior's hands suddenly began to tremble, and his eyes gradually lost focus.

Warriors are flesh and blood, and they are also capable of fear.

Many people feel fear when facing elephants.

Just looking at the endless sea, I subconsciously feel that there is some huge life hidden in it and feel scared.

And when such a monster suddenly stands in front of you and looks straight at you.

The kind of fear that comes from instinct, the kind of trembling that comes from the soul, cannot be stopped.

That is written in the survival instinct, the fear of giant things.

Like an ant facing a giant elephant, the fear almost completely submerged his consciousness, and his breathing became thick and heavy!

Time seems to stand still at this moment.

But right now.

"Damn!!!" A soldier suddenly shouted loudly: "No matter how big he grows, he is still a beast!"

"Brothers, kill!"

"No matter what it is, come and kill one!!"

"Behind us is Daxia!"

As soon as these words came out, the warrior, whose hands were trembling slightly, took a deep breath and laughed.

His hands no longer trembled, and the hand holding the gun was calmer than ever.


Behind us is Daxia.

Under the gaze of those huge eyes, this ant-like warrior no longer felt any timidity. He picked up his rifle and pulled the bolt.

"Even if you are a god, don't even think about rushing over!"

"This is Daxia, a forbidden area for the gods!"


Hot flames burst out from the muzzle of the gun, and the dense bullets tore up the air and shot towards the Godzilla clan!

At this moment, looking at this terrifying creature that seemed to rush out of hell, there was no trace of timidity in his eyes!

To be honest, he was indeed a little scared!

But behind him is Daxia!

It is the land for which countless ancestors shed their blood and the homeland where countless compatriots live!

He thought of the smiles of his parents, of his lover, of the sound of reading on campus, of the fights between classmates, and of the bright and enthusiastic faces.

Looking at the giant beast in front of him again, he no longer had any fear!

The fear of huge life turned into fighting spirit at this moment!

Even if God comes, he must die!

Sometimes, you can be afraid and you can step back.

But there are always times when, facing that seemingly invincible enemy, you must not retreat even one step!

For example, behind you is your country and your home!

"My parents are watching me!" The soldier roared loudly: "Kid, watch, see how your father becomes a man!"

"I can't go back today. Eighteen years later, you will be standing here, fighting for me!"

For a moment, a flame seemed to burn on the city wall.

The flames burned all the way for 3,800 kilometers, burning on the entire Bohai Rim Steel Wall!

The hot flame burned in the young eyes.

That flame is called will!

At this moment, the flame defeated the instinct to survive and avoid giant objects!

Those warriors who looked directly at the giant beast no longer had any fear on their faces, their eyes were red, and they pulled the trigger!


"We can't retreat! Behind us are thousands of lights!"

"Monster, come on! I'm going to fuck your mother today!"

"I promised Erlong! Today, no one can break through the Great Wall! Erlong, watch out!"

Machine guns roared, RP/G, mortars bombarded away for free!

Countless loud shouts gathered together.

Each voice is different, and the words are also different, but they are gathered into eight characters.

"If you offend me in Daxia, you will be punished no matter how far away you are!"

The shouts of countless soldiers soared into the sky, overwhelming the extremely powerful roar, the roar of heavy artillery, and the terrifying roar of life!

Countless ant-like warriors stood on the city wall without taking a step back, staring directly at the terrifying beasts with red eyes that were so huge that they had to stand on the Great Steel Wall to look directly at them.

Guns roar!

Facing stronger enemies, Daxia will always let out stronger roars and unleash stronger firepower!




In just an instant, countless heavy artillery roared.

Countless cannonballs hit the bodies of those giant beasts like raindrops, and the gunfire covered every inch of their skin!

The fire is soaring into the sky!

Ground-to-ground missiles fell from the sky one after another. The horrific explosions completely enveloped these giant beasts, and the huge impact tore every inch of their skin.

Fighter planes roar and dive bomb!

Countless RP/Gs swayed their tail flames, like fire all over the sky, and smashed towards that giant beast!

"Da da da!"


Machine guns and heavy snipers roared, and dense bullets tore up the air, rushing towards the giant beasts like raindrops.


The terrifying fire light directly submerged each of the giant beasts, like an exploding ocean.


Under the flames, the giant beasts roared in pain.

"Damn it, after all, they are just beasts!" A soldier roared with a devilish smile.

But the next moment.


As the waves rose, the monsters walked out of the fire and explosions. They braved the countless bombings and bullets and walked step by step towards the Great Wall of Steel.

Let the bombs and bullets rain down on you, without escaping at all!

Those hard scales seemed to be able to withstand all impacts. The dense bullets hitting them actually shot out a string of sparks. Under the roar and explosion, they were as smooth as new!

Godzilla clan!

And behind them.

The other sea monsters actually used these Godzillas as cover. While Godzilla was advancing under fire, they followed closely behind and approached the Great Steel Wall!

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