For a moment, the people around were shocked!

"Let's not talk about this for now. The situation is urgent!" The leader of the Free State looked around, the panic on his face turned serious. He walked up to a woman and took out a large bundle of banknotes from his bag: "Give me the key and buy yours." car!"

"Ah, okay." The woman looked at the thick stack of bills, swallowed, and handed over the key.

The leader of the Free State took the key, opened the car door behind the woman, got directly into the driver's seat, and stepped on the accelerator to leave.


"First seat, wait, my two children are still in there! Let me take the children out first!" The woman suddenly slapped the car door and shouted.

"It's good to have children!" The leader of the Free Country had an expressionless face and threw out another wad of bills from the gap in the car window: "I bought it too!"


The vehicle sputtered away!

The woman looked at the leaving vehicle and screamed: "This is not about money! The first seat..."

In the car, the leader of the Free State was sweating on his forehead and stepped on the accelerator furiously.

It's only five kilometers away from that coordinate!

You must rush there!

"Uncle, who are you?" a little girl's voice sounded from the back row.

Another little boy who was only five years old said with a cry: "Mom, where is mom... I'm scared!"

"Shut up!" The leader of the Free State threw a wad of bills into the back row: "Shut up! I'll give you money! Stop crying and shut up!"

But the child cried louder.

The leader of the Free Country was distraught, stepped on the accelerator crazily, and rushed to the coordinates amidst the roar of the engine!

At this moment, he just wants to live!

Must live!

He is at the end of his rope!

Behind them are Little John and Lin Fan chasing after them! He had no idea whether Little John had betrayed him!


ten minutes later.


The sharp screeching sound of tires sounded, and the leader of the Free Nation stepped on the brakes, gasping for air and looking at the road ahead.

But there was no joy as it should have been on his face.

Instead, his eyes widened, full of despair!

In front of the road, what greeted him was the General Mike who was under house arrest by him!

Several military armored vehicles were parked sideways on the road. Groups of soldiers either knelt on one knee or stood in standard postures with guns in hand. The dark muzzles of their guns were pointed directly at the head of the Free State that was rushing towards them!

"Come down, you've come to the end of this road." General Mike held the walkie-talkie and said expressionlessly.

"Mike!" the leader of the Free State shouted loudly: "How dare you kill me!! Do you know those people..."

General Mike looked at him expressionlessly: "I'm here, don't you understand?"

Behind General Mike, a middle-aged man walked out slowly.

Seeing the middle-aged man, the leader of the Free State shrank his pupils suddenly and begged loudly: "Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Roosevelt! Help me!"

"We agreed that!"

"You will protect me! I, I have brought you huge benefits! I do these things to bring you more benefits!"

"As long as you save me, I will continue to bring you more benefits! Mr. Roosevelt... you can't give up on me!"

He who was so noble before is now begging like crazy!

The moment he saw this middle-aged man, he knew that he had been given up!

But he doesn't want to die yet!

The middle-aged man looked at the leader in front of him with cold eyes and said calmly: "Get out of the car!"

"Mr. Roosevelt! Think of the huge benefits I have brought to you, you can't kill me! Whether it's your Roosevelt family or the Rockefeller family behind Mike..." The head of the Free Country turned pale.

"You are right, is for the sake of profit that you must die now." The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out.

The leader of the Free Country suddenly froze, as if he had been hit hard!


He has clearly provided them with huge benefits, and even getting to this point is to provide them with more benefits!

For the sake of profit, he plotted against Daxia and tried to cooperate with the gods.

For the sake of profit, he builds his own weapons of freedom and tries to maintain the status of the free country as the world hegemon!

For profit, he tried to kill Lin Fan with a nuclear explosion, without any regard for the surviving people.

Profit comes first!


In the end, it was also because of profit that I, who only pursued profit, was given up!

Profit first?

"You don't want to get out of the car, right?" the middle-aged man said expressionlessly: "General Mike, just open fire!"

Mike suddenly looked shocked and said in astonishment: "Wait! There are children in his car!"

inside the car.

The two children faced the row of dark gun muzzles and cried loudly: "Uncle, let us go down!"

"I am afraid!"

"We don't want to die!"

"Shut up!" The leader of the Free State gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator!

For him now, the child in the car is a shield!

For the best interests, he should rush over now. The worst thing that could happen is that the other party kills him and his two children!

Now he is almost in a desperate situation!

General Mike is blocking the front, while Little John and Lin Fan are approaching quickly from behind!

This is the last glimmer of hope!

Use the lives of two children as a bet!


The engine roared, the tires rubbed wildly against the ground, and the car roared on the spot like a wild beast about to escape.

"Get out of the way! Let me leave!" the leader of the Free State shouted loudly.

General Mike stood in front of the car with his flesh and blood body, looked at him, and said loudly: "Even now, are you still stubborn?"

"You were wrong from the beginning!"

"Not everything can be measured by benefits!"

As soon as these words came out, the leader of the Free Country was suddenly stunned!

"Have you really forgotten the oath you made when you took office?" General Mike stared at him. "As a soldier, you should protect your family and the country! As the leader, you should seek benefits for the country. This is right!"

"But, as the leader, you should not only have interests in your eyes!"

"get off!"

"Show me your last bit of dignity!"

The eyes of the leader of the Free State were red, and the cry of the child in his ears was extremely harsh at this time!

get off?

If you get off the car, you will die!

If you don’t get out of the car, at least there is a glimmer of hope!


The vehicle rushed towards General Mike like a wild beast!

He didn't believe that this guy was willing to kill a child!

This stupid guy tried every possible means to prevent him from creating a freedom fighter. He even instilled love and hope into Little John in an attempt to prevent the birth of a freedom fighter!


"Protect the general!"

The soldiers lined up at the rear roared loudly and were about to pull the trigger!

"Don't shoot, there are children inside!"

When General Mike faced the roaring vehicle, instead of avoiding it, he opened his arms and used his body to block the guns of the soldiers behind him.

The vehicle rushed towards General Mike like a wild beast!

"Stupid guy! Get out of the way! Don't block the road! Let me out!"

The leader of the Free State looked at General Mike, who had a firm face and remained motionless, and roared loudly.

The distance is only ten meters.

"You're still so stupid now! Well, I want to watch you die in front of me!"

Seeing that General Mike still didn't move, the leader of the Free State, who had gone completely crazy, stepped on the accelerator!

Facing the roaring vehicle, General Mike remained motionless, staring at the head of the Free State.

Whenever he made a move, the soldiers behind him would immediately open fire, sweep the oncoming car into sieves, and blow it up!

But those two children will also die!


The car rushed towards General Mike!

Through the glass, General Mike could clearly see the madness on the face of the leader of the Free State, and the leader of the Free State could also clearly see the determination on General Mike's face.

Ten meters!

Five meters!

Three meters!

General Mike stood there all the time, with his arms stretched out, not wanting to hide, staring at the leader of the Free State: "Come on!"

Under the control of the already crazy leader of the Free State, the beast-like vehicle immediately hit General Mike to death!

"Go to hell, you stupid guy!"

The leader of the Free Country closed his eyes, let out a crazy roar, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom!

General Mike's face was expressionless, as if this stupid man was trying to block the car with his own flesh and blood!

But at the moment when that car was about to completely smash this flesh and blood body that dared to stop him!


A sound broke through the air, coming from far away and approaching in an instant!

A young body fell from the sky and suddenly stood in front of General Mike!


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