Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 499 Cannot be canceled!

Luxurious private jets roared through the sky.

While Little John fights the gods.


Watching the roaring land below getting further and further away, watching the tail of the private plane escape from the waves.

The first seat of the Free State suddenly let out a rough breath.

"It's finally safe."

The leader of the Free State wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Thinking of the assistant frantically slapping the glass, a trace of guilt flashed in his eyes.

But then, the leader of the Free State suddenly turned his head and looked at a black leather suitcase on the table with a stern look.

He slowly sat on the sofa and opened the suitcase.

There's nothing inside, just a red button.

The button that every leader of a free country has, the button to master the most powerful weapon in the world today!

The leader of the Free Kingdom looked back, and through the window, he could still see the glory radiating from the broken body of the god.

"Dare to reject me..."

The leader of the Free State gritted his teeth, but still did not press the button.

"No need to use nuclear weapons yet!"

"If Little John can kill that god...then, I might still have hope of living!"

"After all, I trained Little John!"

"In this case, I will have an explanation for Daxia, and those people will not touch me! After all, Little John listens to my words!"

The leader of the Free State muttered a few words with a struggling look on his face, then took out his cell phone and made a call to a military base.

"Master!" The staff responsible for satellite monitoring over there picked up immediately!

The leader of the Free State said solemnly: "From now on, you will serve as my assistant."

"Yes!" The person who answered the phone was stunned for a moment, and then nodded excitedly.

Become an assistant!

Assistant to the Prime Minister of the Free State!

That is the role that everyone dreams of, below one person and above ten thousand people!

"It's just, why do you need to change assistants..." The man suddenly became confused: "Your assistant..."

"Don't worry about so much." The leader of the Free State said solemnly: "Now, through satellite monitoring, tell me what happened on the battlefield over there!"


The man stared at the screen and said with a slightly trembling voice: "The gods are invading the Free Country... The huge waves have penetrated fifty kilometers, causing huge losses! Fifty kilometers of the west coast has become the ocean, and the water is still deepening!"

"Wait a minute, Little John who was fighting Lin Fan took action! He rushed towards the god!"

Upon hearing this, the leader of the Free State immediately asked: "Has Little John killed Lin Fan?"

If you can kill Lin Fan, then...

Daxia was damaged!

After Daxia, I don’t dare to retaliate against the Free Country anymore!

Moreover, he could throw the crime of killing Lin Fan to the gods, saying that the gods killed Lin Fan. Lin Fan died in a free country just because his strength was not as strong as the gods!

At that time, not only will the free country be innocent, but it will be a human hero who killed the gods!

There is no need to bear the wrath of other countries, and the free country can take the opportunity to let the world know that the free country with Little John is the real world hegemon!

When the time comes, don't talk about taking on the anger.

Is there any country on this planet that dares to go against a free country? The free country will be a behemoth that can take whatever it wants from other countries, enjoying all the power of domination!

Those people will not punish themselves, but will reward themselves for becoming one of them!

Because by then, those who are truly at the top of the free country will also gain greater benefits!


"Little John didn't care about Lin Fan and the other three who could be killed immediately. They rushed towards the gods!" A report came from the other end of the phone: "Little John made the right choice! They want to save greater losses! "

You know, every second now, the loss of the free country is calculated in tens of billions. No, that cannot be calculated in money at all!

No amount of gold can buy back the broken land!

"What's right!" The leader of the Free State gritted his teeth.

Save what save!

The most important thing is to kill Lin Fan first and then kill the gods!

As long as Lin Fan dies, Little John will be the strongest fighting force in the world.

Even if the Free Country has suffered heavy losses, even if God destroyed most of the Free Country...

But after that, the Free Country will rely on Little John to become the overlord of the world, and it will own the entire world and take whatever it wants!

The latest situation came again from the other end of the phone.

"Lin Fan and the others disappeared under the sea. They may have taken the opportunity to escape. Little John and the others fought against the gods!"

The leader of the Free State gritted his teeth: "Forget it, you can kill the gods first, and then let them find Lin Fan after the gods are dead!"

But the next moment.

The other end of the phone suddenly said: "Little John and the other three are no match for God!"

The leader of the Free Country was suddenly stunned!

Little John is defeated!

The three of them cannot defeat God!

"How is that possible!" The leader of the Free State stood up directly and said in disbelief: "Little John and the others were the ones who defeated Lin Fan and the others before!"

"Lin Fan has chased and killed all the gods!"

"How can Little John not be able to defeat God!"

"It's true that they can't be beaten!" The other side of the phone said solemnly: "They are completely at a disadvantage. Nicole and Zeiss have been restrained, and only Little John is still fighting!"

"Damn it!"

The leader of the Free Country clenched his fists and looked extremely ugly.

This is the worst case scenario.

Little John is defeated!

Lin Fan is alive, and the gods are alive!

At that time, the Free Country will face the invasion of gods, and then it will have to bear the wrath of Daxia, which has Lin Fan, the Shura God!

Not as good as...

Let Little John, God, and Lin Fan all die there!

Although there are other gods in Daxia, Lin Fan and the two people who just woke up can be said to be the three most powerful ones!

Moreover, Lin Fan himself is also the commander-in-chief of Daxia!

As long as the three of them die... Daxia will lose its three strongest combat forces. The most important thing is that Daxia will be in chaos without its commander-in-chief!

At that time, will you still have time to take revenge on the Free Country and yourself?

Thinking of this, the leader of the Free State looked gloomy, and without any hesitation, he directly pressed the red button!

Two hundred kilometers away, in the military base in charge of General Mike.


