Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 421 We are the greatest contributors to mankind!

When the leader of the Free State said this, he paused and then continued to explain: "In this way, with the power of God, we can destroy the countries that threaten us, so that our Free State can consolidate its dominance!"

"And, in return, the gods will not attack the Free Country... After all, we are on the side of the gods and help them conquer this plane!"

"We will bring him benefits!"

"In fact, the more friendly the gods are to us, the countries that fight alongside Daxia and are enemies of the gods may become more relaxed... This is also a great benefit to the gods."

"It's a win-win! A win-win for us and the gods!"

"The gods will definitely cooperate with us. Those useless weapons that were donated to Daxia and deliberately blocked in time for Daxia to deploy in Yanzhou City and even the big city area... are the goodwill we express to the gods!"

After the leader of the free country finished speaking, he took a satisfied puff of the expensive cigar.

After hearing the explanation from the leader of the Free State, the young assistant suddenly looked stunned and said in a deep voice: "So that's it!"

He had not understood before that Daxia was now fighting on behalf of all mankind, so why the leader wanted Daxia to lose.

But now, he has realized it!

"Your Majesty, you are so wise! So this is your deepest intention!"

The young assistant quickly flattered him.

But then, he hesitated and said: "But this is equivalent to exchanging the interests of all human beings outside the Free State for the safety of our Free State... Isn't this a bit of a betrayal of all mankind..."

after all.

This is equivalent to sacrificing other humans to the gods in exchange for their own safety.

Free countries are also part of humanity!

What is the difference between this behavior of cooperating with the gods when Daxia serves as a link to unite all countries to fight against the gods, and those traitors who betray their compatriots and their country to survive in times of crisis?

The leader of the Free Country frowned: "What do you want to say?"

The young assistant was silent for a moment and whispered: "Actually, there is a second way... If we look at it from the perspective of all mankind, as an established powerful country, we should shoulder our own responsibilities."

"Now that the crisis is approaching, we can actually choose to fight side by side with Daxia and do our best to help."

"Maybe... this path will work."

"You mean, we also want to be enemies of the gods?" The leader of the Free State snorted coldly, pointed his fat finger holding a cigar at the young assistant, and said in a deep voice: "You mean, we also want to be as stupid as Daxia? "

"I..." The young assistant remained silent.

In any case, the leader of the Free State is one of the most powerful people in mankind!

"You should know how powerful the gods are!" The leader of the Free Country said coldly, "You should have seen the gods who appeared on the west coast of our Free Country last time from the video!"

"Also, you have seen Daxia's live broadcast and the previous battle videos!"

"These are just less powerful gods. Do you know how many gods there are? Do you know how powerful the strongest gods are?"

"You have to know that in this battle, humans will eventually be the losers!"

"You have to understand that this is a battle that cannot be won."

"Don't forget, the power of those gods..."

The leader of the Free State repeated these words in a low voice.

The young assistant's eyes were also blank.

He thought of the scenes in those videos.

In glory, the gods descended from the sky!

Huge waves hit the beach and washed all the way!

The ferocious sea beast roared in the waves!

Countless high-rise buildings collapsed under the huge waves, streets were shattered, and houses were submerged.

Humans were swept up by the huge waves one after another, and the sea beasts roared and tore the humans into pieces, chewing them excitedly.

That is the unstoppable power of mankind!

It's like destroying the world!

Just thinking about that horrific scene, those ferocious sea beasts, and those broken corpses, the young assistant felt his whole body trembling.

The scene of that glorious body falling from the sky, even if he just watched the video, he couldn't forget it!

And that is just a third-order ocean god.

As the leader of the Free State said, this seems to be an unwinnable battle.

A battle humanity is doomed to lose.

"But, in the face of a powerful enemy, don't we dare to go to war..." The young assistant whispered: "As the world's overlord, we have launched countless wars against weak countries, but in the face of gods, we have won consecutive victories. Have you lost the courage to take up arms?"

"Da Xia has the courage to go to war with the gods..." The young assistant looked at the leader.

"You also said that it was a god. The wars we launched before were all against countries weaker than us." The leader of the Free State shook his head: "Besides, this is not a sign of lack of courage!"

"This is wisdom."

"The wisdom of my free country."

"Are we going to be as stupid as Daxia?" The leader of the Free Country said in a cold voice while watching the live broadcast of the battle.

He looked at the Daxia sect standing on the Great Steel Wall, desperately resisting Godzilla's breath, and at the warriors with guns and cannons, roaring and killing the sea beasts that hit their shields one after another.

His eyes were full of condescending disdain.

"You said Daxia has courage!"

"You said that Daxia was an enemy of the gods for the sake of all mankind and to protect that land!"

"But what's the result?"

The leader of the Free State pointed at the screen and sneered: "The result is that Daxia devoted all its national power to build the Great Wall, and almost all of its decades of accumulation were used!"

"The result is that in the last battle, they lost 300,000 soldiers!"

"The result is that countless ammunition is consumed, and even global support is required!"

"By the time this battle is over, they still don't know how many people will die and how many resources will be consumed!"

"Is this courage?"

"This is stupid!"

"True wisdom is to seek benefits for yourself!"

"Don't forget, we also sold weapons to both sides in the war at the same time. After a battle, no matter we win or lose, our Free Country can gain huge benefits!"

"This is wisdom!" The leader of the Free Country said this, pointing to his fat head: "It is this kind of wisdom that allows us, the Free Country, to become the world's hegemon."

"Invasion of gods? Ha, the enemy of our enemy is our friend... It was Daxia's stupid resistance that allowed us to have common interests with the gods!"

"It was Daxia's unnecessary sacrifice that made it possible for us to cooperate with the gods!"

"Speaking of which, we also want to thank Daxia, haha, thanks to their stupid courage..."

The leader of the Free Country suddenly changed the topic and said calmly: "Of course, what you said makes sense, but have you ever thought about it? If we, the Free Country, fight side by side with Daxia, even if we can really defeat the gods..."

"Even, he really completely defeated the gods that came after him."

"But we must have paid a heavy price. Not to mention, Daxia will still be our biggest threat! Even worse, because of the losses in the battle with the gods, our Free Country cannot even maintain its current international status! "

"So, from a profit perspective... it is the most cost-effective to cooperate with the gods!"

The assistant was silent.

The leader of the Free State looked at the assistant who was still a little confused and said with a smile: "I know, you feel that we seem to have betrayed humanity."

"But in this already doomed battle, we can no longer think about all mankind, we can only think about ourselves."

"Furthermore...since it is doomed to fail, then our free country actively cooperates with the gods and stands with the gods, which can be regarded as preserving the seeds for mankind. This is also the greatest contribution our free country has made to mankind!"

"We, the Free State, cooperate with the gods to allow humanity to continue! By then, everyone will discover that we, the Free State, are the greatest contributors to mankind!"

The leader of the Free Kingdom looked at the Daxia warriors fighting with the sea beasts in the picture, and said with a smile: "Look at it then, Daxia, which is brave enough to go to war with the gods, is just a stupid country that seeks self-destruction and uses its arms as a chariot! Their stupidity is the main culprit that has caused countless human deaths and injuries!”

Hearing this, the assistant nodded in awe, without any guilt in his heart, and only with incomparable awe in his eyes.

"My lord, you are worthy of being the first one!"

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