Myth Invasion: I Kill the Gods on Earth

Chapter 527 Ksitigarbha returns

"Amitabha, what I have practiced Buddhism all my life is that if I don't go to hell, who will?"

"Now, I'm finally here..." Master Compassion grinned, wrapped in Buddha's light and led the charge to rescue the brothers who had been surrounded by the Death Gods protecting the temple!

Wherever it passed, the Death Gods protecting the temple were all knocked away by the Buddha's light!

For a time, the Temple of Death, which had been peaceful for a long time and stood above all worlds, fell into complete chaos!

"Damn, these people are crazy!"

"They actually want to surround us?"

"Why do they have such fighting qualities! And they also have command to fight!"

The shinigami guarding the temple looked in shock.

They had previously gained the upper hand with their numerical advantage and almost surrounded the heroic spirits.

As a result, at this critical moment, this group of heroic spirits came roaring from behind and were extremely skilled in tactics, directly surrounding them...

At this moment, it was these temple-protecting Shinigami who were surrounded!

There are heroic spirits of Daxia inside, and there are heroic spirits of Daxia outside!

"rush out!"

"If we are surrounded by them, it will be really embarrassing for us Death Gods!"

The shinigami protecting the temple have never experienced this kind of situation.

You know, this is the Temple of Death!

Generally speaking, when the soul comes here, whether it is willing or not, it will put down its obsessions during life, enter reincarnation, and start over.

Even if someone is unwilling to give in occasionally, the shinigami guarding the temple can deal with it.

They had accepted a lot of Daxia souls in the past, but to be honest, they were quite cooperative.

But these heroic spirits, not to mention the large number, are still unwilling to enter reincarnation again. They want to be resurrected and return to Daxia immediately, otherwise don't talk about it!

The key is that he knows tactics and has extremely strong fighting ability!

This makes it impossible for the God of Death to adapt...

"Don't let them complete the siege!" the leading shinigami guard shouted loudly: "Get out!"

To be honest, this Temple Guard Death God is extremely complicated in his heart.

I didn't expect that as a god of death, in the plane of the Death Temple, I would want to break out of the siege...

But I can’t control that much now!

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll really be captured!

But the monk was already like a tiger among the sheep, surrounded by the Buddha's light, his cassock was making a hunting sound, and he almost punched a small god of death!

Extremely powerful!

"Stop that monk first!" the leading shinigami guard shouted loudly.

Immediately, hundreds of Death Gods rushed up against the Buddha's light and hugged the Compassionate Master with all their hands and feet!

"Damn it, monk, where do you think this is!" A temple-protecting god of death hugged the Compassionate Master tightly and shouted loudly: "Your previous hell and those Buddhas who controlled the rules of life and death have been destroyed by us... …”

"Where is your Buddha now!"

The compassionate master looked at him with a serious look.

In other words, he looked through these gods of death to those warriors who were in hell but still unyielding and still fighting for Daxia!

The compassionate master murmured in a low voice: "Where is the Buddha?"

But no one responded.

Buddha should not.

Buddha is not here.

"I, the Buddha of Daxia, may be sleeping, or may be killed by you." The compassionate master said slowly: "But, I, the Buddha of Daxia, will never be extinct!"

"Buddha is in my heart!"

"I am the Buddha!"

The radiant Buddha light on Master Compassion actually shook away the hundreds of Death Gods that were hugging him!

In this world of death, Sanskrit sounds suddenly fell from the sky!

I am the Buddha!

A Shinigami guarding the temple stared wide-eyed: "This guy... he wants to become a Buddha, stop him!"

The Death Gods guarding the temple roared and were about to pounce, but those Death Gods failed to take a step forward under that golden light!

In the golden light, a path appeared at the feet of the compassionate guru.

Only one step away!

The expression of the God of Death suddenly changed: "The road to divine experience! This guy is dead, but he can still walk out on the road to divine experience!"

A mortal can take the road to becoming a god.

And the road to divine experience is for gods!

After walking this path, earth-shaking changes will occur, and you will become another existence that is almost beyond the gods, or at the top of the divine world!

For the compassionate master, this path is the path to Buddhahood!

He wants to become a Buddha!

At this moment, Master Compassion is only one step away from truly becoming a Buddha and condensing a golden body!

Behind him, the shadow of the Crouching Tiger Arhat became more solid, like a golden body!

Seeing this scene, the Death Gods guarding the temple shouted loudly: "Stop him quickly, don't let him become a Buddha!"

"Once he becomes a Buddha and condenses his golden body, the rules of life and death will be useless to him! He can leave here!"

As long as he completes this path and achieves a golden body, this monk can leave this world!

"Lord God, take action quickly!"

The leader of the temple guard, the Death God, shouted loudly: "Lord God, we cannot let this guy become a Buddha!"


As if feeling threatened, a female sigh came from deep within the Temple of Death.


A huge, pitch-black sickle that seemed to be able to draw away all souls suddenly gathered outside the palace!

Countless rules are condensed on it. It is not divine power, but the manifestation of the rules of life and death!

At the same time, Master Compassion lifted his feet and walked towards the path to Buddhahood.

His aura is getting stronger!

As long as he takes this step before the sickle falls, he can reshape his golden body and leave this world!

But the steps did not fall.

"One person becomes a Buddha..." Master Compassion suddenly sighed: "What's the point?"

A Buddha cannot protect Daxia!

"The soldiers are all here, what's the use of me leaving alone?"

He actually doesn’t want to become a Buddha!


The condensed sickle buzzed and vibrated, sweeping across like a black shadow, as if it was about to drag the monk into reincarnation!

But at the moment when the sickle was about to take him away.

The compassionate master took back his steps and said slowly: "Forgive me, Buddha, but I don't want to be a Buddha alone... If hell is not empty, I swear I will not become a Buddha!"

The goddess's exclamation suddenly came from the Temple of Death: "This oath..."

If hell is not empty, I will never become a Buddha!

This the great wish made by the one who made it!

He is not a Buddha, but he is an existence that all Buddhas fear!

An existence that also controls the rules of life and death, and an existence that is almost on the same plane as the Temple of Death!

That person made the goddess of death tremble!

at the same time.


The golden body of the Crouching Tiger Arhat that was about to solidify behind Master Compassion suddenly collapsed, and a dark, forbidding figure appeared behind her!

There is no dazzling Buddha light, no majestic treasure.

The black clothes seemed to come from the deepest underworld, exuding the breath of death, the pale skin was like an evil ghost, and the long black hair was floating!

His pale hands held a heavy book.

"Book of Life and Death!"

A powerful wish suddenly burst out from Master Compassion's body. Master Compassion's cassock turned into a jet black dyed with ink, and his bald head suddenly had long hair floating around.


The death scythe condensed by the goddess of death struck the compassionate guru hard.

But at the same time, the same terrifying rules of life and death erupted from Master Compassion, knocking the death sickle away!

For a moment, the Death Gods guarding the temple trembled one after another!

This guy has resisted the rules of life and death condensed by the Goddess of Death!

This is not something you can do no matter how strong your cultivation level is. It has nothing to do with your cultivation level, but to master a rule!

"This guy……"

"He is actually the reincarnation of that person!"

"Ksitigarbha, damn, it's that guy..."

"He is the reincarnation of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva! We clearly sent that guy into reincarnation, but he actually came back!"


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