There was a dull sound of metal collisions, and the densely packed launch silos on the ground slowly opened.

General Mike, who was under house arrest in his office, looked out the window in astonishment, watching the densely packed launch silos opening, and suddenly said with a trembling voice: "That guy, what is he going to do!"

"He has no right to do this...Does he know the consequences?"

"The people there will die! The three children will die too!"

General Mike said and was about to rush out.

"General Mike!" The special operations team pushed General Mike back into his chair. The team leader gritted his teeth and said, "Please calm down! This... is the decision of the leader!"

"He's crazy! He's crazy! This lunatic..." General Mike suddenly raised his head: "I want to talk to my father! I will never allow this kind of person to continue to be the leader!"


Thousands of huge missiles, one hundred meters long, shot straight into the sky from the launch silo, accompanied by monstrous fire.

This is mankind's most powerful arrow!

Densely packed!

The death knell of destruction is ringing at this moment!

five minutes later.


The leader of the Free Nation sat on the sofa and watched the hot, huge nuclear weapons, each carrying tens of thousands of tons of nuclear weapons, whizzing past the window.

Like a rain of arrows, it went straight to the battlefield of the gods!

The other end of the phone suddenly said: "Little John and the other three have been defeated, and God is about to kill Little John!"

"Yeah." The leader of the Free Country nodded: "It doesn't matter anymore, it doesn't matter anymore."

"But..." The person on the other end of the phone looked at the satellite picture and the thousands of nuclear weapons passing by, and said in a deep voice: "But, in the first place, there is still a large area of ​​land that has not been swallowed up by the waves, and there are still many people there. Alive, they are still struggling..."

"The gods must die!" The leader of the Free State gritted his teeth and said: "Little John is our last hope. He can't even be defeated. This is all we can do!"

"I am thinking about the overall situation, and I am acting for the interests of the free country!!"

"Once God kills Little John, if we don't attack, then... then, it will be a disaster for the entire Free Country!"

The leader of the Free State had not yet said a word.

Lin Fan and the other three must die!

Even though they are human.

However, it is also the biggest threat to the free country! It is the biggest threat to him as the leader!

It was he who asked Little John to save the gods, and it was he who betrayed mankind and Daxia during the war!

If Lin Fan doesn't die, he will bear the wrath of Daxia who owns Lin Fan in the future!

After hearing the words of the leader of the Free State, the temporary assistant responsible for monitoring over there also fell silent: "What you right."

But then, the temporary assistant suddenly screamed.

"First seat!"

"Lin Fan didn't try to escape!"

"He's back! He saved Little John!"

"He, he killed the gods! He and the other two guardian gods of Daxia killed the gods!"

The leader of the Free Country was suddenly stunned: "What!"

"First officer, cancel the nuclear weapons! You can deactivate the device by clicking twice!" The temporary assistant said urgently: "Little John and the others are still alive, and the huge waves have stopped!"

"There are still many people alive! There are still large areas of land that have not been flooded!"

"If this nuclear weapon really explodes... everything will be over! The entire western coast within a hundred kilometers will be reduced to wasteland, and millions of citizens will die! Little John and the three freedom fighters will also die!"

"Cancel it, first seat!"

The temporary assistant said loudly.

There was a moment of silence at the First Tower of the Free State.


If it is not cancelled... those lands that were not destroyed by the gods, those citizens who are still alive...

They will all die under the nuclear weapons of the free country!

Of course, the leader of the free country didn't feel too distressed.

He felt distressed.

The three of Little John will die, but they are the freedom fighters he carefully trained!

A freedom fighter who can help the Free State regain its dominance!

But, if it’s cancelled…

Even if those lands will not become wastelands, the people who survived the huge waves will not die.

The freedom fighters he carefully cultivated will not die either.

But Lin Fan and the three of them will not die either!

As long as Lin Fan and the others don't die, Daxia will not be in chaos. By then, instead of being unable to become a true world hegemon, the Free Nation will have to bear Daxia's subsequent wrath!

Moreover, even if Little John and the others are still alive, they probably can't defeat Lin Fan and the others!

Why not... three for three!

"Cannot cancel!" The leader of the Free Country had a stern look in his eyes.

"The first seat..."

"Cannot cancel!" The voice of the leader of the Free State was extremely cold, "For the greater good!"

"As long as Lin Fan, the commander-in-chief, dies, Daxia will definitely be in chaos. Moreover, the deaths of these three people will also make other guardian gods of Daxia afraid to step into our Free Country in a short period of time and take revenge on our Free Country. !”

"We can take advantage of this time to create more freedom fighters again!"

"Many people died in this disaster...but on the other hand, we can also take the opportunity to find more potential children who have lost their parents and relatives, and use this anger and sadness to stimulate their potential and create more Freedom Fighters!”

"That's right, that's right, as long as everyone there is dead... no one will know what happened. They will only know that it was God who killed Lin Fan, killed me, the freedom fighter, and killed Citizens, caused our free country to lose its territory... They will only know that it was the three freedom fighters of our free country who blocked the gods with their lives, and that it was me, the wise leader, who released nuclear weapons in time. When he was defeated by the gods and was about to die, he reluctantly used nuclear weapons to kill the gods! Both the jade and the stone were destroyed!"

The voice of the leader of the Free Nation became increasingly crazier: "At that time, we, the Free Nation, will be our comrades fighting side by side with Daxia! We have also suffered losses for humanity!"

The voice on the phone was trembling: "But, Chief, there are at least a million innocent people there..."

"Cannot cancel!"

"This is for the good of my free country!"

The leader of the Free State gritted his teeth.


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