The old man frowned: "Isn't it possible?"

Mr. Chen was stunned for a moment: "Is it okay...wait..."


Mr. Chen took a breath of cold air.

It seems really ok!

"The time has come for great development in the northwest!" The old man smiled: "But it doesn't have to be farming. They still have some technical talents."

"In this case, call Shang Weitian over, and we will have a five-minute meeting."

Soon, Shang Wei, who had been broadcasting live on the city wall just now, ran over panting. He didn't even have time to sit down when he entered the room, and said directly: "National Seat, I heard..."

"What do you think?" Guozuo asked bluntly.

"You must agree!" Shang Weitian said firmly.

Guozhao nodded: "Tell me what you think."

"What is the scarcest resource in war?" Shang Weitian's eyes were blazing, "Is it food? Is it weapons? Is it fuel?"


"It's people! Especially talents!"

"What does it mean to be a man in battle?"

"Combat power, productivity, labor force! Of course, we don't expect these citizens of the universe to face the gods with guns like our soldiers. Not everyone is as bloody as I, the Daxia people."

"But with these people, we can open more factories and produce more weapons and equipment."

"With these people, we can speed up the construction of the Great Steel Wall. I heard that the third phase of the project will raise the height of the 36,000-mile Great Wall to 300 meters!"

"With these people, even if they are forced to farm in the west, they can still feed 30 million soldiers and reduce the consumption of grain reserves!"

In battle, the most lacking thing is people!

Daxia is now fully rolling out the production line and increasing production. The most lacking thing at this time is people!

Daxia has now opened a military base in the western region, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles and surrounded by the endless Gobi Desert.

It is to be used as the western granary and western factory.

In fact, the geographical conditions of the western region are superior. When the ocean comes, the western region is undoubtedly the safest because of its geographical location.

If the entire west becomes a vast ocean, it means that Daxia may have been completely destroyed.

Today, the 30 million Shura army from the souls of the citizens of the Free Country that Lin Fan gave to Mr. Jin are working there.

Although the conditions there are difficult, those Shura troops have no emotions and are tireless. They are simply the best labor force, working hard there without complaint.

And it can go unnoticed... Mainly because this kind of soul-binding thing is really not good in public opinion.

In the western granary, relying on Tianshan snow water and underground wells can also support agricultural production. In another two months, the next batch of grain will be mature.

"The importance of the Western Granary in the future is self-evident. As long as the Western Granary can develop, the food we need and the equipment we need can be continuously produced in the future." Shang Weitian said solemnly: "But There are limitations there now as well.”

"The Shura army there can do rough physical labor, but because they don't have the ability to think, they are incompetent for some technical work."

"For example, setting up production lines, such as operating machine tools...Furthermore, although the Universe Country is a small country and its heavy industry is not very developed, it does have skills in the fields of communications and electronics, as well as the chip field that we are in urgent need of. Some of their technologies Talent is exactly what we need today.”

Speaking of chips, Mr. Chen nodded: "Indeed."

"If it weren't for the chip function, the lab below me would have been able to start the Iron Warrior Project proposed by Lin Fan."

Shang Weitian suddenly said: "I propose the throne!"

"Accept all the citizens of the Universe Country. Those with skills will be sent to the northwest to work as workers and develop production lines. Those without skills will go to farm and increase food production."

"High-end technical talents will be allowed to conduct research in the communications industry, electronics industry, and chip industry in the west to contribute to our construction of Daxia."

"By then, the northwest will be our Daxia granary, Daxia military factory, and Daxia information processing center in this war!"

"These people are all qualified migrant workers. They work hard and overtime in the high-pressure environment of the Universe Country. They only need kimchi for three meals a day. They are very easy to feed... We don't need to give them anything at all." To pay wages, we only need to cover food and accommodation, and provide them with basic meals..."

Having said this, Shang Weitian paused and continued: "Besides, we don't have to worry about them doing anything bad. After all, they are all in Daxia. Once Daxia falls, they will be fine?"

"They have experienced the feeling of broken mountains and rivers, and witnessed the tragic death of their compatriots!"

"They managed to survive from the gods!"

"On the point of protecting Daxia, they, the bereaved dogs who have experienced the loss of their country and family, and have come to seek refuge, are in agreement with us!"

"Coupled with the profound teachings of my Daxia, in one or two generations, their children will be completely Daxia people, and they will also rush to carry guns and go to the battlefield for my Daxia!"

After saying this, Shang Wei took a sip of water and sat on the sofa panting.

It has to be said that as the person in charge of the business department and the person in charge of resource coordination, Shang Weitian has a very clear view on the overall direction, which is unmatched by a theoretical school like Mr. Chen who focuses on experiments and data.

People in the Universe Kingdom are a burden if they are not properly arranged.

But if it is arranged well, it will be the productivity that Daxia desperately needs!

Shang Weitian and Mr. Chen looked at the throne together.

The old man spoke slowly: "Although I, Daxia, am kind, I am not a fool. When the opportunity comes, you must seize it!"

"National throne," Shang Weitian said with a smile: "There are still some details. Since they want to come to my Daxia, they can't come empty-handed. The national currency of the universe doesn't matter and is useless, but...their existing resources , we have to pull them all over.”

The three of them discussed it carefully for another three minutes. Finally, Guozou nodded and said to the staff on the side: "Communicate with him."

In the live broadcast screen.

"Beep bell bell!"

Under everyone's gaze, the cell phone that had been silent for five minutes finally rang.

The anxious-looking leader of the Universe Kingdom suddenly became excited, as if grasping at a life-saving straw, he quickly answered the phone.

"Is it the Great Xia Kingdom Seat?" he said in an excited voice.


The leader of the Universe Kingdom said quickly: "The leader of the Great Xia Kingdom, I'm really sorry for what happened before, but please..."

The voice was pleading.

"The Kingdom of the Universe will be incorporated into Daxia, and I, Daxia, can agree to it." The old man said in an unhurried voice, "However, there are some requirements."

"You say!"

"First, when you join our Daxia, the personnel must completely obey our arrangements." The old man said calmly: "I can tell you in advance that I, Daxia, will not imprison you."

"To put it bluntly, taking you in is out of love, but not taking you in is out of duty."

"Allowing you to enter Daxia is already an exception."

"Don't think about enjoying the blessings in Daxia. Daxia harvests you and you are not here to enjoy the blessings. You will be arranged to go to the northwest to engage in agricultural and industrial activities and bring rewards to Daxia. Of course, high-end technical personnel have other arrangements. .”

"Besides, you won't get a salary. After all, keeping you alive is the best reward for Daxia."

As soon as these words came out.

The barrage was stunned.

"Daxia wants to treat them as workers!"

"This is too cruel! You don't even get a salary!"

"Why are you cruel? It's good to take them in. Otherwise, if they stay on the remaining land and isolated island, they will die when the gods come next time!"

"That is, have they made any contributions to Daxia before? Did they help build the Great Steel Wall? Or did they fight side by side with Daxia? Nothing! Do they still want to sit back and enjoy the gains in the past and hide behind the Great Steel Wall built by others? "

The staff next to the Chief of the Universe Country also turned pale and said, "First, I can't agree to this!"

"This is to treat us as workers!"

"Although we live under someone else's roof, Daxia can't treat us like this!"


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